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Sergio Cambra edited this page Nov 4, 2024 · 17 revisions

There are different search_ui types in ActiveScaffold, used in field search form, some may be useful for some column types only. The search ui types may use options from column's options hash (conf.columns[:xxx].options = {...}), or an options hash set next to the type (conf.columns[:xxx].search_ui = :yyy, {...}). If no search_ui is set, it will use the value from form_ui, using the options set with form_ui assignment, or column's options hash if no options were set with the form_ui.

The same form_ui types are available for search_ui too, only explained here if there are some differences with the usage in form_ui.

Basic types


It renders a select box with true and false options. It will have - select- option to avoid adding search on the column. If the column can be null, will have Null option (or the label set in options[:include_blank]).



conf.columns[:approved].form_ui = :boolean, {include_blank: 'Not Set'}



It renders the same as :boolean in the search form, as a checkbox doesn't allow to choose if searching by that column or not.


Date columns will use this search_ui by default, if form_ui and search_ui is nil. If the form_ui is changed, and want to use the default search_ui for date columns, set search_ui to :date.

It renders a select box with comparator operators, returned by active_scaffold_search_datetime_comparator_options helper: past, future, range, =, >=, <=, >, <, !=, between. It will include Null and Not Null if the column can be null, the behaviour can be changed using null_comparators: false in UI options or column options, to never include these operators.


The helper active_scaffold_search_datetime_comparator_options can be overrided to change the operators available:

  def active_scaffold_search_datetime_comparator_options(column, ui_options: column.options)
    if == :birthday
      valid = ActiveScaffold::Finder::NUMERIC_COMPARATORS { |_, op| valid }

When the operator between is selected, 2 date fields are displayed to find values between 2 dates. When null or not null operators are selected, no date field is displayed.

Past and Future will display a number field and a date unit select box with options days, weeks, months, years:


The available units can be changed overriding active_scaffold_search_datetime_trend_units helper:

def active_scaffold_search_datetime_trend_units(column)
  if column.column_type == :date
    ['DAYS', 'WEEKS', 'MONTHS'].collect { |unit| [as_(unit.downcase.to_sym), unit] }

Range will display a select box with different options: today, yesterday, tomorrow, this week, last week, next week, this month, last month, next month, this year, last year, next year.



Datetime columns will use this search_ui by default, if form_ui and search_ui is nil. If the form_ui is changed, and want to use the default search_ui for datetime columns, set search_ui to :datetime. It's aliased as :timestamp so it's used by default by timestamp columns too.

It renders a select box with comparator operators, returned by active_scaffold_search_datetime_comparator_options helper: past, future, range, =, >=, <=, >, <, !=, between. It will include Null and Not Null if the column can be null, the behaviour can be changed using null_comparators: false in UI options or column options, to never include these operators.


The helper active_scaffold_search_datetime_comparator_options can be overrided to change the operators available:

  def active_scaffold_search_datetime_comparator_options(column, ui_options: column.options)
    if == :birthday
      valid = ActiveScaffold::Finder::NUMERIC_COMPARATORS { |_, op| valid }

When the operator between is selected, 2 datetime-local fields are displayed to find values between 2 dates. When null or not null operators are selected, no datetime-local field is displayed.

Past and Future will display a number field and a date or time unit select box with options seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years:


The available units can be changed overriding active_scaffold_search_datetime_trend_units helper:

def active_scaffold_search_datetime_trend_units(column)
  if column.column_type == :date
    super.reject { |_, op| op == 'SECONDS' }

Range will display a select box with different options: today, yesterday, tomorrow, this week, last week, next week, this month, last month, next month, this year, last year, next year.



It renders a select box with comparator operators, returned by active_scaffold_search_range_comparator_options helper: =, >=, <=, >, <, !=, between. It will include Null and Not Null if the column can be null, the behaviour can be changed using null_comparators: false in UI options or column options, to never include these operators.


The helper active_scaffold_search_range_comparator_options can be overrided to change the operators available, as explained for :string search ui.

When the operator between is selected, 2 fields are displayed to find values between 2 numbers. When null or not null operators are selected, no number field is displayed. The number fields will have step attribute set to any, to accept decimal, but it can be changed in the options hash when setting search_ui or column.options, and min and max options are supported too.

It's aliased as :float too.


It's the same as :multi_select, {draggable_lists: true}, see explanation at multi_select.


It renders a select box with comparator operators, returned by active_scaffold_search_range_comparator_options helper: =, >=, <=, >, <, !=, between. It will include Null and Not Null if the column can be null, the behaviour can be changed using null_comparators: false in UI options or column options, to never include these operators.


The helper active_scaffold_search_range_comparator_options can be overrided to change the operators available, as explained for :string search ui.

When the operator between is selected, 2 fields are displayed to find values between 2 numbers. When null or not null operators are selected, no number field is displayed. The number fields will have step attribute set to 1, to accept only integers, but it can be changed in the options hash when setting search_ui or column.options, and min and max options are supported too.


It renders a list of checkboxes to allow searching for multiple values. It can be used with any column, even with singular associations, to allow searching for multiple values, finding records which have any of the selected values.

conf.columns[:contract_type].search_ui =:multi_select, {options: ['Not Set','CPAF','COST', 'TM' ,'FFP', 'MS']}


Valid options:

  • :draggable_lists to show two lists, one with available options and the other with selected options; users select them with drag and drop instead of checkboxes.
conf.columns[:contract_type].search_ui =:multi_select, {draggable_lists: true, options: ['Not Set','CPAF','COST', 'TM' ,'FFP', 'MS']}



It renders a select box with Null and Not Null options to search if the column is null or not.

conf.columns[:birthday].search_ui = :null



It renders a select tag, to pick a value to look for records with that value. Plural associations won't use checkboxes as form_ui does. It will look for available options in the same way as form_ui does. Search_sql must be set as #{table_name}.#{primary_key} for associations, which is the default value.

If the column, or foreign key for belongs_to associations, can be null, then a select box with comparator operators =, Null and Not Null will be displayed before the select tag with values:


Using null_comparators: false in UI options or column options, will skip the select box with comparator operators.

Valid options:

  • For all columns:
    • options for the select rails method.
    conf.columns[:skill].form_ui = :select, {include_blank: 'Pick one'}
    <select name="search[skill]" class="skill-input" id="record_skill">
    <option value="">Pick one</option>
    • html options hash under html_options key
    config.columns[:category].options = {html_options: {title: 'Select a category to look for'}}
    <select name="search[category]" class="category-input" id="record_category" title="Select a category to look for">
    • :multiple can be set in :html_options, changing to render as select with multiple attribute. It will add [] to the select tag name.
        conf.columns[:skill].options = :select, {html_options: {html: true}}
  • For associations:
    • :label_method with method name (as symbol) of the model to use instead of :to_label
    class User < ApplicationRecord
      belongs_to :skill
      det long_label
        [name, description].compact.join ': '
    class UsersController < ApplicationController
      active_scaffold :user do |conf|
        conf.columns[:skill].form_ui = :select, {label_method: :long_label} # Will call long_label on Skill records for the text of each option.
    • the :optgroup in options hash will be used to build a grouped options. If the column has :label_method in its own controller, in column.options, then it will be used instead of to_label to display the group name.
    conf.columns[:skill_sub_discipline].form_ui = :select, {optgroup: :skill_discipline}
    In SkillSubDisciplinesController:
    conf.columns[:skill_discipline].options = {label_method: :short_code}


It's the same as :select, {html_options: {multiple: true}}, rendering as select with multiple attribute. It can be used with any column, even with singular associations, to allow searching for multiple values, finding records which have any of the selected values.


String columns will use this search_ui by default, if form_ui and search_ui is nil. If the form_ui is changed, and want to use the default search_ui for string columns, set search_ui to :string.

It renders a select box with comparator operators, returned by active_scaffold_search_range_comparator_options helper: contains, begins with, ends with, doesn't contain, doesn't begin with, doesn't end with, =, >=, <=, >, <, !=, between. It will include Null and Not Null if the column can be null, the behaviour can be changed using null_comparators: false in UI options or column options, to never include these operators.


The helper active_scaffold_search_range_comparator_options can be overrided to change the operators available:

  def active_scaffold_search_range_comparator_options(column, ui_options: column.options)
    if active_scaffold_search_range_string?(column)
      valid = ActiveScaffold::Finder::STRING_COMPARATORS.values + ['=', '!='] { |_, op| valid }

When the operator between is selected, 2 fields are displayed to find values between 2 strings. When null or not null operators are selected, no text field is displayed.


For simple text field. It’s useful when it has a form_ui but you want a simple text field for search view, without the operator options of :string.


Time columns will use this search_ui by default, if form_ui and search_ui is nil. If the form_ui is changed, and want to use the default search_ui for time columns, set search_ui to :time.

It renders a select box with comparator operators, returned by active_scaffold_search_datetime_comparator_options helper: past, future, range, =, >=, <=, >, <, !=, between. It will include Null and Not Null if the column can be null.


The helper active_scaffold_search_datetime_comparator_options can be overrided to change the operators available, as explained for :datetime search ui.

When the operator between is selected, 2 time fields are displayed to find values between 2 dates. When null or not null operators are selected, no time field is displayed.

Past and Future will display a number field and a date or time unit select box with options seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years:


The available units can be changed overriding active_scaffold_search_datetime_trend_units helper:

def active_scaffold_search_datetime_trend_units(column)
  if column.column_type == :date
    super.reject { |_, op| op == 'SECONDS' }

Range will display a select box with different options: today, yesterday, tomorrow, this week, last week, next week, this month, last month, next month, this year, last year, next year.


Bridge types


This requires the calendar date select plugin. Plugin specifics can be passed via the Column#options hash. When the plugin is installed is used for date and datetime columns by default. It works as :date or :datetime search_ui, but using calendar date select for date and time pickers.


It renders a select using chosen library. It works for the same columns as :select, singular and plural associations, or non-association columns. For plural associations accepts options for select rails helper method, and html_options in the :html_options key. For other columns, it accepts the same options as :select form_ui. You need to add chosen to Gemfile, assets will be added by ActiveScaffold.

Association (singular or plural):

conf.columns[:skill].search_ui = :chosen, {include_blank: 'Select a skill'}


With multiple choices:

conf.columns[:roles].search_ui = :chosen, {html_options: {multiple: true}}


Column with options:

conf.columns[:level].search_ui =  :chosen, {options: ['Not Set', 'None', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Very High']}


:optgroup can be used to group options by another column, as in :select:

conf.columns[:skills].search_ui = :chosen, {optgroup: :skill_discipline}



It requires country_select gem. It accepts :priority in the options to set :priority_countries option of country_select helper, and :format, other options are passed to html_options of country_select helper.

conf.columns[:country].search_ui = :country, {priority: ['US']}


Adding new format, so it can be used with ActiveScaffold, form_ui or search_ui. Put it in initializer:

    CountrySelect::FORMATS[:with_alpha2] = lambda do |country|
      "#{country.iso_short_name} (#{country.alpha2})"
conf.columns[:country].search_ui = :country, {priority: ['US'], format: :with_alpha2, title: 'Select a country'}



This requires the jquery-ui datepicker, datepicker specific options can be passed via the Column#options hash. When jquery-ui-rails is installed is used for date columns by default. To format input use locale: date.formats.default. It works as :date search_ui, but using jquery-ui datepicker for date picker.


The same as date_picker, but with time controls. When jquery-ui-rails is installed is used for datetime columns by default. Format input with locale time.formats.picker. It works as :datetime search_ui, but using jquery-ui datepicker for date and time pickers.


It's the same as :chosen, {html_options: {multiple: true}}, see explanation at chosen.


This requires the recordselect gem. It renders a text box to search, calling record_select_field helper. Only works for association columns. When multiple: true is set in options, record_multi_select_field helper is used instead.

The next options will be passed to the record_select helper:

  • :params to send to the controller on record select browse and search requests.
  • :controller, must be a string, although it's automatically put to the controller for the associated model, it can be overrided with options.
  • :field_name for the text field, which usually has no name, as RecordSelect submits the id with a hidden field.

Association example:

conf.columns[:task].search_ui = :record_select


Example with params:

conf.columns[:tasks].search_ui = :record_select, {params: {endDate: ''}}

Add permit_rs_browse_params to Helpers so endDate param is passed to the search requests issued while typing:

  def permit_rs_browse_params

Example with multiple option:

conf.columns[:tasks].search_ui = :record_select, {multiple: true}



It just renders a text field to search, so fields using text_editor form_ui will default to simple text field in the search form.


It renders select field to choose a USA state. It accepts :priority in the options to put at the top some states, and other options accepted by content_tag rails helper method.

conf.columns[:state].search_ui = :usa_state, {priority: [%w[Alabama AL], %w[Virginia VA]], title: 'Select a state'}


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