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Zawartość danych 2013.12.18

dmydlarz edited this page Dec 18, 2013 · 4 revisions
  • 4 790 909 wszystkich wpisów
  • 152 574 (3,186 %) z geolokalizacją

Statystyki szczegółowe

  • Na podstawie meczu Manchester City - Arsenal FC (2013-12-14 13:45)
    • Nasłuchiwanie: 12:58:05 - 19:35:58
  • 525 799 wpisów
  • 15 561 (2,96 %) z geolokalizacją
  FROM tweets
  WHERE match_event = 715
    AND latitude IS NOT null 
  select id, latitude, created_at, text, user_id 
  from tweets
  where match_event = 715 AND (
  text LIKE '%:)%' OR
  text LIKE '%:D%' OR
  text LIKE '%:(%' OR
  text LIKE '%;)%' OR
  text LIKE '%:-)%' OR
  text LIKE '%:P%' OR
  text LIKE '%=)%' OR
  text LIKE '%(:%' OR
  text LIKE '%;-)%' OR
  (text LIKE '%:/%' AND text NOT LIKE '%://%') OR
  text LIKE '%XD%' OR
  text LIKE '%=D%' OR
  text LIKE '%:o%' OR
  text LIKE '%=]%' OR
  -- text LIKE '%D:%' OR
  text LIKE '%;D%' OR
  text LIKE '%:]%' OR
  text LIKE '%:-(%' OR
  text LIKE '%=/%' OR
  text LIKE '%=(%'
  order by created_at
  • 152464 (29%) z hashtagami
  SELECT count(*)
  FROM tweets
  WHERE match_event = 715
    AND text LIKE '%#%'
  • 46749 (8,89 %) wpisów z odwołaniami do innych użytkowników, nie będących odpowiedziami ani retweetami
  FROM tweets
  WHERE match_event = 715
    AND text LIKE '%@%'
    AND text NOT LIKE 'RT @%: %'
    AND in_reply_to_user_id = -1
  • 49995 (9,5 %) będących odpowiedziami
  in_reply_to_user_id != -1
  • 227261 (43,22 %) retweetów
  FROM tweets
  WHERE match_event = 715
    AND text LIKE 'RT @%: %'
    AND in_reply_to_user_id = -1
  • 248543 (47,27 %) zwykłych wpisów (nie będących odpowiedziami ani retweetami)
  FROM tweets
  WHERE match_event = 715
    AND text NOT LIKE 'RT @%: %'
    AND in_reply_to_user_id = -1
  • 226186 autorów (avg = 2,325 wpisów / autora)

  • 10 najwięcej piszących autorów

    id screen_name liczba wpisów
    1670241355 newsnow_arsenal 186
    136964211 BarclaysLeague 107
    221324862 potongkelape 104
    446140418 Prinz_Poldi92 101
    2199508952 abdultanko14 95
    260736981 bryoshavin 93
    446498804 PandaGCMC 93
    126244954 Damite2ky 92
    309883345 RazArsenal6 91
    381670402 Swinestar96 89
  SELECT user_id, u.screen_name, count(*) as liczbaTweetow
  FROM tweets t JOIN users u ON t.user_id =
  WHERE match_event = 715
  GROUP BY user_id, screen_name
  ORDER BY liczbaTweetow desc
  • 10 autorów, którym najczęściej odpowiadano (in_reply_to_user_id)

    id screen_name liczba odpowiedzi
    34613288 Arsenal 3197
    216299334 piersmorgan 2010
    14573900 MCFC 1259
    22910295 chelseafc 392
    365953260 FootballFunnys 251
    343627165 premierleague 240
    370536393 Footy_Jokes 186
    105297123 EASPORTSFIFA 165
    435225922 TSBible 154
    21181713 liamgallagher 147
  SELECT in_reply_to_user_id, u.screen_name, count(*) as liczbaTweetow
  FROM tweets t JOIN users u ON t.in_reply_to_user_id =
  WHERE match_event = 715
  GROUP BY in_reply_to_user_id, screen_name
  ORDER BY liczbaTweetow desc


  SELECT liczbaTweetow, count(*) as liczbaUserow
  FROM (
    SELECT user_id, u.screen_name, count(*) as liczbaTweetow
    FROM tweets t JOIN users u ON t.user_id =
    WHERE match_event = 715
    GROUP BY user_id, screen_name
  ) as view1
  group by liczbaTweetow
  ORDER BY liczbaTweetow desc
  • Liczba użytkowników, która pisała w konkretnej liczbie meczów


  SELECT liczbaMeczow, count(*) liczbaUserow
  FROM (
    SELECT user_id, screen_name, count(*) liczbaMeczow
    FROM (
      SELECT DISTINCT user_id, screen_name, match_event
      FROM tweets t JOIN users u ON t.user_id =
      WHERE match_event IS NOT NULL
    ) as view1
    GROUP BY user_id, screen_name
  ) as view2
  GROUP BY liczbaMeczow
  ORDER BY liczbaMeczow DESC