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Sergio Cambra edited this page Mar 19, 2015 · 11 revisions

Every template in ActiveScaffold can be overridden with your own. Just find the template (anything in ActiveScaffolds’ app/views/active_scaffold_overrides directory) you want to customize and copy it to your app/ folder. If you want to override the template for all controllers, copy it into the app/views/active_scaffold_overrides/ directory. If you want to override the template for a specific controller, copy it into that controller’s directory (e.g. app/views/users/ for the UsersController).

Wrapping Templates

If you want to wrap a template, you can create a file in one of the same two places with the same name, but somewhere in the template make a call to render :super.

Global Wrapping Example: Copy from <active_scaffold gem path>/app/views/active_scaffold_overrides/list.html.erb to app/views/active_scaffold_overrides/list.html.erb, then wrap the call to render :super in whatever content you want.

For an edit or update route you can access the object for the record in question using @record

<!-- Whatever above -->

<%= render :super %>

<!-- Whatever below -->

Template Render Order

Rendering your template overrides will wrap in this order:

  1. Wrapping Template app/views/controller_name/template.html.erb
  2. ActiveScaffold Global Template Override app/views/active_scaffold_overrides/template.html.erb
  3. ActiveScaffold Frontend <active_scaffold gem path>/app/views/active_scaffold_overrides/template.html.erb
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