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Exhibits Builder Blocks

Dickson Law edited this page Mar 14, 2018 · 3 revisions

Note: If you are unfamiliar with the Exhibit Builder plugin for Omeka, please refer to its official documentation.

IIIF Toolkit with Mirador embeds the Mirador Viewer in Exhibits via two new block types:

Item-by-Item Mirador Viewer Block

This creates a Mirador Viewer that allows you to scroll between multiple Omeka Items to view. The interface is identical to the Gallery block.

Remote IIIF Manifest Embedding Block

This creates a Mirador Viewer that allows you to embed arbitrary IIIF Manifests or Collections from anywhere on the Internet, including your Omeka instance. Simply enter the manifest or collection URLs in order and click "Add Another" if you want to select from multiple manifests. The first manifest added will be automatically shown by default.

Note: If your Omeka site is secured (served over HTTPS), you can only reference secured manifests (HTTPS) due to browser security permissions.