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Simple Pages Shortcodes

Dickson Law edited this page Jun 28, 2017 · 3 revisions

Note: If you are unfamiliar with the Exhibit Builder plugin for Omeka, please refer to its official documentation.

IIIF Toolkit also adds two shortcodes to the Simple Pages plugin, mirador_items and mirador_collections. This allows you to embed Mirador viewers into custom pages, preloaded with manifests for items or collections.

To use these shortcodes, simply prepend mirador_ in front of the standard items and collections shortcodes (details here). Here are some examples:

Example 1: Embed a collection's manifest by ID

[mirador_collections id="10"]

Example 2: Embed the manifests of many items by tags

Cheese is an essential element of Western cuisine.

[mirador_items tags=cheese]

If you wish to customize or resize the viewer's embedding iframe, you can use the optional style parameter to apply CSS styles. Here is an example that centres the viewer within the main page region:

[mirador_collections id="15" style="width: 80%; margin-left: 10%; height: 600px;"]