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Documentation free categories

florian.stinner edited this page Dec 28, 2022 · 8 revisions

Vocabulary of BUDO

Free categories

Free category Free category selection 1 Free category selection 2 BUDO
air conditioner inverter air conditioner AIRC+INVT
accounting entity +
automation focus +
auxiliary category +
auxiliary category +
auxiliary category +
auxiliary category to define TODEFINE+
auxiliary category unusable UNU+
axis +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building +
building accommodation building ACCO+
building accommodation building campsite building ACCO+CAMPS
building accommodation building clubhouse ACCO+CLUBH
building accommodation building cottage (with overnight accommodation) ACCO+COTT.WONA
building accommodation building guesthouse ACCO+GUEST
building accommodation building holiday home ACCO+HOLID
building accommodation building hotel without star ACCO+HOT.WOS
building accommodation building hotel, motel, guesthouse ACCO+HOT
building accommodation building hotels with 1 and 2 stars ACCO+HOT.1.2
building accommodation building hotels with 3 stars ACCO+HOT.3
building accommodation building hotels with 4 and 5 stars ACCO+HOT.4.5
building accommodation building school country home ACCO+SCHO.COH
building accommodation building youth hostel ACCO+YOUTH.HOS
building administration building ADM+
building administration building administration building with higher technical equipment ADM+ADM.TEC1
building administration building administration building, normal technical equipment ADM+ADM.TEC2
building administration building court ADM+COURT
building administration building customs office ADM+OFFI.CUSTO
building administration building district administration ADM+DISTR
building administration building embassy, consulate ADM+EMBAS
building administration building ministry ADM+MINIS
building administration building parliament ADM+PARLI
building administration building post office ADM+POST
building administration building regional administration ADM+REGIO
building administration building tax office ADM+TAX
building administration building town hall ADM+TOWN
building agricultural and forestry residential and farm building RES.AGR+
building agricultural and forestry residential and farm building agricultural and forestry residential building RES.AGR+AGR.FORE2
building agricultural and forestry residential and farm building farm RES.AGR+FARM
building agricultural and forestry residential and farm building forester's lodge RES.AGR+FORE.LODG
building agricultural and forestry residential and farm building residential and farm building RES.AGR+RES.FARM
building building for agriculture and forestry AGR.FORE+
building building for agriculture and forestry agriculture building AGR.FORE+AGR
building building for agriculture and forestry alpine hut AGR.FORE+ALPIN
building building for agriculture and forestry barn AGR.FORE+BARN
building building for agriculture and forestry glasshouse AGR.FORE+GLASS
building building for agriculture and forestry greenhouse AGR.FORE+GRE
building building for agriculture and forestry greenhouse, movable AGR.FORE+GRE.MOV
building building for agriculture and forestry hunting lodge AGR.FORE+HUNTI
building building for agriculture and forestry indoor riding arena AGR.FORE+INDO.RIDI
building building for agriculture and forestry sheds AGR.FORE+SHEDS
building building for agriculture and forestry stable AGR.FORE+STABL
building building for agriculture and forestry stable for large animal husbandry AGR.FORE+STABL.LAH
building building for company social facilities CMPY.SOC+
building building for cultural purposes CUL+
building building for cultural purposes castle, fortress CUL+CASTL
building building for cultural purposes concert hall CUL+CONCE
building building for cultural purposes event building CUL+EVNT
building building for cultural purposes exhibition building CUL+EXHIB
building building for cultural purposes library CUL+LIBR
building building for cultural purposes museum CUL+MUSM
building building for cultural purposes opera CUL+OPERA
building building for cultural purposes palace CUL+PALAC
building building for cultural purposes radio, television CUL+RADIO.TV
building building for cultural purposes scenery house CUL+SCN
building building for cultural purposes theater CUL+THEAT
building building for cultural purposes tourist information centre CUL+TOUR
building building for economy or trade ECO.TRD+
building building for education and research EDU.RESE+
building building for education and research auditorium building EDU.RESE+AUD
building building for education and research building for research purposes EDU.RESE+RESP
building building for education and research building of university of applied sciences EDU.RESE+UNIV.APPS
building building for education and research elementary school EDU.RESE+ELEM.SCHO
building building for education and research general education school EDU.RESE+SCHO.GNR
building building for education and research high school EDU.RESE+HIG.SCHO
building building for education and research institute building I EDU.RESE+INSTI.I
building building for education and research institute building II EDU.RESE+INSTI.II
building building for education and research institute building III EDU.RESE+INSTI.III
building building for education and research institute building IV EDU.RESE+INSTI.IV
building building for education and research institute building V EDU.RESE+INSTI.5
building building for education and research institute building for research and investigation EDU.RESE+INSTI.RESE
building building for education and research institute building for teaching and research EDU.RESE+INSTI.TEAC
building building for education and research laboratory building EDU.RESE+LAB
building building for education and research research institute EDU.RESE+RESE
building building for education and research school building EDU.RESE+SCHO
building building for education and research special needs school EDU.RESE+SPEC.SCHO
building building for education and research training facility EDU.RESE+TRAI
building building for education and research university building (technical college, university) EDU.RESE+UNIV
building building for education and research vocational school EDU.RESE+VOCA
building building for public use PUB+
building building for raw material extraction RAW+
building building for raw material extraction mine RAW+MINE
building building for raw material extraction saltworks RAW+SALTW
building building for security and order SECU+
building building for security and order barracks SECU+BARRA
building building for security and order fire department SECU+FIRED
building building for security and order police SECU+POLIC
building building for security and order prison SECU+PRISO
building building for security and order protective bunker SECU+PT.BUN
building building for social purposes SOC+
building building for social purposes care facility SOC+CARE
building building for social purposes community house SOC+COMU
building building for social purposes day nursery, kindergarten, day care centre SOC+KINDER
building building for social purposes homeless shelter SOC+HOMEL
building building for social purposes leisure, club house, village community centre, community centre SOC+COMU.CENT
building building for social purposes refugee center SOC+REFUGEE
building building for social purposes senior citizens' leisure centre SOC+SENIO
building building for social purposes shared accommodation SOC+SHARE
building building for social purposes youth center SOC+YOUTH
building building for social purposes youth leisure centre SOC+YOUTH.CENT
building building for stockholding STOH+
building building for stockholding closed warehouse STOH+WARH.CLOS
building building for stockholding refrigerated warehouse STOH+WARH.REF
building building for stockholding storage building STOH+STOR
building building for stockholding warehouse STOH+WARH
building building for trade and industry TRD.INDU+
building building for trade and industry brewery TRD.INDU+BREWE
building building for trade and industry car wash TRD.INDU+CARW
building building for trade and industry company building TRD.INDU+CMPY
building building for trade and industry distillery TRD.INDU+DISTI
building building for trade and industry electrical workshop TRD.INDU+WRKS.EL
building building for trade and industry factory TRD.INDU+FACT
building building for trade and industry mechanical workshop TRD.INDU+WRKS.MEC
building building for trade and industry petrol station TRD.INDU+PTRL
building building for trade and industry production building TRD.INDU+PROD
building building for trade and industry sawmill TRD.INDU+SAWMI
building building for trade and industry workshop TRD.INDU+WRKS
building building for trade and industry with a residential area TRD.INDU3+
building building for trade and services TRD.SERV+
building building for trade and services bank branch TRD.SERV+BANK
building building for trade and services butcher's shop with production TRD.SERV+BUT.WIPR
building building for trade and services commercial building TRD.SERV+COMC
building building for trade and services cosmetic TRD.SERV+COSM
building building for trade and services credit institute TRD.SERV+CREDI
building building for trade and services department store TRD.SERV+DEP
building building for trade and services department store (food and non-food) TRD.SERV+DEP.STORE
building building for trade and services exhibition hall TRD.SERV+HALL.EXHIB
building building for trade and services gym TRD.SERV+GYM
building building for trade and services hairdresser TRD.SERV+HAIRD
building building for trade and services haulage TRD.SERV+HAULA
building building for trade and services insurance TRD.SERV+INSUR
building building for trade and services kiosk TRD.SERV+KIOSK
building building for trade and services mall TRD.SERV+MALL
building building for trade and services market hall TRD.SERV+MARKE
building building for trade and services pharmacy TRD.SERV+PHARM
building building for trade and services store TRD.SERV+STORE
building building for trade and services supermarket TRD.SERV+SUPM
building building for trade and services trade food over 300 m² TRD.SERV+TRD.FOOD2
building building for trade and services trade food up to 300 m² TRD.SERV+TRD.FOOD1
building building for trade and services trade non-food over 300 m² TRD.SERV+TRD.NONF2
building building for trade and services trade non-food up to 300 m² TRD.SERV+TRD.NONF1
building building for trade and services with a residential area TRD.SERV+
building building on underground lines LINE.UDG+
building building supply equipment SUP.EQ+
building building supply equipment pump station (not for water supply) SUP.EQ+PU.NFWS
building catering building CATERB+
building catering building canteen CATERB+CANTE
building catering building catering facility CATERB+CATER
building catering building cottage (without overnight accommodation) CATERB+COTT.WOONA
building catering building food restaurant CATERB+FOOD
building catering building refectory CATERB+REFEC
building catering building restaurant CATERB+RESTA
building catering building tavern CATERB+TAVER
building cemetery building CEME+
building cemetery building crematorium CEME+CREMA
building cemetery building mortuary CEME+MORTU
building cemetery building reception building CEME+RECEP
building electricity supply building SUP.EL+
building electricity supply building boiler house SUP.EL+BOI
building electricity supply building converters SUP.EL+CONVE
building electricity supply building power station SUP.EL+EL.POW
building electricity supply building reactor building SUP.EL+REACT
building electricity supply building transformer station SUP.EL+TRF
building electricity supply building turbine house SUP.EL+TURBI
building energy supply building SUP.EN+
building garbage incineration building GARB.INCI+
building gas supply building SUP.GAS+
building gas supply building building of gas plant SUP.GAS+GAS
building gas supply building building of heating plant SUP.GAS+H.PLANT
building healthcare building HEAL+
building healthcare building freelance health service HEAL+HEAL.FRL
building healthcare building hospital HEAL+HOSP
building healthcare building hospital from 251 to 1000 beds HEAL+HOSP2
building healthcare building hospital up to 250 beds HEAL+HOSP1
building healthcare building hospital with over 1000 beds HEAL+HOSP3
building healthcare building medical center, polyclinic HEAL+MEDI.POLY
building healthcare building medical practice HEAL+MEDI.PRAC
building healthcare building rehabilitation centre HEAL+RHB
building healthcare building rescue station HEAL+RESC
building healthcare building sanatorium, nursing home, nursing ward HEAL+SANA.NURS
building landfill building LANDF+
building leisure and amusement centre LEI.AMU+
building leisure and amusement centre banqueting hall LEI.AMU+BANQU
building leisure and amusement centre bowling alley LEI.AMU+BOWL
building leisure and amusement centre casino LEI.AMU+CASI
building leisure and amusement centre discotheque LEI.AMU+DISCO
building leisure and amusement centre hall LEI.AMU+HALL
building leisure and amusement centre hall-type contruction LEI.AMU+HALLC
building leisure and amusement centre movie theater LEI.AMU+MOVIE
building leisure and amusement centre municipal hall LEI.AMU+MUNI
building leisure building LEI+
building leisure building cottage LEI+COTT
building leisure building garden shed LEI+GARDS
building leisure building weekend house LEI+WEEKE
building mixed-use building with living space MIXL+
building mixed-use building with living space residential and administrative building MIXL+RES.ADM
building mixed-use building with living space residential and commercial building MIXL+RES.COMC
building mixed-use building with living space residential and company building MIXL+RES.CMPY
building mixed-use building with living space residential and office building MIXL+RES.OFFI
building mixed-use building with living space residential building with common needs MIXL+RES.COMN
building mixed-use building with living space residential building with trade and industry MIXL+RES.TRD2
building mixed-use building with living space residential building with trade and services MIXL+RES.TRD1
building office building OFFI+
building office building office with full air conditioning OFFI+OFFI.AIRC
building office building office, heated only OFFI+OFFI.HO
building office building office, temperature-controlled and ventilated OFFI+OFFI.TCV
building other building for trade and industry TRD.INDU2+
building other building for trade and industry building for technical purposes TRD.INDU2+TEC.PURP
building other building for trade and industry data center TRD.INDU2+DATA
building other building for trade and industry mill TRD.INDU2+MILL
building other building for trade and industry sewage pumping station TRD.INDU2+PU.SEW
building other building for trade and industry water mill TRD.INDU2+WS.MILL
building other building for trade and industry weather station TRD.INDU2+WST
building other building for trade and industry windmill TRD.INDU2+WINDM
building recreational building RECR+
building recreational building bathhouse RECR+BATHH
building recreational building baths for medical purposes RECR+BTH.MEDI
building recreational building building for cure RECR+CURE
building recreational building building in outdoor pool RECR+OUTD.POOL
building recreational building building to the sports field RECR+SPORT.FILD
building recreational building indoor swimming pool RECR+INDO.POOL
building recreational building leisure centre RECR+LEIC
building recreational building multipurpose hall RECR+MULTI
building recreational building sanitarium RECR+SANIT
building recreational building special sports facility RECR+SPORT.SPEC
building recreational building sports building RECR+SPORT
building recreational building sports club RECR+SPORT.CLUB
building recreational building sports hall RECR+HALL.SPORT
building recreational building stadium building RECR+STAD
building religious building RELI+
building religious building chapel RELI+CHAPE
building religious building church RELI+CHURC
building religious building house of god RELI+GOD
building religious building monastery RELI+MONAS
building religious building mosque RELI+MOSQU
building religious building parish hall RELI+PARIS
building religious building synagog RELI+SYNAG
building religious building temple RELI+TEMPL
building residential building RES+
building residential building boarding school RES+SCHO.BOA
building residential building children's home RES+CHILD
building residential building dormitory RES+DORM
building residential building dwelling RES+DWEL
building residential building nurses' home RES+NURSE
building residential building retirement home RES+RETIR
building residential building student residence, school dormitory RES+STUDE
building residential building for public purposes PUB.RES+
building supply building SUP+
building telecommunications building TEL+
building traffic building TRAF+
building traffic building air traffic operations building TRAF+AIR.OPR
building traffic building airport building TRAF+AIRP
building traffic building airport, cargo hall TRAF+AIRP.CARG
building traffic building airport, maintenance/hangar TRAF+AIRP.HANG
building traffic building airport, terminal TRAF+AIRP.TERM
building traffic building airport, workshop TRAF+AIRP.WRKS
building traffic building boathouse TRAF+BOAT
building traffic building building to the bus station TRAF+BUS
building traffic building building to the suburban railway station TRAF+SUBU
building traffic building building to the underground station TRAF+UDG
building traffic building car park TRAF+CAR.PAR
building traffic building company building for road traffic TRAF+CMPY.ROAD
building traffic building company building for traffic facilities (general) TRAF+CMPY.TRAF
building traffic building depot of the freight station TRAF+DEP.FRES
building traffic building dock (hall) TRAF+DOCK
building traffic building garage TRAF+GARG
building traffic building guard's house TRAF+GUARD
building traffic building hangar TRAF+HANG
building traffic building locomotive shed, wagon shed TRAF+LOCOM
building traffic building parking building TRAF+PKG
building traffic building parking level TRAF+PKG.LVL
building traffic building railway premises TRAF+RAIL.PREM
building traffic building railway station over 5000 m² TRAF+RAILS.5001
building traffic building railway station up to 5000 m² TRAF+RAILS.5000
building traffic building reception building shipping TRAF+RECEP.SHIP
building traffic building road maintenance depot TRAF+ROAD
building traffic building service building for the cable car TRAF+SERV.CABC
building traffic building service building lock TRAF+LOCK.SERV
building traffic building ship traffic service building TRAF+SHIP.SERV
building traffic building shipyard (hall) TRAF+SHIPY
building traffic building signal station, interlocking point TRAF+SIGNA
building traffic building station building TRAF+STATI
building traffic building tensioning device for the cable railway TRAF+TEN.CABR
building traffic building underground car park TRAF+UDG.CAR
building traffic building vehicle hall TRAF+VEH
building traffic building waiting hall TRAF+WAIT
building waste disposal building WAST+
building waste disposal building garbage bunker WAST+GARB.BUN
building waste disposal building sewage plant building WAST+SEW
building waste disposal building sewerage building WAST+SEWE
building waste disposal building toilet WAST+TOIL
building waste disposal building waste treatment building WAST+WAST.TRT
building water supply building SUP.WS+
building water supply building pumping station SUP.WS+PU
building water supply building water tank SUP.WS+WS.TANK
building water supply building waterworks SUP.WS+WS.WOR
building zoo building ZOO+
building zoo building animal show house ZOO+ANIMS
building zoo building aquarium, terrarium, aviary ZOO+AQUA
building zoo building building for other recreational facilities ZOO+OTH.RECR
building zoo building building in the botanical garden ZOO+BOTA
building zoo building greenhouse (botany) ZOO+GRNB
building zoo building plant show house ZOO+PLNT.SHOW
building zoo building reception building of the botanical garden ZOO+BOTA.RECEP
building zoo building refuge ZOO+REFUGE
building zoo building stable in the zoo ZOO+STABL.ZOO
building zoo building zoo reception building ZOO+ZOO.RECEP
city +
company +
control cabinet +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device +
control device air quality controller AQ+
control device air quality controller air quality controller, cascade AQ+AQ.CASC
control device air quality controller air quality controller, continuous AQ+AQ.CONT
control device air quality controller air quality controller, energy efficiency AQ+AQ.ENEF
control device air quality controller air quality controller, hysteresis AQ+AQ.HYS
control device air quality controller air quality controller, modulating AQ+AQ.MODU
control device building automation BA+
control device building automation adaptive control BA+ADAP
control device building automation automation station equipment BA+ASE
control device building automation bus line coupler BA+BLC
control device building automation coordinator BA+COO
control device building automation data interface unit BA+DIU
control device building automation fieldbus module BA+FBM
control device building automation management and operating equipment BA+MOS
control device building automation operation delayer BA+OPR.DEL
control device building automation optimizer BA+OPTI
control device building automation setpoint adjuster BA+SP.ADJ
control device building automation setpoint adjustment, mechanical BA+SP.MEC
control device building automation start-up and operation delayer BA+STUP.DEL
control device central control system CCS+
control device compressor controller COMP+
control device compressor controller compressor controller, 1-step COMP+COMP.1STEP
control device compressor controller compressor controller, 2-step COMP+COMP.2STEP
control device compressor controller compressor controller, 3-step COMP+COMP.3STEP
control device compressor controller compressor controller, 4-step COMP+COMP.4STEP
control device compressor controller compressor controller, 5-step COMP+COMP.5STEP
control device compressor controller compressor controller, 6-step COMP+COMP.6STEP
control device compressor controller compressor controller, 7-step COMP+COMP.7STEP
control device compressor controller compressor controller, 8-step COMP+COMP.8STEP
control device compressor controller compressor controller, cascade COMP+COMP.CASC
control device compressor controller compressor controller, continuous COMP+COMP.CONT
control device compressor controller compressor controller, energy efficiency COMP+COMP.ENEF
control device compressor controller compressor controller, hysteresis COMP+COMP.HYS
control device compressor controller compressor controller, modulating COMP+COMP.MODU
control device compressor controller compressor controller, step COMP+COMP.STEP
control device control unit CU+
control device cooling controller C+
control device cooling controller cooling controller, 1-step C+C.1STEP
control device cooling controller cooling controller, 2-step C+C.2STEP
control device cooling controller cooling controller, 3-step C+C.3STEP
control device cooling controller cooling controller, 4-step C+C.4STEP
control device cooling controller cooling controller, 5-step C+C.5STEP
control device cooling controller cooling controller, 6-step C+C.6STEP
control device cooling controller cooling controller, 7-step C+C.7STEP
control device cooling controller cooling controller, 8-step C+C.8STEP
control device cooling controller cooling controller, cascade C+C.CASC
control device cooling controller cooling controller, continuous C+C.CONT
control device cooling controller cooling controller, energy efficiency C+C.ENEF
control device cooling controller cooling controller, extern C+C.EXT
control device cooling controller cooling controller, hysteresis C+C.HYS
control device cooling controller cooling controller, modulating C+C.MODU
control device cooling controller cooling controller, step C+C.STEP
control device demand controller DEM+
control device demand controller demand controller, 1-step DEM+DEM.1STEP
control device demand controller demand controller, 2-step DEM+DEM.2STEP
control device demand controller demand controller, 3-step DEM+DEM.3STEP
control device demand controller demand controller, 4-step DEM+DEM.4STEP
control device demand controller demand controller, 5-step DEM+DEM.5STEP
control device demand controller demand controller, 6-step DEM+DEM.6STEP
control device demand controller demand controller, 7-step DEM+DEM.7STEP
control device demand controller demand controller, 8-step DEM+DEM.8STEP
control device demand controller demand controller, cascade DEM+DEM.CASC
control device demand controller demand controller, continuous DEM+DEM.CONT
control device demand controller demand controller, energy efficiency DEM+DEM.ENEF
control device demand controller demand controller, extern DEM+DEM.EXT
control device demand controller demand controller, hysteresis DEM+DEM.HYS
control device demand controller demand controller, modulating DEM+DEM.MODU
control device demand controller demand controller, step DEM+DEM.STEP
control device direct digital control DDC+
control device direct digital control fieldbus module DDC+FBM
control device direct digital control fire damper modul DDC+DAMP.FIRE
control device equipment controller EQ+
control device equipment controller equipment controller, 1-step EQ+EQ.1STEP
control device equipment controller equipment controller, 2-step EQ+EQ.2STEP
control device equipment controller equipment controller, 3-step EQ+EQ.3STEP
control device equipment controller equipment controller, 4-step EQ+EQ.4STEP
control device equipment controller equipment controller, 5-step EQ+EQ.5STEP
control device equipment controller equipment controller, 6-step EQ+EQ.6STEP
control device equipment controller equipment controller, 7-step EQ+EQ.7STEP
control device equipment controller equipment controller, 8-step EQ+EQ.8STEP
control device equipment controller equipment controller, cascade EQ+EQ.CASC
control device equipment controller equipment controller, continuous EQ+EQ.CONT
control device equipment controller equipment controller, energy efficiency EQ+EQ.ENEF
control device equipment controller equipment controller, extern EQ+EQ.EXT
control device equipment controller equipment controller, hysteresis EQ+EQ.HYS
control device equipment controller equipment controller, modulating EQ+EQ.MODU
control device equipment controller equipment controller, step EQ+EQ.STEP
control device fan controller FAN+
control device fan controller fan controller, 1-step FAN+FAN.1STEP
control device fan controller fan controller, 2-step FAN+FAN.2STEP
control device fan controller fan controller, 3-step FAN+FAN.3STEP
control device fan controller fan controller, 4-step FAN+FAN.4STEP
control device fan controller fan controller, 5-step FAN+FAN.5STEP
control device fan controller fan controller, 6-step FAN+FAN.6STEP
control device fan controller fan controller, 7-step FAN+FAN.7STEP
control device fan controller fan controller, 8-step FAN+FAN.8STEP
control device fan controller fan controller, cascade FAN+FAN.CASC
control device fan controller fan controller, continuous FAN+FAN.CONT
control device fan controller fan controller, energy efficiency FAN+FAN.ENEF
control device fan controller fan controller, hysteresis FAN+FAN.HYS
control device fan controller fan controller, modulating FAN+FAN.MODU
control device fan controller fan controller, step FAN+FAN.STEP
control device fire control tableau TAB.FIRE+
control device frost protection controller FROS+
control device frost protection controller frost protection controller, cascade FROS+FROS.CASC
control device frost protection controller frost protection controller, continuous FROS+FROS.CONT
control device frost protection controller frost protection controller, energy efficiency FROS+FROS.ENEF
control device frost protection controller frost protection controller, hysteresis FROS+FROS.HYS
control device frost protection controller frost protection controller, modulating FROS+FROS.MODU
control device frost protection controller frost protection controller, step FROS+FROS.STEP
control device guard control system GCS+
control device heating controller H+
control device heating controller heating controller, 1-step H+H.1STEP
control device heating controller heating controller, 2-step H+H.2STEP
control device heating controller heating controller, 3-step H+H.3STEP
control device heating controller heating controller, 4-step H+H.4STEP
control device heating controller heating controller, 5-step H+H.5STEP
control device heating controller heating controller, 6-step H+H.6STEP
control device heating controller heating controller, 7-step H+H.7STEP
control device heating controller heating controller, 8-step H+H.8STEP
control device heating controller heating controller, cascade H+H.CASC
control device heating controller heating controller, continuous H+H.CONT
control device heating controller heating controller, energy efficiency H+H.ENEF
control device heating controller heating controller, extern H+H.EXT
control device heating controller heating controller, hysteresis H+H.HYS
control device heating controller heating controller, modulating H+H.MODU
control device heating controller heating controller, step H+H.STEP
control device hot water controller DH+
control device hot water controller hot water controller, 1-step DH+DH.1STEP
control device hot water controller hot water controller, 2-step DH+DH.2STEP
control device hot water controller hot water controller, 3-step DH+DH.3STEP
control device hot water controller hot water controller, 4-step DH+DH.4STEP
control device hot water controller hot water controller, 5-step DH+DH.5STEP
control device hot water controller hot water controller, 6-step DH+DH.6STEP
control device hot water controller hot water controller, 7-step DH+DH.7STEP
control device hot water controller hot water controller, 8-step DH+DH.8STEP
control device hot water controller hot water controller, cascade DH+DH.CASC
control device hot water controller hot water controller, continuous DH+DH.CONT
control device hot water controller hot water controller, energy efficiency DH+DH.ENEF
control device hot water controller hot water controller, extern DH+DH.EXT
control device hot water controller hot water controller, hysteresis DH+DH.HYS
control device hot water controller hot water controller, modulating DH+DH.MODU
control device hot water controller hot water controller, step DH+DH.STEP
control device humidity controller HUM+
control device humidity controller humidity controller, cascade HUM+HUM.CASC
control device humidity controller humidity controller, continuous HUM+HUM.CONT
control device humidity controller humidity controller, energy efficiency HUM+HUM.ENEF
control device humidity controller humidity controller, hysteresis HUM+HUM.HYS
control device humidity controller humidity controller, modulating HUM+HUM.MODU
control device monitor MON+
control device monitor CO2 factor local MON+CO2.LOC
control device monitor CO2 factor power grid MON+CO2.PGR
control device monitor active energy MON+EN.ACT
control device monitor air exchange rate MON+AIR.EXR
control device monitor anti-freezing function MON+AFF
control device monitor apparent electrical energy MON+EN.AP
control device monitor battery MON+BAT
control device monitor carbon dioxide (CO2) MON+CO2
control device monitor carbon monoxide (CO) MON+CO
control device monitor chlor MON+CI
control device monitor coefficient of performance MON+COP
control device monitor condensation MON+COND
control device monitor dew point MON+DEW
control device monitor duct pressure controller MON+CTRL.DP
control device monitor efficiency MON+EF
control device monitor efficiency MON+EF
control device monitor electric charge MON+EL.CRG
control device monitor electric conductance MON+CONDC
control device monitor electric current MON+EL.CUR
control device monitor electric voltage MON+V
control device monitor electrical power MON+POW.EL
control device monitor electrical reactive energy MON+EN.REA
control device monitor emissions MON+EMI
control device monitor energy efficiency ratio MON+EER
control device monitor european seasonal energy efficiency ratio MON+ESEER
control device monitor facility monitoring MON+FCM
control device monitor flux MON+FLU
control device monitor frequency MON+FQ
control device monitor frost protection MON+FROS
control device monitor fuse MON+FUSE
control device monitor gas MON+GAS
control device monitor gas shortage MON+GAS.SHR
control device monitor grid efficiency MON+PGR.EF
control device monitor humidity MON+HUM
control device monitor inductance MON+INDUC
control device monitor low-water MON+LW
control device monitor operating mode MON+OPR.MOD
control device monitor phase monitor MON+PHA
control device monitor pinch temperature MON+PNC
control device monitor power to heat ratio MON+P2H
control device monitor pressure MON+P
control device monitor pressure difference MON+P.DIF
control device monitor runtime monitoring MON+RUN
control device monitor safety MON+SAF
control device monitor safety temperature MON+SAF.T
control device monitor temperature MON+T
control device monitor thermoelectric overload MON+THEL.OVL
control device monitor time program MON+PRG.TIM
control device monitor utilization MON+UTL
control device monitor velocity MON+VC
control device monitor windshield monitor MON+WINDS
control device pressure controller P+
control device pressure controller duct pressure controller P+CTRL.DP
control device pressure controller pressure controller, 1-step P+P.1STEP
control device pressure controller pressure controller, 2-step P+P.2STEP
control device pressure controller pressure controller, 3-step P+P.3STEP
control device pressure controller pressure controller, 4-step P+P.4STEP
control device pressure controller pressure controller, 5-step P+P.5STEP
control device pressure controller pressure controller, 6-step P+P.6STEP
control device pressure controller pressure controller, 7-step P+P.7STEP
control device pressure controller pressure controller, 8-step P+P.8STEP
control device pressure controller pressure controller, cascade P+P.CASC
control device pressure controller pressure controller, continuous P+P.CONT
control device pressure controller pressure controller, energy efficiency P+P.ENEF
control device pressure controller pressure controller, hysteresis P+P.HYS
control device pressure controller pressure controller, modulating P+P.MODU
control device pressure controller pressure controller, step P+P.STEP
control device programmable logic controller PLC+
control device pump controller PU+
control device pump controller pump controller, 1-step PU+PU.1STEP
control device pump controller pump controller, 2-step PU+PU.2STEP
control device pump controller pump controller, 3-step PU+PU.3STEP
control device pump controller pump controller, 4-step PU+PU.4STEP
control device pump controller pump controller, 5-step PU+PU.5STEP
control device pump controller pump controller, 6-step PU+PU.6STEP
control device pump controller pump controller, 7-step PU+PU.7STEP
control device pump controller pump controller, 8-step PU+PU.8STEP
control device pump controller pump controller, cascade PU+PU.CASC
control device pump controller pump controller, continuous PU+PU.CONT
control device pump controller pump controller, energy efficiency PU+PU.ENEF
control device pump controller pump controller, extern PU+PU.EXT
control device pump controller pump controller, hysteresis PU+PU.HYS
control device pump controller pump controller, modulating PU+PU.MODU
control device pump controller pump controller, step PU+PU.STEP
control device remote control system REM+
control device room automation RA+
control device room automation adaptive control RA+ADAP
control device room automation coordinator RA+COO
control device room automation data interface unit RA+DIU
control device room automation optimizer RA+OPTI
control device room automation room control unit RA+RCU
control device room automation room demand controller RA+DEM
control device room automation system distributor RA+SD
control device room automation tableau RA+TAB
control device room automation timer RA+TIMR
control device special controller SPEC+
control device special controller flush SPEC+FLUSH
control device temperature and humidity controller T.HUM+
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, 1-step T.HUM+T.HUM.1STEP
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, 2-step T.HUM+T.HUM.2STEP
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, 3-step T.HUM+T.HUM.3STEP
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, 4-step T.HUM+T.HUM.4STEP
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, 5-step T.HUM+T.HUM.5STEP
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, 6-step T.HUM+T.HUM.6STEP
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, 7-step T.HUM+T.HUM.7STEP
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, 8-step T.HUM+T.HUM.8STEP
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, cascade T.HUM+T.HUM.CASC
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, continuous T.HUM+T.HUM.CONT
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, energy efficiency T.HUM+T.HUM.ENEF
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, hysteresis T.HUM+T.HUM.HYS
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, modulating T.HUM+T.HUM.MODU
control device temperature and humidity controller temperature and humidity controller, step T.HUM+T.HUM.STEP
control device temperature controller T+
control device temperature controller temperature controller, 1-step T+T.1STEP
control device temperature controller temperature controller, 2-step T+T.2STEP
control device temperature controller temperature controller, 3-step T+T.3STEP
control device temperature controller temperature controller, 4-step T+T.4STEP
control device temperature controller temperature controller, 5-step T+T.5STEP
control device temperature controller temperature controller, 6-step T+T.6STEP
control device temperature controller temperature controller, 7-step T+T.7STEP
control device temperature controller temperature controller, 8-step T+T.8STEP
control device temperature controller temperature controller, cascade T+T.CASC
control device temperature controller temperature controller, continuous T+T.CONT
control device temperature controller temperature controller, energy efficiency T+T.ENEF
control device temperature controller temperature controller, hysteresis T+T.HYS
control device temperature controller temperature controller, modulating T+T.MODU
control device temperature controller temperature controller, step T+T.STEP
control device ventilation controller VNT+
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, 1-step VNT+VNT.1STEP
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, 2-step VNT+VNT.2STEP
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, 3-step VNT+VNT.3STEP
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, 4-step VNT+VNT.4STEP
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, 5-step VNT+VNT.5STEP
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, 6-step VNT+VNT.6STEP
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, 7-step VNT+VNT.7STEP
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, 8-step VNT+VNT.8STEP
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, cascade VNT+VNT.CASC
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, continuous VNT+VNT.CONT
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, energy efficiency VNT+VNT.ENEF
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, extern VNT+VNT.EXT
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, hysteresis VNT+VNT.HYS
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, modulating VNT+VNT.MODU
control device ventilation controller ventilation controller, step VNT+VNT.STEP
control device volume flow controller CTRL.VF+
control device volume flow controller constant CTRL.VF+CONS
control device volume flow controller variable CTRL.VF+VR
control group +
counter number +
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country Afghanistan AFG+
country Albania ALB+
country Algeria DZA+
country American Samoa ASM+
country Andorra AND+
country Angola AGO+
country Anguilla AIA+
country Antarctica ATA+
country Antigua and Barbuda ATG+
country Argentina ARG+
country Armenia ARM+
country Aruba ABW+
country Australia AUS+
country Austria AUT+
country Azerbaijan AZE+
country Bahamas BHS+
country Bahrain BHR+
country Bangladesh BGD+
country Barbados BRB+
country Belarus BLR+
country Belgium BEL+
country Belize BLZ+
country Benin BEN+
country Bermuda BMU+
country Bhutan BTN+
country Bolivia BOL+
country Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BES+
country Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH+
country Botswana BWA+
country Bouvet Island BVT+
country Brazil BRA+
country Brunei Darussalam BRN+
country Bulgaria BGR+
country Burkina Faso BFA+
country Burundi BDI+
country Cabo Verde CPV+
country Cambodia KHM+
country Cameroon CMR+
country Canada CAN+
country Cayman Islands CYM+
country Central African Republic CAF+
country Chad TCD+
country Chile CHL+
country China CHN+
country Christmas Island CXR+
country Cocos Islands / Keeling Islands CCK+
country Colombia COL+
country Comoros KM+
country Congo (Democratic Republic of the) COD+
country Congo (The) COG+
country Cook Islands COK+
country Costa Rica CRI+
country Croatia HRV+
country Cuba CUB+
country Curaçao CUW+
country Cyprus CYP+
country Czech Republic CZE+
country Denmark DNK+
country Djibouti DJI+
country Dominica DMA+
country Dominican Republic DOM+
country Ecuador ECU+
country Egypt EGY+
country El Salvador SLV+
country Equatorial Guinea GNQ+
country Eritrea ERI+
country Estonia EST+
country Eswatini SWZ+
country Ethiopia ETH+
country Falkland Islands [Malvinas] FLK+
country Faroe Islands FRO+
country Fiji FJI+
country Finland FIN+
country France FRA+
country French Guiana GUF+
country French Polynesia PYF+
country French Southern Territories ATF+
country Gabon GAB+
country Gambia GMB+
country Georgia GEO+
country Germany DEU+
country Ghana GHA+
country Gibraltar GIB+
country Greece GRC+
country Greenland GRL+
country Grenada GRD+
country Guadeloupe GLP+
country Guam GUM+
country Guatemala GTM+
country Guernsey GGY+
country Guinea GIN+
country Guinea-Bissau GNB+
country Guyana GUY+
country Haiti HTI+
country Heard Islands and McDonald Islands HMD+
country Holy See VAT+
country Honduras HND+
country Hong Kong HKG+
country Hungary HUN+
country Iceland ISL+
country India IND+
country Indian (British Ocean Territory) IOT+
country Indonesia IDN+
country Iran (Islamic Republic of) IRN+
country Iraq IRQ+
country Ireland IRL+
country Isle of Man IMN+
country Israel ISR+
country Italy ITA+
country Ivory Coast CIV+
country Jamaica JAM+
country Japan JPN+
country Jersey JEY+
country Jordan JOR+
country Kazakhstan KAZ+
country Kenya KEN+
country Kiribati KIR+
country Korea (the Democratic Peoples Republic of) PRK+
country Korea (the Republic of) KOR+
country Kuwait KWT+
country Kyrgyzstan KGZ+
country Lao Peoples Democratic Republic LAO+
country Latvia LVA+
country Lebanon LBN+
country Lesotho LSO+
country Liberia LBR+
country Libya LBY+
country Liechtenstein LIE+
country Lithuania LTU+
country Luxembourg LU+
country Macau MAC+
country Madagascar MDG+
country Malawi MWI+
country Malaysia MYS+
country Maldives MDV+
country Mali MLI+
country Malta MLT+
country Marshall Islands MHL+
country Martinique MTQ+
country Mauritania MRT+
country Mauritius MUS+
country Mayotte MYT+
country Mexico MEX+
country Micronesia (Federated States of) FSM+
country Minor Outlying Islands of the United States UMI+
country Moldova (the Republic of) MDA+
country Monaco MCO+
country Mongolia MNG+
country Montenegro MNE+
country Montserrat MSR+
country Morocco MAR+
country Mozambique MOZ+
country Myanmar MMR+
country Namibia NAM+
country Nauru NRU+
country Nepal NPL+
country Netherlands NLD+
country New Caledonia NCL+
country New Zealand NZL+
country Nicaragua NIC+
country Niger NER+
country Nigeria NGA+
country Niue NIU+
country Norfolk Island NFK+
country North Macedonia MKD+
country Northern Mariana Islands MNP+
country Norway NOR+
country Oman OMN+
country Pakistan PAK+
country Palau PLW+
country Palestine, State of PSE+
country Panama PA+
country Papua New Guinea PNG+
country Paraguay PRY+
country Peru PER+
country Philippines PHL+
country Pitcairn PCN+
country Poland POL+
country Portugal PRT+
country Puerto Rico PRI+
country Qatar QAT+
country Romania ROU+
country Russia Federation RUS+
country Rwanda RWA+
country Réunion REU+
country Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SHN+
country Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA+
country Saint Lucia LCA+
country Saint Martin (French part) MAF+
country Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM+
country Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT+
country Saint-Barthélemy BLM+
country Samoa WSM+
country San Marino SMR+
country Sao Tome and Principe STP+
country Saudi Arabia SAU+
country Senegal SN+
country Serbia SRB+
country Seychelles SYC+
country Sierra Leone SLE+
country Singapore SGP+
country Sint Maarten (Dutch part) SXM+
country Slovakia SVK+
country Slovenia SVN+
country Solomon Islands SLB+
country Somalia SOM+
country South Africa ZAF+
country South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands SGS+
country South Sudan SSD+
country Spain ESP+
country Sri Lanka LKA+
country Sudan SDN+
country Suriname SUR+
country Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJM+
country Sweden SWE+
country Switzerland CHE+
country Syrian Arab Republic SYR+
country Taiwan (Province of China) TWN+
country Tajikistan TJK+
country Tanzania, the United Republic of TZA+
country Thailand THA+
country Timor-Leste TLS+
country Togo TGO+
country Tokelau TKL+
country Tonga TON+
country Trinidad and Tobago TTO+
country Tunisia TUN+
country Turkey TUR+
country Turkmenistan TKM+
country Turks and Caicos Islands TCA+
country Tuvalu TUV+
country Uganda UGA+
country Ukraine UKR+
country United Arab Emirates ARE+
country United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GBR+
country United States of America USA+
country Uruguay URY+
country Uzbekistan UZB+
country Vanuatu VUT+
country Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VEN+
country Viet Nam VNM+
country Virgin Islands (British) VGB+
country Virgin Islands (U.S.) VIR+
country Wallis and Futuna WLF+
country Western Sahara ESH+
country Yemen YEM+
country Zambia ZMB+
country Zimbabwe ZWE+
country Åland Islands AX+
data source +
data source +
data source +
data source +
data source building automation system BAS+
data source building management system BMS+
data source central control system CCS+
document type +
document type Connection describing documents Cabling or piping documents A2M+A3MB
document type Connection describing documents Connection documents A2M+A3MA
document type Connection describing documents Connection-describing documents: Free for user A2M+A3MZ
document type Construction engineering A1C+
document type Contractual and non-technical documents Approval documents A2C+A3CB
document type Contractual and non-technical documents Contractual and nontechnical documents: Free for user A2C+A3CZ
document type Contractual and non-technical documents Contractual documents A2C+A3CC
document type Contractual and non-technical documents Expertises A2C+A3CH
document type Contractual and non-technical documents Inquiry, calculation and offer documents A2C+A3CA
document type Contractual and non-technical documents Insurance documents A2C+A3CF
document type Contractual and non-technical documents Invoice documents A2C+A3CE
document type Contractual and non-technical documents Order and delivery documents A2C+A3CD
document type Contractual and non-technical documents Warranty documents A2C+A3CG
document type Documentation describing documents Administrative documents A2A+A3AA
document type Documentation describing documents Documentation describing documents: Free for user A2A+A3AZ
document type Documentation describing documents Explanatory documents (regarding documents) A2A+A3AC
document type Documentation describing documents Lists (regarding documents) A2A+A3AB
document type Electrical engineering, instrumentation and control engineering A1E+
document type Function describing documents Circuitry documents A2F+A3FS
document type Function describing documents Flow diagrams A2F+A3FB
document type Function describing documents Function descriptions A2F+A3FE
document type Function describing documents Function diagrams A2F+A3FF
document type Function describing documents Function-describing documents: Free for user A2F+A3FZ
document type Function describing documents Functional overview documents A2F+A3FA
document type Function describing documents MMI layout documents (MMI = man-machine interface) A2F+A3FC
document type Function describing documents Setting value documents A2F+A3FQ
document type Function describing documents Signal descriptions A2F+A3FP
document type Function describing documents Software specific documents A2F+A3FT
document type General technical information documents Catalogues Advertising documents A2D+A3DE
document type General technical information documents Data sheets A2D+A3DA
document type General technical information documents Explanatory documents A2D+A3DB
document type General technical information documents General technical information documents: Free for user A2D+A3DZ
document type General technical information documents Instructions and manuals A2D+A3DC
document type General technical information documents Technical publications A2D+A3DF
document type General technical information documents Technical reports A2D+A3DD
document type Geometry-related documents Arrangement documents A2T+A3TL
document type Geometry-related documents Construction drawings A2T+A3TB
document type Geometry-related documents Geometrical form describing documents: Free for user A2T+A3TZ
document type Geometry-related documents Manufacturing and erection drawings A2T+A3TC
document type Geometry-related documents Planning drawings A2T+A3TA
document type Location documents Building carcass documents A2L+A3LC
document type Location documents Earthwork and foundation work documents A2L+A3LB
document type Location documents Exploitation and survey documents A2L+A3LA
document type Location documents In-building location documents (also applied for ships, aircraft, etc.) A2L+A3LH
document type Location documents In/on-equipment location documents A2L+A3LU
document type Location documents Location documents: Free for user A2L+A3LZ
document type Location documents On-site location documents A2L+A3LD
document type Management documents Correspondence A2B+A3BC
document type Management documents Dispatch, storage and transport documents A2B+A3BF
document type Management documents Documents regarding changes A2B+A3BH
document type Management documents Management documents: Free for user A2B+A3BZ
document type Management documents Project control documents A2B+A3BD
document type Management documents Registers A2B+A3BA
document type Management documents Reports A2B+A3BB
document type Management documents Resource planning documents A2B+A3BE
document type Management documents Security documents A2B+A3BS
document type Management documents Site planning and site organization documents A2B+A3BG
document type Management documents Training specific documents A2B+A3BT
document type Mechanical engineering (normally including process engineering) A1M+
document type Object listings Function lists A2P+A3PF
document type Object listings Item lists A2P+A3PC
document type Object listings Location lists A2P+A3PL
document type Object listings Material lists A2P+A3PA
document type Object listings Object listings: Free for user A2P+A3PZ
document type Object listings Parts lists A2P+A3PB
document type Object listings Product lists and product type lists A2P+A3PD
document type Operation records Logbooks A2W+A3WT
document type Operation records Operational protocols and records A2W+A3W
document type Operation records Operational protocols and records: Free for user A2W+A3WZ
document type Operation records Set point documents A2W+A3WA
document type Overall management A1A+
document type Overall technology A1B+
document type Process engineering (only if separation from M is required) A1P+
document type Quality management documents, safety-describing documents Quality management documents A2Q+A3QA
document type Quality management documents, safety-describing documents Quality management documents and safety-describing documents: Free for user A2Q+A3QZ
document type Quality management documents, safety-describing documents Quality verifying documents A2Q+A3QC
document type Quality management documents, safety-describing documents Safety-describing documents A2Q+A3QB
document type Technical requirement and dimensioning documents Dimensioning documents A2E+A3ED
document type Technical requirement and dimensioning documents Legal requirement documents A2E+A3EA
document type Technical requirement and dimensioning documents Standards and regulations A2E+A3EB
document type Technical requirement and dimensioning documents Technical requirement and dimensioning documents: Free for user A2E+A3EZ
document type Technical requirement and dimensioning documents Technical specification / requirement documents A2E+A3EC
factory +
feeding subsubsystem +
feeding subsubsystem UV filter UV.FIL+
feeding subsubsystem UV lamp LMP.UV+
feeding subsubsystem absorber ABSB+
feeding subsubsystem active chilled beam cool ACB+C
feeding subsubsystem active chilled beam heat ACB+H
feeding subsubsystem actuator ACTR+
feeding subsubsystem adiabatic cooling C.ADI+
feeding subsubsystem aftercooler C.AF+
feeding subsubsystem air conditioning unit decentralized air conditioning unit ACU+DEC
feeding subsubsystem air conditioning unit room air conditioner ACU+R.AC
feeding subsubsystem air conditioning unit sorption assisted air conditioning ACU+SAAC
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit air conditioner AHU+AIRC
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit air curtain system AHU+CURT
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit compact unit AHU+CMU
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit decentralized air handling unit AHU+DEC
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit fan coil unit AHU+FCU
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit full air-conditioning system AHU+FULL
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit monosplit air conditioner AHU+MONO
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit multisplit air conditioner AHU+MUL
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit partial air-conditioning system AHU+PART
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit rooftop unit AHU+RTU
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit room air conditioner AHU+R.AC
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit terminal unit AHU+TU
feeding subsubsystem air handling unit variable air volume box AHU+VAV
feeding subsubsystem back-feed system back-feed system cooling BFS+C
feeding subsubsystem back-feed system back-feed system heating BFS+H
feeding subsubsystem battery BAT+
feeding subsubsystem blind BLI+
feeding subsubsystem boiler condensing boiler BOI+COND
feeding subsubsystem boiler gas-fired BOI+GF
feeding subsubsystem boiler low-temperature boiler BOI+LT
feeding subsubsystem boiler oil-fired BOI+OILF
feeding subsubsystem boiler solid fuel boiler BOI+SFUEL
feeding subsubsystem boiler wood-fired boiler BOI+WF
feeding subsubsystem box cold box BOX+C
feeding subsubsystem box environment box BOX+ENV
feeding subsubsystem box fan powered box BOX+FAN
feeding subsubsystem box hot box BOX+H
feeding subsubsystem building automation adaptive control BA+ADAP
feeding subsubsystem building automation automation station equipment BA+ASE
feeding subsubsystem building automation bus line coupler BA+BLC
feeding subsubsystem building automation coordinator BA+COO
feeding subsubsystem building automation data interface unit BA+DIU
feeding subsubsystem building automation fieldbus module BA+FBM
feeding subsubsystem building automation management and operating equipment BA+MOS
feeding subsubsystem building automation operation delayer BA+OPR.DEL
feeding subsubsystem building automation optimizer BA+OPTI
feeding subsubsystem building automation setpoint adjuster BA+SP.ADJ
feeding subsubsystem building automation setpoint adjustment, mechanical BA+SP.MEC
feeding subsubsystem building automation start-up and operation delayer BA+STUP.DEL
feeding subsubsystem building automation system BAS+
feeding subsubsystem building management system BMS+
feeding subsubsystem burner atmospheric burner BURN+ATM
feeding subsubsystem burner premix burner BURN+PRMX
feeding subsubsystem button presence BT+PRES
feeding subsubsystem button reset BT+RST
feeding subsubsystem button unlocking device BT+UD
feeding subsubsystem ceiling cooling CLG.C+
feeding subsubsystem ceiling heating CLG.H+
feeding subsubsystem ceiling heating and cooling CLG.HC+
feeding subsubsystem ceiling radiator panel CLG.RAD+
feeding subsubsystem ceiling swirl diffuser CLG.SWD+
feeding subsubsystem ceiling ventilator CLG.FAN+
feeding subsubsystem chilled beam CB+
feeding subsubsystem chilled water generation C.WG+
feeding subsubsystem chiller absorption CH+ABSPT
feeding subsubsystem chiller adsorption CH+ADS
feeding subsubsystem chiller centrifugal CH+CENF
feeding subsubsystem chiller compression CH+COMP
feeding subsubsystem chiller desorption CH+DES
feeding subsubsystem chiller diffusion absorption chiller CH+DIFFU
feeding subsubsystem chiller sorption CH+SPT
feeding subsubsystem chiller thermoelectric CH+THEL
feeding subsubsystem circle cool CRC+C
feeding subsubsystem circle heat/hot CRC+H
feeding subsubsystem circle mix CRC+MIX
feeding subsubsystem circulatory system cool HRC.CRC+C
feeding subsubsystem circulatory system heat/hot HRC.CRC+H
feeding subsubsystem circulatory system mix HRC.CRC+MIX
feeding subsubsystem clean room system CLNR+
feeding subsubsystem clean steam generation GEN.EMR+
feeding subsubsystem combined heat and power CHP+
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system BOS (Germany emergency services) radio system CSI+BOS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system access control system CSI+ACCS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system alarm system CSI+EQ.ALA
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system ambient assisted living system CSI+AALS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system burglar alarm system CSI+BUR.ALA
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system call signalling system CSI+CSS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system carbon monoxide warning system CSI+CO.WARN
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system central fire detection system CSI+FD.CEN
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system clock and time recording system CSI+CLOCK
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system conference and interpreting equipment CSI+CONF
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system disabled toilet alarm system CSI+EQ.ALA.TOIL
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system door intercom and door opener system CSI+DIOS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system electro-acoustic system, sound systems CSI+ACO
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system emergency CSI+EMR
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system emergency call system CSI+ECS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system escape route protection system CSI+ERP
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system fire control tableau CSI+TAB.FIRE
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system fire detection system CSI+FD
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system gas warning system CSI+GAS.WARN
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system guard control system CSI+GCS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system hazard detection system CSI+HDS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system intercom system CSI+INTS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system intercommunication system CSI+INT2
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system kitchen tableau CSI+TAB.KIT
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system management and operating equipment CSI+MOS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system network for the transmission of data, voice, text and images CSI+LAN
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system paging system CSI+PAG
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system parking guidance systems CSI+PGS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system remote control system CSI+REM
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system robbery alarm system CSI+RAS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system room observation system CSI+ROS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system smoke aspiration system CSI+SAS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system smoke protection screen CSI+SM.PTS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system tableau CSI+TAB
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system telecommunications system CSI+TEL
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system television system CSI+TV
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system transmitting and receiving antenna system CSI+TRAS
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system trunk CSI+TRNK
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system voice alarm centre CSI+VOAC
feeding subsubsystem communication, safety and information technology system voice alarm system CSI+VOICE
feeding subsubsystem compressor COMP+
feeding subsubsystem concrete core activation CCA+
feeding subsubsystem condenser air-cooled condenser COND+AIR
feeding subsubsystem condenser counterflow condenser COND+COFL
feeding subsubsystem condenser direct flow condenser COND+DIFL
feeding subsubsystem condenser mixed condenser COND+MIX
feeding subsubsystem condenser parallel flow condenser COND+PARL
feeding subsubsystem conditioning cabinet CND.CBN+
feeding subsubsystem construction insulation CNST+INSU
feeding subsubsystem construction surface CNST+SURF
feeding subsubsystem control cabinet CC+
feeding subsubsystem control unit CU+
feeding subsubsystem convection cooler trench heater CONV.C+TRE
feeding subsubsystem convection heater trench heater CONV.H+TRE
feeding subsubsystem conveyors baggage conveyor system CVY+BCS
feeding subsubsystem conveyors construction elevator with passenger transport CVY+ELE.CNST
feeding subsubsystem conveyors elevator CVY+ELE
feeding subsubsystem conveyors escalator CVY+ESC
feeding subsubsystem conveyors external elevator CVY+ELE.EXT
feeding subsubsystem conveyors file transportation system CVY+FTS
feeding subsubsystem conveyors fire elevator CVY+ELE.FIRE
feeding subsubsystem conveyors goods elevator CVY+ELE.GOOD
feeding subsubsystem conveyors goods transportation facility CVY+GOTF
feeding subsubsystem conveyors inspection system CVY+INS
feeding subsubsystem conveyors moving walkways CVY+WALK
feeding subsubsystem conveyors passenger circulating elevator CVY+ELE.PCRC
feeding subsubsystem conveyors passenger elevator CVY+ELE.PAS
feeding subsubsystem conveyors pneumatic delivery system CVY+PDS
feeding subsubsystem cooler air cooler C+AIR
feeding subsubsystem cooler gas cooler C+C.GAS
feeding subsubsystem cooler glycol C+GLY
feeding subsubsystem cooling coil COIL.C+
feeding subsubsystem cooling exchanger CX+
feeding subsubsystem cooling tower dry cooling tower C.TOW+DRY
feeding subsubsystem cooling tower wet cooling tower C.TOW+WET
feeding subsubsystem damper changeover DAMP+CHO
feeding subsubsystem damper control DAMP+CTRL
feeding subsubsystem damper distribution DAMP+DIV
feeding subsubsystem damper fire safety DAMP+FIRE
feeding subsubsystem damper main shut-off damper DAMP+SHOFF.MN
feeding subsubsystem damper mix DAMP+MIX
feeding subsubsystem damper motorised DAMP+MO
feeding subsubsystem damper shut-off DAMP+SHOFF
feeding subsubsystem damper smoke extraction DAMP+SM.ETA
feeding subsubsystem damper smoke protection DAMP+SM.PT
feeding subsubsystem damper suction DAMP+SUC
feeding subsubsystem damper throttle damper DAMP+THR
feeding subsubsystem damper transferred air damper DAMP+TRA
feeding subsubsystem damper vent DAMP+VE
feeding subsubsystem dehumidifier DE.HUM+
feeding subsubsystem demand compressed air DEM+COMP
feeding subsubsystem demand cooling DEM+C
feeding subsubsystem demand electrical DEM+EL
feeding subsubsystem demand fuel oil DEM+FUEL
feeding subsubsystem demand gas DEM+GAS
feeding subsubsystem demand heating DEM+H
feeding subsubsystem demand heating/cooling DEM+HC
feeding subsubsystem demand humidify DEM+HUM
feeding subsubsystem demand steam DEM+STE
feeding subsubsystem demand water DEM+WS
feeding subsubsystem desorber DESB+
feeding subsubsystem device D+
feeding subsubsystem differential pressure system P.DIF+
feeding subsubsystem direct digital control fieldbus module DDC+FBM
feeding subsubsystem direct digital control fire damper modul DDC+DAMP.FIRE
feeding subsubsystem display acoustic signal DIS+ACO
feeding subsubsystem display button DIS+BT
feeding subsubsystem display lamp DIS+LMP
feeding subsubsystem display on DIS+ON
feeding subsubsystem display tableau DIS+TAB
feeding subsubsystem distribution system chill DISTS+CH
feeding subsubsystem distribution system cooling DISTS+C
feeding subsubsystem distribution system heat DISTS+H
feeding subsubsystem distribution system heating/cooling DISTS+HC
feeding subsubsystem distribution system high temperature DISTS+HT
feeding subsubsystem distribution system low temperature DISTS+LT
feeding subsubsystem distributor chill DIST+CH
feeding subsubsystem distributor cooling DIST+C
feeding subsubsystem distributor heat DIST+H
feeding subsubsystem distributor heating/cooling DIST+HC
feeding subsubsystem distributor high temperature DIST+HT
feeding subsubsystem distributor low temperature DIST+LT
feeding subsubsystem distributor main distributor DIST+MN
feeding subsubsystem district cooling C.DISTR+
feeding subsubsystem district heating high temperature H.DISTR+HT
feeding subsubsystem district heating low temperature H.DISTR+LT
feeding subsubsystem door self closing DOR+SLF
feeding subsubsystem door vent DOR+VE
feeding subsubsystem drive DRI+
feeding subsubsystem duct DCT+
feeding subsubsystem electric heating H.EL+
feeding subsubsystem electrical system DC disconnection point EL+DC.DCN
feeding subsubsystem electrical system circuit breaker EL+CIB
feeding subsubsystem electrical system compensation system EL+COMPEN
feeding subsubsystem electrical system coupling switch EL+COS
feeding subsubsystem electrical system daylight system EL+DAYL
feeding subsubsystem electrical system emergency power system EL+EPS
feeding subsubsystem electrical system external lightning protection EL+LIG.EXT
feeding subsubsystem electrical system frequency converter system EL+FCS
feeding subsubsystem electrical system general power supply EL+GPS
feeding subsubsystem electrical system ground fault circuit interrupter EL+SWI.FI
feeding subsubsystem electrical system high-voltage system EL+HV
feeding subsubsystem electrical system lead-lag compensator EL+LLC
feeding subsubsystem electrical system lightning protection EL+LIG
feeding subsubsystem electrical system lightning protection grounding EL+LIG.GRDG
feeding subsubsystem electrical system load-break switch EL+LBS
feeding subsubsystem electrical system low-voltage system EL+LV
feeding subsubsystem electrical system medium-voltage system EL+MEV
feeding subsubsystem electrical system network analyser EL+NA
feeding subsubsystem electrical system overcurrent protection EL+OCP
feeding subsubsystem electrical system overvoltage protection EL+OVP
feeding subsubsystem electrical system plug strip EL+PLS
feeding subsubsystem electrical system power contactor EL+POW.CNCT
feeding subsubsystem electrical system power to heat system EL+P2H
feeding subsubsystem electrical system replacement network EL+RPLN
feeding subsubsystem electrical system safety power supply EL+SPS
feeding subsubsystem electrical system socket EL+SOCK
feeding subsubsystem electrical system switchgear EL+SWIG
feeding subsubsystem electrical system transformer EL+TRF
feeding subsubsystem electrical system undervoltage protection EL+UVP
feeding subsubsystem electrical system uninterruptible power supply EL+UPS
feeding subsubsystem emergency power generator unit EMR.GEN+
feeding subsubsystem emissions system EMIS+
feeding subsubsystem energy conversion chill EN.CON+CH
feeding subsubsystem energy conversion electrical EN.CON+EL
feeding subsubsystem energy conversion heat EN.CON+H
feeding subsubsystem equipment kitchen technology system EQ+KIT
feeding subsubsystem equipment outdoor facility EQ+ODF
feeding subsubsystem equipment smoke extraction EQ+SM.ETA
feeding subsubsystem equipment smoke pressure EQ+SM.P
feeding subsubsystem equipment connection EQ.CNN+
feeding subsubsystem evaporator direct evaporator EVAP+DIR
feeding subsubsystem exhaust hood EXH+
feeding subsubsystem facade FAC+
feeding subsubsystem facade ventilation unit FVU+
feeding subsubsystem fan booster fan FAN+BOO
feeding subsubsystem fan fogging controlled fan FAN+FOG
feeding subsubsystem fan frequency converter FAN+FC
feeding subsubsystem fan radial fan FAN+RDL
feeding subsubsystem fan smoke extraction FAN+SM.ETA
feeding subsubsystem fan standby fan FAN+STB
feeding subsubsystem fan vent FAN+VE
feeding subsubsystem façade heating FAC.H+
feeding subsubsystem feeder line FEL+
feeding subsubsystem filter FIL+
feeding subsubsystem free cooling C.FREE+
feeding subsubsystem freezer FRE+
feeding subsubsystem fuel supply FUEL.SUP+
feeding subsubsystem furniture FUR+
feeding subsubsystem gas GAS+
feeding subsubsystem gas cooler C.GAS+
feeding subsubsystem gate self closing GAT+SLF
feeding subsubsystem generation chill GEN+CH
feeding subsubsystem generation electrical GEN+EL
feeding subsubsystem generation heat GEN+H
feeding subsubsystem generator GEN+
feeding subsubsystem geothermal field GTF+
feeding subsubsystem geothermal probe GT.PROB+
feeding subsubsystem glycol protector PT.GLY+
feeding subsubsystem heat exchanger adiabatic HX+ADI
feeding subsubsystem heat exchanger counterflow heat exchanger HX+COFL
feeding subsubsystem heat exchanger cross flow heat exchanger HX+CRF
feeding subsubsystem heat exchanger direct flow heat exchanger HX+DIFL
feeding subsubsystem heat exchanger economizer HX+ECO
feeding subsubsystem heat exchanger heat wheel HX+WHE
feeding subsubsystem heat exchanger parallel flow heat exchanger HX+PARL
feeding subsubsystem heat exchanger plate heat exchanger HX+PLT
feeding subsubsystem heat exchanger recuperator HX+REC
feeding subsubsystem heat pump compressor HP+COMP
feeding subsubsystem heat pump condenser HP+COND
feeding subsubsystem heat pump evaporator HP+EVAP
feeding subsubsystem heat recovery HRC+
feeding subsubsystem heat recovery system circuit compound system HRCS+CICS
feeding subsubsystem heater (common) electrical air heater H.CM+AIR.EL
feeding subsubsystem heater (common) electrical heater H.CM+EL
feeding subsubsystem heater (common) gas radiant heater H.CM+GAS.RAD
feeding subsubsystem heater (common) water air heater H.CM+AIR.WS
feeding subsubsystem heater (common) water heater H.CM+WS
feeding subsubsystem heating H+
feeding subsubsystem heating and cooling coil COIL.HC+
feeding subsubsystem heating circulation H.CRC+
feeding subsubsystem heating coil COIL.H+
feeding subsubsystem home appliance DAB mains radio HA+DAB
feeding subsubsystem home appliance DVD player HA+DVD
feeding subsubsystem home appliance EV car charger HA+EV.CAR
feeding subsubsystem home appliance EV home charger HA+EV.HOME
feeding subsubsystem home appliance LED light bulb HA+BLB.LED
feeding subsubsystem home appliance air purifier HA+PUR
feeding subsubsystem home appliance bread machine HA+BREAD
feeding subsubsystem home appliance cell phone battery charger HA+CRG.CELL
feeding subsubsystem home appliance christmas lights HA+CHRL
feeding subsubsystem home appliance clock radio HA+CLRD
feeding subsubsystem home appliance coffee maker HA+COFE
feeding subsubsystem home appliance computer monitor HA+CMON
feeding subsubsystem home appliance cooker hood HA+COOK.HOO
feeding subsubsystem home appliance copy machine HA+COPY
feeding subsubsystem home appliance corded drill HA+DRLL.CRD
feeding subsubsystem home appliance cordless drill HA+DRLL.CRDL
feeding subsubsystem home appliance curling iron HA+CURL
feeding subsubsystem home appliance deep freezer HA+FRE.DEEP
feeding subsubsystem home appliance desktop computer HA+DCOMPU
feeding subsubsystem home appliance disc sander HA+DISCS
feeding subsubsystem home appliance dishwasher HA+DISHW
feeding subsubsystem home appliance domestic robot HA+DOME.ROB
feeding subsubsystem home appliance doorbell HA+DORB
feeding subsubsystem home appliance electric blanket HA+BLNK
feeding subsubsystem home appliance electric can opener HA+CANOP
feeding subsubsystem home appliance electric kettle HA+KTTL
feeding subsubsystem home appliance electric shaver HA+SHV
feeding subsubsystem home appliance electric stove HA+STV
feeding subsubsystem home appliance electric trimmer HA+TRIM
feeding subsubsystem home appliance epilator HA+EPIL
feeding subsubsystem home appliance espresso coffee machine HA+COFE.ESPR
feeding subsubsystem home appliance external hard drive HA+HD.DRI
feeding subsubsystem home appliance fax HA+FAX
feeding subsubsystem home appliance food blender HA+FOODB
feeding subsubsystem home appliance food dehydrator HA+FOODD
feeding subsubsystem home appliance freezer HA+FRE
feeding subsubsystem home appliance fridge freezer HA+FRE.FRI
feeding subsubsystem home appliance front load washing machine HA+WASH.FRNT
feeding subsubsystem home appliance fryer HA+FRY
feeding subsubsystem home appliance game console HA+GAMEC
feeding subsubsystem home appliance gaming computer HA+GAMIC
feeding subsubsystem home appliance garage door opener HA+GARG.DORO
feeding subsubsystem home appliance grill HA+GRLL
feeding subsubsystem home appliance guitar amplifier HA+GUITA
feeding subsubsystem home appliance hair dryer HA+HAIR.DRY
feeding subsubsystem home appliance hair rollers HA+HAIR.ROLL
feeding subsubsystem home appliance hand mixer HA+MIX.HND
feeding subsubsystem home appliance heated bathroom mirror HA+MIRR
feeding subsubsystem home appliance home phone HA+PHON.HOME
feeding subsubsystem home appliance home sound system HA+SOU.HOME
feeding subsubsystem home appliance hot air fryer HA+FRY.AIR.H
feeding subsubsystem home appliance ice cream maker HA+ICE.CRM
feeding subsubsystem home appliance icemaker HA+ICE.MKR
feeding subsubsystem home appliance induction cooktop HA+INDUC.COOK
feeding subsubsystem home appliance inkjet printer HA+PRNT.INKJ
feeding subsubsystem home appliance internet router HA+IROU
feeding subsubsystem home appliance iron HA+IRON
feeding subsubsystem home appliance laptop HA+LAPT
feeding subsubsystem home appliance large office printer HA+PRNT.LRG
feeding subsubsystem home appliance laser printer HA+PRNT.LSR
feeding subsubsystem home appliance laundry-folding machine HA+LFM
feeding subsubsystem home appliance lawn trimmer HA+LTRIM
feeding subsubsystem home appliance lawnmower HA+MOW
feeding subsubsystem home appliance leaf blower HA+LEAF
feeding subsubsystem home appliance microwave HA+MWV
feeding subsubsystem home appliance night light HA+LI.NIG
feeding subsubsystem home appliance oven HA+OVEN
feeding subsubsystem home appliance oven fan blower HA+OVEN.FAN
feeding subsubsystem home appliance paper shredder HA+PPRS
feeding subsubsystem home appliance pedestal fan HA+FAN.PEDE
feeding subsubsystem home appliance percolator HA+PERCO
feeding subsubsystem home appliance phone charger HA+CRG.PHON
feeding subsubsystem home appliance pressure cooker HA+COOK.P
feeding subsubsystem home appliance pressure washer HA+WASH.P
feeding subsubsystem home appliance projector HA+PROJ
feeding subsubsystem home appliance radio HA+RADIO
feeding subsubsystem home appliance refrigerator HA+REF
feeding subsubsystem home appliance rice cooker HA+RICE
feeding subsubsystem home appliance robotic vacuum cleaner HA+VACC.ROB
feeding subsubsystem home appliance sandwich maker HA+SNDW
feeding subsubsystem home appliance scanner HA+SCAN
feeding subsubsystem home appliance set top box HA+STBOX
feeding subsubsystem home appliance sewing machine HA+SEWI
feeding subsubsystem home appliance shower HA+SHWR
feeding subsubsystem home appliance slow cooker HA+SLW
feeding subsubsystem home appliance smart bulb HA+BLB.SMT
feeding subsubsystem home appliance smart speaker HA+SMSP
feeding subsubsystem home appliance steam iron HA+STIR
feeding subsubsystem home appliance straightening iron HA+STRG
feeding subsubsystem home appliance table fan HA+FAN.TABL
feeding subsubsystem home appliance tablet charger HA+CRG.TBLT
feeding subsubsystem home appliance television HA+TV
feeding subsubsystem home appliance toaster HA+TOAS
feeding subsubsystem home appliance top load washing machine HA+WASH.TOP
feeding subsubsystem home appliance towel heater HA+TOWL
feeding subsubsystem home appliance treadmill HA+TRDM
feeding subsubsystem home appliance treadmill HA+TRDM
feeding subsubsystem home appliance tube light HA+TUBE
feeding subsubsystem home appliance tumble dryer HA+TMB.DRY
feeding subsubsystem home appliance vacuum cleaner HA+VACC
feeding subsubsystem home appliance waffle iron HA+WAFF
feeding subsubsystem home appliance wall mounted fan HA+FAN.WAL
feeding subsubsystem home appliance washing machine HA+WASH
feeding subsubsystem home appliance water filter and cooler HA+WFAC
feeding subsubsystem home appliance wine cooler HA+WINE
feeding subsubsystem home appliance zero bulb HA+BLB.ZERO
feeding subsubsystem humidifier adiabatic humidifier HUM+ADI
feeding subsubsystem humidifier air washer HUM+AIR.WASH
feeding subsubsystem humidifier cold steam humidifier HUM+STE.C
feeding subsubsystem humidifier electric steam humidifier HUM+STE.EL
feeding subsubsystem humidifier steam humidifier HUM+STE
feeding subsubsystem humidifier ultrasonic humidifier HUM+ULT
feeding subsubsystem hydraulic separator HYDS+
feeding subsubsystem index circuit sensor pressure difference INDC+P.DIF
feeding subsubsystem index circuit sensor temperature INDC+T
feeding subsubsystem induction device cooling INDUC+C
feeding subsubsystem induction device heating INDUC+H
feeding subsubsystem jet nozzle JET+
feeding subsubsystem light management LI.MGTM+
feeding subsubsystem lighting luminaire LI+LUM
feeding subsubsystem lighting luminaire driver LI+DRIV
feeding subsubsystem lighting safety LI+SAF
feeding subsubsystem lighting street light LI+LI.STR
feeding subsubsystem limiter cooling power LIM+POW.C
feeding subsubsystem limiter heating power LIM+POW.H
feeding subsubsystem limiter power LIM+POW
feeding subsubsystem limiter pressure LIM+P
feeding subsubsystem limiter safety temperature LIM+SAF.T
feeding subsubsystem local cooling C.LOC+
feeding subsubsystem local heating high temperature H.LOC+HT
feeding subsubsystem local heating low temperature H.LOC+LT
feeding subsubsystem media supply air supply SUP+AIR
feeding subsubsystem media supply chilled water supply SUP+WS.C
feeding subsubsystem media supply compressed air supply SUP+COMP
feeding subsubsystem media supply electrical supply SUP+EL
feeding subsubsystem media supply fuel supply SUP+FUEL.SUP
feeding subsubsystem media supply hot and chilled water supply SUP+WS.DH.C
feeding subsubsystem media supply hot water supply SUP+WS.DH
feeding subsubsystem media supply water supply SUP+WS
feeding subsubsystem meter chill MET+CH
feeding subsubsystem meter electrical MET+EL
feeding subsubsystem meter gas MET+GAS
feeding subsubsystem meter heat MET+H
feeding subsubsystem meter steam MET+STE
feeding subsubsystem meter water MET+WS
feeding subsubsystem monitor CO2 factor local MON+CO2.LOC
feeding subsubsystem monitor CO2 factor power grid MON+CO2.PGR
feeding subsubsystem monitor active energy MON+EN.ACT
feeding subsubsystem monitor air exchange rate MON+AIR.EXR
feeding subsubsystem monitor anti-freezing function MON+AFF
feeding subsubsystem monitor apparent electrical energy MON+EN.AP
feeding subsubsystem monitor battery MON+BAT
feeding subsubsystem monitor carbon dioxide (CO2) MON+CO2
feeding subsubsystem monitor carbon monoxide (CO) MON+CO
feeding subsubsystem monitor chlor MON+CI
feeding subsubsystem monitor coefficient of performance MON+COP
feeding subsubsystem monitor condensation MON+COND
feeding subsubsystem monitor dew point MON+DEW
feeding subsubsystem monitor duct pressure controller MON+CTRL.DP
feeding subsubsystem monitor efficiency MON+EF
feeding subsubsystem monitor efficiency MON+EF
feeding subsubsystem monitor electric charge MON+EL.CRG
feeding subsubsystem monitor electric conductance MON+CONDC
feeding subsubsystem monitor electric current MON+EL.CUR
feeding subsubsystem monitor electric voltage MON+V
feeding subsubsystem monitor electrical power MON+POW.EL
feeding subsubsystem monitor electrical reactive energy MON+EN.REA
feeding subsubsystem monitor emissions MON+EMI
feeding subsubsystem monitor energy efficiency ratio MON+EER
feeding subsubsystem monitor european seasonal energy efficiency ratio MON+ESEER
feeding subsubsystem monitor facility monitoring MON+FCM
feeding subsubsystem monitor flux MON+FLU
feeding subsubsystem monitor frequency MON+FQ
feeding subsubsystem monitor frost protection MON+FROS
feeding subsubsystem monitor fuse MON+FUSE
feeding subsubsystem monitor gas MON+GAS
feeding subsubsystem monitor gas shortage MON+GAS.SHR
feeding subsubsystem monitor grid efficiency MON+PGR.EF
feeding subsubsystem monitor humidity MON+HUM
feeding subsubsystem monitor inductance MON+INDUC
feeding subsubsystem monitor low-water MON+LW
feeding subsubsystem monitor operating mode MON+OPR.MOD
feeding subsubsystem monitor phase monitor MON+PHA
feeding subsubsystem monitor pinch temperature MON+PNC
feeding subsubsystem monitor power to heat ratio MON+P2H
feeding subsubsystem monitor pressure MON+P
feeding subsubsystem monitor pressure difference MON+P.DIF
feeding subsubsystem monitor runtime monitoring MON+RUN
feeding subsubsystem monitor safety MON+SAF
feeding subsubsystem monitor safety temperature MON+SAF.T
feeding subsubsystem monitor temperature MON+T
feeding subsubsystem monitor thermoelectric overload MON+THEL.OVL
feeding subsubsystem monitor time program MON+PRG.TIM
feeding subsubsystem monitor utilization MON+UTL
feeding subsubsystem monitor velocity MON+VC
feeding subsubsystem monitor windshield monitor MON+WINDS
feeding subsubsystem motor electronically commutated MO+EC1
feeding subsubsystem multiple system MUL+
feeding subsubsystem oil protector PT.OIL+
feeding subsubsystem panel heating PAN.H+
feeding subsubsystem photovoltaics PV+
feeding subsubsystem pipe PIP+
feeding subsubsystem position switch final position SWI.POS+FNL
feeding subsubsystem potable water heater H.PW+
feeding subsubsystem power grid PGR+
feeding subsubsystem power system POW+
feeding subsubsystem precooler C.PR+
feeding subsubsystem preheater electrical preheater H.PR+EL
feeding subsubsystem preheater water air heater H.PR+AIR.WS
feeding subsubsystem preheater water preheater H.PR+WS
feeding subsubsystem preheaters and coolers HC.PR+
feeding subsubsystem pressure maintenance P.MNT+
feeding subsubsystem pressurized ventilation system PVS+
feeding subsubsystem process system air PRO+AIR
feeding subsubsystem process system chill PRO+CH
feeding subsubsystem process system cooling PRO+C
feeding subsubsystem process system heat PRO+H
feeding subsubsystem programmable logic controller PLC+
feeding subsubsystem pump booster pump PU+BOO
feeding subsubsystem pump circulation pump PU+CRC
feeding subsubsystem pump dp constant PU+DPC
feeding subsubsystem pump dp variable PU+DPV
feeding subsubsystem pump twin pump PU+TWI
feeding subsubsystem radiator RAD+
feeding subsubsystem recirculating air cooling device CAC+
feeding subsubsystem recooling C.RE+
feeding subsubsystem refrigerant dryer REF.DRY+
feeding subsubsystem reheater electric reheater H.RE+EL
feeding subsubsystem reheater water air heater H.RE+AIR.WS
feeding subsubsystem reheater water reheater H.RE+WS
feeding subsubsystem reheaters and coolers HC.RE+
feeding subsubsystem room automation adaptive control RA+ADAP
feeding subsubsystem room automation coordinator RA+COO
feeding subsubsystem room automation data interface unit RA+DIU
feeding subsubsystem room automation optimizer RA+OPTI
feeding subsubsystem room automation room control unit RA+RCU
feeding subsubsystem room automation room demand controller RA+DEM
feeding subsubsystem room automation system distributor RA+SD
feeding subsubsystem room automation tableau RA+TAB
feeding subsubsystem room automation timer RA+TIMR
feeding subsubsystem sensor PM10 Level SEN+PM10
feeding subsubsystem sensor PM25 Level SEN+PM25
feeding subsubsystem sensor absolute humidity SEN+HUM.ABS
feeding subsubsystem sensor acceleration SEN+ACC
feeding subsubsystem sensor active energy SEN+EN.ACT
feeding subsubsystem sensor active power SEN+POW.ACT
feeding subsubsystem sensor aerosol SEN+AER
feeding subsubsystem sensor air quality SEN+AQ
feeding subsubsystem sensor angle position SEN+POS.AN
feeding subsubsystem sensor anti-freezing function SEN+AFF
feeding subsubsystem sensor apparent electrical energy SEN+EN.AP
feeding subsubsystem sensor apparent electrical power SEN+POW.AP
feeding subsubsystem sensor area SEN+AR
feeding subsubsystem sensor atmospheric pressure SEN+P.ATM
feeding subsubsystem sensor blue light intensity SEN+LI.BLU
feeding subsubsystem sensor capacity sensor SEN+CAP
feeding subsubsystem sensor carbon dioxide (CO2) SEN+CO2
feeding subsubsystem sensor carbon monoxide (CO) SEN+CO
feeding subsubsystem sensor chlor SEN+CI
feeding subsubsystem sensor cloudiness SEN+CLOUD
feeding subsubsystem sensor complex power SEN+POW.CMX
feeding subsubsystem sensor concentration SEN+CNCN
feeding subsubsystem sensor conductivity SEN+CONDC
feeding subsubsystem sensor cooling energy SEN+EN.C
feeding subsubsystem sensor cooling power SEN+POW.C
feeding subsubsystem sensor counter SEN+CN
feeding subsubsystem sensor currency SEN+CURR
feeding subsubsystem sensor current angle SEN+CUR.AN
feeding subsubsystem sensor current imbalance SEN+CUR.IMB
feeding subsubsystem sensor current magnitude SEN+CUR.MAG
feeding subsubsystem sensor daytime SEN+DYT
feeding subsubsystem sensor degree day number SEN+DDN
feeding subsubsystem sensor degree of closure SEN+DEG.CLOS
feeding subsubsystem sensor degree of opening SEN+DEG.OP
feeding subsubsystem sensor delivery head SEN+DELH
feeding subsubsystem sensor density SEN+DEN
feeding subsubsystem sensor diffuse irradiance SEN+IRR.DIFU
feeding subsubsystem sensor direct normal irradiance SEN+DNI
feeding subsubsystem sensor direction SEN+DRC
feeding subsubsystem sensor dry bulb temperature SEN+T.DRYB
feeding subsubsystem sensor duration SEN+DUR
feeding subsubsystem sensor electric charge SEN+EL.CRG
feeding subsubsystem sensor electric conductance SEN+CONDC
feeding subsubsystem sensor electric current SEN+EL.CUR
feeding subsubsystem sensor electric voltage SEN+V
feeding subsubsystem sensor electrical contact SEN+COTC.EL
feeding subsubsystem sensor electrical energy SEN+EN.EL
feeding subsubsystem sensor electrical power SEN+POW.EL
feeding subsubsystem sensor electrical reactive energy SEN+EN.REA
feeding subsubsystem sensor electrical reactive power SEN+POW.REA
feeding subsubsystem sensor emissions SEN+EMI
feeding subsubsystem sensor energy SEN+EN
feeding subsubsystem sensor energy level SEN+LVL.EN
feeding subsubsystem sensor energy loss SEN+EN.LOSS
feeding subsubsystem sensor enthalpy SEN+ENTA
feeding subsubsystem sensor entrophy SEN+ENTO
feeding subsubsystem sensor exhaust gas loss SEN+GAS.EHA.LOSS
feeding subsubsystem sensor filling level SEN+LVL.FILL
feeding subsubsystem sensor force SEN+FOR
feeding subsubsystem sensor frequency SEN+FQ
feeding subsubsystem sensor frost protection SEN+FROS
feeding subsubsystem sensor gas quantity SEN+GAS
feeding subsubsystem sensor gas shortage SEN+GAS.SHR
feeding subsubsystem sensor global horizontal irradiance SEN+GHI
feeding subsubsystem sensor global radiation SEN+GL.RADI
feeding subsubsystem sensor global tilted irradiance SEN+GTI
feeding subsubsystem sensor grains sensor SEN+GRAIN
feeding subsubsystem sensor green light intensity SEN+LI.GRE
feeding subsubsystem sensor heating energy SEN+EN.H
feeding subsubsystem sensor heating power SEN+POW.H
feeding subsubsystem sensor heating/cooling power SEN+POW.HC
feeding subsubsystem sensor height SEN+HEI
feeding subsubsystem sensor humidity SEN+HUM
feeding subsubsystem sensor illuminance SEN+LUX
feeding subsubsystem sensor inductance SEN+INDUC
feeding subsubsystem sensor irradiance SEN+IRR
feeding subsubsystem sensor leakage SEN+LEA
feeding subsubsystem sensor length SEN+LEN
feeding subsubsystem sensor light colour SEN+LI.COLO
feeding subsubsystem sensor load SEN+LOA
feeding subsubsystem sensor luminous flux SEN+LI.FLU
feeding subsubsystem sensor luminous intensity SEN+LI.INT
feeding subsubsystem sensor mass SEN+M
feeding subsubsystem sensor mass flow SEN+MF
feeding subsubsystem sensor mode SEN+MOD
feeding subsubsystem sensor motion detector SEN+MOT
feeding subsubsystem sensor movement command SEN+COM.MOV
feeding subsubsystem sensor multisensor SEN+MUL
feeding subsubsystem sensor operating time SEN+OPR.TIM
feeding subsubsystem sensor operative temperature SEN+T.OPR
feeding subsubsystem sensor partition wall SEN+PAW
feeding subsubsystem sensor people SEN+PEO
feeding subsubsystem sensor position SEN+POS
feeding subsubsystem sensor power SEN+POW
feeding subsubsystem sensor power factor SEN+PF
feeding subsubsystem sensor power loss SEN+POW.LOSS
feeding subsubsystem sensor precipitation SEN+PREC
feeding subsubsystem sensor presence SEN+PRES
feeding subsubsystem sensor pressure SEN+P
feeding subsubsystem sensor pressure difference SEN+P.DIF
feeding subsubsystem sensor quantity SEN+QUA
feeding subsubsystem sensor radiant temperature SEN+T.RADI
feeding subsubsystem sensor radiation SEN+RADI
feeding subsubsystem sensor rain SEN+RAIN
feeding subsubsystem sensor red light intensity SEN+LI.RED
feeding subsubsystem sensor relative humidity SEN+HUM.REL
feeding subsubsystem sensor rotation speed SEN+NROT
feeding subsubsystem sensor shading position SEN+POS.SHA
feeding subsubsystem sensor smoke detector SEN+SM
feeding subsubsystem sensor soil moisture SEN+SMST
feeding subsubsystem sensor solar irradiance SEN+SOL.IRR
feeding subsubsystem sensor solar radiation SEN+SOL.RADI
feeding subsubsystem sensor sound SEN+SOU
feeding subsubsystem sensor sound level difference SEN+SOU.DIF
feeding subsubsystem sensor sound volume SEN+SVOL
feeding subsubsystem sensor speed SEN+SPE
feeding subsubsystem sensor static pressure SEN+P.STC
feeding subsubsystem sensor steam quantity SEN+STE
feeding subsubsystem sensor sunshine SEN+SUNS
feeding subsubsystem sensor temperature SEN+T
feeding subsubsystem sensor temperature difference SEN+T.DIF
feeding subsubsystem sensor thermoelectric contact SEN+COTC.THEL
feeding subsubsystem sensor time SEN+TIM
feeding subsubsystem sensor torque SEN+TQ
feeding subsubsystem sensor total harmonic current distortion SEN+THDC
feeding subsubsystem sensor total volatile organic compounds SEN+TVOC
feeding subsubsystem sensor velocity SEN+VC
feeding subsubsystem sensor voltage angle SEN+V.AN
feeding subsubsystem sensor voltage imbalance SEN+V.IMB
feeding subsubsystem sensor voltage magnitude SEN+V.MAG
feeding subsubsystem sensor volume SEN+VOL
feeding subsubsystem sensor volume flow SEN+VF
feeding subsubsystem sensor waste heat SEN+H.WAST
feeding subsubsystem sensor water quantity SEN+WS
feeding subsubsystem sensor wet bulb temperature SEN+T.WETB
feeding subsubsystem sensor wind SEN+WIND
feeding subsubsystem sensor wind direction SEN+WIND.DRC
feeding subsubsystem sensor wind force SEN+WIND.FOR
feeding subsubsystem sensor wind speed SEN+WIND.SPE
feeding subsubsystem sensor window SEN+WIN
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant back-feed system SWG+BFS
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant bathing facility SWG+BATH
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant cistern system SWG+CIS
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant decorative water operated device SWG+WS.DECO
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant desalination plant SWG+DESA
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant dispensing installation SWG+DISPI
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant domestic hot water system SWG+WS.DH
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant drainage system SWG+DRAI
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant droplet separator SWG+DRP
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant filling system SWG+FIL
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant floor drain SWG+FL.DRAI
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant fresh water station SWG+WS.FRS
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant fuel oil barrier SWG+FOB
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant grease separator SWG+SEP.GRS
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant hot tub SWG+HTUB
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant hot water dispenser SWG+HW.DISP
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant lifting system SWG+LIFS
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant light liquid barrier SWG+LLB
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant neutralisation plant SWG+NEU
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant osmosis plant SWG+OS
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant outdoor hot tub SWG+OUTD.HTUB
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant overflow monitoring SWG+OFM
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant potable water treatment system SWG+PWT
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant power shower SWG+SHWR.POW
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant pressure booster system SWG+PBS
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant rainwater retention basin SWG+RRB
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant reverse osmosis system SWG+REVO
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant safety emergency shower SWG+SES
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant separator facility SWG+SEP
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant sewage pit SWG+SEW.PIT
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant sewage treatment plant SWG+SEW
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant sink SWG+SNK
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant small sewage treatment plant SWG+SEW.SMU
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant softening unit SWG+SOFU
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant sprinkler system SWG+SPR
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant swimming pool SWG+POOL
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant wall hydrant system SWG+WHS
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant water basin SWG+BASI
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant water replenishment SWG+WS.RPL
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant water treatment system SWG+WTRS
feeding subsubsystem sewage, water, gas plant well SWG+WEL
feeding subsubsystem shading system SHA+
feeding subsubsystem sluice SLU+
feeding subsubsystem small refrigeration unit REF.SMU+
feeding subsubsystem smoke extraction cold smoke extraction SM.ETA+SM.ETA.C
feeding subsubsystem smoke extraction mechanical SM.ETA+MEC
feeding subsubsystem smoke extraction natural SM.ETA+NAT
feeding subsubsystem solar panel SOL.PAN+
feeding subsubsystem solar power system SOL+
feeding subsubsystem solar thermal energy SOL.TH+
feeding subsubsystem space heater SPH+
feeding subsubsystem standby STB+
feeding subsubsystem standby power system POW.STB+
feeding subsubsystem static heating H.STC+
feeding subsubsystem steam system EQ.STE+
feeding subsubsystem storage cold storage STO+C
feeding subsubsystem storage combination storage STO+HDH
feeding subsubsystem storage energy storage STO+EN
feeding subsubsystem storage heat storage STO+H
feeding subsubsystem storage hot water STO+HW
feeding subsubsystem sub-distribution system chill DISTS.SUB+CH
feeding subsubsystem sub-distribution system cooling DISTS.SUB+C
feeding subsubsystem sub-distribution system heat DISTS.SUB+H
feeding subsubsystem sub-distribution system heating/cooling DISTS.SUB+HC
feeding subsubsystem sub-distribution system high temperature DISTS.SUB+HT
feeding subsubsystem sub-distribution system low temperature DISTS.SUB+LT
feeding subsubsystem sub-distributor chill DIST.SUB+CH
feeding subsubsystem sub-distributor cooling DIST.SUB+C
feeding subsubsystem sub-distributor heat DIST.SUB+H
feeding subsubsystem sub-distributor heating/cooling DIST.SUB+HC
feeding subsubsystem sub-distributor high temperature DIST.SUB+HT
feeding subsubsystem sub-distributor low temperature DIST.SUB+LT
feeding subsubsystem sunlight protection awning SUN+AWN
feeding subsubsystem sunlight protection blackout SUN+BLA
feeding subsubsystem sunlight protection blind SUN+BLI
feeding subsubsystem sunlight protection roller shutters SUN+ROL
feeding subsubsystem switch dimmer SWI+DIM
feeding subsubsystem switch emergency off SWI+EMR
feeding subsubsystem switch emergency on SWI+EMR.ON
feeding subsubsystem switch equipment switch SWI+SWI.EQ
feeding subsubsystem switch event switch SWI+EVNT
feeding subsubsystem switch heating mode SWI+MOD.H
feeding subsubsystem switch heating/cooling switchover SWI+HC
feeding subsubsystem switch holiday SWI+HOLID1
feeding subsubsystem switch key switch SWI+KEY
feeding subsubsystem switch main SWI+MN
feeding subsubsystem switch maintenance SWI+MNT
feeding subsubsystem switch manual operation SWI+OPR.MANU
feeding subsubsystem switch manual operation SWI+OPR.MANU
feeding subsubsystem switch off SWI+OFF
feeding subsubsystem switch on SWI+ON
feeding subsubsystem switch operating mode SWI+OPR.MOD
feeding subsubsystem switch remote acknowledgement SWI+REM.ACK
feeding subsubsystem switch repair switch SWI+REP
feeding subsubsystem switch smoke extraction SWI+SM.ETA
feeding subsubsystem switch step switch SWI+STEP
feeding subsubsystem switch summer/winter compensation SWI+SU.WI.CMPS
feeding subsubsystem switch summer/winter switchover SWI+SU.WI
feeding subsubsystem switch thermal triggering SWI+THET
feeding subsubsystem switch touch panel SWI+PAN.TOU
feeding subsubsystem t-piece TP+
feeding subsubsystem tank pump sump TNK+PU.SMP
feeding subsubsystem tank water tank TNK+WS.TANK
feeding subsubsystem thermostat THT+
feeding subsubsystem timer active maintenance time TIMR+MNT.TIM.ACT
feeding subsubsystem timer maintenance time TIMR+MNT.TIM
feeding subsubsystem trace heating H.TRACE+
feeding subsubsystem transfer point TRFP+
feeding subsubsystem transfer station apartment station TRFS+APRT
feeding subsubsystem transfer station compact station TRFS+COMS
feeding subsubsystem transfer station construction water connection TRFS+WS.CNST
feeding subsubsystem transfer station direct connection station TRFS+DCS
feeding subsubsystem transfer station separation station TRFS+SPST
feeding subsubsystem underfloor heating UFH+
feeding subsubsystem uninterruptible power supply UPS+
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant NOx system USAS+NOX
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant acid scrubber USAS+ACI
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant cleaning system USAS+CLN
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant compressed air supply USAS+COMP
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant disinfection unit USAS+DISI
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant disposal facility USAS+DISPO
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant exhaustor USAS+EXH
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant extinguishing system USAS+EXTI
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant eye shower USAS+EYE
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant fire extinguisher USAS+EXTI.FIRE
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant fume cupboard USAS+FUME.CUP
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant fume hood USAS+FUME.HOO
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant gas extinguishing system USAS+EXTI.GAS
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant hygiene station USAS+HYG
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant laboratory equipment USAS+LAB
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant laundry system USAS+LAU
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant media supply system USAS+MED.SUP
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant medical gas supply USAS+MEDI.GAS
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant medical technical plant USAS+MEDI
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant mist-extinguishing system USAS+EXTI.MIS
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant pressure control USAS+P.CTRL
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant sterilisation system USAS+STER
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant suction unit USAS+SUC
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant technical gas supply USAS+TEC.GAS
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant vacuum cleaning USAS+VAC.CLN
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant vacuum equipment USAS+EQ.VAC
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant waste disposal USAS+WAST
feeding subsubsystem usage-specific and process-engineering plant waste recycling USAS+WAST.RCY
feeding subsubsystem valve changeover VAL+CHO
feeding subsubsystem valve check valve VAL+CHK
feeding subsubsystem valve control VAL+CTRL
feeding subsubsystem valve control ball valve VAL+CTRL.BLL
feeding subsubsystem valve distribution VAL+DIV
feeding subsubsystem valve drive VAL+DRI
feeding subsubsystem valve expansion VAL+EXPN
feeding subsubsystem valve fire safety VAL+FIRE
feeding subsubsystem valve float valve VAL+FLT
feeding subsubsystem valve float valve VAL+FLT
feeding subsubsystem valve flush valve VAL+FLUSH
feeding subsubsystem valve magnetic valve VAL+MGT
feeding subsubsystem valve main shut-off valve VAL+SHOFF.MN
feeding subsubsystem valve mix VAL+MIX
feeding subsubsystem valve motorised VAL+MO
feeding subsubsystem valve pressure relief valve VAL+P.RLF
feeding subsubsystem valve safety overflow valve VAL+SAF.OVF
feeding subsubsystem valve safety valve VAL+SAF
feeding subsubsystem valve shut-off VAL+SHOFF
feeding subsubsystem valve six-way valve VAL+SWV
feeding subsubsystem valve three-way valve VAL+TWV
feeding subsubsystem valve throttle valve VAL+THR
feeding subsubsystem variable frequency drive bypass VFD+BYP
feeding subsubsystem ventilation machine VMA+
feeding subsubsystem volume flow controller constant CTRL.VF+CONS
feeding subsubsystem volume flow controller variable CTRL.VF+VR
feeding subsubsystem wall WAL+
feeding subsubsystem water treatment WTR+
feeding subsubsystem weather forecast WFO+
feeding subsubsystem weather station Federal Aviation Administration WST+FAA
feeding subsubsystem weather station German Meteorological Service WST+DWD
feeding subsubsystem weather station International Civil Aviation Organization WST+ICAO
feeding subsubsystem weather station Weather Bureau Army Navy WST+WBAN
feeding subsubsystem weather station World Meteorological Organization WST+WMO
feeding subsubsystem weather station national ID WST+NID
feeding subsubsystem window skylight dome WIN+SLD
feeding subsubsystem window vent WIN+VE
feeding subsystem +
feeding subsystem UV filter UV.FIL+
feeding subsystem UV lamp LMP.UV+
feeding subsystem absorber ABSB+
feeding subsystem active chilled beam cool ACB+C
feeding subsystem active chilled beam heat ACB+H
feeding subsystem actuator ACTR+
feeding subsystem adiabatic cooling C.ADI+
feeding subsystem aftercooler C.AF+
feeding subsystem air conditioning unit decentralized air conditioning unit ACU+DEC
feeding subsystem air conditioning unit room air conditioner ACU+R.AC
feeding subsystem air conditioning unit sorption assisted air conditioning ACU+SAAC
feeding subsystem air handling unit air conditioner AHU+AIRC
feeding subsystem air handling unit air curtain system AHU+CURT
feeding subsystem air handling unit compact unit AHU+CMU
feeding subsystem air handling unit decentralized air handling unit AHU+DEC
feeding subsystem air handling unit fan coil unit AHU+FCU
feeding subsystem air handling unit full air-conditioning system AHU+FULL
feeding subsystem air handling unit monosplit air conditioner AHU+MONO
feeding subsystem air handling unit multisplit air conditioner AHU+MUL
feeding subsystem air handling unit partial air-conditioning system AHU+PART
feeding subsystem air handling unit rooftop unit AHU+RTU
feeding subsystem air handling unit room air conditioner AHU+R.AC
feeding subsystem air handling unit terminal unit AHU+TU
feeding subsystem air handling unit variable air volume box AHU+VAV
feeding subsystem back-feed system back-feed system cooling BFS+C
feeding subsystem back-feed system back-feed system heating BFS+H
feeding subsystem battery BAT+
feeding subsystem blind BLI+
feeding subsystem boiler condensing boiler BOI+COND
feeding subsystem boiler gas-fired BOI+GF
feeding subsystem boiler low-temperature boiler BOI+LT
feeding subsystem boiler oil-fired BOI+OILF
feeding subsystem boiler solid fuel boiler BOI+SFUEL
feeding subsystem boiler wood-fired boiler BOI+WF
feeding subsystem box cold box BOX+C
feeding subsystem box environment box BOX+ENV
feeding subsystem box fan powered box BOX+FAN
feeding subsystem box hot box BOX+H
feeding subsystem building automation adaptive control BA+ADAP
feeding subsystem building automation automation station equipment BA+ASE
feeding subsystem building automation bus line coupler BA+BLC
feeding subsystem building automation coordinator BA+COO
feeding subsystem building automation data interface unit BA+DIU
feeding subsystem building automation fieldbus module BA+FBM
feeding subsystem building automation management and operating equipment BA+MOS
feeding subsystem building automation operation delayer BA+OPR.DEL
feeding subsystem building automation optimizer BA+OPTI
feeding subsystem building automation setpoint adjuster BA+SP.ADJ
feeding subsystem building automation setpoint adjustment, mechanical BA+SP.MEC
feeding subsystem building automation start-up and operation delayer BA+STUP.DEL
feeding subsystem building automation system BAS+
feeding subsystem building management system BMS+
feeding subsystem burner atmospheric burner BURN+ATM
feeding subsystem burner premix burner BURN+PRMX
feeding subsystem button presence BT+PRES
feeding subsystem button reset BT+RST
feeding subsystem button unlocking device BT+UD
feeding subsystem ceiling cooling CLG.C+
feeding subsystem ceiling heating CLG.H+
feeding subsystem ceiling heating and cooling CLG.HC+
feeding subsystem ceiling radiator panel CLG.RAD+
feeding subsystem ceiling swirl diffuser CLG.SWD+
feeding subsystem ceiling ventilator CLG.FAN+
feeding subsystem chilled beam CB+
feeding subsystem chilled water generation C.WG+
feeding subsystem chiller absorption CH+ABSPT
feeding subsystem chiller adsorption CH+ADS
feeding subsystem chiller centrifugal CH+CENF
feeding subsystem chiller compression CH+COMP
feeding subsystem chiller desorption CH+DES
feeding subsystem chiller diffusion absorption chiller CH+DIFFU
feeding subsystem chiller sorption CH+SPT
feeding subsystem chiller thermoelectric CH+THEL
feeding subsystem circle cool CRC+C
feeding subsystem circle heat/hot CRC+H
feeding subsystem circle mix CRC+MIX
feeding subsystem circulatory system cool HRC.CRC+C
feeding subsystem circulatory system heat/hot HRC.CRC+H
feeding subsystem circulatory system mix HRC.CRC+MIX
feeding subsystem clean room system CLNR+
feeding subsystem clean steam generation GEN.EMR+
feeding subsystem combined heat and power CHP+
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system BOS (Germany emergency services) radio system CSI+BOS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system access control system CSI+ACCS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system alarm system CSI+EQ.ALA
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system ambient assisted living system CSI+AALS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system burglar alarm system CSI+BUR.ALA
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system call signalling system CSI+CSS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system carbon monoxide warning system CSI+CO.WARN
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system central fire detection system CSI+FD.CEN
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system clock and time recording system CSI+CLOCK
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system conference and interpreting equipment CSI+CONF
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system disabled toilet alarm system CSI+EQ.ALA.TOIL
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system door intercom and door opener system CSI+DIOS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system electro-acoustic system, sound systems CSI+ACO
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system emergency CSI+EMR
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system emergency call system CSI+ECS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system escape route protection system CSI+ERP
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system fire control tableau CSI+TAB.FIRE
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system fire detection system CSI+FD
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system gas warning system CSI+GAS.WARN
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system guard control system CSI+GCS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system hazard detection system CSI+HDS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system intercom system CSI+INTS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system intercommunication system CSI+INT2
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system kitchen tableau CSI+TAB.KIT
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system management and operating equipment CSI+MOS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system network for the transmission of data, voice, text and images CSI+LAN
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system paging system CSI+PAG
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system parking guidance systems CSI+PGS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system remote control system CSI+REM
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system robbery alarm system CSI+RAS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system room observation system CSI+ROS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system smoke aspiration system CSI+SAS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system smoke protection screen CSI+SM.PTS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system tableau CSI+TAB
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system telecommunications system CSI+TEL
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system television system CSI+TV
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system transmitting and receiving antenna system CSI+TRAS
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system trunk CSI+TRNK
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system voice alarm centre CSI+VOAC
feeding subsystem communication, safety and information technology system voice alarm system CSI+VOICE
feeding subsystem compressor COMP+
feeding subsystem concrete core activation CCA+
feeding subsystem condenser air-cooled condenser COND+AIR
feeding subsystem condenser counterflow condenser COND+COFL
feeding subsystem condenser direct flow condenser COND+DIFL
feeding subsystem condenser mixed condenser COND+MIX
feeding subsystem condenser parallel flow condenser COND+PARL
feeding subsystem conditioning cabinet CND.CBN+
feeding subsystem construction insulation CNST+INSU
feeding subsystem construction surface CNST+SURF
feeding subsystem control cabinet CC+
feeding subsystem control unit CU+
feeding subsystem convection cooler trench heater CONV.C+TRE
feeding subsystem convection heater trench heater CONV.H+TRE
feeding subsystem conveyors baggage conveyor system CVY+BCS
feeding subsystem conveyors construction elevator with passenger transport CVY+ELE.CNST
feeding subsystem conveyors elevator CVY+ELE
feeding subsystem conveyors escalator CVY+ESC
feeding subsystem conveyors external elevator CVY+ELE.EXT
feeding subsystem conveyors file transportation system CVY+FTS
feeding subsystem conveyors fire elevator CVY+ELE.FIRE
feeding subsystem conveyors goods elevator CVY+ELE.GOOD
feeding subsystem conveyors goods transportation facility CVY+GOTF
feeding subsystem conveyors inspection system CVY+INS
feeding subsystem conveyors moving walkways CVY+WALK
feeding subsystem conveyors passenger circulating elevator CVY+ELE.PCRC
feeding subsystem conveyors passenger elevator CVY+ELE.PAS
feeding subsystem conveyors pneumatic delivery system CVY+PDS
feeding subsystem cooler air cooler C+AIR
feeding subsystem cooler gas cooler C+C.GAS
feeding subsystem cooler glycol C+GLY
feeding subsystem cooling coil COIL.C+
feeding subsystem cooling exchanger CX+
feeding subsystem cooling tower dry cooling tower C.TOW+DRY
feeding subsystem cooling tower wet cooling tower C.TOW+WET
feeding subsystem damper changeover DAMP+CHO
feeding subsystem damper control DAMP+CTRL
feeding subsystem damper distribution DAMP+DIV
feeding subsystem damper fire safety DAMP+FIRE
feeding subsystem damper main shut-off damper DAMP+SHOFF.MN
feeding subsystem damper mix DAMP+MIX
feeding subsystem damper motorised DAMP+MO
feeding subsystem damper shut-off DAMP+SHOFF
feeding subsystem damper smoke extraction DAMP+SM.ETA
feeding subsystem damper smoke protection DAMP+SM.PT
feeding subsystem damper suction DAMP+SUC
feeding subsystem damper throttle damper DAMP+THR
feeding subsystem damper transferred air damper DAMP+TRA
feeding subsystem damper vent DAMP+VE
feeding subsystem dehumidifier DE.HUM+
feeding subsystem demand compressed air DEM+COMP
feeding subsystem demand cooling DEM+C
feeding subsystem demand electrical DEM+EL
feeding subsystem demand fuel oil DEM+FUEL
feeding subsystem demand gas DEM+GAS
feeding subsystem demand heating DEM+H
feeding subsystem demand heating/cooling DEM+HC
feeding subsystem demand humidify DEM+HUM
feeding subsystem demand steam DEM+STE
feeding subsystem demand water DEM+WS
feeding subsystem desorber DESB+
feeding subsystem device D+
feeding subsystem differential pressure system P.DIF+
feeding subsystem direct digital control fieldbus module DDC+FBM
feeding subsystem direct digital control fire damper modul DDC+DAMP.FIRE
feeding subsystem display acoustic signal DIS+ACO
feeding subsystem display button DIS+BT
feeding subsystem display lamp DIS+LMP
feeding subsystem display on DIS+ON
feeding subsystem display tableau DIS+TAB
feeding subsystem distribution system chill DISTS+CH
feeding subsystem distribution system cooling DISTS+C
feeding subsystem distribution system heat DISTS+H
feeding subsystem distribution system heating/cooling DISTS+HC
feeding subsystem distribution system high temperature DISTS+HT
feeding subsystem distribution system low temperature DISTS+LT
feeding subsystem distributor chill DIST+CH
feeding subsystem distributor cooling DIST+C
feeding subsystem distributor heat DIST+H
feeding subsystem distributor heating/cooling DIST+HC
feeding subsystem distributor high temperature DIST+HT
feeding subsystem distributor low temperature DIST+LT
feeding subsystem distributor main distributor DIST+MN
feeding subsystem district cooling C.DISTR+
feeding subsystem district heating high temperature H.DISTR+HT
feeding subsystem district heating low temperature H.DISTR+LT
feeding subsystem door self closing DOR+SLF
feeding subsystem door vent DOR+VE
feeding subsystem drive DRI+
feeding subsystem duct DCT+
feeding subsystem electric heating H.EL+
feeding subsystem electrical system DC disconnection point EL+DC.DCN
feeding subsystem electrical system circuit breaker EL+CIB
feeding subsystem electrical system compensation system EL+COMPEN
feeding subsystem electrical system coupling switch EL+COS
feeding subsystem electrical system daylight system EL+DAYL
feeding subsystem electrical system emergency power system EL+EPS
feeding subsystem electrical system external lightning protection EL+LIG.EXT
feeding subsystem electrical system frequency converter system EL+FCS
feeding subsystem electrical system general power supply EL+GPS
feeding subsystem electrical system ground fault circuit interrupter EL+SWI.FI
feeding subsystem electrical system high-voltage system EL+HV
feeding subsystem electrical system lead-lag compensator EL+LLC
feeding subsystem electrical system lightning protection EL+LIG
feeding subsystem electrical system lightning protection grounding EL+LIG.GRDG
feeding subsystem electrical system load-break switch EL+LBS
feeding subsystem electrical system low-voltage system EL+LV
feeding subsystem electrical system medium-voltage system EL+MEV
feeding subsystem electrical system network analyser EL+NA
feeding subsystem electrical system overcurrent protection EL+OCP
feeding subsystem electrical system overvoltage protection EL+OVP
feeding subsystem electrical system plug strip EL+PLS
feeding subsystem electrical system power contactor EL+POW.CNCT
feeding subsystem electrical system power to heat system EL+P2H
feeding subsystem electrical system replacement network EL+RPLN
feeding subsystem electrical system safety power supply EL+SPS
feeding subsystem electrical system socket EL+SOCK
feeding subsystem electrical system switchgear EL+SWIG
feeding subsystem electrical system transformer EL+TRF
feeding subsystem electrical system undervoltage protection EL+UVP
feeding subsystem electrical system uninterruptible power supply EL+UPS
feeding subsystem emergency power generator unit EMR.GEN+
feeding subsystem emissions system EMIS+
feeding subsystem energy conversion chill EN.CON+CH
feeding subsystem energy conversion electrical EN.CON+EL
feeding subsystem energy conversion heat EN.CON+H
feeding subsystem equipment kitchen technology system EQ+KIT
feeding subsystem equipment outdoor facility EQ+ODF
feeding subsystem equipment smoke extraction EQ+SM.ETA
feeding subsystem equipment smoke pressure EQ+SM.P
feeding subsystem equipment connection EQ.CNN+
feeding subsystem evaporator direct evaporator EVAP+DIR
feeding subsystem exhaust hood EXH+
feeding subsystem facade FAC+
feeding subsystem facade ventilation unit FVU+
feeding subsystem fan booster fan FAN+BOO
feeding subsystem fan fogging controlled fan FAN+FOG
feeding subsystem fan frequency converter FAN+FC
feeding subsystem fan radial fan FAN+RDL
feeding subsystem fan smoke extraction FAN+SM.ETA
feeding subsystem fan standby fan FAN+STB
feeding subsystem fan vent FAN+VE
feeding subsystem façade heating FAC.H+
feeding subsystem feeder line FEL+
feeding subsystem filter FIL+
feeding subsystem free cooling C.FREE+
feeding subsystem freezer FRE+
feeding subsystem fuel supply FUEL.SUP+
feeding subsystem furniture FUR+
feeding subsystem gas GAS+
feeding subsystem gas cooler C.GAS+
feeding subsystem gate self closing GAT+SLF
feeding subsystem generation chill GEN+CH
feeding subsystem generation electrical GEN+EL
feeding subsystem generation heat GEN+H
feeding subsystem generator GEN+
feeding subsystem geothermal field GTF+
feeding subsystem geothermal probe GT.PROB+
feeding subsystem glycol protector PT.GLY+
feeding subsystem heat exchanger adiabatic HX+ADI
feeding subsystem heat exchanger counterflow heat exchanger HX+COFL
feeding subsystem heat exchanger cross flow heat exchanger HX+CRF
feeding subsystem heat exchanger direct flow heat exchanger HX+DIFL
feeding subsystem heat exchanger economizer HX+ECO
feeding subsystem heat exchanger heat wheel HX+WHE
feeding subsystem heat exchanger parallel flow heat exchanger HX+PARL
feeding subsystem heat exchanger plate heat exchanger HX+PLT
feeding subsystem heat exchanger recuperator HX+REC
feeding subsystem heat pump compressor HP+COMP
feeding subsystem heat pump condenser HP+COND
feeding subsystem heat pump evaporator HP+EVAP
feeding subsystem heat recovery HRC+
feeding subsystem heat recovery system circuit compound system HRCS+CICS
feeding subsystem heater (common) electrical air heater H.CM+AIR.EL
feeding subsystem heater (common) electrical heater H.CM+EL
feeding subsystem heater (common) gas radiant heater H.CM+GAS.RAD
feeding subsystem heater (common) water air heater H.CM+AIR.WS
feeding subsystem heater (common) water heater H.CM+WS
feeding subsystem heating H+
feeding subsystem heating and cooling coil COIL.HC+
feeding subsystem heating circulation H.CRC+
feeding subsystem heating coil COIL.H+
feeding subsystem home appliance DAB mains radio HA+DAB
feeding subsystem home appliance DVD player HA+DVD
feeding subsystem home appliance EV car charger HA+EV.CAR
feeding subsystem home appliance EV home charger HA+EV.HOME
feeding subsystem home appliance LED light bulb HA+BLB.LED
feeding subsystem home appliance air purifier HA+PUR
feeding subsystem home appliance bread machine HA+BREAD
feeding subsystem home appliance cell phone battery charger HA+CRG.CELL
feeding subsystem home appliance christmas lights HA+CHRL
feeding subsystem home appliance clock radio HA+CLRD
feeding subsystem home appliance coffee maker HA+COFE
feeding subsystem home appliance computer monitor HA+CMON
feeding subsystem home appliance cooker hood HA+COOK.HOO
feeding subsystem home appliance copy machine HA+COPY
feeding subsystem home appliance corded drill HA+DRLL.CRD
feeding subsystem home appliance cordless drill HA+DRLL.CRDL
feeding subsystem home appliance curling iron HA+CURL
feeding subsystem home appliance deep freezer HA+FRE.DEEP
feeding subsystem home appliance desktop computer HA+DCOMPU
feeding subsystem home appliance disc sander HA+DISCS
feeding subsystem home appliance dishwasher HA+DISHW
feeding subsystem home appliance domestic robot HA+DOME.ROB
feeding subsystem home appliance doorbell HA+DORB
feeding subsystem home appliance electric blanket HA+BLNK
feeding subsystem home appliance electric can opener HA+CANOP
feeding subsystem home appliance electric kettle HA+KTTL
feeding subsystem home appliance electric shaver HA+SHV
feeding subsystem home appliance electric stove HA+STV
feeding subsystem home appliance electric trimmer HA+TRIM
feeding subsystem home appliance epilator HA+EPIL
feeding subsystem home appliance espresso coffee machine HA+COFE.ESPR
feeding subsystem home appliance external hard drive HA+HD.DRI
feeding subsystem home appliance fax HA+FAX
feeding subsystem home appliance food blender HA+FOODB
feeding subsystem home appliance food dehydrator HA+FOODD
feeding subsystem home appliance freezer HA+FRE
feeding subsystem home appliance fridge freezer HA+FRE.FRI
feeding subsystem home appliance front load washing machine HA+WASH.FRNT
feeding subsystem home appliance fryer HA+FRY
feeding subsystem home appliance game console HA+GAMEC
feeding subsystem home appliance gaming computer HA+GAMIC
feeding subsystem home appliance garage door opener HA+GARG.DORO
feeding subsystem home appliance grill HA+GRLL
feeding subsystem home appliance guitar amplifier HA+GUITA
feeding subsystem home appliance hair dryer HA+HAIR.DRY
feeding subsystem home appliance hair rollers HA+HAIR.ROLL
feeding subsystem home appliance hand mixer HA+MIX.HND
feeding subsystem home appliance heated bathroom mirror HA+MIRR
feeding subsystem home appliance home phone HA+PHON.HOME
feeding subsystem home appliance home sound system HA+SOU.HOME
feeding subsystem home appliance hot air fryer HA+FRY.AIR.H
feeding subsystem home appliance ice cream maker HA+ICE.CRM
feeding subsystem home appliance icemaker HA+ICE.MKR
feeding subsystem home appliance induction cooktop HA+INDUC.COOK
feeding subsystem home appliance inkjet printer HA+PRNT.INKJ
feeding subsystem home appliance internet router HA+IROU
feeding subsystem home appliance iron HA+IRON
feeding subsystem home appliance laptop HA+LAPT
feeding subsystem home appliance large office printer HA+PRNT.LRG
feeding subsystem home appliance laser printer HA+PRNT.LSR
feeding subsystem home appliance laundry-folding machine HA+LFM
feeding subsystem home appliance lawn trimmer HA+LTRIM
feeding subsystem home appliance lawnmower HA+MOW
feeding subsystem home appliance leaf blower HA+LEAF
feeding subsystem home appliance microwave HA+MWV
feeding subsystem home appliance night light HA+LI.NIG
feeding subsystem home appliance oven HA+OVEN
feeding subsystem home appliance oven fan blower HA+OVEN.FAN
feeding subsystem home appliance paper shredder HA+PPRS
feeding subsystem home appliance pedestal fan HA+FAN.PEDE
feeding subsystem home appliance percolator HA+PERCO
feeding subsystem home appliance phone charger HA+CRG.PHON
feeding subsystem home appliance pressure cooker HA+COOK.P
feeding subsystem home appliance pressure washer HA+WASH.P
feeding subsystem home appliance projector HA+PROJ
feeding subsystem home appliance radio HA+RADIO
feeding subsystem home appliance refrigerator HA+REF
feeding subsystem home appliance rice cooker HA+RICE
feeding subsystem home appliance robotic vacuum cleaner HA+VACC.ROB
feeding subsystem home appliance sandwich maker HA+SNDW
feeding subsystem home appliance scanner HA+SCAN
feeding subsystem home appliance set top box HA+STBOX
feeding subsystem home appliance sewing machine HA+SEWI
feeding subsystem home appliance shower HA+SHWR
feeding subsystem home appliance slow cooker HA+SLW
feeding subsystem home appliance smart bulb HA+BLB.SMT
feeding subsystem home appliance smart speaker HA+SMSP
feeding subsystem home appliance steam iron HA+STIR
feeding subsystem home appliance straightening iron HA+STRG
feeding subsystem home appliance table fan HA+FAN.TABL
feeding subsystem home appliance tablet charger HA+CRG.TBLT
feeding subsystem home appliance television HA+TV
feeding subsystem home appliance toaster HA+TOAS
feeding subsystem home appliance top load washing machine HA+WASH.TOP
feeding subsystem home appliance towel heater HA+TOWL
feeding subsystem home appliance treadmill HA+TRDM
feeding subsystem home appliance treadmill HA+TRDM
feeding subsystem home appliance tube light HA+TUBE
feeding subsystem home appliance tumble dryer HA+TMB.DRY
feeding subsystem home appliance vacuum cleaner HA+VACC
feeding subsystem home appliance waffle iron HA+WAFF
feeding subsystem home appliance wall mounted fan HA+FAN.WAL
feeding subsystem home appliance washing machine HA+WASH
feeding subsystem home appliance water filter and cooler HA+WFAC
feeding subsystem home appliance wine cooler HA+WINE
feeding subsystem home appliance zero bulb HA+BLB.ZERO
feeding subsystem humidifier adiabatic humidifier HUM+ADI
feeding subsystem humidifier air washer HUM+AIR.WASH
feeding subsystem humidifier cold steam humidifier
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