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CybOX Design: Relationships vs. Embedded Objects

Ivan Kirillov edited this page Jan 28, 2016 · 51 revisions

Issue Description

One of the biggest existing issues with CybOX that leads to multiple ways of producing semantically identical content is with regards to the inconsistent design around how CybOX Objects are related. What this boils down to that there are two different ways that CybOX Objects can be related - directly inside of another Object, or via an explicit Object Relationship.

To help illustrate, here are examples of existing implementations of each approach:

  • Direct embedding: For characterizing the partitions that exist on a disk, the Disk Object imports and uses the Disk Partition Object in its Partition_List field.
  • Object relationships: Using the Process Object to characterize processes that were spawned by or parents of an existing process, one must an Object Relationship with values of Child_Of and Parent_Of, respectively. There is no field with an embedded Object for this purpose.


As previously mentioned, this inconsistency in CybOX design can lead to cases where two users of CybOX can create semantically identical but syntactically different CybOX content. As an example, let's look at how two users may create valid content for characterizing a particular partition that exists on a disk.

User A - embedded objects

User A chooses to use the embedded Disk Partition Object via the Partition_List field.

User B - object relationships

User B is more familiar with CybOX Object Relationships, and seeing that the Partition_List field is optional, choose to use an Object Relationship (with a "Contains" value), which is completely valid per the CybOX schema.

      <Properties xsi:type="DiskPartitionObj:DiskPartitionObjectType">


Given that Object Relationships can be defined for ANY Object, this issue is really scoped around the CybOX Objects that embed other Objects. Accordingly, the diagram below helps illustrate this (as of CybOX v2.1) - each dashed arrow (- - - >) represents an Object that embeds another in one of its fields.

Embedded CybOX Objects

The table below provides more detail about each embedded object:

Parent Object Embedded Object Field(s)
ARP Cache Address ARPCacheEntryType/Address
Disk Disk Partition PartitionListType/Partition
DNS Cache DNS Record DNSCacheEntryType/DNS_Entry
DNS Query DNS Record DNSResourceRecordsType/Resource_Record
DNS Record URI DNSRecordObjectType/Domain_Name
DNS Record Address DNSRecordObjectType/IP_Address
HTTP Session Address HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsType
HTTP Session Port HostFieldType/Port
HTTP Session URI HostFieldType/Domain_Name, others
Network Connection HTTP Session Layer7ConnectionsType/HTTP_Session
Network Connection DNS Query Layer7ConnectionsType/DNS_Query
Network Connection Socket Address NetworkConnectionObjectType/Source_Socket_Address, NetworkConnectionObjectType/Destination_Socket_Address
Network Flow Address NetflowV5FlowRecordType/Nexthop_IPv4_Addr, many others
Network Flow Socket Address NetworkLayerInfoType/Src_Socket_Address, NetworkLayerInfoType/Dest_Socket_Address
Network Packet Address EthernetHeaderType/Destination_MAC_Addr, many others
Network Packet Port TCPHeaderType/Src_Port, many others
Network Route Entry Address NetworkRouteEntryObjectType/Destination_Address, many others
Network Route Network Route Entry NetworkRouteEntriesType/Network_Route_Entry
Network Socket Socket Address NetworkSocketObjectType/Local_Address, NetworkSocketObjectType/Remote_Address
Network Subnet Network Route Entry RoutesType/Route
Process Port PortListType/Port
Process Network Connection NetworkConnectionListType/Network_Connection
Socket Address Address SocketAddressType/IP_Address
Socket Address Hostname SocketAddressType/Hostname
Socket Address Port SocketAddressType/Port
System Address DHCPServerListType/DHCP_Server_Address, others
URL History URI URLHistoryEntryType/URL, others
Whois URI WhoisObjectType/Domain_Name, others
Whois Address WhoisObjectType/IP_Address, others
Windows Computer Account Port KerberosServiceType/Port
Windows Event Windows Handle WindowsEventObjectType/Handle
Windows Filemapping Windows Handle WindowsFilemappingObjectType/Handle
Windows Hook Windows Handle WindowsHookObjectType/Handle
Windows Hook Library WindowsHookObjectType/Hooking_Module
Windows Mailslot Windows Handle WindowsMailslotObjectType/Handle
Windows Mutex Windows Handle WindowsMutexObjectType/Handle
Windows Pipe Windows Handle WindowsPipeObjectType/Handle
Windows Prefetch Windows Volume VolumeType/VolumeItem
Windows Prefetch Device VolumeType/DeviceItem
Windows Process Windows Handle WindowsProcessObjectType/Handle_List
Windows Process Memory MemorySectionListType/Memory_Section
Windows Process Windows Thread WindowsProcessObjectType/Thread
Windows Registry Key Windows Handle WindowsRegistryKeyObjectType/Handle_List
Windows Semaphore Windows Handle WindowsSemaphoreObjectType/Handle
Windows System Windows Handle WindowsSystemObjectType/Open_Handle_List
Windows Task Email Message TaskActionType/IEmailAction
Windows Thread Windows Handle WindowsThreadObjectType/Handle
Windows Waitable Timer Windows Handle WindowsWaitableTimerObjectType/Handle

Possible Refactoring

Given that explicit relationships between CybOX are one of its key components, there are two possible solutions to making their representation and expression more consistent:

  1. Removing all embedded Objects and allowing for relationship expression solely through Object Relationships.
  2. A hybrid approach, where a few select Objects are still related by being embedded, while the vast majority are related through explicit Object Relationships.

Our current preference is option 2, the hybrid approach, as we feel that option 1 would make certain common relationships excessively verbose without much benefit in the way of added consistency, and would also make certain objects empty when defined. For instance, imagine needing to relate an IP Address as part of a Socket Address:


Hybrid Approach

The goal of the hybrid approach is to relate CybOX Objects exclusively using Object Relationships, with the exception of a few commonly used/related Objects which will remain embedded. Based on the existing set of embedded Objects, the following rationale would be reasonable:

  • Any "atomic" Objects that are currently embedded will remain embedded. These are exclusively networking-related and include the following:
    • Address
    • URI
    • Port
    • Socket Address
    • Hostname
    • Domain Name
  • All other Objects (with some exceptions - see below) that are currently embedded would be related through newly defined Object Relationships, and their existing usage and corresponding fields would be deprecated.
    • Exceptions/corner cases would include places where the semantics of a relationship would be lost or degraded if defined solely through an Object Relationship. For instance, the Windows Task Object may have multiple task "items", each of which may generate an Email Message. It would be difficult to accurately relate multiple such Email Messages to their corresponding task item(s) without vastly complicating the Object Relationship structure.
  • Any new Objects defined in the future will follow this above pattern.

The upside of this approach is two-fold:

  • It makes the expression of relationships between Objects much more consistent (one way of doing things)
  • It reduces the dependencies in the CybOX Objects, making them easier to manage and update in the future

Accordingly, this would result in the following set of embedded Objects:

Refactored Embedded Objects

New Relationships

We propose the following notional set of Object relationships to replace those expressed via embedded Objects. New relationships (i.e. those not existing in the current ObjectRelationshipVocab) are italicized.

Parent Object Embedded Object Field(s) Relationship
Disk Disk Partition PartitionListType/Partition Contains
DNS Cache DNS Record DNSCacheEntryType/DNS_Entry Contains
DNS Query DNS Record DNSResourceRecordsType/Resource_Record N/A - this depends on whether the DNS Query Object will be split up into a Query/Response pairing.
Network Connection HTTP Session Layer7ConnectionsType/HTTP_Session Part Of
Network Connection DNS Query Layer7ConnectionsType/DNS_Query Part Of
Network Route Network Route Entry NetworkRouteEntriesType/Network_Route_Entry Contains
Network Subnet Network Route Entry RoutesType/Route Contains
Process Network Connection NetworkConnectionListType/Network_Connection Initiated
Windows Event Windows Handle WindowsEventObjectType/Handle Referenced By
Windows Filemapping Windows Handle WindowsFilemappingObjectType/Handle Referenced By
Windows Hook Windows Handle WindowsHookObjectType/Handle Referenced By
Windows Hook Library WindowsHookObjectType/Hooking_Module Defined In
Windows Mailslot Windows Handle WindowsMailslotObjectType/Handle Referenced By
Windows Mutex Windows Handle WindowsMutexObjectType/Handle Referenced By
Windows Pipe Windows Handle WindowsPipeObjectType/Handle Referenced By
Windows Prefetch Windows Volume VolumeType/VolumeItem Executed From
Windows Prefetch Device VolumeType/DeviceItem Executed From
Windows Process Windows Handle WindowsProcessObjectType/Handle_List Used
Windows Process Memory MemorySectionListType/Memory_Section Used
Windows Process Windows Thread WindowsProcessObjectType/Thread Created
Windows Registry Key Windows Handle WindowsRegistryKeyObjectType/Handle_List Referenced By
Windows Semaphore Windows Handle WindowsSemaphoreObjectType/Handle Referenced By
Windows System Windows Handle WindowsSystemObjectType/Open_Handle_List Referenced By
Windows Thread Windows Handle WindowsThreadObjectType/Handle Referenced By
Windows Waitable Timer Windows Handle WindowsWaitableTimerObjectType/Handle Referenced By

Potential Downsides

  • This would place an additional burden on the CybOX content producer to understand how to construct relationships
  • This could substantially increase the size of the Object Relationship Vocabulary, also placing a burden on the content producer to understand which relationships are valid between which objects. However, this second issue is something that can likely be resolved through proper documentation.
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