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Proposal: Update Annotations for FileObject Name and Path properties

Ivan Kirillov edited this page Dec 20, 2013 · 7 revisions

Status: Closed
Comment Period Closes: 12/19/2013
Affects Backwards Compatibility: No
Relevant Issue:

Background Information

The annotations for some properties on the FileObject were unclear, leading to ambiguous usage. Clarification would help improve interoperability between implementations.


Update the annotations for the following properties as described:

  • File_Name - The File_Name field specifies the base name of the file (including an extension, if present).
  • File_Path - The File_Path field specifies the relative or fully-qualified path to the file, not including the path to the device where the file system containing the file resides. Whether the path is relative or fully-qualified can be specified via the 'fully_qualified' attribute of this field. The File_Path field may include the name of the file; if so, it must not conflict with the File_Name field. If not, the File_Path field should contain the path of the directory containing the file, and should end with a terminating path separator("" or "/").
  • Device_Path - The Device_Path field specifies the path to the device where the file system containing the file resides.
  • Full_Path - The Full_Path field specifies the complete path to the file, including the device path. It should contain the contents that would otherwise be in the Device_Path and File_Path fields, and can be used in case the producer is unable or does not wish to separate the Device_Path and File_Path fields. If the Full_Path field is specified along with the File_Path and/or Device_Path fields, it must not conflict with either. The Full_Path field may include the name of the file; if so, it must not conflict with the File_Name field. If not, the File_Path field should contain the path of the directory containing the file, and should end with a terminating path separator("" or "/").
  • File_Extension - The File_Extension field specifies the extension of the name of the file. The File_Extension field must not conflict with the ending of the File_Name field. The File_Extension field should not begin with a "." character, but may contain a "." character in the case of a compound file extension, such as "tar.gz".


There are no backwards compatibility issues affecting the schema-validity of documents. However, older contents' usage of the properties whose annotations are modified by this proposal may contradict the annotations, so care should be taken when parsing older CybOX content.

Requested Feedback

  1. Do these annotations make sense? Could any be worded more clearly?
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