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Column Overrides (List)

Sergio Cambra edited this page Jun 11, 2024 · 3 revisions

If you want to customize the presentation of a column, you can define a specially named method in your helper file. The format is #{class_name}_#{column_name}_column or #{column_name}_column. So, for example, to customize the :username column displayed on your UsersController, you would add a user_username_column method to your UsersHelper file. If you want to override username columns in all models, add a username_column method to your ApplicationHelper file.

In v2.3 and previous versions format was only #{column_name}_column, so method was named username_column.

This override method accepts two arguments: the entire record object and the column. It is your responsibility to retrieve the interesting value from the record.

Before version 3.3, the override method accepted only a single argument, the record object, so would be defined for example as “def phone_column(record)”. Since version 3.3 this would be written “def phone_column(record, column)”.

This override method is used by List and Show.


class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :roles

module UsersHelper
  # joins the first three roles with a hyphen instead of the normal comma.
  # ok, so this one isn't very original.
  def user_roles_column(record, column)
    if record.roles.any?
      record.roles.first(3).collect{|role| h(role)}.join(' - ')
      # This way there's something to turn into a link if there are no roles associated with this record yet.

  # creates a popup link to the associated division (belongs_to association)
  def user_division_column(record, column)
    link_to(h(, :action => :show, :controller => 'divisions', :id =>

If the association is defined in a STI model, prefixing with the base class is supported too, so subclasses can use a helper override prefixed with own class name, which is specific for the subclass, or share a helper override with the base class name prefix. For example:

class Admin < User

class Member < User

Admin will look for admin_roles_column and user_roles_column, and Member will look for member_roles_column and user_roles_column, so user_roles_column can be defined to use the same field in both models. This is more useful when clear_helpers is not called in ApplicationController, or when the method is defined in ApplicationHelper or any other shared Helper module.

Adding html attributes for cells

Cells in records table already has a class attribute, and you can add more classes with column#css_class. If you want to add other html attributes, such as title attribute, you have to define a method in your helper named #{class_name}_#{column_name}_column_attributes or #{column_name}_column_attributes. This method accepts one argument: the entire record object, and must return a hash with html attributes, as used in rails helpers.

module UsersHelper
  def user_roles_column_attributes(record)
    {:title => "Click to edit roles"}

Also you can override column_attributes method, which gets two arguments: column object and record object.

module UsersHelper
  def column_attributes(column, record)
    if column == :roles
      {:title => "Click to edit roles"}
      {:title => column.label}

And you can override column_attributes method in your ApplicationHelper file to provide some defaults, or to disable the feature, avoiding some respond_to? calls

module ApplicationHelper
  # set some default attributes and merge them with specific attributes for the column
  def column_attributes(column, record)
    {:title => "#{record.to_label} - #{column.label}"}.merge(super)

  # disable column attributes, avoiding respond_to? methods
  def column_attributes(column, record)
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