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Ndless Applications

Antonizoon edited this page Aug 29, 2014 · 2 revisions


  • (CX) - Best on CX.
  • [CX] - CX models only.
  • [CAS] - Models with CAS only.
  • (MyLib) - Can be placed into the MyLib folder for it's functions to be used in the Scratchpad.
  • (Startup) - Might be useful to place into the Startup folder to run it at every boot.
  • (File Association) - It's a good idea to associate this program with a certain * extension in ndless.cfg.tns.


  • mViewer [CX] - Photo viewer. Opens PNG images.
  • CX-C English-Chinese Dictionary (Startup) - This mod tricks the Link Software into thinking your CX is a Chinese variant, allowing you to install a full English-Chinese dictionary.


  • ThemeEditor (Startup) - Give your Nspire a makeover with far more appealing colors.
  • nOver (CX) - Overclock for high performance applications, such as gPSP.
  • vpatch (Startup) - Version patcher. Change the version to any random number to get rid of those annoying update prompts from the Link Software.
  • HIDn (Startup) - Use a USB mouse and keyboard using a special USB connector.


Since the refresh rates of the black and white models are very low, animation can quickly turn into a blurry mess; not to mention the lack of color. Use the CX if you really want to do any serious gaming. Also, there is currently no sound support, but do you really want Doom blaring during math class?

  • nDoom (CX) - The FPS that started it all. Just give it any random WAD file and it will play it perfectly. The touchpad controls work surprisingly well for Doom.
  • gPSPnspire (CX) - GBA emulator.
  • gbc4nspire - Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator on Nspire.
  • nespire - NES emulator.
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  • Introduction - A quick intro to the rationale and ideals of this guide, and smartphone modding in general.
  • General Setup - Learn how to install and run the tools you need to succeed.
  • Device Guides - Customized, fully decked out guides for rooting each and every device we could find.
  • General OS Customizations - General customizations that work on all devices of a specific OS.

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  • General Guidelines - The ideals that you should uphold while working with and editing this guide.
  • Device Guide Templates - Templates and general guidelines for creating customized guides for a device.
  • Linux - Run a full desktop OS on your little mobile device; research is being made to make it comfortable to use in the mobile space.


  • Glossary - Contains all the crazy acronyms and word soup that you'll need to wade through when using this guide.
  • Android Buying Guide for Modders - While modding can fix up an outdated device, it will make your life easier to buy the right device from the start.
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