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E970 Porting Nexus 4 ROMs

Antonizoon edited this page Nov 23, 2013 · 1 revision

Because the hardware of the Optimus G E970 is almost identical to the Nexus 4, ROMs from the Nexus 4's massive ROM development scene can be easily ported over with few modifications onto the Optimus G.

This is a safer and better alternative to a full transformation into a Nexus 4, since you do not have to go through the trouble of flashing with LGNPST and finding out which fixes files to use.

Nexus 4 ROMs to LGOG E970

Source: XDA Developers - defcondev's Guide to porting Nexus 4 ROMs to LGOG E970

  1. We recommend using a decent text editor, such as Notepad++ to edit these text files. It will save you a lot of frustration. Download and install that first.

  2. Start by downloading the ROM zip file you want to port. Don't decompress the ZIP, as then you'll have to re-sign it before you can flash.

  3. Open the updater-script file under META-INF\com\google\android with Notepad++ & remove the following line located at the top of the script. This line checks if the device is actually a Nexus 4.

     assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "mako" || getprop("") == "mako");
  4. Download the file from defcondev, which contains all of the libs & firmware you will need.

  5. Use 7-Zip and drag the files from the ZIP you downloaded into their corresponding folders in the ROM you're trying to port. Don't decompress the zip file, just inject the files through 7-Zip.

  6. Keep that zip file open, and delete boot.img. This is the Linux kernel used to boot the phone.

  7. Find a working boot.img (custom kernel) to replace it. Some good examples are dvhexer's CM10.1 Alternate for 4.2.2 ROMs, or his CM10.2 Alternate for 4.3 ROMs.

  8. Open the framework-res.apk from the ROM you want to port using 7-zip.

  9. Drag storage_list.xml (from the into the folder res\xml, overwriting the original.

NOTE: After flashing, the external SD header in SETTINGS>>STORAGE may show up as a random string (invalid SIM, Issued by, etc). if this happens for you, you'll have to decompile framework-res.apk from the ROM you wish to port & manually add the External SD lines in storage_list.xml and then recompile. (FIXME: Needs explanation)

  1. (Optional, but recommended) Open build.prop in the ROM your're trying to port and change the device values to match your E970. But you could of course keep it as a Nexus 4 (mako) to fool the Play Store.

E973 or E975 ROMs to LGOG E970

Follow the same instructions as above, but use the OG_PORT_PACKAGE.ZIP instead.


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