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JSON Style Guide Design Philosophy

Ivan Kirillov edited this page Dec 23, 2015 · 5 revisions

All credit goes to EclecticIQ - thanks for sharing this!

JSON Format

The STIX language uses quite a few advanced XML modeling techniques (multiple namespaces, xsi:type substitutions in instance documents, QName identifiers, and so on), making it quite complex to work with.

The JSON format used by objectivistix tries to be much simpler to work with. Structurally it mirrors most of the original XML tree structure, but the resulting tree structures are not identical since the JSON representation favors flat objects over nested structures.

Compound structures are objects

In general, each compound structure is converted into a JSON object (dict in Python). These objects always have a type key to indicate the type of the structure:

    "type": "indicator",
    "...": "..."

Each of the main STIX constructs (see the STIX architecture) is represented as a JSON object. The type keys used are:

Defining Schema XML Schema Type Object type field
STIX Core STIXType package
STIX Campaign CampaignType campaign
STIX COA CourseOfActionType course-of-action
STIX Exploit Target ExploitTargetType exploit-target
STIX Incident IncidentType incident
STIX Indicator IndicatorType indicator
STIX Report ReportType report
STIX Threat Actor ThreatActorType threat-actor
CybOX ObservableType observable

Secondary constructs use these additional types:

Defining Schema XML Schema Type Object type field
STIX Common ActivityType activity
STIX Common ConfidenceType confidence
STIX Common IdentityType identity
STIX Common InformationSourceType information-source
STIX Common KillChainType kill-chain
STIX Common KillChainPhaseType kill-chain-phase
STIX Common KillChainPhaseReferenceType kill-chain-phase-reference
STIX Common StatementType statement
STIX Common ToolInformationType tool-information
STIX COA ObjectiveType objective
STIX Exploit Target ConfigurationType configuration
STIX Exploit Target CVSSVectorType cvss-vector
STIX Exploit Target ConfigurationType configuration
STIX Exploit Target VulnerabilityType vulnerability
STIX Exploit Target WeaknessType weakness
STIX Exploit Target CVSSVectorType cvss-vector
STIX Incident AffectedAssetType affected-asset
STIX Incident HistoryItemType history-item
STIX Incident ImpactAssessmentType impact-assessment
STIX Incident PropertyAffectedType property-affected
STIX Indicator TestMechanismType test-mechanism
STIX Indicator ValidTimeType valid-time
STIX Markings MarkingSpecificationType marking-specification
STIX Markings MarkingStructureType marking-structure
STIX TTP AttackPatternType attack-pattern
STIX TTP BehaviorType behavior
STIX TTP ExploitType exploit
STIX TTP InfrastructureType infrastructure
STIX TTP ResourceType resource
STIX TTP VictimTargetingType victim-targeting
CybOX Core ObservablesType observables
CybOX Common HashType hash
CybOX Common MeasureSourceType hash
CybOX Common ObjectType cybox-object
CybOX Common ToolInformationType tool-information

Attributes and child elements are key/value pairs

Both the attributes and child elements defined for a compound structure usually map to additional key/value pairs of the JSON objects:

    "type": "indicator",
    "negate": false,
    "title": "This is the title."

Relations are nested objects (or arrays of objects)

For one-to-one relations, the value is a nested object, and the key is a singular noun (observable in the example):

    "type": "indicator",
    "observable": {
      "type": "observable",
      "...": "..."
    "...": "..."

For one-to-many relations, the value is a JSON array containing the child objects, and the key is a plural noun (indicators in the example):

    "type": "package",
    "indicators": [
        "type": "indicator",
        "...": "..."
        "type": "indicator",
        "...": "..."
    "...": "..."

Additionally, the many RelatedXYZ constructs (and the surrounding container objects) in STIX are also flattened: the target of the relation is the child object (or a list of those), and any additional relationship information is embedded into the child object(s):

    "type": "indicator",
    "indicated_ttps": [
        "type": "ttp",
        "relationship": "...",
        "relationship_information_source": "...",
        "...": "..."
        "type": "ttp",
        "relationship": "...",
        "relationship_information_source": "...",
        "...": "..."
    "...": "..."

See also the notes about nesting below.

Flat is better than nested

The STIX XML representation is deeply nested, partly due to the way XML is typically used. The JSON representation tries to be a bit more pragmatic and adheres to the "flat is better than nested" adage.

In practice, this means that nested container structures are flattened as much as possible. Unnecessary container structures are simply removed. For example, the <stix:Indicators> container structure used in the XML representation does not exist as such in the JSON representation, since using an array is sufficient.

To further reduce the number of nested objects, various XML constructs using container elements with (optional) attributes are flattened into the parent object by using multiple related keys. This is best explained using an example.

For example, the StructuredTextType used in both STIX and CybOX is basically a string that can optionally carry a structuring_format attribute. A naive conversion would require a nested object to represent this:

    "type": "...",
    "description": {
      "structuring_format": "html",
      "value": "Description goes here."
    "...": "..."

Since the structuring_format is optional, this approach would often result in a small nested object with only a single key/value pair (the value). To avoid this, objectivistix takes an alternative approach using two related keys in the containing object:

    "type": "...",
    "description": "Description goes here.",
    "description_structuring_format": "html",
    "...": "..."

In case the structuring_format is not specified, the description_structuring_format key/value pair would simply not be present:

    "type": "...",
    "description": "Description goes here.",
    "...": "..."

ID handling

All id and idref attributes in STIX XML are not simply string values, but qualified names (QName in XML), meaning that they contain a namespace prefix which resolves to a namespace URI. To avoid any explicit mappings for these prefixes and their associated namespace URI, the JSON representation always expresses id and idref values in their canonical form using the so-called Clark notation, which looks like this: {}local-name.

The top level object may optionally contain an id_namespaces mapping that maps prefixes to namespace URIs. This mapping will be used to determine the prefixes used for id and idref attribute values when converting the object to XML, as illustrated by the example below:

    "type": "package",
    "id": "{}Package-b3ba766b-d3e6-4d92-82b2-5940f0cb763c",
    "id_namespaces": {
      "example": ""

In case no id_namespaces mapping is present, a unique namespace prefix will be used instead. The id_namespaces can safely be left out with no semantical loss, since the prefix is arbitrary and only used for serialized XML data, and not for the in-memory model.

Special conversion notes

STIX package header

The package header is not treated as a first-class structure. Since the STIX_Header construct only applies to STIX_Package, it is merged completely into the main package object (this avoids having an additional nested object for the header):

      "type": "package",
      "description": "Description goes here.",
      "...": "..."
Structured text

The StructuredTextType construct is not transformed into a child object. Instead, the keys foo and (optionally) foo_structuring_format are added to the containing object.

Observable composition

An observable composition structure does not result in a nested object for the composition itself. Instead, the composition key contains the child objects, and the composition_operator specifies the operator:

      "type": "indicator",
      "observable": {
        "composition_operator": "or",
        "composition": [
            "type": "observable",
            "...": "..."
            "type": "observable",
            "...": "..."
      "...": "..."
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