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gschueler edited this page Feb 10, 2012 · 3 revisions

Howto update site with new docs

We will create a submodule in the gh-pages, containing the docsX.Y branch of Rundeck-docs repository.

  1. Checkout/clone the gh-pages branch of dtolabs/rundeck

     mkdir rundeck-pages
     cd rundeck-pages
     git init
     git remote add origin [email protected]:dtolabs/rundeck.git
     git fetch origin gh-pages:gh-pages
     git checkout gh-pages
  2. Now we will add the docsX.Y branch of Rundeck-docs in a subdirectory directory called "X.Y":

    Important: use the "Git Read-Only" URL: git://

     git submodule add -b docsX.Y git:// X.Y
     git add X.Y
  3. If you are going to make this version into the "latest" available on the site, also update the "docs" submodule

     cd docs
     git fetch origin docsX.Y:docsX.Y
     git checkout docsX.Y
     cd ..
     git add docs
  4. Commit and push the changes

     git commit -m "Added docs version X.Y"
     git push origin gh-pages