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Documentation BUDO vocabulary

florian.stinner edited this page Dec 28, 2022 · 8 revisions

Vocabulary of BUDO


system Assignment system Specification BUDO
UV filter UV.FIL+
UV lamp LMP.UV+
absorber ABSB+
active chilled beam ACB+
active chilled beam cool ACB+C
active chilled beam heat ACB+H
actuator ACTR+
adiabatic cooling C.ADI+
aftercooler C.AF+
air conditioning unit ACU+
air conditioning unit decentralized air conditioning unit ACU+DEC
air conditioning unit room air conditioner ACU+R.AC
air conditioning unit sorption assisted air conditioning ACU+SAAC
air handling unit AHU+
air handling unit air conditioner AHU+AIRC
air handling unit air curtain system AHU+CURT
air handling unit compact unit AHU+CMU
air handling unit decentralized air handling unit AHU+DEC
air handling unit fan coil unit AHU+FCU
air handling unit full air-conditioning system AHU+FULL
air handling unit monosplit air conditioner AHU+MONO
air handling unit multisplit air conditioner AHU+MUL
air handling unit partial air-conditioning system AHU+PART
air handling unit rooftop unit AHU+RTU
air handling unit room air conditioner AHU+R.AC
air handling unit terminal unit AHU+TU
air handling unit variable air volume box AHU+VAV
back-feed system BFS+
back-feed system back-feed system cooling BFS+C
back-feed system back-feed system heating BFS+H
battery BAT+
blind BLI+
boiler BOI+
boiler condensing boiler BOI+COND
boiler gas-fired BOI+GF
boiler low-temperature boiler BOI+LT
boiler oil-fired BOI+OILF
boiler solid fuel boiler BOI+SFUEL
boiler wood-fired boiler BOI+WF
box BOX+
box cold box BOX+C
box environment box BOX+ENV
box fan powered box BOX+FAN
box hot box BOX+H
building automation BA+
building automation adaptive control BA+ADAP
building automation automation station equipment BA+ASE
building automation bus line coupler BA+BLC
building automation coordinator BA+COO
building automation data interface unit BA+DIU
building automation fieldbus module BA+FBM
building automation management and operating equipment BA+MOS
building automation operation delayer BA+OPR.DEL
building automation optimizer BA+OPTI
building automation setpoint adjuster BA+SP.ADJ
building automation setpoint adjustment, mechanical BA+SP.MEC
building automation start-up and operation delayer BA+STUP.DEL
building automation system BAS+
building management system BMS+
burner BURN+
burner atmospheric burner BURN+ATM
burner premix burner BURN+PRMX
button BT+
button presence BT+PRES
button reset BT+RST
button unlocking device BT+UD
ceiling cooling CLG.C+
ceiling heating CLG.H+
ceiling heating and cooling CLG.HC+
ceiling radiator panel CLG.RAD+
ceiling swirl diffuser CLG.SWD+
ceiling ventilator CLG.FAN+
chilled beam CB+
chilled water generation C.WG+
chiller CH+
chiller absorption CH+ABSPT
chiller adsorption CH+ADS
chiller centrifugal CH+CENF
chiller compression CH+COMP
chiller desorption CH+DES
chiller diffusion absorption chiller CH+DIFFU
chiller sorption CH+SPT
chiller thermoelectric CH+THEL
circle CRC+
circle cool CRC+C
circle heat/hot CRC+H
circle mix CRC+MIX
circulatory system HRC.CRC+
circulatory system cool HRC.CRC+C
circulatory system heat/hot HRC.CRC+H
circulatory system mix HRC.CRC+MIX
clean room system CLNR+
clean steam generation GEN.EMR+
combined heat and power CHP+
communication, safety and information technology system CSI+
communication, safety and information technology system BOS (Germany emergency services) radio system CSI+BOS
communication, safety and information technology system access control system CSI+ACCS
communication, safety and information technology system alarm system CSI+EQ.ALA
communication, safety and information technology system ambient assisted living system CSI+AALS
communication, safety and information technology system burglar alarm system CSI+BUR.ALA
communication, safety and information technology system call signalling system CSI+CSS
communication, safety and information technology system carbon monoxide warning system CSI+CO.WARN
communication, safety and information technology system central fire detection system CSI+FD.CEN
communication, safety and information technology system clock and time recording system CSI+CLOCK
communication, safety and information technology system conference and interpreting equipment CSI+CONF
communication, safety and information technology system disabled toilet alarm system CSI+EQ.ALA.TOIL
communication, safety and information technology system door intercom and door opener system CSI+DIOS
communication, safety and information technology system electro-acoustic system, sound systems CSI+ACO
communication, safety and information technology system emergency CSI+EMR
communication, safety and information technology system emergency call system CSI+ECS
communication, safety and information technology system escape route protection system CSI+ERP
communication, safety and information technology system fire control tableau CSI+TAB.FIRE
communication, safety and information technology system fire detection system CSI+FD
communication, safety and information technology system gas warning system CSI+GAS.WARN
communication, safety and information technology system guard control system CSI+GCS
communication, safety and information technology system hazard detection system CSI+HDS
communication, safety and information technology system intercom system CSI+INTS
communication, safety and information technology system intercommunication system CSI+INT2
communication, safety and information technology system kitchen tableau CSI+TAB.KIT
communication, safety and information technology system management and operating equipment CSI+MOS
communication, safety and information technology system network for the transmission of data, voice, text and images CSI+LAN
communication, safety and information technology system paging system CSI+PAG
communication, safety and information technology system parking guidance systems CSI+PGS
communication, safety and information technology system remote control system CSI+REM
communication, safety and information technology system robbery alarm system CSI+RAS
communication, safety and information technology system room observation system CSI+ROS
communication, safety and information technology system smoke aspiration system CSI+SAS
communication, safety and information technology system smoke protection screen CSI+SM.PTS
communication, safety and information technology system tableau CSI+TAB
communication, safety and information technology system telecommunications system CSI+TEL
communication, safety and information technology system television system CSI+TV
communication, safety and information technology system transmitting and receiving antenna system CSI+TRAS
communication, safety and information technology system trunk CSI+TRNK
communication, safety and information technology system voice alarm centre CSI+VOAC
communication, safety and information technology system voice alarm system CSI+VOICE
compressor COMP+
concrete core activation CCA+
condenser COND+
condenser air-cooled condenser COND+AIR
condenser counterflow condenser COND+COFL
condenser direct flow condenser COND+DIFL
condenser mixed condenser COND+MIX
condenser parallel flow condenser COND+PARL
conditioning cabinet CND.CBN+
construction CNST+
construction insulation CNST+INSU
construction surface CNST+SURF
control cabinet CC+
control unit CU+
convection cooler CONV.C+
convection cooler trench heater CONV.C+TRE
convection heater CONV.H+
convection heater trench heater CONV.H+TRE
conveyors CVY+
conveyors baggage conveyor system CVY+BCS
conveyors construction elevator with passenger transport CVY+ELE.CNST
conveyors elevator CVY+ELE
conveyors escalator CVY+ESC
conveyors external elevator CVY+ELE.EXT
conveyors file transportation system CVY+FTS
conveyors fire elevator CVY+ELE.FIRE
conveyors goods elevator CVY+ELE.GOOD
conveyors goods transportation facility CVY+GOTF
conveyors inspection system CVY+INS
conveyors moving walkways CVY+WALK
conveyors passenger circulating elevator CVY+ELE.PCRC
conveyors passenger elevator CVY+ELE.PAS
conveyors pneumatic delivery system CVY+PDS
cooler C+
cooler air cooler C+AIR
cooler gas cooler C+C.GAS
cooler glycol C+GLY
cooling coil COIL.C+
cooling exchanger CX+
cooling tower C.TOW+
cooling tower dry cooling tower C.TOW+DRY
cooling tower wet cooling tower C.TOW+WET
damper DAMP+
damper changeover DAMP+CHO
damper control DAMP+CTRL
damper distribution DAMP+DIV
damper fire safety DAMP+FIRE
damper main shut-off damper DAMP+SHOFF.MN
damper mix DAMP+MIX
damper motorised DAMP+MO
damper shut-off DAMP+SHOFF
damper smoke extraction DAMP+SM.ETA
damper smoke protection DAMP+SM.PT
damper suction DAMP+SUC
damper throttle damper DAMP+THR
damper transferred air damper DAMP+TRA
damper vent DAMP+VE
dehumidifier DE.HUM+
demand DEM+
demand compressed air DEM+COMP
demand cooling DEM+C
demand electrical DEM+EL
demand fuel oil DEM+FUEL
demand gas DEM+GAS
demand heating DEM+H
demand heating/cooling DEM+HC
demand humidify DEM+HUM
demand steam DEM+STE
demand water DEM+WS
desorber DESB+
device D+
differential pressure system P.DIF+
direct digital control DDC+
direct digital control fieldbus module DDC+FBM
direct digital control fire damper modul DDC+DAMP.FIRE
display DIS+
display acoustic signal DIS+ACO
display button DIS+BT
display lamp DIS+LMP
display on DIS+ON
display tableau DIS+TAB
distribution system DISTS+
distribution system chill DISTS+CH
distribution system cooling DISTS+C
distribution system heat DISTS+H
distribution system heating/cooling DISTS+HC
distribution system high temperature DISTS+HT
distribution system low temperature DISTS+LT
distributor DIST+
distributor chill DIST+CH
distributor cooling DIST+C
distributor heat DIST+H
distributor heating/cooling DIST+HC
distributor high temperature DIST+HT
distributor low temperature DIST+LT
distributor main distributor DIST+MN
district cooling C.DISTR+
district heating H.DISTR+
district heating high temperature H.DISTR+HT
district heating low temperature H.DISTR+LT
door DOR+
door self closing DOR+SLF
door vent DOR+VE
drive DRI+
duct DCT+
electric heating H.EL+
electrical system EL+
electrical system DC disconnection point EL+DC.DCN
electrical system circuit breaker EL+CIB
electrical system compensation system EL+COMPEN
electrical system coupling switch EL+COS
electrical system daylight system EL+DAYL
electrical system emergency power system EL+EPS
electrical system external lightning protection EL+LIG.EXT
electrical system frequency converter system EL+FCS
electrical system general power supply EL+GPS
electrical system ground fault circuit interrupter EL+SWI.FI
electrical system high-voltage system EL+HV
electrical system lead-lag compensator EL+LLC
electrical system lightning protection EL+LIG
electrical system lightning protection grounding EL+LIG.GRDG
electrical system load-break switch EL+LBS
electrical system low-voltage system EL+LV
electrical system medium-voltage system EL+MEV
electrical system network analyser EL+NA
electrical system overcurrent protection EL+OCP
electrical system overvoltage protection EL+OVP
electrical system plug strip EL+PLS
electrical system power contactor EL+POW.CNCT
electrical system power to heat system EL+P2H
electrical system replacement network EL+RPLN
electrical system safety power supply EL+SPS
electrical system socket EL+SOCK
electrical system switchgear EL+SWIG
electrical system transformer EL+TRF
electrical system undervoltage protection EL+UVP
electrical system uninterruptible power supply EL+UPS
emergency power generator unit EMR.GEN+
emissions system EMIS+
energy conversion EN.CON+
energy conversion chill EN.CON+CH
energy conversion electrical EN.CON+EL
energy conversion heat EN.CON+H
equipment EQ+
equipment kitchen technology system EQ+KIT
equipment outdoor facility EQ+ODF
equipment smoke extraction EQ+SM.ETA
equipment smoke pressure EQ+SM.P
equipment connection EQ.CNN+
evaporator EVAP+
evaporator direct evaporator EVAP+DIR
exhaust hood EXH+
facade FAC+
facade ventilation unit FVU+
fan FAN+
fan booster fan FAN+BOO
fan fogging controlled fan FAN+FOG
fan frequency converter FAN+FC
fan radial fan FAN+RDL
fan smoke extraction FAN+SM.ETA
fan standby fan FAN+STB
fan vent FAN+VE
façade heating FAC.H+
feeder line FEL+
filter FIL+
free cooling C.FREE+
freezer FRE+
fuel supply FUEL.SUP+
furniture FUR+
gas GAS+
gas cooler C.GAS+
gate GAT+
gate self closing GAT+SLF
generation GEN+
generation chill GEN+CH
generation electrical GEN+EL
generation heat GEN+H
generator GEN+
geothermal field GTF+
geothermal probe GT.PROB+
glycol protector PT.GLY+
heat exchanger HX+
heat exchanger adiabatic HX+ADI
heat exchanger counterflow heat exchanger HX+COFL
heat exchanger cross flow heat exchanger HX+CRF
heat exchanger direct flow heat exchanger HX+DIFL
heat exchanger economizer HX+ECO
heat exchanger heat wheel HX+WHE
heat exchanger parallel flow heat exchanger HX+PARL
heat exchanger plate heat exchanger HX+PLT
heat exchanger recuperator HX+REC
heat pump HP+
heat pump compressor HP+COMP
heat pump condenser HP+COND
heat pump evaporator HP+EVAP
heat recovery HRC+
heat recovery system HRCS+
heat recovery system circuit compound system HRCS+CICS
heater (common) H.CM+
heater (common) electrical air heater H.CM+AIR.EL
heater (common) electrical heater H.CM+EL
heater (common) gas radiant heater H.CM+GAS.RAD
heater (common) water air heater H.CM+AIR.WS
heater (common) water heater H.CM+WS
heating H+
heating and cooling coil COIL.HC+
heating circulation H.CRC+
heating coil COIL.H+
home appliance HA+
home appliance DAB mains radio HA+DAB
home appliance DVD player HA+DVD
home appliance EV car charger HA+EV.CAR
home appliance EV home charger HA+EV.HOME
home appliance LED light bulb HA+BLB.LED
home appliance air purifier HA+PUR
home appliance bread machine HA+BREAD
home appliance cell phone battery charger HA+CRG.CELL
home appliance christmas lights HA+CHRL
home appliance clock radio HA+CLRD
home appliance coffee maker HA+COFE
home appliance computer monitor HA+CMON
home appliance cooker hood HA+COOK.HOO
home appliance copy machine HA+COPY
home appliance corded drill HA+DRLL.CRD
home appliance cordless drill HA+DRLL.CRDL
home appliance curling iron HA+CURL
home appliance deep freezer HA+FRE.DEEP
home appliance desktop computer HA+DCOMPU
home appliance disc sander HA+DISCS
home appliance dishwasher HA+DISHW
home appliance domestic robot HA+DOME.ROB
home appliance doorbell HA+DORB
home appliance electric blanket HA+BLNK
home appliance electric can opener HA+CANOP
home appliance electric kettle HA+KTTL
home appliance electric shaver HA+SHV
home appliance electric stove HA+STV
home appliance electric trimmer HA+TRIM
home appliance epilator HA+EPIL
home appliance espresso coffee machine HA+COFE.ESPR
home appliance external hard drive HA+HD.DRI
home appliance fax HA+FAX
home appliance food blender HA+FOODB
home appliance food dehydrator HA+FOODD
home appliance freezer HA+FRE
home appliance fridge freezer HA+FRE.FRI
home appliance front load washing machine HA+WASH.FRNT
home appliance fryer HA+FRY
home appliance game console HA+GAMEC
home appliance gaming computer HA+GAMIC
home appliance garage door opener HA+GARG.DORO
home appliance grill HA+GRLL
home appliance guitar amplifier HA+GUITA
home appliance hair dryer HA+HAIR.DRY
home appliance hair rollers HA+HAIR.ROLL
home appliance hand mixer HA+MIX.HND
home appliance heated bathroom mirror HA+MIRR
home appliance home phone HA+PHON.HOME
home appliance home sound system HA+SOU.HOME
home appliance hot air fryer HA+FRY.AIR.H
home appliance ice cream maker HA+ICE.CRM
home appliance icemaker HA+ICE.MKR
home appliance induction cooktop HA+INDUC.COOK
home appliance inkjet printer HA+PRNT.INKJ
home appliance internet router HA+IROU
home appliance iron HA+IRON
home appliance laptop HA+LAPT
home appliance large office printer HA+PRNT.LRG
home appliance laser printer HA+PRNT.LSR
home appliance laundry-folding machine HA+LFM
home appliance lawn trimmer HA+LTRIM
home appliance lawnmower HA+MOW
home appliance leaf blower HA+LEAF
home appliance microwave HA+MWV
home appliance night light HA+LI.NIG
home appliance oven HA+OVEN
home appliance oven fan blower HA+OVEN.FAN
home appliance paper shredder HA+PPRS
home appliance pedestal fan HA+FAN.PEDE
home appliance percolator HA+PERCO
home appliance phone charger HA+CRG.PHON
home appliance pressure cooker HA+COOK.P
home appliance pressure washer HA+WASH.P
home appliance projector HA+PROJ
home appliance radio HA+RADIO
home appliance refrigerator HA+REF
home appliance rice cooker HA+RICE
home appliance robotic vacuum cleaner HA+VACC.ROB
home appliance sandwich maker HA+SNDW
home appliance scanner HA+SCAN
home appliance set top box HA+STBOX
home appliance sewing machine HA+SEWI
home appliance shower HA+SHWR
home appliance slow cooker HA+SLW
home appliance smart bulb HA+BLB.SMT
home appliance smart speaker HA+SMSP
home appliance steam iron HA+STIR
home appliance straightening iron HA+STRG
home appliance table fan HA+FAN.TABL
home appliance tablet charger HA+CRG.TBLT
home appliance television HA+TV
home appliance toaster HA+TOAS
home appliance top load washing machine HA+WASH.TOP
home appliance towel heater HA+TOWL
home appliance treadmill HA+TRDM
home appliance treadmill HA+TRDM
home appliance tube light HA+TUBE
home appliance tumble dryer HA+TMB.DRY
home appliance vacuum cleaner HA+VACC
home appliance waffle iron HA+WAFF
home appliance wall mounted fan HA+FAN.WAL
home appliance washing machine HA+WASH
home appliance water filter and cooler HA+WFAC
home appliance wine cooler HA+WINE
home appliance zero bulb HA+BLB.ZERO
humidifier HUM+
humidifier adiabatic humidifier HUM+ADI
humidifier air washer HUM+AIR.WASH
humidifier cold steam humidifier HUM+STE.C
humidifier electric steam humidifier HUM+STE.EL
humidifier steam humidifier HUM+STE
humidifier ultrasonic humidifier HUM+ULT
hydraulic separator HYDS+
index circuit sensor INDC+
index circuit sensor pressure difference INDC+P.DIF
index circuit sensor temperature INDC+T
induction device INDUC+
induction device cooling INDUC+C
induction device heating INDUC+H
jet nozzle JET+
light management LI.MGTM+
lighting LI+
lighting luminaire LI+LUM
lighting luminaire driver LI+DRIV
lighting safety LI+SAF
lighting street light LI+LI.STR
limiter LIM+
limiter cooling power LIM+POW.C
limiter heating power LIM+POW.H
limiter power LIM+POW
limiter pressure LIM+P
limiter safety temperature LIM+SAF.T
local cooling C.LOC+
local heating H.LOC+
local heating high temperature H.LOC+HT
local heating low temperature H.LOC+LT
media supply SUP+
media supply air supply SUP+AIR
media supply chilled water supply SUP+WS.C
media supply compressed air supply SUP+COMP
media supply electrical supply SUP+EL
media supply fuel supply SUP+FUEL.SUP
media supply hot and chilled water supply SUP+WS.DH.C
media supply hot water supply SUP+WS.DH
media supply water supply SUP+WS
meter MET+
meter chill MET+CH
meter electrical MET+EL
meter gas MET+GAS
meter heat MET+H
meter steam MET+STE
meter water MET+WS
monitor MON+
monitor CO2 factor local MON+CO2.LOC
monitor CO2 factor power grid MON+CO2.PGR
monitor active energy MON+EN.ACT
monitor air exchange rate MON+AIR.EXR
monitor anti-freezing function MON+AFF
monitor apparent electrical energy MON+EN.AP
monitor battery MON+BAT
monitor carbon dioxide (CO2) MON+CO2
monitor carbon monoxide (CO) MON+CO
monitor chlor MON+CI
monitor coefficient of performance MON+COP
monitor condensation MON+COND
monitor dew point MON+DEW
monitor duct pressure controller MON+CTRL.DP
monitor efficiency MON+EF
monitor efficiency MON+EF
monitor electric charge MON+EL.CRG
monitor electric conductance MON+CONDC
monitor electric current MON+EL.CUR
monitor electric voltage MON+V
monitor electrical power MON+POW.EL
monitor electrical reactive energy MON+EN.REA
monitor emissions MON+EMI
monitor energy efficiency ratio MON+EER
monitor european seasonal energy efficiency ratio MON+ESEER
monitor facility monitoring MON+FCM
monitor flux MON+FLU
monitor frequency MON+FQ
monitor frost protection MON+FROS
monitor fuse MON+FUSE
monitor gas MON+GAS
monitor gas shortage MON+GAS.SHR
monitor grid efficiency MON+PGR.EF
monitor humidity MON+HUM
monitor inductance MON+INDUC
monitor low-water MON+LW
monitor operating mode MON+OPR.MOD
monitor phase monitor MON+PHA
monitor pinch temperature MON+PNC
monitor power to heat ratio MON+P2H
monitor pressure MON+P
monitor pressure difference MON+P.DIF
monitor runtime monitoring MON+RUN
monitor safety MON+SAF
monitor safety temperature MON+SAF.T
monitor temperature MON+T
monitor thermoelectric overload MON+THEL.OVL
monitor time program MON+PRG.TIM
monitor utilization MON+UTL
monitor velocity MON+VC
monitor windshield monitor MON+WINDS
motor MO+
motor electronically commutated MO+EC1
multiple system MUL+
oil protector PT.OIL+
panel heating PAN.H+
photovoltaics PV+
pipe PIP+
position switch SWI.POS+
position switch final position SWI.POS+FNL
potable water heater H.PW+
power grid PGR+
power system POW+
precooler C.PR+
preheater H.PR+
preheater electrical preheater H.PR+EL
preheater water air heater H.PR+AIR.WS
preheater water preheater H.PR+WS
preheaters and coolers HC.PR+
pressure maintenance P.MNT+
pressurized ventilation system PVS+
process system PRO+
process system air PRO+AIR
process system chill PRO+CH
process system cooling PRO+C
process system heat PRO+H
programmable logic controller PLC+
pump PU+
pump booster pump PU+BOO
pump circulation pump PU+CRC
pump dp constant PU+DPC
pump dp variable PU+DPV
pump twin pump PU+TWI
radiator RAD+
recirculating air cooling device CAC+
recooling C.RE+
refrigerant dryer REF.DRY+
reheater H.RE+
reheater electric reheater H.RE+EL
reheater water air heater H.RE+AIR.WS
reheater water reheater H.RE+WS
reheaters and coolers HC.RE+
room automation RA+
room automation adaptive control RA+ADAP
room automation coordinator RA+COO
room automation data interface unit RA+DIU
room automation optimizer RA+OPTI
room automation room control unit RA+RCU
room automation room demand controller RA+DEM
room automation system distributor RA+SD
room automation tableau RA+TAB
room automation timer RA+TIMR
sensor SEN+
sensor PM10 Level SEN+PM10
sensor PM25 Level SEN+PM25
sensor absolute humidity SEN+HUM.ABS
sensor acceleration SEN+ACC
sensor active energy SEN+EN.ACT
sensor active power SEN+POW.ACT
sensor aerosol SEN+AER
sensor air quality SEN+AQ
sensor angle position SEN+POS.AN
sensor anti-freezing function SEN+AFF
sensor apparent electrical energy SEN+EN.AP
sensor apparent electrical power SEN+POW.AP
sensor area SEN+AR
sensor atmospheric pressure SEN+P.ATM
sensor blue light intensity SEN+LI.BLU
sensor capacity sensor SEN+CAP
sensor carbon dioxide (CO2) SEN+CO2
sensor carbon monoxide (CO) SEN+CO
sensor chlor SEN+CI
sensor cloudiness SEN+CLOUD
sensor complex power SEN+POW.CMX
sensor concentration SEN+CNCN
sensor conductivity SEN+CONDC
sensor cooling energy SEN+EN.C
sensor cooling power SEN+POW.C
sensor counter SEN+CN
sensor currency SEN+CURR
sensor current angle SEN+CUR.AN
sensor current imbalance SEN+CUR.IMB
sensor current magnitude SEN+CUR.MAG
sensor daytime SEN+DYT
sensor degree day number SEN+DDN
sensor degree of closure SEN+DEG.CLOS
sensor degree of opening SEN+DEG.OP
sensor delivery head SEN+DELH
sensor density SEN+DEN
sensor diffuse irradiance SEN+IRR.DIFU
sensor direct normal irradiance SEN+DNI
sensor direction SEN+DRC
sensor dry bulb temperature SEN+T.DRYB
sensor duration SEN+DUR
sensor electric charge SEN+EL.CRG
sensor electric conductance SEN+CONDC
sensor electric current SEN+EL.CUR
sensor electric voltage SEN+V
sensor electrical contact SEN+COTC.EL
sensor electrical energy SEN+EN.EL
sensor electrical power SEN+POW.EL
sensor electrical reactive energy SEN+EN.REA
sensor electrical reactive power SEN+POW.REA
sensor emissions SEN+EMI
sensor energy SEN+EN
sensor energy level SEN+LVL.EN
sensor energy loss SEN+EN.LOSS
sensor enthalpy SEN+ENTA
sensor entrophy SEN+ENTO
sensor exhaust gas loss SEN+GAS.EHA.LOSS
sensor filling level SEN+LVL.FILL
sensor force SEN+FOR
sensor frequency SEN+FQ
sensor frost protection SEN+FROS
sensor gas quantity SEN+GAS
sensor gas shortage SEN+GAS.SHR
sensor global horizontal irradiance SEN+GHI
sensor global radiation SEN+GL.RADI
sensor global tilted irradiance SEN+GTI
sensor grains sensor SEN+GRAIN
sensor green light intensity SEN+LI.GRE
sensor heating energy SEN+EN.H
sensor heating power SEN+POW.H
sensor heating/cooling power SEN+POW.HC
sensor height SEN+HEI
sensor humidity SEN+HUM
sensor illuminance SEN+LUX
sensor inductance SEN+INDUC
sensor irradiance SEN+IRR
sensor leakage SEN+LEA
sensor length SEN+LEN
sensor light colour SEN+LI.COLO
sensor load SEN+LOA
sensor luminous flux SEN+LI.FLU
sensor luminous intensity SEN+LI.INT
sensor mass SEN+M
sensor mass flow SEN+MF
sensor mode SEN+MOD
sensor motion detector SEN+MOT
sensor movement command SEN+COM.MOV
sensor multisensor SEN+MUL
sensor operating time SEN+OPR.TIM
sensor operative temperature SEN+T.OPR
sensor partition wall SEN+PAW
sensor people SEN+PEO
sensor position SEN+POS
sensor power SEN+POW
sensor power factor SEN+PF
sensor power loss SEN+POW.LOSS
sensor precipitation SEN+PREC
sensor presence SEN+PRES
sensor pressure SEN+P
sensor pressure difference SEN+P.DIF
sensor quantity SEN+QUA
sensor radiant temperature SEN+T.RADI
sensor radiation SEN+RADI
sensor rain SEN+RAIN
sensor red light intensity SEN+LI.RED
sensor relative humidity SEN+HUM.REL
sensor rotation speed SEN+NROT
sensor shading position SEN+POS.SHA
sensor smoke detector SEN+SM
sensor soil moisture SEN+SMST
sensor solar irradiance SEN+SOL.IRR
sensor solar radiation SEN+SOL.RADI
sensor sound SEN+SOU
sensor sound level difference SEN+SOU.DIF
sensor sound volume SEN+SVOL
sensor speed SEN+SPE
sensor static pressure SEN+P.STC
sensor steam quantity SEN+STE
sensor sunshine SEN+SUNS
sensor temperature SEN+T
sensor temperature difference SEN+T.DIF
sensor thermoelectric contact SEN+COTC.THEL
sensor time SEN+TIM
sensor torque SEN+TQ
sensor total harmonic current distortion SEN+THDC
sensor total volatile organic compounds SEN+TVOC
sensor velocity SEN+VC
sensor voltage angle SEN+V.AN
sensor voltage imbalance SEN+V.IMB
sensor voltage magnitude SEN+V.MAG
sensor volume SEN+VOL
sensor volume flow SEN+VF
sensor waste heat SEN+H.WAST
sensor water quantity SEN+WS
sensor wet bulb temperature SEN+T.WETB
sensor wind SEN+WIND
sensor wind direction SEN+WIND.DRC
sensor wind force SEN+WIND.FOR
sensor wind speed SEN+WIND.SPE
sensor window SEN+WIN
sewage, water, gas plant SWG+
sewage, water, gas plant back-feed system SWG+BFS
sewage, water, gas plant bathing facility SWG+BATH
sewage, water, gas plant cistern system SWG+CIS
sewage, water, gas plant decorative water operated device SWG+WS.DECO
sewage, water, gas plant desalination plant SWG+DESA
sewage, water, gas plant dispensing installation SWG+DISPI
sewage, water, gas plant domestic hot water system SWG+WS.DH
sewage, water, gas plant drainage system SWG+DRAI
sewage, water, gas plant droplet separator SWG+DRP
sewage, water, gas plant filling system SWG+FIL
sewage, water, gas plant floor drain SWG+FL.DRAI
sewage, water, gas plant fresh water station SWG+WS.FRS
sewage, water, gas plant fuel oil barrier SWG+FOB
sewage, water, gas plant grease separator SWG+SEP.GRS
sewage, water, gas plant hot tub SWG+HTUB
sewage, water, gas plant hot water dispenser SWG+HW.DISP
sewage, water, gas plant lifting system SWG+LIFS
sewage, water, gas plant light liquid barrier SWG+LLB
sewage, water, gas plant neutralisation plant SWG+NEU
sewage, water, gas plant osmosis plant SWG+OS
sewage, water, gas plant outdoor hot tub SWG+OUTD.HTUB
sewage, water, gas plant overflow monitoring SWG+OFM
sewage, water, gas plant potable water treatment system SWG+PWT
sewage, water, gas plant power shower SWG+SHWR.POW
sewage, water, gas plant pressure booster system SWG+PBS
sewage, water, gas plant rainwater retention basin SWG+RRB
sewage, water, gas plant reverse osmosis system SWG+REVO
sewage, water, gas plant safety emergency shower SWG+SES
sewage, water, gas plant separator facility SWG+SEP
sewage, water, gas plant sewage pit SWG+SEW.PIT
sewage, water, gas plant sewage treatment plant SWG+SEW
sewage, water, gas plant sink SWG+SNK
sewage, water, gas plant small sewage treatment plant SWG+SEW.SMU
sewage, water, gas plant softening unit SWG+SOFU
sewage, water, gas plant sprinkler system SWG+SPR
sewage, water, gas plant swimming pool SWG+POOL
sewage, water, gas plant wall hydrant system SWG+WHS
sewage, water, gas plant water basin SWG+BASI
sewage, water, gas plant water replenishment SWG+WS.RPL
sewage, water, gas plant water treatment system SWG+WTRS
sewage, water, gas plant well SWG+WEL
shading system SHA+
sluice SLU+
small refrigeration unit REF.SMU+
smoke extraction SM.ETA+
smoke extraction cold smoke extraction SM.ETA+SM.ETA.C
smoke extraction mechanical SM.ETA+MEC
smoke extraction natural SM.ETA+NAT
solar panel SOL.PAN+
solar power system SOL+
solar thermal energy SOL.TH+
space heater SPH+
standby STB+
standby power system POW.STB+
static heating H.STC+
steam system EQ.STE+
storage STO+
storage cold storage STO+C
storage combination storage STO+HDH
storage energy storage STO+EN
storage heat storage STO+H
storage hot water STO+HW
sub-distribution system DISTS.SUB+
sub-distribution system chill DISTS.SUB+CH
sub-distribution system cooling DISTS.SUB+C
sub-distribution system heat DISTS.SUB+H
sub-distribution system heating/cooling DISTS.SUB+HC
sub-distribution system high temperature DISTS.SUB+HT
sub-distribution system low temperature DISTS.SUB+LT
sub-distributor DIST.SUB+
sub-distributor chill DIST.SUB+CH
sub-distributor cooling DIST.SUB+C
sub-distributor heat DIST.SUB+H
sub-distributor heating/cooling DIST.SUB+HC
sub-distributor high temperature DIST.SUB+HT
sub-distributor low temperature DIST.SUB+LT
sunlight protection SUN+
sunlight protection awning SUN+AWN
sunlight protection blackout SUN+BLA
sunlight protection blind SUN+BLI
sunlight protection roller shutters SUN+ROL
switch SWI+
switch dimmer SWI+DIM
switch emergency off SWI+EMR
switch emergency on SWI+EMR.ON
switch equipment switch SWI+SWI.EQ
switch event switch SWI+EVNT
switch heating mode SWI+MOD.H
switch heating/cooling switchover SWI+HC
switch holiday SWI+HOLID1
switch key switch SWI+KEY
switch main SWI+MN
switch maintenance SWI+MNT
switch manual operation SWI+OPR.MANU
switch manual operation SWI+OPR.MANU
switch off SWI+OFF
switch on SWI+ON
switch operating mode SWI+OPR.MOD
switch remote acknowledgement SWI+REM.ACK
switch repair switch SWI+REP
switch smoke extraction SWI+SM.ETA
switch step switch SWI+STEP
switch summer/winter compensation SWI+SU.WI.CMPS
switch summer/winter switchover SWI+SU.WI
switch thermal triggering SWI+THET
switch touch panel SWI+PAN.TOU
t-piece TP+
tank TNK+
tank pump sump TNK+PU.SMP
tank water tank TNK+WS.TANK
thermostat THT+
timer TIMR+
timer active maintenance time TIMR+MNT.TIM.ACT
timer maintenance time TIMR+MNT.TIM
trace heating H.TRACE+
transfer point TRFP+
transfer station TRFS+
transfer station apartment station TRFS+APRT
transfer station compact station TRFS+COMS
transfer station construction water connection TRFS+WS.CNST
transfer station direct connection station TRFS+DCS
transfer station separation station TRFS+SPST
underfloor heating UFH+
uninterruptible power supply UPS+
usage-specific and process-engineering plant USAS+
usage-specific and process-engineering plant NOx system USAS+NOX
usage-specific and process-engineering plant acid scrubber USAS+ACI
usage-specific and process-engineering plant cleaning system USAS+CLN
usage-specific and process-engineering plant compressed air supply USAS+COMP
usage-specific and process-engineering plant disinfection unit USAS+DISI
usage-specific and process-engineering plant disposal facility USAS+DISPO
usage-specific and process-engineering plant exhaustor USAS+EXH
usage-specific and process-engineering plant extinguishing system USAS+EXTI
usage-specific and process-engineering plant eye shower USAS+EYE
usage-specific and process-engineering plant fire extinguisher USAS+EXTI.FIRE
usage-specific and process-engineering plant fume cupboard USAS+FUME.CUP
usage-specific and process-engineering plant fume hood USAS+FUME.HOO
usage-specific and process-engineering plant gas extinguishing system USAS+EXTI.GAS
usage-specific and process-engineering plant hygiene station USAS+HYG
usage-specific and process-engineering plant laboratory equipment USAS+LAB
usage-specific and process-engineering plant laundry system USAS+LAU
usage-specific and process-engineering plant media supply system USAS+MED.SUP
usage-specific and process-engineering plant medical gas supply USAS+MEDI.GAS
usage-specific and process-engineering plant medical technical plant USAS+MEDI
usage-specific and process-engineering plant mist-extinguishing system USAS+EXTI.MIS
usage-specific and process-engineering plant pressure control USAS+P.CTRL
usage-specific and process-engineering plant sterilisation system USAS+STER
usage-specific and process-engineering plant suction unit USAS+SUC
usage-specific and process-engineering plant technical gas supply USAS+TEC.GAS
usage-specific and process-engineering plant vacuum cleaning USAS+VAC.CLN
usage-specific and process-engineering plant vacuum equipment USAS+EQ.VAC
usage-specific and process-engineering plant waste disposal USAS+WAST
usage-specific and process-engineering plant waste recycling USAS+WAST.RCY
valve VAL+
valve changeover VAL+CHO
valve check valve VAL+CHK
valve control VAL+CTRL
valve control ball valve VAL+CTRL.BLL
valve distribution VAL+DIV
valve drive VAL+DRI
valve expansion VAL+EXPN
valve fire safety VAL+FIRE
valve float valve VAL+FLT
valve float valve VAL+FLT
valve flush valve VAL+FLUSH
valve magnetic valve VAL+MGT
valve main shut-off valve VAL+SHOFF.MN
valve mix VAL+MIX
valve motorised VAL+MO
valve pressure relief valve VAL+P.RLF
valve safety overflow valve VAL+SAF.OVF
valve safety valve VAL+SAF
valve shut-off VAL+SHOFF
valve six-way valve VAL+SWV
valve three-way valve VAL+TWV
valve throttle valve VAL+THR
variable frequency drive VFD+
variable frequency drive bypass VFD+BYP
ventilation machine VMA+
volume flow controller CTRL.VF+
volume flow controller constant CTRL.VF+CONS
volume flow controller variable CTRL.VF+VR
wall WAL+
water treatment WTR+
weather forecast WFO+
weather station WST+
weather station Federal Aviation Administration WST+FAA
weather station German Meteorological Service WST+DWD
weather station International Civil Aviation Organization WST+ICAO
weather station Weather Bureau Army Navy WST+WBAN
weather station World Meteorological Organization WST+WMO
weather station national ID WST+NID
window WIN+
window skylight dome WIN+SLD
window vent WIN+VE


medium Assignment medium Specification BUDO
air AIR+
air clean air AIR+CLN
air compressed air AIR+COMP
air exfiltration air AIR+EXF
air exhaust AIR+EHA
air exhaust air AIR+EHA
air exhaust air single room AIR+SEH
air extract air AIR+ETA
air extract air single room AIR+SET
air fresh/outside AIR+ODA
air high-pressure AIR+HIP
air infiltration air AIR+inf
air leakage air AIR+LEA
air mixed air AIR+MIA
air outside air single room AIR+SRO
air primary AIR+PRIM
air raw air AIR+RAW
air recirculation air AIR+RCA
air room/indoor AIR+IDA
air secondary AIR+SEC
air supply air AIR+SUP
air supply air single room AIR+SRS
air supply and extract air AIR+SUP.ETA
air transferred air AIR+TRA
air vacuum AIR+VAC
alternating current AC+
brine BRI+
bypass BYP+
compressed gas GAS.COMP+
direct current DC+
exhaust gas GAS.EHA+
fan FAN+
fan booster fan FAN+BOO
fan fogging controlled fan FAN+FOG
fan frequency converter FAN+FC
fan radial fan FAN+RDL
fan smoke extraction FAN+SM.ETA
fan standby fan FAN+STB
fan vent FAN+VE
filter FIL+
fuel oil FUEL+
gas GAS+
gasoline GASO+
glycol GLY+
hail HAIL+
hydraulic separator HYDS+
ice ICE+
natural gas GAS.NAT+
oil OIL+
refrigerant REF+
refrigerant 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane (R227EA) REF+R227EA
refrigerant 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (R134A) REF+R134A
refrigerant 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoropropane (R236FA) REF+R236FA
refrigerant 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane (R143A) REF+R143A
refrigerant 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (R113) REF+R113
refrigerant 1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane (R141B) REF+R141B
refrigerant 1,1-Difluoroethane (R152A) REF+R152A
refrigerant 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (R114) REF+R114
refrigerant 1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene (R1234ZEE) REF+R1234ZEE
refrigerant 1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane (R142B) REF+R142B
refrigerant 1-Chloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (R124) REF+R124
refrigerant 2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (R123) REF+R123
refrigerant 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene (R1234YF) REF+R1234YF
refrigerant Ammonia (R717) REF+R717
refrigerant Argon (R740) REF+R740
refrigerant Bromochlorodifluoromethane (R12B1) REF+R12B1
refrigerant Bromotrifluoromethane (R13B1) REF+R13B1
refrigerant Butane (R600) REF+R600
refrigerant Carbon dioxide (R744) REF+R744
refrigerant Carbon tetrachloride (R11) REF+R11
refrigerant Carbon tetrafluoride (R14) REF+R14
refrigerant Chlorodifluoromethane (R22) REF+R22
refrigerant Chlorofluoromethane (R31) REF+R31
refrigerant Chloromethane (R40) REF+R40
refrigerant Chloropentafluoroethane (R115) REF+R115
refrigerant Chlorotrifluoromethane (R13) REF+R13
refrigerant Dichlorodifluoromethane (R12) REF+R12
refrigerant Dichlorofluoromethane (R21) REF+R21
refrigerant Dichloromethane (R30) REF+R30
refrigerant Diethyl ether (R610) REF+R610
refrigerant Difluoromethane (R32) REF+R32
refrigerant Dimethyl ether (RE170) REF+RE170
refrigerant Ethane (R170) REF+R170
refrigerant Ethene (R1150) REF+R1150
refrigerant Ethylamine (R631) REF+R631
refrigerant Fluoroform (R23) REF+R23
refrigerant Fluoromethane (R41) REF+R41
refrigerant Helium (R704) REF+R704
refrigerant Hexafluoroethane (R116) REF+R116
refrigerant Hydrogen (R702) REF+R702
refrigerant Isobutane (R600A) REF+R600A
refrigerant Isopentane (R601A) REF+R601A
refrigerant Methane (R50) REF+R50
refrigerant Methyl formate (R611) REF+R611
refrigerant Methylamine (R630) REF+R630
refrigerant Neon (R720) REF+R720
refrigerant Nitrogen (R728) REF+R728
refrigerant Nitrous oxide (R744A) REF+R744A
refrigerant Octafluorocyclobutane (RC318) REF+RC318
refrigerant Octafluoropropane (R218) REF+R218
refrigerant Oxygen (R732) REF+R732
refrigerant Pentafluoroethane (R125) REF+R125
refrigerant Pentafluoropropane (R245FA) REF+R245FA
refrigerant Pentane (R601) REF+R601
refrigerant Propane (R290) REF+R290
refrigerant Propene (R1270) REF+R1270
refrigerant R400 REF+R400
refrigerant R401A REF+R401A
refrigerant R401B REF+R401B
refrigerant R401C REF+R401C
refrigerant R402A REF+R402A
refrigerant R402B REF+R402B
refrigerant R403A REF+R403A
refrigerant R403B REF+R403B
refrigerant R404A REF+R404A
refrigerant R405A REF+R405A
refrigerant R406A REF+R406A
refrigerant R407A REF+R407A
refrigerant R407B REF+R407B
refrigerant R407C REF+R407C
refrigerant R407D REF+R407D
refrigerant R407E REF+R407E
refrigerant R407F REF+R407F
refrigerant R407G REF+R407G
refrigerant R407H REF+R407H
refrigerant R408A REF+R408A
refrigerant R409A REF+R409A
refrigerant R409B REF+R409B
refrigerant R410A REF+R410A
refrigerant R410B REF+R410B
refrigerant R411A REF+R411A
refrigerant R411B REF+R411B
refrigerant R412A REF+R412A
refrigerant R413A REF+R413A
refrigerant R414A REF+R414A
refrigerant R414B REF+R414B
refrigerant R415A REF+R415A
refrigerant R415B REF+R415B
refrigerant R416A REF+R416A
refrigerant R417A REF+R417A
refrigerant R417B REF+R417B
refrigerant R417C REF+R417C
refrigerant R418A REF+R418A
refrigerant R419A REF+R419A
refrigerant R419B REF+R419B
refrigerant R420A REF+R420A
refrigerant R421A REF+R421A
refrigerant R421B REF+R421B
refrigerant R422A REF+R422A
refrigerant R422B REF+R422B
refrigerant R422C REF+R422C
refrigerant R422D REF+R422D
refrigerant R422E REF+R422E
refrigerant R423A REF+R423A
refrigerant R424A REF+R424A
refrigerant R425A REF+R425A
refrigerant R426A REF+R426A
refrigerant R427A REF+R427A
refrigerant R428A REF+R428A
refrigerant R429A REF+R429A
refrigerant R430A REF+R430A
refrigerant R431A REF+R431A
refrigerant R432A REF+R432A
refrigerant R433A REF+R433A
refrigerant R433B REF+R433B
refrigerant R433C REF+R433C
refrigerant R434A REF+R434A
refrigerant R435A REF+R435A
refrigerant R436A REF+R436A
refrigerant R436B REF+R436B
refrigerant R437A REF+R437A
refrigerant R438A REF+R438A
refrigerant R439A REF+R439A
refrigerant R440A REF+R440A
refrigerant R441A REF+R441A
refrigerant R442A REF+R442A
refrigerant R443A REF+R443A
refrigerant R444A REF+R444A
refrigerant R445A REF+R445A
refrigerant R447B REF+R447B
refrigerant R449C REF+R449C
refrigerant R452B REF+R452B
refrigerant R452C REF+R452C
refrigerant R454C REF+R454C
refrigerant R455A REF+R455A
refrigerant R456A REF+R456A
refrigerant R457A REF+R457A
refrigerant R458A REF+R458A
refrigerant R459A REF+R459A
refrigerant R459B REF+R459B
refrigerant R460A REF+R460A
refrigerant R460B REF+R460B
refrigerant R500 REF+R500
refrigerant R501 REF+R501
refrigerant R502 REF+R502
refrigerant R503 REF+R503
refrigerant R504 REF+R504
refrigerant R505 REF+R505
refrigerant R506 REF+R506
refrigerant R507A REF+R507A
refrigerant R508A REF+R508A
refrigerant R508B REF+R508B
refrigerant R509A REF+R509A
refrigerant R510A REF+R510A
refrigerant R511A REF+R511A
refrigerant R512A REF+R512A
refrigerant R513B REF+R513B
refrigerant R514A REF+R514A
refrigerant R515A REF+R515A
refrigerant R620 REF+R620
refrigerant Sulfur dioxide (R764) REF+R764
refrigerant Water (R718) REF+R718
steam STE+
storage STO+
storage cold storage STO+C
storage combination storage STO+HDH
storage energy storage STO+EN
storage heat storage STO+H
storage hot water STO+HW
three-phase electric power AC.3P+
three-phase electric power neutral conductor AC.3P+NEUC
three-phase electric power outer conductor AC.3P+L0
three-phase electric power outer conductor 1 AC.3P+L1
three-phase electric power outer conductor 1 to neutral conductor AC.3P+L1.NEUC
three-phase electric power outer conductor 1 to outer conductor 2 AC.3P+L1.L2
three-phase electric power outer conductor 2 AC.3P+L2
three-phase electric power outer conductor 2 to neutral conductor AC.3P+L2.NEUC
three-phase electric power outer conductor 2 to outer conductor 3 AC.3P+L2.L3
three-phase electric power outer conductor 3 AC.3P+L3
three-phase electric power outer conductor 3 to neutral conductor AC.3P+L3.NEUC
three-phase electric power outer conductor 3 to outer conductor 1 AC.3P+L3.L1
three-phase electric power outer conductor to neutral conductor AC.3P+L0.NEUC
voltage supply V.SUP+
voltage supply 12 V V.SUP+V.12
voltage supply 220 V V.SUP+V.220
voltage supply 230 V V.SUP+V.230
voltage supply 24 V V.SUP+V.24
voltage supply 400 V V.SUP+V.400
voltage supply 5 V V.SUP+V.5
voltage supply high-voltage V.SUP+HV
voltage supply low voltage V.SUP+LV
waste WAST+
water WS+
water agricultural wastewater WS+AGR
water black water WS+BLCK
water blowdown water WS+BLD
water chill WS+CH
water chilled water WS+C
water cold water WS+CH
water condenser water WS+COND
water cool WS+C
water deionised water WS+DEIO
water dirty water WS+DRT
water domestic hot water WS+DH
water domestic water WS+DOME
water extinguishing water WS+EXTI
water extraneous water WS+EXTR
water feed water WS+FE
water fresh water WS+FRS
water heat/hot WS+H
water heating water WS+H
water hot water WS+HW
water influx WS+IFX
water influx and drainage WS+IFX.DRAI
water low temperature WS+LT
water makeup water WS+MKU
water mix WS+MIX
water mixed water WS+MIX
water non-potable water WS+NPW
water potable water WS+PW
water potable water hot-circulation WS+PWHC
water potable water, cold WS+PWC
water potable water, warm WS+PWH
water precipitation water WS+PRCP
water primary WS+PRIM
water process water WS+PRW
water rainwater WS+RAIN
water secondary WS+SEC
water sewage WS+SEW
water spring water WS+SPW
water surface water WS+SURF
water water drainage WS+DRAI

medium 2nd specification

medium 2nd specification Assignment medium 2nd specification Specification BUDO
absorption ABSPT+
after catalyzer AF.CATA+
after cold storage AF.STO.C+
after combi storage AF.STO.HDH+
after cooler AF.C+
after exhaust gas heat exchanger AF.GAS.HX+
after heat exchanger BEF.HX+
after heat recovery AF.HRC+
after heat storage AF.STO.H+
after humidifier AF.HUM+
after preheater AF.H.PR+
after pump AF.PU+
after reheater AF.H.RE+
after turbocharger AF.TUC+
alternating current AC+
bearing BEA+
before catalyzer BEF.CATA+
before cold storage BEF.STO.C+
before combi storage BEF.STO.HDH+
before cooler BEF.C+
before exhaust gas heat exchanger BEF.GAS.HX+
before heat exchanger BEF.HX+
before heat recovery BEF.HRC+
before heat storage BEF.STO.H+
before humidifier BEF.HUM+
before preheater BEF.H.PR+
before pump BEF.PU+
before reheater BEF.H.RE+
before turbocharger BEF.TUC+
bottom BOT+
bypass BYP+
catalyzer CATA+
chimney CMNY+
circulation CRC+
compressor COMP+
condenser COND+
condenser air-cooled condenser COND+AIR
condenser counterflow condenser COND+COFL
condenser direct flow condenser COND+DIFL
condenser mixed condenser COND+MIX
condenser parallel flow condenser COND+PARL
cylinder CYL+
demand DEM+
demand compressed air DEM+COMP
demand cooling DEM+C
demand electrical DEM+EL
demand fuel oil DEM+FUEL
demand gas DEM+GAS
demand heating DEM+H
demand heating/cooling DEM+HC
demand humidify DEM+HUM
demand steam DEM+STE
demand water DEM+WS
desorption DES+
direct current DC+
discharge DISC+
duct DCT+
evaporator EVAP+
evaporator direct evaporator EVAP+DIR
exfiltration EXF+
feeding-in FE.IN+
filter FIL+
flow FLO+
glycol GLY+
hydraulic separator HYDS+
indoor installation INDO+
infiltration INF+
influx IFX+
inlet IN+
insulation INSU+
internal circle CRC.INTE+
leakage LEA+
left LEF+
main MN+
middle MID+
middle bottom BOT.MID+
middle top TOP.MID+
mix MIX+
mix MIX+
motor MO+
motor electronically commutated MO+EC1
outdoor installation OUTD+
outlet OUT+
primary PRIM+
return flow RET+
right RIG+
secondary SEC+
sorption SPT+
suction SUC+
top TOP+
transferred TRA+
wall WAL+
water drainage DRAI+

signal type

signal type Assignment signal type Specification BUDO
PID control PID+
PID control PID controller (D component) PID+DCO
PID control PID controller (I component) PID+IC
PID control PID controller (P component) PID+PC
PID control control output PID+CTRL.OUT
PID control control parameter PID+CTRL.PRM
PID control controller input PID+CTRL.IN
PID control damping ratio PID+THETA
PID control dead time PID+Tt
PID control dead zone PID+DZ
PID control derivative action coefficient PID+KD
PID control direction of action PID+DOA
PID control integral action coefficient PID+KI
PID control integral action time PID+TI
PID control malfunction PID+MALF
PID control preprocessor PID+PRO.PRE
PID control process area PID+AR.PRO
PID control proportional action coefficient PID+Kp
PID control rate time PID+Td
PID control reset time PID+Ti
PID control sampler PID+SAM
PID control saturation PID+SATU
PID control time constant PID+T1
PID control tune band PID+TUB
alarm ALA+
alarm button ALA+BT
alarm carbon dioxide (CO2) ALA+CO2
alarm carbon monoxide (CO) ALA+CO
alarm chlor ALA+CI
alarm closed/close ALA+CL
alarm collective fire safety ALA+COL.FIRE
alarm collective malfunction message ALA+COL
alarm collective pre-alarm ALA+COL.PR
alarm communication ALA+COMUC
alarm condensation ALA+COND
alarm danger alarm ALA+ALA.DAN
alarm fire safety ALA+FIRE
alarm frost protection ALA+FROS
alarm gas ALA+GAS
alarm interface ALA+IFC
alarm main ALA+MN
alarm maintenance message ALA+MM
alarm misuse detected ALA+MISU
alarm off ALA+OFF
alarm on ALA+ON
alarm open ALA+OP
alarm pre-alarm ALA+PR
alarm pressure ALA+P
alarm smoke ALA+SM
alarm status message ALA+STAT
alarm step 1 ALA+STEP1
alarm step 2 ALA+STEP2
alarm step 3 ALA+STEP3
alarm step 4 ALA+STEP4
alarm step 5 ALA+STEP5
alarm step 6 ALA+STEP6
alarm step 7 ALA+STEP7
alarm step 8 ALA+STEP8
alarm time program ALA+PRG.TIM
alarm urgent ALA+URG
alarm warning ALA+WARN
allocation ALL+
allocation maintenance message ALL+MM
automatic AUTO+
button BT+
button presence BT+PRES
button reset BT+RST
button unlocking device BT+UD
calculated value CALC+
calculated value CO2 factor local CALC+CO2.LOC
calculated value CO2 factor power grid CALC+CO2.PGR
calculated value PM10 Level CALC+PM10
calculated value PM25 Level CALC+PM25
calculated value absolute humidity CALC+HUM.ABS
calculated value acceleration CALC+ACC
calculated value active energy CALC+EN.ACT
calculated value active power CALC+POW.ACT
calculated value aerosol CALC+AER
calculated value air exchange rate CALC+AIR.EXR
calculated value air quality CALC+AQ
calculated value angle position CALC+POS.AN
calculated value apparent electrical energy CALC+EN.AP
calculated value apparent electrical power CALC+POW.AP
calculated value area CALC+AR
calculated value atmospheric pressure CALC+P.ATM
calculated value auxiliary energy CALC+EN.AUX
calculated value balance internal temperature CALC+BLNC.T
calculated value blue light intensity CALC+LI.BLU
calculated value capacity sensor CALC+CAP
calculated value carbon dioxide (CO2) CALC+CO2
calculated value carbon monoxide (CO) CALC+CO
calculated value chlor CALC+CI
calculated value cloudiness CALC+CLOUD
calculated value coefficient of performance CALC+COP
calculated value complex power CALC+POW.CMX
calculated value concentration CALC+CNCN
calculated value conductivity CALC+CONDC
calculated value cooling energy CALC+EN.C
calculated value cooling mode CALC+MOD.C
calculated value cooling number CALC+C.N
calculated value cooling power CALC+POW.C
calculated value cost CALC+COST
calculated value counter CALC+CN
calculated value currency CALC+CURR
calculated value current angle CALC+CUR.AN
calculated value current imbalance CALC+CUR.IMB
calculated value current magnitude CALC+CUR.MAG
calculated value daytime CALC+DYT
calculated value degree day number CALC+DDN
calculated value degree of closure CALC+DEG.CLOS
calculated value degree of opening CALC+DEG.OP
calculated value delivery head CALC+DELH
calculated value density CALC+DEN
calculated value diffuse irradiance CALC+IRR.DIFU
calculated value direct normal irradiance CALC+DNI
calculated value direction CALC+DRC
calculated value dry bulb temperature CALC+T.DRYB
calculated value duration CALC+DUR
calculated value duty cycle CALC+DUT
calculated value efficiency CALC+EF
calculated value effort number CALC+EFO.N
calculated value electric charge CALC+EL.CRG
calculated value electric conductance CALC+CONDC
calculated value electric current CALC+EL.CUR
calculated value electric voltage CALC+V
calculated value electrical contact CALC+COTC.EL
calculated value electrical energy CALC+EN.EL
calculated value electrical power CALC+POW.EL
calculated value electrical reactive energy CALC+EN.REA
calculated value electrical reactive power CALC+POW.REA
calculated value emissions CALC+EMI
calculated value energy CALC+EN
calculated value energy efficiency ratio CALC+EER
calculated value energy level CALC+LVL.EN
calculated value energy loss CALC+EN.LOSS
calculated value enthalpy CALC+ENTA
calculated value entrophy CALC+ENTO
calculated value european seasonal energy efficiency ratio CALC+ESEER
calculated value exhaust gas loss CALC+GAS.EHA.LOSS
calculated value failure rate CALC+FAILR
calculated value filling level CALC+LVL.FILL
calculated value force CALC+FOR
calculated value frequency CALC+FQ
calculated value gas quantity CALC+GAS
calculated value gas shortage CALC+GAS.SHR
calculated value global horizontal irradiance CALC+GHI
calculated value global radiation CALC+GL.RADI
calculated value global tilted irradiance CALC+GTI
calculated value grains sensor CALC+GRAIN
calculated value green light intensity CALC+LI.GRE
calculated value grid efficiency CALC+PGR.EF
calculated value heat-up number CALC+H.N
calculated value heating energy CALC+EN.H
calculated value heating mode CALC+MOD.H
calculated value heating power CALC+POW.H
calculated value heating/cooling power CALC+POW.HC
calculated value height CALC+HEI
calculated value humidity CALC+HUM
calculated value illuminance CALC+LUX
calculated value inductance CALC+INDUC
calculated value irradiance CALC+IRR
calculated value leakage CALC+LEA
calculated value length CALC+LEN
calculated value light colour CALC+LI.COLO
calculated value load CALC+LOA
calculated value luminous flux CALC+LI.FLU
calculated value luminous intensity CALC+LI.INT
calculated value mass CALC+M
calculated value mass flow CALC+MF
calculated value mode CALC+MOD
calculated value motion detector CALC+MOT
calculated value movement command CALC+COM.MOV
calculated value number of executions CALC+NEX
calculated value operating time CALC+OPR.TIM
calculated value operating time between failures CALC+OPR.TIM.FAI
calculated value operative temperature CALC+T.OPR
calculated value people CALC+PEO
calculated value position CALC+POS
calculated value power CALC+POW
calculated value power factor CALC+PF
calculated value power loss CALC+POW.LOSS
calculated value power to heat ratio CALC+P2H
calculated value precipitation CALC+PREC
calculated value presence CALC+PRES
calculated value pressure CALC+P
calculated value pressure difference CALC+P.DIF
calculated value quantity CALC+QUA
calculated value radiant temperature CALC+T.RADI
calculated value radiation CALC+RADI
calculated value rain CALC+RAIN
calculated value red light intensity CALC+LI.RED
calculated value relative humidity CALC+HUM.REL
calculated value rotation speed CALC+NROT
calculated value shading position CALC+POS.SHA
calculated value smoke detector CALC+SM
calculated value soil moisture CALC+SMST
calculated value solar irradiance CALC+SOL.IRR
calculated value solar radiation CALC+SOL.RADI
calculated value sound CALC+SOU
calculated value sound level difference CALC+SOU.DIF
calculated value sound volume CALC+SVOL
calculated value speed CALC+SPE
calculated value static pressure CALC+P.STC
calculated value steam CALC+STE
calculated value steam quantity CALC+STE
calculated value step CALC+LVL
calculated value sunshine CALC+SUNS
calculated value switch-on operations CALC+OPR.ON
calculated value temperature CALC+T
calculated value temperature difference CALC+T.DIF
calculated value thermoelectric contact CALC+COTC.THEL
calculated value time CALC+TIM
calculated value time remaining CALC+TIM.RMN
calculated value torque CALC+TQ
calculated value total harmonic current distortion CALC+THDC
calculated value total volatile organic compounds CALC+TVOC
calculated value utilization CALC+UTL
calculated value velocity CALC+VC
calculated value voltage angle CALC+V.AN
calculated value voltage imbalance CALC+V.IMB
calculated value voltage magnitude CALC+V.MAG
calculated value volume CALC+VOL
calculated value volume flow CALC+VF
calculated value waste heat CALC+H.WAST
calculated value water quantity CALC+WS
calculated value wet bulb temperature CALC+T.WETB
calculated value wind CALC+WIND
calculated value wind direction CALC+WIND.DRC
calculated value wind force CALC+WIND.FOR
calculated value wind speed CALC+WIND.SPE
calendar CAL+
command COM+
control CTRL+
control adaptive control CTRL+ADAP
control communication CTRL+COMUC
control control loop CTRL+CTRL.LOO
control controller input CTRL+CTRL.IN
control controller output CTRL+CTRL.OUT
control dehumidify CTRL+DE.HUM
control differential gap CTRL+SV.GAP
control direct acting CTRL+DIR.ACTG
control direction of action CTRL+DOA
control dp constant CTRL+DPC
control dp variable CTRL+DPV
control energy efficiency CTRL+ENEF
control humidify CTRL+HUM
control lower controller limit CTRL+LIM.LOW
control lower switching value CTRL+SV.LOW
control modulating control CTRL+MODU
control pulse-width modulation CTRL+PWM
control remote access CTRL+REM.ACCS
control remote acknowledgement CTRL+REM.ACK
control remote mode CTRL+REM.MOD
control remote request CTRL+REM.REQ
control simulation active CTRL+SIM.ACT
control standstill control CTRL+SST
control start-up control CTRL+STUP
control start/stop control CTRL+STRT.STOP
control three-point control CTRL+3PC
control two-point control CTRL+2PC
control upper controller limit CTRL+LIM.UP
control upper switching value CTRL+SV.UP
control ventilation CTRL+VNT
controlled value CV+
controlled value CO2 factor local CV+CO2.LOC
controlled value CO2 factor power grid CV+CO2.PGR
controlled value PM10 Level CV+PM10
controlled value PM25 Level CV+PM25
controlled value absolute humidity CV+HUM.ABS
controlled value acceleration CV+ACC
controlled value active energy CV+EN.ACT
controlled value active power CV+POW.ACT
controlled value active power CV+POW.ACT
controlled value aerosol CV+AER
controlled value air exchange rate CV+AIR.EXR
controlled value air quality CV+AQ
controlled value angle position CV+POS.AN
controlled value apparent electrical energy CV+EN.AP
controlled value apparent electrical power CV+POW.AP
controlled value area CV+AR
controlled value atmospheric pressure CV+P.ATM
controlled value auxiliary energy CV+EN.AUX
controlled value balance internal temperature CV+BLNC.T
controlled value blue light intensity CV+LI.BLU
controlled value capacity sensor CV+CAP
controlled value carbon dioxide (CO2) CV+CO2
controlled value carbon monoxide (CO) CV+CO
controlled value chlor CV+CI
controlled value closed/close CV+CL
controlled value coefficient of performance CV+COP
controlled value complex power CV+POW.CMX
controlled value complex power CV+POW.CMX
controlled value concentration CV+CNCN
controlled value conductivity CV+CONDC
controlled value conductivity CV+CONDC
controlled value cooling energy CV+EN.C
controlled value cooling energy CV+EN.C
controlled value cooling mode CV+MOD.C
controlled value cooling number CV+C.N
controlled value cooling power CV+POW.C
controlled value cooling power CV+POW.C
controlled value cost CV+COST
controlled value counter CV+CN
controlled value counter CV+CN
controlled value currency CV+CURR
controlled value current angle CV+CUR.AN
controlled value current imbalance CV+CUR.IMB
controlled value current magnitude CV+CUR.MAG
controlled value degree of closure CV+DEG.CLOS
controlled value degree of closure CV+DEG.CLOS
controlled value degree of opening CV+DEG.OP
controlled value delivery head CV+DELH
controlled value density CV+DEN
controlled value direction CV+DRC
controlled value dry bulb temperature CV+T.DRYB
controlled value duration CV+DUR
controlled value duty cycle CV+DUT
controlled value efficiency CV+EF
controlled value effort number CV+EFO.N
controlled value electric charge CV+EL.CRG
controlled value electric conductance CV+CONDC
controlled value electric current CV+EL.CUR
controlled value electric voltage CV+V
controlled value electrical contact CV+COTC.EL
controlled value electrical energy CV+EN.EL
controlled value electrical power CV+POW.EL
controlled value electrical power CV+POW.EL
controlled value electrical reactive energy CV+EN.REA
controlled value electrical reactive energy CV+EN.REA
controlled value electrical reactive power CV+POW.REA
controlled value electrical reactive power CV+POW.REA
controlled value emissions CV+EMI
controlled value energy CV+EN
controlled value energy efficiency ratio CV+EER
controlled value energy level CV+LVL.EN
controlled value energy loss CV+EN.LOSS
controlled value enthalpy CV+ENTA
controlled value entrophy CV+ENTO
controlled value european seasonal energy efficiency ratio CV+ESEER
controlled value exhaust gas loss CV+GAS.EHA.LOSS
controlled value failure rate CV+FAILR
controlled value filling level CV+LVL.FILL
controlled value force CV+FOR
controlled value frequency CV+FQ
controlled value gas quantity CV+GAS
controlled value gas quantity CV+GAS
controlled value gas shortage CV+GAS.SHR
controlled value global radiation CV+GL.RADI
controlled value grains sensor CV+GRAIN
controlled value green light intensity CV+LI.GRE
controlled value green light intensity CV+LI.GRE
controlled value grid efficiency CV+PGR.EF
controlled value heat-up number CV+H.N
controlled value heating energy CV+EN.H
controlled value heating mode CV+MOD.H
controlled value heating power CV+POW.H
controlled value heating/cooling power CV+POW.HC
controlled value heating/cooling power CV+POW.HC
controlled value height CV+HEI
controlled value humidity CV+HUM
controlled value illuminance CV+LUX
controlled value illuminance CV+LUX
controlled value inductance CV+INDUC
controlled value irradiance CV+IRR
controlled value leakage CV+LEA
controlled value leakage CV+LEA
controlled value length CV+LEN
controlled value light colour CV+LI.COLO
controlled value load CV+LOA
controlled value load CV+LOA
controlled value luminous flux CV+LI.FLU
controlled value luminous intensity CV+LI.INT
controlled value mass CV+M
controlled value mass flow CV+MF
controlled value mode CV+MOD
controlled value motion detector CV+MOT
controlled value movement command CV+COM.MOV
controlled value movement command CV+COM.MOV
controlled value number of executions CV+NEX
controlled value off CV+OFF
controlled value on CV+ON
controlled value open CV+OP
controlled value operating time CV+OPR.TIM
controlled value operating time between failures CV+OPR.TIM.FAI
controlled value operative temperature CV+T.OPR
controlled value partition wall CV+PAW
controlled value people CV+PEO
controlled value position CV+POS
controlled value power CV+POW
controlled value power CV+POW
controlled value power factor CV+PF
controlled value power factor CV+PF
controlled value power loss CV+POW.LOSS
controlled value power to heat ratio CV+P2H
controlled value precipitation CV+PREC
controlled value presence CV+PRES
controlled value pressure CV+P
controlled value pressure CV+P
controlled value pressure difference CV+P.DIF
controlled value quantity CV+QUA
controlled value radiant temperature CV+T.RADI
controlled value radiation CV+RADI
controlled value rain CV+RAIN
controlled value red light intensity CV+LI.RED
controlled value relative humidity CV+HUM.REL
controlled value rotation speed CV+NROT
controlled value shading position CV+POS.SHA
controlled value smoke detector CV+SM
controlled value soil moisture CV+SMST
controlled value solar radiation CV+SOL.RADI
controlled value sound CV+SOU
controlled value sound CV+SOU
controlled value sound level difference CV+SOU.DIF
controlled value sound volume CV+SVOL
controlled value speed CV+SPE
controlled value static pressure CV+P.STC
controlled value steam quantity CV+STE
controlled value steam quantity CV+STE
controlled value step CV+LVL
controlled value switch-on operations CV+OPR.ON
controlled value temperature CV+T
controlled value temperature difference CV+T.DIF
controlled value thermoelectric contact CV+COTC.THEL
controlled value time CV+TIM
controlled value time program CV+PRG.TIM
controlled value time remaining CV+TIM.RMN
controlled value torque CV+TQ
controlled value total harmonic current distortion CV+THDC
controlled value total volatile organic compounds CV+TVOC
controlled value utilization CV+UTL
controlled value velocity CV+VC
controlled value voltage angle CV+V.AN
controlled value voltage imbalance CV+V.IMB
controlled value voltage magnitude CV+V.MAG
controlled value voltage magnitude CV+V.MAG
controlled value volume CV+VOL
controlled value volume flow CV+VF
controlled value waste heat CV+H.WAST
controlled value water quantity CV+WS
controlled value water quantity CV+WS
controlled value wet bulb temperature CV+T.WETB
controlled value wind CV+WIND
controlled value wind direction CV+WIND.DRC
controlled value wind force CV+WIND.FOR
controlled value wind speed CV+WIND.SPE
controlled value window CV+WIN
display DIS+
display acoustic signal DIS+ACO
display button DIS+BT
display lamp DIS+LMP
display on DIS+ON
display tableau DIS+TAB
equipment signal EQ+
equipment signal anti-lock EQ+ANTL
equipment signal cooling characteristic curve EQ+CCC
equipment signal cooling characteristic curve corner point EQ+CCC.CP
equipment signal cooling characteristic curve exponent EQ+CCC.EXP
equipment signal cooling characteristic curve parallel shift EQ+CCC.PSHI
equipment signal cooling characteristic curve steepness EQ+CCC.STPN
equipment signal dead zone EQ+DZ
equipment signal efficiency EQ+EF
equipment signal follow-up time EQ+TIM.FU
equipment signal heating characteristic curve EQ+HCC
equipment signal heating characteristic curve corner point EQ+HCC.CP
equipment signal heating characteristic curve exponent EQ+HCC.EXP
equipment signal heating characteristic curve parallel shift EQ+HCC.PSHI
equipment signal heating characteristic curve steepness EQ+HCC.STPN
equipment signal hysteresis EQ+HYS
equipment signal night reduction EQ+NIG.REDU
equipment signal operating principle EQ+OPR.PRINC
equipment signal setting EQ+SETT
feedback FB+
feedback allocation FB+ALL
feedback cool down protection FB+COOD.PT
feedback efficiency FB+EF
feedback malfunction FB+MALF
feedback mode FB+MOD
feedback operating mode FB+OPR.MOD
feedback remote acknowledgement FB+REM.ACK
feedback signal FB+SIG
feedback switching command FB+COM.SWI
maintenance message MM+
maintenance message collective maintenance MM+COL.MNT
maintenance message release MM+RELE
maintenance message replacement MM+RPLC
maintenance message sanitary message MM+SAN
maintenance message step 1 MM+STEP1
maintenance message step 2 MM+STEP2
maintenance message step 3 MM+STEP3
maintenance message step 4 MM+STEP4
maintenance message step 5 MM+STEP5
maintenance message step 6 MM+STEP6
maintenance message step 7 MM+STEP7
maintenance message step 8 MM+STEP8
malfunction MALF+
malfunction CO2 factor local MALF+CO2.LOC
malfunction CO2 factor power grid MALF+CO2.PGR
malfunction PM10 Level MALF+PM10
malfunction PM25 Level MALF+PM25
malfunction absolute humidity MALF+HUM.ABS
malfunction acceleration MALF+ACC
malfunction active energy MALF+EN.ACT
malfunction active power MALF+POW.ACT
malfunction aerosol MALF+AER
malfunction air exchange rate MALF+AIR.EXR
malfunction air quality MALF+AQ
malfunction alarm MALF+ALA
malfunction angle position MALF+POS.AN
malfunction anti-freezing function MALF+AFF
malfunction apparent electrical energy MALF+EN.AP
malfunction apparent electrical power MALF+POW.AP
malfunction area MALF+AR
malfunction atmospheric pressure MALF+P.ATM
malfunction auxiliary energy MALF+EN.AUX
malfunction balance internal temperature MALF+BLNC.T
malfunction blue light intensity MALF+LI.BLU
malfunction capacity sensor MALF+CAP
malfunction carbon dioxide (CO2) MALF+CO2
malfunction carbon monoxide (CO) MALF+CO
malfunction chlor MALF+CI
malfunction closed/close MALF+CL
malfunction cloudiness MALF+CLOUD
malfunction coefficient of performance MALF+COP
malfunction collective malfunction message MALF+COL
malfunction communication MALF+COMUC
malfunction communication MALF+COMUC
malfunction complex power MALF+POW.CMX
malfunction concentration MALF+CNCN
malfunction conductivity MALF+CONDC
malfunction cooling energy MALF+EN.C
malfunction cooling mode MALF+MOD.C
malfunction cooling number MALF+C.N
malfunction cooling power MALF+POW.C
malfunction cost MALF+COST
malfunction counter MALF+CN
malfunction counter MALF+CN
malfunction currency MALF+CURR
malfunction current angle MALF+CUR.AN
malfunction current imbalance MALF+CUR.IMB
malfunction current magnitude MALF+CUR.MAG
malfunction daytime MALF+DYT
malfunction degree day number MALF+DDN
malfunction degree of closure MALF+DEG.CLOS
malfunction degree of opening MALF+DEG.OP
malfunction delivery head MALF+DELH
malfunction density MALF+DEN
malfunction diffuse irradiance MALF+IRR.DIFU
malfunction direct normal irradiance MALF+DNI
malfunction direction MALF+DRC
malfunction dry bulb temperature MALF+T.DRYB
malfunction duration MALF+DUR
malfunction duty cycle MALF+DUT
malfunction efficiency MALF+EF
malfunction effort number MALF+EFO.N
malfunction electric charge MALF+EL.CRG
malfunction electric conductance MALF+CONDC
malfunction electric current MALF+EL.CUR
malfunction electric voltage MALF+V
malfunction electrical MALF+EL
malfunction electrical contact MALF+COTC.EL
malfunction electrical energy MALF+EN.EL
malfunction electrical power MALF+POW.EL
malfunction electrical reactive energy MALF+EN.REA
malfunction electrical reactive power MALF+POW.REA
malfunction emergency off MALF+EMR
malfunction emergency on MALF+EMR.ON
malfunction emissions MALF+EMI
malfunction energy MALF+EN
malfunction energy efficiency ratio MALF+EER
malfunction energy level MALF+LVL.EN
malfunction energy loss MALF+EN.LOSS
malfunction enthalpy MALF+ENTA
malfunction entrophy MALF+ENTO
malfunction european seasonal energy efficiency ratio MALF+ESEER
malfunction exhaust gas loss MALF+GAS.EHA.LOSS
malfunction failure rate MALF+FAILR
malfunction feedback MALF+FB
malfunction feedback error MALF+FB.ERR
malfunction filling level MALF+LVL.FILL
malfunction final error MALF+ERR.FNL
malfunction force MALF+FOR
malfunction frequency MALF+FQ
malfunction frost protection MALF+FROS
malfunction fuse outage MALF+FUSE
malfunction gas MALF+GAS
malfunction gas alarm MALF+ALA.GAS
malfunction gas quantity MALF+GAS
malfunction gas shortage MALF+GAS.SHR
malfunction global horizontal irradiance MALF+GHI
malfunction global radiation MALF+GL.RADI
malfunction global tilted irradiance MALF+GTI
malfunction grains sensor MALF+GRAIN
malfunction green light intensity MALF+LI.GRE
malfunction grid efficiency MALF+PGR.EF
malfunction heat-up number MALF+H.N
malfunction heating energy MALF+EN.H
malfunction heating mode MALF+MOD.H
malfunction heating power MALF+POW.H
malfunction heating/cooling power MALF+POW.HC
malfunction height MALF+HEI
malfunction humidity MALF+HUM
malfunction illuminance MALF+LUX
malfunction inductance MALF+INDUC
malfunction irradiance MALF+IRR
malfunction lamp MALF+LMP
malfunction leakage MALF+LEA
malfunction length MALF+LEN
malfunction light colour MALF+LI.COLO
malfunction load MALF+LOA
malfunction luminous flux MALF+LI.FLU
malfunction luminous intensity MALF+LI.INT
malfunction maintenance message MALF+MM
malfunction malfunction shut-down MALF+SHDO
malfunction mass MALF+M
malfunction mass flow MALF+MF
malfunction measured value MALF+MEA
malfunction mechanical MALF+MEC
malfunction misuse detected MALF+MISU
malfunction mode MALF+MOD
malfunction motion detector MALF+MOT
malfunction movement command MALF+COM.MOV
malfunction not ready for operation MALF+RDY.NOT
malfunction number of executions MALF+NEX
malfunction open MALF+OP
malfunction operating mode MALF+OPR.MOD
malfunction operating time MALF+OPR.TIM
malfunction operating time between failures MALF+OPR.TIM.FAI
malfunction operational readiness MALF+OPR.RDN
malfunction operative temperature MALF+T.OPR
malfunction partition wall MALF+PAW
malfunction people MALF+PEO
malfunction position MALF+POS
malfunction power MALF+POW
malfunction power factor MALF+PF
malfunction power loss MALF+POW.LOSS
malfunction power to heat ratio MALF+P2H
malfunction precipitation MALF+PREC
malfunction presence MALF+PRES
malfunction pressure MALF+P
malfunction pressure difference MALF+P.DIF
malfunction quantity MALF+QUA
malfunction radiant temperature MALF+T.RADI
malfunction radiation MALF+RADI
malfunction rain MALF+RAIN
malfunction red light intensity MALF+LI.RED
malfunction relative humidity MALF+HUM.REL
malfunction remote acknowledgement MALF+REM.ACK
malfunction repair switch MALF+REP
malfunction rotation speed MALF+NROT
malfunction runtime error MALF+RUN.ERR
malfunction shading position MALF+POS.SHA
malfunction smoke detector MALF+SM
malfunction soil moisture MALF+SMST
malfunction solar irradiance MALF+SOL.IRR
malfunction solar radiation MALF+SOL.RADI
malfunction sound MALF+SOU
malfunction sound level difference MALF+SOU.DIF
malfunction sound volume MALF+SVOL
malfunction speed MALF+SPE
malfunction start MALF+STRT
malfunction static pressure MALF+P.STC
malfunction steam quantity MALF+STE
malfunction step MALF+LVL
malfunction stop MALF+STOP
malfunction sunshine MALF+SUNS
malfunction switch-on error MALF+SWI.ERR
malfunction switch-on operations MALF+OPR.ON
malfunction temperature MALF+T
malfunction temperature difference MALF+T.DIF
malfunction thermoelectric contact MALF+COTC.THEL
malfunction time MALF+TIM
malfunction time remaining MALF+TIM.RMN
malfunction torque MALF+TQ
malfunction total harmonic current distortion MALF+THDC
malfunction total volatile organic compounds MALF+TVOC
malfunction utilization MALF+UTL
malfunction velocity MALF+VC
malfunction voltage angle MALF+V.AN
malfunction voltage imbalance MALF+V.IMB
malfunction voltage magnitude MALF+V.MAG
malfunction volume MALF+VOL
malfunction volume flow MALF+VF
malfunction waste heat MALF+H.WAST
malfunction water quantity MALF+WS
malfunction wet bulb temperature MALF+T.WETB
malfunction wind MALF+WIND
malfunction wind direction MALF+WIND.DRC
malfunction wind force MALF+WIND.FOR
malfunction wind speed MALF+WIND.SPE
malfunction window MALF+WIN
malfunction wire breakage MALF+WIR.BREAK
measured value MEA+
measured value CO2 factor local MEA+CO2.LOC
measured value CO2 factor power grid MEA+CO2.PGR
measured value PM10 Level MEA+PM10
measured value PM25 Level MEA+PM25
measured value absolute humidity MEA+HUM.ABS
measured value acceleration MEA+ACC
measured value active energy MEA+EN.ACT
measured value active power MEA+POW.ACT
measured value aerosol MEA+AER
measured value air exchange rate MEA+AIR.EXR
measured value air quality MEA+AQ
measured value angle position MEA+POS.AN
measured value apparent electrical energy MEA+EN.AP
measured value apparent electrical power MEA+POW.AP
measured value area MEA+AR
measured value atmospheric pressure MEA+P.ATM
measured value auxiliary energy MEA+EN.AUX
measured value balance internal temperature MEA+BLNC.T
measured value blue light intensity MEA+LI.BLU
measured value capacity sensor MEA+CAP
measured value carbon dioxide (CO2) MEA+CO2
measured value carbon monoxide (CO) MEA+CO
measured value chlor MEA+CI
measured value cloudiness MEA+CLOUD
measured value coefficient of performance MEA+COP
measured value complex power MEA+POW.CMX
measured value concentration MEA+CNCN
measured value conductivity MEA+CONDC
measured value cooling energy MEA+EN.C
measured value cooling mode MEA+MOD.C
measured value cooling number MEA+C.N
measured value cooling power MEA+POW.C
measured value cost MEA+COST
measured value counter MEA+CN
measured value currency MEA+CURR
measured value current angle MEA+CUR.AN
measured value current imbalance MEA+CUR.IMB
measured value current magnitude MEA+CUR.MAG
measured value daytime MEA+DYT
measured value degree day number MEA+DDN
measured value degree of closure MEA+DEG.CLOS
measured value degree of opening MEA+DEG.OP
measured value delivery head MEA+DELH
measured value density MEA+DEN
measured value diffuse irradiance MEA+IRR.DIFU
measured value direct normal irradiance MEA+DNI
measured value direction MEA+DRC
measured value dry bulb temperature MEA+T.DRYB
measured value duration MEA+DUR
measured value duty cycle MEA+DUT
measured value efficiency MEA+EF
measured value effort number MEA+EFO.N
measured value electric charge MEA+EL.CRG
measured value electric conductance MEA+CONDC
measured value electric current MEA+EL.CUR
measured value electric voltage MEA+V
measured value electrical contact MEA+COTC.EL
measured value electrical energy MEA+EN.EL
measured value electrical power MEA+POW.EL
measured value electrical reactive energy MEA+EN.REA
measured value electrical reactive power MEA+POW.REA
measured value emissions MEA+EMI
measured value energy MEA+EN
measured value energy efficiency ratio MEA+EER
measured value energy level MEA+LVL.EN
measured value energy loss MEA+EN.LOSS
measured value enthalpy MEA+ENTA
measured value entrophy MEA+ENTO
measured value european seasonal energy efficiency ratio MEA+ESEER
measured value exhaust gas loss MEA+GAS.EHA.LOSS
measured value failure rate MEA+FAILR
measured value filling level MEA+LVL.FILL
measured value force MEA+FOR
measured value frequency MEA+FQ
measured value gas quantity MEA+GAS
measured value gas shortage MEA+GAS.SHR
measured value global horizontal irradiance MEA+GHI
measured value global radiation MEA+GL.RADI
measured value global tilted irradiance MEA+GTI
measured value grains sensor MEA+GRAIN
measured value green light intensity MEA+LI.GRE
measured value grid efficiency MEA+PGR.EF
measured value heat-up number MEA+H.N
measured value heating energy MEA+EN.H
measured value heating mode MEA+MOD.H
measured value heating power MEA+POW.H
measured value heating/cooling power MEA+POW.HC
measured value height MEA+HEI
measured value humidity MEA+HUM
measured value illuminance MEA+LUX
measured value inductance MEA+INDUC
measured value irradiance MEA+IRR
measured value leakage MEA+LEA
measured value length MEA+LEN
measured value light colour MEA+LI.COLO
measured value load MEA+LOA
measured value luminous flux MEA+LI.FLU
measured value luminous intensity MEA+LI.INT
measured value mass MEA+M
measured value mass flow MEA+MF
measured value mode MEA+MOD
measured value motion detector MEA+MOT
measured value movement command MEA+COM.MOV
measured value number of executions MEA+NEX
measured value operating time MEA+OPR.TIM
measured value operating time between failures MEA+OPR.TIM.FAI
measured value operative temperature MEA+T.OPR
measured value partition wall MEA+PAW
measured value people MEA+PEO
measured value position MEA+POS
measured value power MEA+POW
measured value power factor MEA+PF
measured value power loss MEA+POW.LOSS
measured value power to heat ratio MEA+P2H
measured value precipitation MEA+PREC
measured value presence MEA+PRES
measured value pressure MEA+P
measured value pressure difference MEA+P.DIF
measured value quantity MEA+QUA
measured value radiant temperature MEA+T.RADI
measured value radiation MEA+RADI
measured value rain MEA+RAIN
measured value red light intensity MEA+LI.RED
measured value relative humidity MEA+HUM.REL
measured value rotation speed MEA+NROT
measured value shading position MEA+POS.SHA
measured value smoke detector MEA+SM
measured value soil moisture MEA+SMST
measured value solar irradiance MEA+SOL.IRR
measured value solar radiation MEA+SOL.RADI
measured value sound MEA+SOU
measured value sound level difference MEA+SOU.DIF
measured value sound volume MEA+SVOL
measured value speed MEA+SPE
measured value static pressure MEA+P.STC
measured value steam quantity MEA+STE
measured value step MEA+LVL
measured value sunshine MEA+SUNS
measured value switch-on operations MEA+OPR.ON
measured value temperature MEA+T
measured value temperature difference MEA+T.DIF
measured value thermoelectric contact MEA+COTC.THEL
measured value time MEA+TIM
measured value time remaining MEA+TIM.RMN
measured value torque MEA+TQ
measured value total harmonic current distortion MEA+THDC
measured value total volatile organic compounds MEA+TVOC
measured value utilization MEA+UTL
measured value velocity MEA+VC
measured value voltage angle MEA+V.AN
measured value voltage imbalance MEA+V.IMB
measured value voltage magnitude MEA+V.MAG
measured value volume MEA+VOL
measured value volume flow MEA+VF
measured value waste heat MEA+H.WAST
measured value water quantity MEA+WS
measured value wet bulb temperature MEA+T.WETB
measured value wind MEA+WIND
measured value wind direction MEA+WIND.DRC
measured value wind force MEA+WIND.FOR
measured value wind speed MEA+WIND.SPE
measured value window MEA+WIN
monitored value MONV+
monitored value CO2 factor local MONV+CO2.LOC
monitored value CO2 factor power grid MONV+CO2.PGR
monitored value active energy MONV+EN.ACT
monitored value air exchange rate MONV+AIR.EXR
monitored value air quality MONV+AQ
monitored value apparent electrical energy MONV+EN.AP
monitored value carbon dioxide (CO2) MONV+CO2
monitored value carbon monoxide (CO) MONV+CO
monitored value chlor MONV+CI
monitored value coefficient of performance MONV+COP
monitored value cost MONV+COST
monitored value duct pressure controller MONV+CTRL.DP
monitored value efficiency MONV+EF
monitored value electric charge MONV+EL.CRG
monitored value electric conductance MONV+CONDC
monitored value electric current MONV+EL.CUR
monitored value electric voltage MONV+V
monitored value electrical reactive energy MONV+EN.REA
monitored value emissions MONV+EMI
monitored value energy efficiency ratio MONV+EER
monitored value european seasonal energy efficiency ratio MONV+ESEER
monitored value gas shortage MONV+GAS.SHR
monitored value grid efficiency MONV+PGR.EF
monitored value humidity MONV+HUM
monitored value inductance MONV+INDUC
monitored value operating mode MONV+OPR.MOD
monitored value position MONV+POS
monitored value power to heat ratio MONV+P2H
monitored value pressure MONV+P
monitored value temperature MONV+T
monitored value temperature difference MONV+T.DIF
monitored value utilization MONV+UTL
monitored value wind speed MONV+WIND.SPE
object O+
object access log O+ACL
object calendar object O+CAL
object command object O+COM
object event enrollment object O+EE
object file O+FILE
object group object O+GR
object loop object O+LOO
object notification class object O+NC
object structured view O+STRV
object trend log multiple object O+TLM
object trend log object O+TL
positioning command COM.POS+
positioning command PM10 Level COM.POS+PM10
positioning command PM25 Level COM.POS+PM25
positioning command absolute humidity COM.POS+HUM.ABS
positioning command acceleration COM.POS+ACC
positioning command active energy COM.POS+EN.ACT
positioning command active power COM.POS+POW.ACT
positioning command air quality COM.POS+AQ
positioning command angle position COM.POS+POS.AN
positioning command apparent electrical energy COM.POS+EN.AP
positioning command apparent electrical power COM.POS+POW.AP
positioning command area COM.POS+AR
positioning command blue light intensity COM.POS+LI.BLU
positioning command capacity sensor COM.POS+CAP
positioning command carbon dioxide (CO2) COM.POS+CO2
positioning command carbon monoxide (CO) COM.POS+CO
positioning command closed/close COM.POS+CL
positioning command complex power COM.POS+POW.CMX
positioning command conductivity COM.POS+CONDC
positioning command cooling energy COM.POS+EN.C
positioning command cooling power COM.POS+POW.C
positioning command counter COM.POS+CN
positioning command currency COM.POS+CURR
positioning command current angle COM.POS+CUR.AN
positioning command current imbalance COM.POS+CUR.IMB
positioning command current magnitude COM.POS+CUR.MAG
positioning command degree of closure COM.POS+DEG.CLOS
positioning command degree of opening COM.POS+DEG.OP
positioning command delivery head COM.POS+DELH
positioning command density COM.POS+DEN
positioning command direction COM.POS+DRC
positioning command dry bulb temperature COM.POS+T.DRYB
positioning command duration COM.POS+DUR
positioning command electric current COM.POS+EL.CUR
positioning command electric voltage COM.POS+V
positioning command electrical contact COM.POS+COTC.EL
positioning command electrical energy COM.POS+EN.EL
positioning command electrical power COM.POS+POW.EL
positioning command electrical reactive energy COM.POS+EN.REA
positioning command electrical reactive power COM.POS+POW.REA
positioning command energy COM.POS+EN
positioning command energy level COM.POS+LVL.EN
positioning command enthalpy COM.POS+ENTA
positioning command entrophy COM.POS+ENTO
positioning command filling level COM.POS+LVL.FILL
positioning command force COM.POS+FOR
positioning command frequency COM.POS+FQ
positioning command gas quantity COM.POS+GAS
positioning command grains sensor COM.POS+GRAIN
positioning command green light intensity COM.POS+LI.GRE
positioning command heating energy COM.POS+EN.H
positioning command heating power COM.POS+POW.H
positioning command heating/cooling power COM.POS+POW.HC
positioning command height COM.POS+HEI
positioning command humidity COM.POS+HUM
positioning command illuminance COM.POS+LUX
positioning command leakage COM.POS+LEA
positioning command length COM.POS+LEN
positioning command light colour COM.POS+LI.COLO
positioning command load COM.POS+LOA
positioning command luminous flux COM.POS+LI.FLU
positioning command luminous intensity COM.POS+LI.INT
positioning command mass COM.POS+M
positioning command mass flow COM.POS+MF
positioning command mode COM.POS+MOD
positioning command motion detector COM.POS+MOT
positioning command movement command COM.POS+COM.MOV
positioning command off COM.POS+OFF
positioning command on COM.POS+ON
positioning command open COM.POS+OP
positioning command operating time COM.POS+OPR.TIM
positioning command operative temperature COM.POS+T.OPR
positioning command partition wall COM.POS+PAW
positioning command position COM.POS+POS
positioning command power COM.POS+POW
positioning command power factor COM.POS+PF
positioning command pressure COM.POS+P
positioning command pressure difference COM.POS+P.DIF
positioning command radiant temperature COM.POS+T.RADI
positioning command radiation COM.POS+RADI
positioning command red light intensity COM.POS+LI.RED
positioning command relative humidity COM.POS+HUM.REL
positioning command rotation speed COM.POS+NROT
positioning command shading position COM.POS+POS.SHA
positioning command smoke detector COM.POS+SM
positioning command solar radiation COM.POS+SOL.RADI
positioning command sound COM.POS+SOU
positioning command speed COM.POS+SPE
positioning command static pressure COM.POS+P.STC
positioning command steam quantity COM.POS+STE
positioning command step COM.POS+LVL
positioning command temperature COM.POS+T
positioning command temperature difference COM.POS+T.DIF
positioning command thermoelectric contact COM.POS+COTC.THEL
positioning command time COM.POS+TIM
positioning command torque COM.POS+TQ
positioning command total harmonic current distortion COM.POS+THDC
positioning command total volatile organic compounds COM.POS+TVOC
positioning command velocity COM.POS+VC
positioning command voltage angle COM.POS+V.AN
positioning command voltage imbalance COM.POS+V.IMB
positioning command voltage magnitude COM.POS+V.MAG
positioning command volume COM.POS+VOL
positioning command volume flow COM.POS+VF
positioning command water quantity COM.POS+WS
positioning command wet bulb temperature COM.POS+T.WETB
positioning command window COM.POS+WIN
program PRG+
scheduler SCH+
signal SIG+
status message STAT+
status message additional message STAT+ADD2
status message automatic STAT+AUTO
status message button STAT+BT
status message closed/close STAT+CL
status message collective maintenance STAT+COL.MNT
status message collective status message STAT+COL
status message communication STAT+COMUC
status message danger alarm STAT+ALA.DAN
status message day operation STAT+OPR.DAY
status message electrical STAT+EL
status message energy mode STAT+MOD.EN
status message fire safety STAT+FIRE
status message local priority and operating units manual message STAT+LPO
status message mains operation STAT+OPR.MAIN
status message maintenance message STAT+MM
status message mode STAT+MOD
status message night operation STAT+OPR.NIG
status message not ready for operation STAT+RDY.NOT
status message off STAT+OFF
status message on STAT+ON
status message on/off STAT+ON.OFF
status message open STAT+OP
status message operating mode STAT+OPR.MOD
status message operating principle STAT+OPR.PRINC
status message operational readiness STAT+OPR.RDN
status message position STAT+POS
status message ready for operation STAT+OPR.RDY
status message release STAT+RELE
status message remote acknowledgement STAT+REM.ACK
status message sanitary message STAT+SAN
status message sequence control STAT+CTRL.SEQ
status message standby operation STAT+OPR.STB
status message start STAT+STRT
status message step 1 STAT+STEP1
status message step 10 STAT+STEP10
status message step 2 STAT+STEP2
status message step 3 STAT+STEP3
status message step 4 STAT+STEP4
status message step 5 STAT+STEP5
status message step 6 STAT+STEP6
status message step 7 STAT+STEP7
status message step 8 STAT+STEP8
status message step 9 STAT+STEP9
status message stop STAT+STOP
status message synchronization STAT+SYNC
status message thermoelectric overload STAT+THEL.OVL
status message time program STAT+PRG.TIM
status message unlocking device STAT+UD
switching command COM.SWI+
switching command automatic COM.SWI+AUTO
switching command closed/close COM.SWI+CL
switching command cool down protection COM.SWI+COOD.PT
switching command cooling mode COM.SWI+MOD.C
switching command day operation COM.SWI+OPR.DAY
switching command direction of action COM.SWI+DOA
switching command energy mode COM.SWI+MOD.EN
switching command heating mode COM.SWI+MOD.H
switching command heating mode COM.SWI+MOD.H
switching command heating/cooling switchover COM.SWI+HC
switching command holiday COM.SWI+HOLID1
switching command main switching command COM.SWI+MN
switching command mains operation COM.SWI+OPR.MAIN
switching command maximum economy COM.SWI+ECO.MAX
switching command mode COM.SWI+MOD
switching command next operating mode COM.SWI+MOD.NXT
switching command night operation COM.SWI+OPR.NIG
switching command off COM.SWI+OFF
switching command on COM.SWI+ON
switching command on/off COM.SWI+ON.OFF
switching command open COM.SWI+OP
switching command operating mode COM.SWI+OPR.MOD
switching command operational readiness COM.SWI+OPR.RDN
switching command ready for operation COM.SWI+OPR.RDY
switching command release COM.SWI+RELE
switching command remote acknowledgement COM.SWI+REM.ACK
switching command sequence control COM.SWI+CTRL.SEQ
switching command smoke extraction COM.SWI+SM.ETA
switching command standby operation COM.SWI+OPR.STB
switching command start COM.SWI+STRT
switching command step 1 COM.SWI+STEP1
switching command step 10 COM.SWI+STEP10
switching command step 2 COM.SWI+STEP2
switching command step 3 COM.SWI+STEP3
switching command step 4 COM.SWI+STEP4
switching command step 5 COM.SWI+STEP5
switching command step 6 COM.SWI+STEP6
switching command step 7 COM.SWI+STEP7
switching command step 8 COM.SWI+STEP8
switching command step 9 COM.SWI+STEP9
switching command stop COM.SWI+STOP
switching command summer/winter compensation COM.SWI+SU.WI.CMPS
switching command summer/winter switchover COM.SWI+SU.WI
switching command unlocking device COM.SWI+UD
time program PRG.TIM+
time program anti-lock PRG.TIM+ANTL
time program follow-up time PRG.TIM+TIM.FU
time program night reduction PRG.TIM+NIG.REDU
time program presence release PRG.TIM+PRES.RELE
unlocking device UD+
unlocking device controller output UD+CTRL.OUT
warning WARN+
warning collective warning WARN+COL

signal type 2nd specification

signal type 2nd specification Assignment signal type 2nd specification Specification BUDO
1-step 1STEP+
12-hourly 12h+
2-hourly 2h+
2-step 2STEP+
24-hourly 24h+
24h operation OPR.24H+
3-hourly 3h+
3-step 3STEP+
4-hourly 4h+
4-step 4STEP+
5-hourly 5h+
5-step 5STEP+
6-hourly 6h+
6-step 6STEP+
7-step 7STEP+
8-step 8STEP+
absolute ABS+
accumulator charging principle ACP+
acknowledgement ACK+
active ACT+
active maintenance time MNT.TIM.ACT+
actual value ACV+
adaptive control ADAP+
additional function ADD1+
after power failure AF.V.FAI+
alarm ALA+
alarm button ALA+BT
alarm carbon dioxide (CO2) ALA+CO2
alarm carbon monoxide (CO) ALA+CO
alarm chlor ALA+CI
alarm closed/close ALA+CL
alarm collective fire safety ALA+COL.FIRE
alarm collective malfunction message ALA+COL
alarm collective pre-alarm ALA+COL.PR
alarm communication ALA+COMUC
alarm condensation ALA+COND
alarm danger alarm ALA+ALA.DAN
alarm fire safety ALA+FIRE
alarm frost protection ALA+FROS
alarm gas ALA+GAS
alarm interface ALA+IFC
alarm main ALA+MN
alarm maintenance message ALA+MM
alarm misuse detected ALA+MISU
alarm off ALA+OFF
alarm on ALA+ON
alarm open ALA+OP
alarm pre-alarm ALA+PR
alarm pressure ALA+P
alarm smoke ALA+SM
alarm status message ALA+STAT
alarm step 1 ALA+STEP1
alarm step 2 ALA+STEP2
alarm step 3 ALA+STEP3
alarm step 4 ALA+STEP4
alarm step 5 ALA+STEP5
alarm step 6 ALA+STEP6
alarm step 7 ALA+STEP7
alarm step 8 ALA+STEP8
alarm time program ALA+PRG.TIM
alarm urgent ALA+URG
alarm warning ALA+WARN
algorithm ALG+
allocation ALL+
allocation maintenance message ALL+MM
amplification AMP+
anti-freezing function AFF+
automatic AUTO+
auxiliary energy EN.AUX+
average AVE+
balance BLNC+
basis BSS+
calculated limit value LIM.CALC+
calculated setpoint SP.CALC+
calculated setpoint, cooling SP.CALC.C+
calculated setpoint, cooling, maximum SP.CALC.C.MAX+
calculated setpoint, cooling, minimum SP.CALC.C.MIN+
calculated setpoint, heating SP.CALC.H+
calculated setpoint, heating, maximum SP.CALC.H.MAX+
calculated setpoint, heating, minimum SP.CALC.H.MIN+
calculated setpoint, maximum SP.CALC.MAX+
calculated setpoint, minimum SP.CALC.MIN+
cascade control CASC+
characteristic curve CCU+
charging CRG+
chill CH+
closed/close CL+
common CMN+
compulsive COMPUL+
constant CONS+
contamination CTMN+
continuous control CONT+
continuous operation OPR.CONT+
control CTRL+
control adaptive control CTRL+ADAP
control communication CTRL+COMUC
control control loop CTRL+CTRL.LOO
control controller input CTRL+CTRL.IN
control controller output CTRL+CTRL.OUT
control dehumidify CTRL+DE.HUM
control differential gap CTRL+SV.GAP
control direct acting CTRL+DIR.ACTG
control direction of action CTRL+DOA
control dp constant CTRL+DPC
control dp variable CTRL+DPV
control energy efficiency CTRL+ENEF
control humidify CTRL+HUM
control lower controller limit CTRL+LIM.LOW
control lower switching value CTRL+SV.LOW
control modulating control CTRL+MODU
control pulse-width modulation CTRL+PWM
control remote access CTRL+REM.ACCS
control remote acknowledgement CTRL+REM.ACK
control remote mode CTRL+REM.MOD
control remote request CTRL+REM.REQ
control simulation active CTRL+SIM.ACT
control standstill control CTRL+SST
control start-up control CTRL+STUP
control start/stop control CTRL+STRT.STOP
control three-point control CTRL+3PC
control two-point control CTRL+2PC
control upper controller limit CTRL+LIM.UP
control upper switching value CTRL+SV.UP
control ventilation CTRL+VNT
controller input CTRL.IN+
controller output CTRL.OUT+
cooling C+
cooling characteristic curve CCC+
cooling characteristic curve basis CCC.BSS+
cooling characteristic curve corner point CCC.CP+
cooling characteristic curve exponent CCC.EXP+
cooling characteristic curve parallel shift CCC.PSHI+
cooling characteristic curve steepness CCC.STPN+
cooling limit LIM.C+
cooling mode MOD.C+
cooling release RELE.C+
cooling setpoint SP.C+
cooling setpoint, deviation SP.C.DEV+
coordination COO+
corner point CP+
correction CRCT+
cost COST+
cycle mode CYC+
daily d+
day DAY+
day limit LIM.DAY+
day of month DAYM+
day of week DAYW+
day of year DAYY+
day operation OPR.DAY+
day setpoint SP.DAY+
default DFLT+
default setpoint SP.DFLT+
dehumidify DE.HUM+
dehumidify DE.HUM+
delay DEL+
delete DLT+
demand DEM+
demand compressed air DEM+COMP
demand cooling DEM+C
demand electrical DEM+EL
demand fuel oil DEM+FUEL
demand gas DEM+GAS
demand heating DEM+H
demand heating/cooling DEM+HC
demand humidify DEM+HUM
demand steam DEM+STE
demand water DEM+WS
demand setpoint SP.DEM+
design DSG+
design setpoint SP.DSG+
deviation DEV+
dew point DEW+
diagnosis DIAG+
difference DIF+
direct acting DIR.ACTG+
direction of action DOA+
discharging DCRG+
display DIS+
display acoustic signal DIS+ACO
display button DIS+BT
display lamp DIS+LMP
display on DIS+ON
display tableau DIS+TAB
down DOW+
downshift SHI.DOW+
downshift switch-off point DOW.OFF+
downshift switch-on point SHI.DOW.ON+
dp constant DPC+
dp variable DPV+
duration DUR+
duty cycle DUT+
effective EFF+
emergency EMR+
emergency mode EMR+
emissions EMI+
encrypted ENCR+
energy efficiency ENEF+
enthalpy effective EFF.ENTA+
estimated ESTM+
event operation EVNT+
excitation EXC+
execution control CTRL.EX+
exponent EXP+
external EXT+
fail-safe FAI.SAF+
filtered FIL+
flush FLUSH+
free memory MEM+
frost operation OPR.FROS+
frost protection FROS+
fuse outage FUSE+
get data GET+
heat recovery HRC+
heating H+
heating characteristic curve HCC+
heating characteristic curve basis HCC.BSS+
heating characteristic curve corner point HCC.CP+
heating characteristic curve exponent HCC.EXP+
heating characteristic curve parallel shift HCC.PSHI+
heating characteristic curve steepness HCC.STPN+
heating limit LIM.H+
heating mode MOD.H+
heating release RELE.H+
heating setpoint SP.H+
heating setpoint, deviation SP.H.DEV+
heating/cooling HC+
high HIG2+
higher HIG1+
hold HOL+
holiday HOLID1+
hourly h+
humidify HUM+
humidify HUM+
hysteresis HYS+
impulses IMP+
integrated INTG+
interface IFC+
internal INTE+
interval INV+
invalid INVD+
lamp LMP+
legionella protection PT.LEG+
limit LIM+
limit reached LIM RCD+
load LOA+
local LOC+
locked LCK+
loop MAX limit LOO.MAX+
loop MIN limit LOO.MIN+
loop control LOO+
low LOW2+
lower LOW1+
lower controller limit LIM.LOW+
lower switching value SV.LOW+
main MN+
maintenance MNT+
maintenance time MNT.TIM+
malfunction MALF+
malfunction CO2 factor local MALF+CO2.LOC
malfunction CO2 factor power grid MALF+CO2.PGR
malfunction PM10 Level MALF+PM10
malfunction PM25 Level MALF+PM25
malfunction absolute humidity MALF+HUM.ABS
malfunction acceleration MALF+ACC
malfunction active energy MALF+EN.ACT
malfunction active power MALF+POW.ACT
malfunction aerosol MALF+AER
malfunction air exchange rate MALF+AIR.EXR
malfunction air quality MALF+AQ
malfunction alarm MALF+ALA
malfunction angle position MALF+POS.AN
malfunction anti-freezing function MALF+AFF
malfunction apparent electrical energy MALF+EN.AP
malfunction apparent electrical power MALF+POW.AP
malfunction area MALF+AR
malfunction atmospheric pressure MALF+P.ATM
malfunction auxiliary energy MALF+EN.AUX
malfunction balance internal temperature MALF+BLNC.T
malfunction blue light intensity MALF+LI.BLU
malfunction capacity sensor MALF+CAP
malfunction carbon dioxide (CO2) MALF+CO2
malfunction carbon monoxide (CO) MALF+CO
malfunction chlor MALF+CI
malfunction closed/close MALF+CL
malfunction cloudiness MALF+CLOUD
malfunction coefficient of performance MALF+COP
malfunction collective malfunction message MALF+COL
malfunction communication MALF+COMUC
malfunction communication MALF+COMUC
malfunction complex power MALF+POW.CMX
malfunction concentration MALF+CNCN
malfunction conductivity MALF+CONDC
malfunction cooling energy MALF+EN.C
malfunction cooling mode MALF+MOD.C
malfunction cooling number MALF+C.N
malfunction cooling power MALF+POW.C
malfunction cost MALF+COST
malfunction counter MALF+CN
malfunction counter MALF+CN
malfunction currency MALF+CURR
malfunction current angle MALF+CUR.AN
malfunction current imbalance MALF+CUR.IMB
malfunction current magnitude MALF+CUR.MAG
malfunction daytime MALF+DYT
malfunction degree day number MALF+DDN
malfunction degree of closure MALF+DEG.CLOS
malfunction degree of opening MALF+DEG.OP
malfunction delivery head MALF+DELH
malfunction density MALF+DEN
malfunction diffuse irradiance MALF+IRR.DIFU
malfunction direct normal irradiance MALF+DNI
malfunction direction MALF+DRC
malfunction dry bulb temperature MALF+T.DRYB
malfunction duration MALF+DUR
malfunction duty cycle MALF+DUT
malfunction efficiency MALF+EF
malfunction effort number MALF+EFO.N
malfunction electric charge MALF+EL.CRG
malfunction electric conductance MALF+CONDC
malfunction electric current MALF+EL.CUR
malfunction electric voltage MALF+V
malfunction electrical MALF+EL
malfunction electrical contact MALF+COTC.EL
malfunction electrical energy MALF+EN.EL
malfunction electrical power MALF+POW.EL
malfunction electrical reactive energy MALF+EN.REA
malfunction electrical reactive power MALF+POW.REA
malfunction emergency off MALF+EMR
malfunction emergency on MALF+EMR.ON
malfunction emissions MALF+EMI
malfunction energy MALF+EN
malfunction energy efficiency ratio MALF+EER
malfunction energy level MALF+LVL.EN
malfunction energy loss MALF+EN.LOSS
malfunction enthalpy MALF+ENTA
malfunction entrophy MALF+ENTO
malfunction european seasonal energy efficiency ratio MALF+ESEER
malfunction exhaust gas loss MALF+GAS.EHA.LOSS
malfunction failure rate MALF+FAILR
malfunction feedback MALF+FB
malfunction feedback error MALF+FB.ERR
malfunction filling level MALF+LVL.FILL
malfunction final error MALF+ERR.FNL
malfunction force MALF+FOR
malfunction frequency MALF+FQ
malfunction frost protection MALF+FROS
malfunction fuse outage MALF+FUSE
malfunction gas MALF+GAS
malfunction gas alarm MALF+ALA.GAS
malfunction gas quantity MALF+GAS
malfunction gas shortage MALF+GAS.SHR
malfunction global horizontal irradiance MALF+GHI
malfunction global radiation MALF+GL.RADI
malfunction global tilted irradiance MALF+GTI
malfunction grains sensor MALF+GRAIN
malfunction green light intensity MALF+LI.GRE
malfunction grid efficiency MALF+PGR.EF
malfunction heat-up number MALF+H.N
malfunction heating energy MALF+EN.H
malfunction heating mode MALF+MOD.H
malfunction heating power MALF+POW.H
malfunction heating/cooling power MALF+POW.HC
malfunction height MALF+HEI
malfunction humidity MALF+HUM
malfunction illuminance MALF+LUX
malfunction inductance MALF+INDUC
malfunction irradiance MALF+IRR
malfunction lamp MALF+LMP
malfunction leakage MALF+LEA
malfunction length MALF+LEN
malfunction light colour MALF+LI.COLO
malfunction load MALF+LOA
malfunction luminous flux MALF+LI.FLU
malfunction luminous intensity MALF+LI.INT
malfunction maintenance message MALF+MM
malfunction malfunction shut-down MALF+SHDO
malfunction mass MALF+M
malfunction mass flow MALF+MF
malfunction measured value MALF+MEA
malfunction mechanical MALF+MEC
malfunction misuse detected MALF+MISU
malfunction mode MALF+MOD
malfunction motion detector MALF+MOT
malfunction movement command MALF+COM.MOV
malfunction not ready for operation MALF+RDY.NOT
malfunction number of executions MALF+NEX
malfunction open MALF+OP
malfunction operating mode MALF+OPR.MOD
malfunction operating time MALF+OPR.TIM
malfunction operating time between failures MALF+OPR.TIM.FAI
malfunction operational readiness MALF+OPR.RDN
malfunction operative temperature MALF+T.OPR
malfunction partition wall MALF+PAW
malfunction people MALF+PEO
malfunction position MALF+POS
malfunction power MALF+POW
malfunction power factor MALF+PF
malfunction power loss MALF+POW.LOSS
malfunction power to heat ratio MALF+P2H
malfunction precipitation MALF+PREC
malfunction presence MALF+PRES
malfunction pressure MALF+P
malfunction pressure difference MALF+P.DIF
malfunction quantity MALF+QUA
malfunction radiant temperature MALF+T.RADI
malfunction radiation MALF+RADI
malfunction rain MALF+RAIN
malfunction red light intensity MALF+LI.RED
malfunction relative humidity MALF+HUM.REL
malfunction remote acknowledgement MALF+REM.ACK
malfunction repair switch MALF+REP
malfunction rotation speed MALF+NROT
malfunction runtime error MALF+RUN.ERR
malfunction shading position MALF+POS.SHA
malfunction smoke detector MALF+SM
malfunction soil moisture MALF+SMST
malfunction solar irradiance MALF+SOL.IRR
malfunction solar radiation MALF+SOL.RADI
malfunction sound MALF+SOU
malfunction sound level difference MALF+SOU.DIF
malfunction sound volume MALF+SVOL
malfunction speed MALF+SPE
malfunction start MALF+STRT
malfunction static pressure MALF+P.STC
malfunction steam quantity MALF+STE
malfunction step MALF+LVL
malfunction stop MALF+STOP
malfunction sunshine MALF+SUNS
malfunction switch-on error MALF+SWI.ERR
malfunction switch-on operations MALF+OPR.ON
malfunction temperature MALF+T
malfunction temperature difference MALF+T.DIF
malfunction thermoelectric contact MALF+COTC.THEL
malfunction time MALF+TIM
malfunction time remaining MALF+TIM.RMN
malfunction torque MALF+TQ
malfunction total harmonic current distortion MALF+THDC
malfunction total volatile organic compounds MALF+TVOC
malfunction utilization MALF+UTL
malfunction velocity MALF+VC
malfunction voltage angle MALF+V.AN
malfunction voltage imbalance MALF+V.IMB
malfunction voltage magnitude MALF+V.MAG
malfunction volume MALF+VOL
malfunction volume flow MALF+VF
malfunction waste heat MALF+H.WAST
malfunction water quantity MALF+WS
malfunction wet bulb temperature MALF+T.WETB
malfunction wind MALF+WIND
malfunction wind direction MALF+WIND.DRC
malfunction wind force MALF+WIND.FOR
malfunction wind speed MALF+WIND.SPE
malfunction window MALF+WIN
malfunction wire breakage MALF+WIR.BREAK
manual operation OPR.MANU+
manual service operation OPR.MANUS+
maximum MAX+
maximum economy ECO.MAX+
maximum limit LIM.MAX+
maximum limit day MAX.DAY+
maximum limit exceeded MAX.EXCE+
maximum limit night MAX.NIG+
mean MEAN+
middle MID+
minimum MIN+
minimum limit LIM.MIN+
minimum limit day MIN.DAY+
minimum limit night MIN.NIG+
minimum limit undercut MIN.UND+
minutely min+
mode MOD+
modulating control MODU+
month-to-date M2D+
monthly MTH+
moving average AV.MOV+
next day DAY.NXT+
next operating mode MOD.NXT+
night NIG+
night cooling C.NIG+
night limit LIM.NIG+
night operation OPR.NIG+
night reduction NIG.REDU+
night setpoint SP.NIG+
nominal NOM+
occupied OCC+
off OFF+
on ON+
on-site power ONS+
on/off ON.OFF+
open OP+
operating mode OPR.MOD+
optimize OPTI+
out of service OOS+
overmodulation OVM+
override OVER+
parallel shift PSHI+
peak PEAK+
power grid PGR+
power recovery POW.RECV+
prediction PRED+
preset PRS+
prevention PREV+
previous PRV+
previous day DAY.PRV+
previous month MTH.PRV+
previous year YEAR.PRV+
priority PRIO+
profile PROF+
progress PRGS+
prolongation PRLG+
protection PT+
protection mode PT.MOD+
provide data PVD+
public holiday HOLID2+
pulse-width modulation PWM+
quarter-hourly qmin+
quick cooling C.QUI+
quick heating H.QUI+
raise RAI+
real time RTIM+
reason RSN+
recooling C.RE+
reduce REDU+
reduction value RV+
registration REG+
relative REL+
release RELE+
release main switching command RELE+MN
remote access REM.ACCS+
remote acknowledgement REM.ACK+
remote mode REM.MOD+
remote request REM.REQ+
replacement network operation RPLN.OPR+
request REQ+
request cooling REQ.C+
request exhaust air REQ.EHA+
request heating REQ.H+
request humidification REQ.HUM+
request maintenance REQ.MNT+
request room REQ.R+
request room cooling REQ.R.C+
request room heating REQ.R.H+
request room humidification REQ.R.HUM+
request ventilation REQ.FAN+
reset RST+
robust operation OPR.RB+
room influence R.INFL+
secondly s+
sequence control CTRL.SEQ+
setpoint SP+
setpoint adjustment SP.ADJ+
setpoint adjustment, comfort SP.COMF+
setpoint adjustment, comfort, cooling SP.COMF.C+
setpoint adjustment, comfort, heating SP.COMF.H+
setpoint adjustment, comfort/economy SP.COEC+
setpoint adjustment, comfort/economy, cooling SP.COEC.C+
setpoint adjustment, comfort/economy, heating SP.COEC.H+
setpoint adjustment, cooling SP.ADJ.C+
setpoint adjustment, economy SP.ECO+
setpoint adjustment, economy, cooling SP.ECO.C+
setpoint adjustment, economy, heating SP.ECO.H+
setpoint adjustment, heating SP.ADJ.H+
setpoint adjustment, pre-comfort SP.PCOMF+
setpoint adjustment, pre-comfort, cooling SP.PCOMF.C+
setpoint adjustment, pre-comfort, heating SP.PCOMF.H+
setpoint boost SP.BST+
setpoint rise SP.RAI+
setpoint tolerance SP.TRL+
setpoint, cooling, maximum SP.C.MAX+
setpoint, cooling, minimum SP.C.MIN+
setpoint, deviation SP.DEV+
setpoint, deviation test SP.DEV2+
setpoint, external SP.EXT+
setpoint, heating, maximum SP.H.MAX+
setpoint, heating, minimum SP.H.MIN+
setpoint, internal SP.INTE+
setpoint, maximum SP.MAX+
setpoint, mechanical SP.MEC+
setpoint, minimum SP.MIN+
setpoint, night cooling SP.C.NIG+
setpoint, out of range SP.OOR+
setpoint, relative SP.REL+
setpoint, test SP.TST+
setting SETT+
simulation SIM+
smoke extraction SM.ETA+
smoke extraction cold smoke extraction SM.ETA+SM.ETA.C
smoke extraction mechanical SM.ETA+MEC
smoke extraction natural SM.ETA+NAT
solar SOL+
stagnation STG+
standby STB+
standstill control SST+
start STRT+
start-up and operation delayer STUP.DEL+
start-up control STUP+
start-up hysteresis STUP.HYS+
start/stop STRT.STOP+
steepness STPN+
step 1 STEP1+
step 10 STEP10+
step 2 STEP2+
step 3 STEP3+
step 4 STEP4+
step 5 STEP5+
step 6 STEP6+
step 7 STEP7+
step 8 STEP8+
step 9 STEP9+
stepless STEP.LSS+
stepped STEP+
stop STOP+
summed/cumulated SUM+
summer SU+
summer/winter compensation SU.WI.CMPS+
summer/winter switchover SU.WI+
superior SUPR+
support SPPT+
suppression SPPN+
switch-off point SWI.OFF.CP+
switch-off point maximum OFF.MAX+
switch-off point minimum OFF.MIN+
switch-on operations OPR.ON+
switch-on point SWI.ON.CP+
switch-on point maximum SWI.ON.MAX+
switch-on point minimum SWI.ON.MIN+
switching difference SWI.DIF+
switching point SWI.CP+
synchronization SYNC+
tariff TFF+
temporary TMP+
test TST+
thermoelectric overload THEL.OVL+
three-point control 3PC+
threshold THLD+
time program PRG.TIM+
time program anti-lock PRG.TIM+ANTL
time program follow-up time PRG.TIM+TIM.FU
time program night reduction PRG.TIM+NIG.REDU
time program presence release PRG.TIM+PRES.RELE
timeout TIM.OUT+
today TOD+
transition TRNS+
two-point control 2PC+
unoccupied UOCC+
up UP+
upper controller limit LIM.UP+
upper switching value SV.UP+
upshift SHI.UP+
upshift switch-off point SHI.UP.OFF+
upshift switch-on point SHI.UP.ON+
urgent URG+
user USE+
user release RELE.USE+
user specification USE.SPEC+
utilization UTL+
ventilation VNT+
weighting WEIG+
winter WI+
year YEAR+
year-to-date Y2D+

function type

function type Assignment function type Specification BUDO
access log ACL+
analog input AI+
analog output AO+
analog value AV+
binary input BI+
binary output BO+
binary value BV+
calendar object CAL+
command object COM+
digital input DI+
digital output DO+
event enrollment object EE+
file FILE+
group object GR+
input IN+
input/output IO+
loop object LOO+
multi-state input MSI+
multi-state output MSO+
multi-state value MSV+
notification class object NC+
output OUT+
program PRG+
scheduler SCH+
simulated analog input SAI+
simulated analog output SAO+
simulated binary input SBI+
simulated binary output SBO+
simulated digital input SDI+
simulated digital output SDO+
simulated multi-state input SMSI+
simulated multi-state output SMSO+
simulated multi-state value SMSV+
structured view STRV+
trend log multiple object TLM+
trend log object TL+
virtual analog input VAI+
virtual analog output VAO+
virtual binary input VBI+
virtual binary output VBO+
virtual binary value VBV+
virtual digital input VDI+
virtual digital output VDO+
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