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Antonizoon edited this page Nov 17, 2014 · 4 revisions

The HTC HD2 is truly the dream phone of the mobile world, and a testament to the golden age of HTC. Upon it's release in late 2009, it had a huge screen of unprecedented size (for it's time), half a gig of memory, and the most powerful processor of it's time. What's there not to like?

There was only one crippling flaw; it was stuck on the dated and later abandoned Windows Mobile 6.5, in a time where Windows Phone 7 was in the cards, iPhone was king and Android was quickly catching up.

The story would have ended there, but as the most powerful phone in the market and firesales looming, developers on XDA quickly looked for ways to load different mobile operating systems to this superphone.

Eventually, the developers managed to stuff not just each of the newest versions of Android, but also Windows Phone 7, and even entire Linux operating systems. Each year, the phone just kept getting better and better, becoming the stuff of developer legend.

As of this writing, even the venerable HD2 is beginning to feel a bit dated, but it's safe to say that it will still be loved for quite a while longer.

The benefits of modding the HD2

If your HD2 is currently on stock Windows Mobile 6.5, it's well worth taking the jump to a whole new world and a whole new phone experience. Let's look at the many benefits.

No phone to date has ever matched the versatility of the HD2, and unfortunately, it does not seem like there will be anything like it in the future.

  • Ability to use a multitude of modern, stable phone OSes
    • Android (currently up to 4.1 Jelly Bean as of 9/28/12)
    • Windows Phone 7 (up to 7.8 as of 9/28/12)
    • Linux (Fully featured, no-holds-barred Debian Linux ARM)
    • Quite a few more (and some others under research, like Tizen and Firefox OS)
  • Ability to dual-boot Android from SDCard and Windows Phone 7 on phone memory with MAGLDR
  • cLK can make the HD2 work like an ordinary Android device with adb and fastboot

Pretty amazing for a 3 year old phone. Not even the greatest of Google's Nexus devices can stand up to the HD2's longevity and versatility.


If you want to start modding your HD2, read all the guides from top to bottom.


  • HD2 History - What made the HD2 the versatile device it is now? What can we learn from it?
  • HD2 Variants - The HD2 was released internationally, and it would be good to find out which model you have so that you don't flash the wrong radio!


A lot of unfamiliar vocabulary is used in the HD2 community. Brush up on it here (and maybe even make some flash cards).

Phone modding

Follow these steps from start to finish to start your journey into the magic of the HD2.

  • HD2 SIM Unlock - (optional) Before modding your HD2, note that only Windows Mobile 6 can remove the carrier lock on your phone. Here are methods of getting unlock codes.
  • HD2 Tools - Set up your computer to work with the HD2.
  • HD2 Radio and HSPL - Installing a Hard SPL is the Windows Mobile equivalent of rooting; making it safe and easy to flash the NAND

HD2 Bootloaders

Note: Installing a bootloader removes Windows Mobile 6. Not that it will be missed.

The HD2's unique bootloaders are the secret to the HD2's abilities. Choose the one you prefer.

  • HD2 MAGLDR - If you want Windows Phone 7, Android, or even both, use this bootloader.
  • cLK - If you want your HD2 to work just like an Android phone from the inside out (ADB, fastboot, HBOOT), get this bootloader.
  • Restore Windows Mobile 6 - Need to go back to stock for some reason? Here's the guide for you.
  • HaRET - If you want to keep Windows Mobile 6 and have Android too, use HaRET, a program that runs Android from the SDCard. There is some work on moving it to WP7.

Using the HD2

Other guides for the HD2.

  • HD2 Specific Mods - A few helpful mods that patch over some issues and make the HD2 a more complete product.
  • HD2 Accessories - What is a smartphone without overpriced accessories? Some of them are quite useful though, so take a look.
  • HD2 Troubleshooting - Got issues with your HD2? Take a gander at this guide.
  • HD2 Credits and Sources - All the authors, the guides, the programs referenced in the creation of this guide.

HD2 Operating Systems

Descriptions of the history, the functions, and the implementation of the various operating systems on the HD2.

  • Android - Google's famous open-source mobile platform that took the world by storm and putt Apple on the defensive. Large selection of apps, huge freedom in customization.
  • Windows Phone 7 - You may not expect great things from Microsoft, but Windows Phone 7 can truly be said to be the ideal mobile platform. Sadly, it only has a small, albeit beautiful library of apps.
  • Linux - (in development) Full blown GNU/Linux on the HD2. Still needs some work, but the allure of the desktop on a smartphone lives on.
  • Firefox OS - (research stages) Some XDA frontiersmen are looking into the experimental Firefox OS for the HD2.
  • Windows Mobile 6 - (defunct) This is the original operating system on the HD2. It's best days were already behind it by the time of the phone's release. Still, the HD2 played an important part as both XDA's last Windows Mobile phone and first serious Android smartphone.

Issues with the Guide

  • Add more to HD2 History and fix inaccuracies
  • It's not adequately explained how to flash a new radio...
  • finish up the ClockworkMod recovery guide, how to install to MAGLDR
  • Make guide to variants and how to identify them
  • Suck in guide to NativeSD and finish NativeSD Boot switch app guide, it's very unclear even at the source
  • Suck in single SDCard guide
  • The Accessories guide sucks
  • Add guide to Debian Linux on HD2
  • Create a "Credits" section with all the names of the people whose work was used in this guide...
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Bibliotheca Anonoma

Android Development Codex

Note: All non-Android projects have moved to the BASLQC Wiki.


  • Introduction - A quick intro to the rationale and ideals of this guide, and smartphone modding in general.
  • General Setup - Learn how to install and run the tools you need to succeed.
  • Device Guides - Customized, fully decked out guides for rooting each and every device we could find.
  • General OS Customizations - General customizations that work on all devices of a specific OS.

Content Guidelines

  • General Guidelines - The ideals that you should uphold while working with and editing this guide.
  • Device Guide Templates - Templates and general guidelines for creating customized guides for a device.
  • Linux - Run a full desktop OS on your little mobile device; research is being made to make it comfortable to use in the mobile space.


  • Glossary - Contains all the crazy acronyms and word soup that you'll need to wade through when using this guide.
  • Android Buying Guide for Modders - While modding can fix up an outdated device, it will make your life easier to buy the right device from the start.
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