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gschueler edited this page Jun 22, 2012 · 2 revisions


The site is stored in the gh-pages branch of dtolabs/

The yum repository defines the release repo at

We will add a new set of rpms to the repo directory in the gh-pages branch, and use createrepo to update it.

  1. Add the rundeck-X.Y-1.1.noarch.rpm and rundeck-config-X.Y-1.1.noarch.rpm to the gh-pages branch

     cd gh-pages
     cp rundeck-X.Y-1.1.noarch.rpm repo/rundeck/1/release
     cp rundeck-config-X.Y-1.1.noarch.rpm repo/rundeck/1/release
  2. On Linux, use createrepo:

     createrepo repo/rundeck/1/release
  3. Commit and push the changes

     git add repo/rundeck/1/release
     git commit -m "Added X.Y rpms to yum repo"
     git push origin gh-pages