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scambra edited this page May 29, 2012 · 3 revisions

You can configure some JS options. For it, set them in ActiveScaffold.js_config hash, in an initializer or application controller:

ActiveScaffold.js_config = {...}


You can change options for highlight effect.

# For jquery highlight effect
ActiveScaffold.js_config[:highlight] = {:color => "#ffff99"}

Scroll on close

When a form is closed, the row can be out of viewport, so you can enable scrolling to the row, either always or when is out of viewport.

# Scroll element to top when is out of viewport
ActiveScaffold.js_config = {:scroll_on_close => :checkInViewport}
# Scroll element to top always
ActiveScaffold.js_config = {:scroll_on_close => true}

By default checkInViewport is set.

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