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PKI KRA Key Archive Java API

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Dec 17, 2020 · 3 revisions

Archiving a Pre-encrypted Secret

To archive a secret already encrypted in a template, prepare the input parameters (see For example, to archive a passphrase:

// get algorithm OID
String algorithmOID = EncryptionAlgorithm.DES3_CBC.toOID().toString();

// generate nonce
byte[] nonceData = CryptoUtil.getNonceData(8);

// generate session key
SymmetricKey sessionKey = crypto.generateSessionKey();

// wrap session key with transport key
byte[] transWrappedSessionKey = crypto.wrapSessionKeyWithTransportCert(sessionKey, this.transportCert);

// encrypt passphrase with session key
byte[] encryptedData = crypto.wrapWithSessionKey(passphrase, nonceData, sessionKey, KeyRequestResource.DES3_ALGORITHM);

To archive a symmetric key:

// get algorithm OID
String algorithmOID = EncryptionAlgorithm.DES3_CBC.toOID().toString();

// generate nonce
byte[] nonceData = CryptoUtil.getNonceData(8);

// generate session key
SymmetricKey sessionKey = crypto.generateSessionKey();

// wrap session key with transport key
byte[] transWrappedSessionKey = crypto.wrapSessionKeyWithTransportCert(sessionKey, this.transportCert);

// encrypt symmetric key with session key
byte[] encryptedData = crypto.wrapWithSessionKey(secret, sessionKey, nonceData);

Then store the input parameters in a file using the archival template, for example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <Attribute name="clientKeyID">test</Attribute>
        <Attribute name="dataType">passPhrase</Attribute>
        <Attribute name="keyAlgorithm"/>
        <Attribute name="keySize">0</Attribute>
        <Attribute name="algorithmOID">{1 2 840 113549 3 7}</Attribute>
        <Attribute name="symmetricAlgorithmParams">RPSh1ifBg6E=&#xD;</Attribute>
        <Attribute name="wrappedPrivateData">ogUkFUS04tM=&#xD;</Attribute>
        <Attribute name="transWrappedSessionKey">W0Xf8OoIeaOgE56Rfz8tTn2yDAmWBkuH4ryTYDIjlEaSEv32/Bg73Mj75RUGSl/B&#xD;

Then execute the following command:

$ pki -d ~/.dogtag/pki-tomcat/ca/alias -c Secret.123 -n caadmin kra-key-archive --input archiveKey.xml

See Also

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