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CMC Examples User Signed CMC Revocation Request
This example demonstrates a user-signed CMC revocation request.
Create a CMC revocation request config file; Note that
should be a valid user signing certificate that belongs to the same user subject as that of the certificate to be revoked (but not necessarily the same certificate) -
must contain valid values, e.g.:-
can be added -
note that in case of user-signed CMC revocation request,
are ignored because-
is obtained from the signer’s certificate -
a signed request already proves the origin;
is only used when it’s an unsigned request
See example: cmc-user-signed-revoke.cfg
$ CMCRequest cmc-revoke-user-signed.cfg cert/key prefix = path = /root/cfu/test/cmc/ CryptoManger initialized token internal logged in... got signerCert: signer cfu cert addRevRequestAttr: no sharedSecret found; request will be signed; addRevRequestAttr: RevokeRequest control created. selfSign is false... signData: begins: getPrivateKey: got signing cert signData: got signer privKey createSignedData: begins getSigningAlgFromPrivate: begins. getSigningAlgFromPrivate: found signingKeyType=RSA getSigningAlgFromPrivate: using SignatureAlgorithm: RSASignatureWithSHA256Digest createSignedData: digest created for pkidata createSignedData: digest algorithm =RSA createSignedData: building cert chain signData: signed request generated. getCMCBlob: begins getCMCBlob: generating signed data The CMC enrollment request in base-64 encoded format: MIIKiQYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIKejCCCnYCAQMxDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADCBswYI <snip> The CMC enrollment request in data format is stored in /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmc.revoke.userSigned.req.
config file so that it is signed by the same user-
see example HttpClient.revoke.userSigned.cfg
$ HttpClient HttpClient.revoke.userSigned.cfg Total number of bytes read = 2701 after SSLSocket created, thread token is Internal Key Storage Token client cert is not null handshake happened writing to socket Total number of bytes read = 1598 MIIGOgYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIGKzCCBicCAQMxDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADAxBggr <snip> The response in data format is stored in /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmc.revoke.userSigned.resp
check the result:
$ CMCResponse -d . -i /root/cfu/test/cmc/cmc.revoke.userSigned.resp Certificates: Certificate: Data: Version: v3 Serial Number: 0x1 Signature Algorithm: SHA256withRSA - 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 Issuer: CN=CA Signing Certificate,OU=pki-tomcat,O=unknown00262DFC6A5E Security Domain <snip> Number of controls is 1 Control #0: CMCStatusInfo OID: {1 3 6 1 5 5 7 7 1} BodyList: 1 Status: SUCCESS
Observe the audit log events:
.http-bio-8443-exec-22 - [15/Jun/2017:17:10:05 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=ACCESS_SESSION_ESTABLISH_SUCCESS][ClientIP=y.y.y.y][ServerIP=x.x.x.x][SubjectID=CN=Signer Christina Fu,UID=cfu,OU=self-signed][Outcome=Success] access session establish success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-22 - [15/Jun/2017:17:10:05 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=CMC_USER_SIGNED_REQUEST_SIG_VERIFY_SUCCESS][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][ReqType=revocation][CertSubject=$Unidentified$][SignerInfo=Signer Christina Fu] User signed CMC request signature verification success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-22 - [15/Jun/2017:17:10:05 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=AUTH_SUCCESS][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][AuthMgr=CMCUserSignedAuth] authentication success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-22 - [15/Jun/2017:17:10:05 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=AUTHZ_SUCCESS][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][aclResource=certServer.ee.profile][Op=submit] authorization success 0.http-bio-8443-exec-22 - [15/Jun/2017:17:10:05 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=CERT_STATUS_CHANGE_REQUEST_PROCESSED][SubjectID=Signer Christina Fu][Outcome=Success][ReqID=Signer Christina Fu][CertSerialNum=45][RequestType=revoke][RevokeReasonNum=Unspecified][Approval=complete] certificate status change request processed 0.http-bio-8443-exec-22 - [15/Jun/2017:17:10:05 PDT] [14] [6] [AuditEvent=ACCESS_SESSION_TERMINATED][ClientIP=y.y.y.y][ServerIP=x.x.x.x][SubjectID=CN=Signer Christina Fu,UID=cfu,OU=self-signed][Outcome=Success][Info=CLOSE_NOTIFY] access session terminated
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