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Compiling Translation Files

dominiquehausser edited this page Jun 18, 2018 · 3 revisions

On Linux

  • In the folder of source, to update the "tr" files for translation with 'linguist', run lupdate src/
  • Update the translation you want with qtlinguist and save your file
  • Use the command "Publish" from the menu "File" or run lrelease src/

On Windows

  1. Open a Power Shell as administrator in the root of the XyGrib project.
  2. Run lupdate src/ to update the "tr" files for translation with 'linguist'.
  3. Once the "tr" files have been saved, run lrelease src/ to compile the "qm" files.
  4. To see results the updated translation files need to be copied to the respective 'data' folder trees under the Qt debug or release build folders
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