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Flint edited this page Nov 9, 2017 · 20 revisions




The age of sprawling vampiric empires. With the destruction of the Black Abbey, the Lancea et Sanctum ceases to be a moderating influence among the Kindred. The Invictus rise to challenge the Adamantes Athanatoi for control of Europe and Anatolia. Will the Camarilla be restored?

Empires, New World of Darkness, Vampire: the Requiem, Werewolf: the Forsaken, etc...

1142 World Map 1100 CE

Vampires (Canon):

  • Euthimia Mystikos, Matriarch of Lancea et Sanctum of Constantiople, Lancea et Sanctum, Ventrue
  • Nicetas Severus, Bishop of Constantinople, Lancea et Sanctum
  • Anastasius Invictus, Claim on Constantinople, Invictus, Leading the Invictus attack on Constantinople
  • Maria Eurphrosyne, Lover of Euthimia Mystikos, Mekhet
  • Acacius, Ancient of Constantinople, Daeva, Torpor
  • Æthelgifu, Queen of London and England, Weihan Cynn ("Woods-Witches"), Mekhet, Saxon, daughter of Æthelstan, Embraced between 956-1002 CE. Allied to the Invictus.
  • Palladius, Duke of Ireland, Irish, Ventrue, Lancea Sanctum
  • Afanso Corajoso, Duke of Portugal, Portugese, Ventrue, Corajoso, Invictus
  • Icarius of Napoli, Ventrue, Italian, Icarian, Lancea Sanctum
  • Cædmon the Lloegyrwys, Archbishop of the Lancea Sanctum, Saxon, originally from Lincolnshire. Embraced 680 CE?


  • Fedi, Caliph of the al-Amin, Levantine, Ventrue, al-Amin
  • Zubair, Caliph of the Banu Shaitan, Berber, Mekhet, Banu Shaitan
  • Baldwin, Emperor of the Ager Sanguinis, Frankish, Nosferatu, Lancea Sanctum
  • Nephthys, Queen of Egypt, Mekhet, Khaibit, Unaligned
  • Turghil Ashina, Sultan of Rum, Anatolia, Wolf-Blooded, Gangrel, al-Amin


  • Illi, Legend of the Bone Shadows, Irraka, Berber
  • Freya Freki, Legend of the Blood Talons, Rahu, Freki, Norse
  • Umur, Legend of the Hunters in Darkness, Irraka, Bedouin
  • Ludvik Vlkodlak, Legend of the Iron Masters, Vlkodlak, Pommeranian, Ithaeur
  • Yevpraxia Bryachislavich, Legend of the Storm Lords, Bryachislavich, Russian, Elodoth
  • Khabichi Chonos, Legend of the Fire-Touched, Chonos, Mongol
  • Rana Sutasoma, Legend of the Ivory Claws, Sutasoma, Hindustani
  • Galya Hukka, Legend of the Predator Kings, Hukka, Samoyed
  • Ella, Legend of the Bale Hounds, Scottish
  • Ceylan Ashina, Sultana of Turkestan, Ivory Claws, Ashina

Major Cities

  • Cordoba 200-450K Andalusian
  • Constantinople 200K-250K Greek
  • Merv 200K Turkmenistan
  • Ani 100K-200K Armenia
  • Baghdad 150K Levantine
  • Cairo 150K Egyptian
  • Marrakech 150K Maghreb
  • Cairo 135K Egyptian
  • Baghdad 125K Levantine
  • Nishapur 125K Persian
  • Fes 125K Maghreb
  • Al-Hasa 110K Bedouin
  • Genoa 80K Italian
  • Rome 30K Italian
  • Naples 30K Italian
  • Acre 25K Frankish
  • Florence 15-20K Italian
  • Pisa 15-20K Italian
  • London 5-10K English
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