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Minutes 2022 03 09

David Slik edited this page Mar 10, 2022 · 2 revisions

SNIA Cloud Storage Technical Working Group

Meeting Agenda, 2022-03-09

  1. IP Statement:

“You are hereby informed that, under the SNIA IP Policy, your presence at this meeting may obligate you and/or your company/organization with respect to any of the work items of the SNIA Cloud Storage TWG.”

  1. Attendance

Attendees: See Causeway listing


  1. Agenda review

Mark: Definition of Multi-cloud

  1. Previous meeting minutes review and approval

Minutes approved as documented:

  1. Discussion around definition of multi-cloud

Existing definitions of hybrid cloud:

  • SNIA Dictionary: hybrid cloud [Cloud] A composition of two or more clouds of different types (private, community, or public).
  • ISO definition of hybrid cloud: “cloud deployment model that uses a private cloud and public cloud.”

Existing definitions of multi-cloud:

  • SC 38’s ISO/IEC 5140 project (Concepts for multi-cloud and multiple cloud services) defines it as “cloud deployment model in which a CSC uses public cloud services provided by two or more CSPs”
  • Wikipedia defines Multicloud as: "Multicloud (also spelled multi-cloud or multi cloud) is a company's use of multiple cloud computing and storage services from different vendors in a single heterogeneous architecture to improve cloud infrastructure capabilities and cost. It also refers to the distribution of cloud assets, software, applications, etc. across several cloud-hosting environments. With a typical multicloud architecture utilizing two or more public clouds as well as multiple private clouds, a multicloud environment aims to eliminate the reliance on any single cloud provider.
  • Mark's suggested definition for multi-cloud: Multi-cloud is a design and implementation that integrates together two or more clouds, private or public, into a single cloud infrastructure. This is intended to avoid vendor lock-in, improve availability, and take advantage of competitive pricing of different cloud services.

Multi cloud vs. multicloud vs. multi-cloud?

  • ISO uses "multi-cloud".
  • This is also our preference.

Proposed SNIA Dictionary additions:

  • Multi-cloud [Cloud] A deployment model involving multiple clouds from two or more different cloud service providers when used together to accomplish a common goal.

Discussion notes:

  • ISO dropped "community cloud" out of the hybrid cloud definition.
  1. Agenda Item: Resource Domain Whitepaper Updates
  • All images now incorporated
  • First pass on heading structure
  • Need to create vector version of Figure 2
  • Image centering not quite working
  1. Agenda Item: Multi-cloud whitepaper
  • Review ISO multi-cloud documents

No time spent on this agenda item.

  1. Agenda Item: Work on CDMI Extensions
  • Continue working on Container Object Duality extension

No time spent on this agenda item.

  1. Prepare agenda for next meeting


  1. Summary of any planned major votes at next meeting

No planned major votes.

  1. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 16:05 PST.

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