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Sergio Cambra edited this page Oct 19, 2024 · 1 revision

Group of columns can be added in action columns, but not in list.columns as they don't make sense in list and will be ignored. To add a group of columns, call add_subgroup with the group's label and add the columns to the subgroup like this:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  active_scaffold do |config|
    config.create.columns.add_subgroup 'Advanced' do |group|
      group << [:column_a, :column_b]

The columns added to the subgroup will be removed from the action's columns. Groups can be nested too:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  active_scaffold do |config|
    config.create.columns.add_subgroup 'Advanced' do |group|
      group << [:column_a, :column_b]
      group.add_subgroup 'Nested' do |nested|
        nested << [:column_c]

They can be used in create, update, subform or show, but they don't make sense to use in search (as the search columns only define which columns are used in the conditions of the query), or field search because there is no support for subgroups in field search form.

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