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1040 lines (790 loc) · 44 KB

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1040 lines (790 loc) · 44 KB


All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Method HTTP request Description
apiV2AutoTestsFlakyBulkPost POST /api/v2/autoTests/flaky/bulk Set "Flaky" status for multiple autotests
apiV2AutoTestsIdPatch PATCH /api/v2/autoTests/{id} Patch auto test
apiV2AutoTestsIdTestResultsSearchPost POST /api/v2/autoTests/{id}/testResults/search Get test results history for autotest
apiV2AutoTestsIdWorkItemsChangedIdGet GET /api/v2/autoTests/{id}/workItems/changed/id Get identifiers of changed linked work items
apiV2AutoTestsIdWorkItemsChangedWorkItemIdApprovePost POST /api/v2/autoTests/{id}/workItems/changed/{workItemId}/approve Approve changes to work items linked to autotest
apiV2AutoTestsSearchPost POST /api/v2/autoTests/search Search for autotests
createAutoTest POST /api/v2/autoTests Create autotest
createMultiple POST /api/v2/autoTests/bulk Create multiple autotests
deleteAutoTest DELETE /api/v2/autoTests/{id} Delete autotest
deleteAutoTestLinkFromWorkItem DELETE /api/v2/autoTests/{id}/workItems Unlink autotest from work item
getAllAutoTests GET /api/v2/autoTests
getAutoTestAverageDuration GET /api/v2/autoTests/{id}/averageDuration Get average autotest duration
getAutoTestById GET /api/v2/autoTests/{id} Get autotest by internal or global ID
getAutoTestChronology GET /api/v2/autoTests/{id}/chronology Get autotest chronology
getTestRuns GET /api/v2/autoTests/{id}/testRuns Get completed tests runs for autotests
getWorkItemsLinkedToAutoTest GET /api/v2/autoTests/{id}/workItems Get work items linked to autotest
linkAutoTestToWorkItem POST /api/v2/autoTests/{id}/workItems Link autotest with work items
updateAutoTest PUT /api/v2/autoTests Update autotest
updateMultiple PUT /api/v2/autoTests/bulk Update multiple autotests


apiV2AutoTestsFlakyBulkPost(skip, take, orderBy, searchField, searchValue, flakyBulkModel)

Set "Flaky" status for multiple autotests

User permissions for project: - Read only - Execute - Write - Full control


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val skip : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | Amount of items to be skipped (offset)
val take : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | Amount of items to be taken (limit)
val orderBy : kotlin.String = orderBy_example // kotlin.String | SQL-like  ORDER BY statement (column1 ASC|DESC , column2 ASC|DESC)
val searchField : kotlin.String = searchField_example // kotlin.String | Property name for searching
val searchValue : kotlin.String = searchValue_example // kotlin.String | Value for searching
val flakyBulkModel : FlakyBulkModel =  // FlakyBulkModel | 
try {
    apiInstance.apiV2AutoTestsFlakyBulkPost(skip, take, orderBy, searchField, searchValue, flakyBulkModel)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsFlakyBulkPost")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsFlakyBulkPost")


| skip | kotlin.Int| Amount of items to be skipped (offset) | [optional] | | take | kotlin.Int| Amount of items to be taken (limit) | [optional] | | orderBy | kotlin.String| SQL-like ORDER BY statement (column1 ASC|DESC , column2 ASC|DESC) | [optional] | | searchField | kotlin.String| Property name for searching | [optional] | | searchValue | kotlin.String| Value for searching | [optional] |

Name Type Description Notes
flakyBulkModel FlakyBulkModel [optional]

Return type

null (empty response body)


Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


apiV2AutoTestsIdPatch(id, operation)

Patch auto test

See <a href=&quot;\" target=&quot;_blank&quot;>RFC 6902: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch</a> for details


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : java.util.UUID = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d // java.util.UUID | Global Id of auto test
val operation : kotlin.collections.List<Operation> =  // kotlin.collections.List<Operation> | 
try {
    apiInstance.apiV2AutoTestsIdPatch(id, operation)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsIdPatch")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsIdPatch")


| id | java.util.UUID| Global Id of auto test | |

Name Type Description Notes
operation kotlin.collections.List<Operation> [optional]

Return type

null (empty response body)


Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


kotlin.collections.List<AutotestResultHistoricalGetModel> apiV2AutoTestsIdTestResultsSearchPost(id, skip, take, orderBy, searchField, searchValue, autotestHistoricalResultSelectModel)

Get test results history for autotest

Use case User sets autotest internal (guid format) or global (integer format) identifier User sets getTestResultHistoryReportQuery (listed in the example) User runs method execution System search for test results using filters set by user in getTestResultHistoryReportQuery and id System returns the enumeration of test results


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : kotlin.String = id_example // kotlin.String | Autotest identifier
val skip : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | Amount of items to be skipped (offset)
val take : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | Amount of items to be taken (limit)
val orderBy : kotlin.String = orderBy_example // kotlin.String | SQL-like  ORDER BY statement (column1 ASC|DESC , column2 ASC|DESC)
val searchField : kotlin.String = searchField_example // kotlin.String | Property name for searching
val searchValue : kotlin.String = searchValue_example // kotlin.String | Value for searching
val autotestHistoricalResultSelectModel : AutotestHistoricalResultSelectModel =  // AutotestHistoricalResultSelectModel | 
try {
    val result : kotlin.collections.List<AutotestResultHistoricalGetModel> = apiInstance.apiV2AutoTestsIdTestResultsSearchPost(id, skip, take, orderBy, searchField, searchValue, autotestHistoricalResultSelectModel)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsIdTestResultsSearchPost")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsIdTestResultsSearchPost")


| id | kotlin.String| Autotest identifier | | | skip | kotlin.Int| Amount of items to be skipped (offset) | [optional] | | take | kotlin.Int| Amount of items to be taken (limit) | [optional] | | orderBy | kotlin.String| SQL-like ORDER BY statement (column1 ASC|DESC , column2 ASC|DESC) | [optional] | | searchField | kotlin.String| Property name for searching | [optional] | | searchValue | kotlin.String| Value for searching | [optional] |

Name Type Description Notes
autotestHistoricalResultSelectModel AutotestHistoricalResultSelectModel [optional]

Return type



Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


kotlin.collections.List<java.util.UUID> apiV2AutoTestsIdWorkItemsChangedIdGet(id)

Get identifiers of changed linked work items

User permissions for project: - Read only - Execute - Write - Full control


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : java.util.UUID = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d // java.util.UUID | 
try {
    val result : kotlin.collections.List<java.util.UUID> = apiInstance.apiV2AutoTestsIdWorkItemsChangedIdGet(id)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsIdWorkItemsChangedIdGet")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsIdWorkItemsChangedIdGet")


Name Type Description Notes
id java.util.UUID

Return type



Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


apiV2AutoTestsIdWorkItemsChangedWorkItemIdApprovePost(id, workItemId)

Approve changes to work items linked to autotest

User permissions for project: - Read only - Execute - Write - Full control


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : java.util.UUID = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d // java.util.UUID | 
val workItemId : java.util.UUID = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d // java.util.UUID | 
try {
    apiInstance.apiV2AutoTestsIdWorkItemsChangedWorkItemIdApprovePost(id, workItemId)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsIdWorkItemsChangedWorkItemIdApprovePost")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsIdWorkItemsChangedWorkItemIdApprovePost")


| id | java.util.UUID| | |

Name Type Description Notes
workItemId java.util.UUID

Return type

null (empty response body)


Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestModel> apiV2AutoTestsSearchPost(skip, take, orderBy, searchField, searchValue, autotestsSelectModel)

Search for autotests


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val skip : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | Amount of items to be skipped (offset)
val take : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | Amount of items to be taken (limit)
val orderBy : kotlin.String = orderBy_example // kotlin.String | SQL-like  ORDER BY statement (column1 ASC|DESC , column2 ASC|DESC)
val searchField : kotlin.String = searchField_example // kotlin.String | Property name for searching
val searchValue : kotlin.String = searchValue_example // kotlin.String | Value for searching
val autotestsSelectModel : AutotestsSelectModel =  // AutotestsSelectModel | 
try {
    val result : kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestModel> = apiInstance.apiV2AutoTestsSearchPost(skip, take, orderBy, searchField, searchValue, autotestsSelectModel)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsSearchPost")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#apiV2AutoTestsSearchPost")


| skip | kotlin.Int| Amount of items to be skipped (offset) | [optional] | | take | kotlin.Int| Amount of items to be taken (limit) | [optional] | | orderBy | kotlin.String| SQL-like ORDER BY statement (column1 ASC|DESC , column2 ASC|DESC) | [optional] | | searchField | kotlin.String| Property name for searching | [optional] | | searchValue | kotlin.String| Value for searching | [optional] |

Name Type Description Notes
autotestsSelectModel AutotestsSelectModel [optional]

Return type



Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


AutoTestModel createAutoTest(autoTestPostModel)

Create autotest

This method creates a new autotest. To add an autotest to the test plan, link it to a work item using the `POST /api/v2/autoTests/{autoTestId}/workItems` method. Use the `POST /api/v2/testRuns/byAutoTests` method to run autotest outside the test plan.


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val autoTestPostModel : AutoTestPostModel =  // AutoTestPostModel | 
try {
    val result : AutoTestModel = apiInstance.createAutoTest(autoTestPostModel)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#createAutoTest")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#createAutoTest")


Name Type Description Notes
autoTestPostModel AutoTestPostModel [optional]

Return type



Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestModel> createMultiple(autoTestPostModel)

Create multiple autotests

Use case User sets autotest parameters (listed in the example) and runs method execution System creates autotest [Optional] If steps enumeration is set, system creates step items and relates them to autotest [Optional] If setup enumeration is set, system creates setup items and relates them to autotest [Optional] If teardown enumeration is set, system creates teardown items and relates them to autotest [Optional] If label enumeration is set, system creates labels and relates them to autotest [Optional] If link enumeration is set, system creates links and relates them to autotest System returns autotest model (example listed in response parameters)


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val autoTestPostModel : kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestPostModel> =  // kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestPostModel> | 
try {
    val result : kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestModel> = apiInstance.createMultiple(autoTestPostModel)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#createMultiple")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#createMultiple")


Name Type Description Notes
autoTestPostModel kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestPostModel> [optional]

Return type



Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json



Delete autotest

Use case User sets autotest internal (guid format) or global (integer format) identifier and runs method execution System finds the autotest by the identifier System deletes autotest and returns no content response


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : kotlin.String = id_example // kotlin.String | Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier
try {
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#deleteAutoTest")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#deleteAutoTest")


Name Type Description Notes
id kotlin.String Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier

Return type

null (empty response body)


Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


deleteAutoTestLinkFromWorkItem(id, workItemId)

Unlink autotest from work item

Use case User sets autotest internal (guid format) or global (integer format) identifier [Optional] User sets workitem internal (guid format) or global (integer format) identifier User runs method execution System finds the autotest by the autotest identifier [Optional] if workitem id is set by User, System finds the workitem by the workitem identifier and unlinks it from autotest. [Optional] Otherwise, if workitem id is not specified, System unlinks all workitems linked to autotest. System returns no content response


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : kotlin.String = id_example // kotlin.String | Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier
val workItemId : kotlin.String = workItemId_example // kotlin.String | Work item internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier
try {
    apiInstance.deleteAutoTestLinkFromWorkItem(id, workItemId)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#deleteAutoTestLinkFromWorkItem")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#deleteAutoTestLinkFromWorkItem")


| id | kotlin.String| Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier | |

Name Type Description Notes
workItemId kotlin.String Work item internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier [optional]

Return type

null (empty response body)


Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestModel> getAllAutoTests(projectId, externalId, globalId, namespace, isNamespaceNull, includeEmptyNamespaces, className, isClassnameNull, includeEmptyClassNames, isDeleted, deleted, labels, stabilityMinimal, minStability, stabilityMaximal, maxStability, isFlaky, flaky, includeSteps, includeLabels, externalKey, skip, take, orderBy, searchField, searchValue)


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val projectId : java.util.UUID = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d // java.util.UUID | Project internal ID
val externalId : kotlin.String = externalId_example // kotlin.String | Autotest external ID
val globalId : kotlin.Long = 789 // kotlin.Long | Autotest global ID
val namespace : kotlin.String = namespace_example // kotlin.String | Namespace in which autotest is located
val isNamespaceNull : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | OBSOLETE: Use `includeEmptyNamespaces` instead
val includeEmptyNamespaces : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | If result must contain autotests without namespace
val className : kotlin.String = className_example // kotlin.String | Name of class in which autotest is located
val isClassnameNull : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | OBSOLETE: Use `includeEmptyClassNames` instead
val includeEmptyClassNames : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | If result must contain autotests without class
val isDeleted : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | OBSOLETE: Use `deleted` instead
val deleted : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | Is autotest deleted
val labels : kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String> =  // kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String> | Include only autotests with provided labels
val stabilityMinimal : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | OBSOLETE: Use `minStability` instead
val minStability : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | Minimum stability value of autotest
val stabilityMaximal : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | OBSOLETE: Use `maxStability` instead
val maxStability : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | Maximum stability value of autotest
val isFlaky : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | OBSOLETE: Use `flaky` instead
val flaky : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | Is autotest marked as \"Flaky\"
val includeSteps : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | If result must also include autotest steps
val includeLabels : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | If result must also include autotest labels
val externalKey : kotlin.String = externalKey_example // kotlin.String | External key of autotest
val skip : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | Amount of items to be skipped (offset)
val take : kotlin.Int = 56 // kotlin.Int | Amount of items to be taken (limit)
val orderBy : kotlin.String = orderBy_example // kotlin.String | SQL-like  ORDER BY statement (column1 ASC|DESC , column2 ASC|DESC)
val searchField : kotlin.String = searchField_example // kotlin.String | Property name for searching
val searchValue : kotlin.String = searchValue_example // kotlin.String | Value for searching
try {
    val result : kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestModel> = apiInstance.getAllAutoTests(projectId, externalId, globalId, namespace, isNamespaceNull, includeEmptyNamespaces, className, isClassnameNull, includeEmptyClassNames, isDeleted, deleted, labels, stabilityMinimal, minStability, stabilityMaximal, maxStability, isFlaky, flaky, includeSteps, includeLabels, externalKey, skip, take, orderBy, searchField, searchValue)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getAllAutoTests")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getAllAutoTests")


| projectId | java.util.UUID| Project internal ID | [optional] | | externalId | kotlin.String| Autotest external ID | [optional] | | globalId | kotlin.Long| Autotest global ID | [optional] | | namespace | kotlin.String| Namespace in which autotest is located | [optional] | | isNamespaceNull | kotlin.Boolean| OBSOLETE: Use `includeEmptyNamespaces` instead | [optional] | | includeEmptyNamespaces | kotlin.Boolean| If result must contain autotests without namespace | [optional] | | className | kotlin.String| Name of class in which autotest is located | [optional] | | isClassnameNull | kotlin.Boolean| OBSOLETE: Use `includeEmptyClassNames` instead | [optional] | | includeEmptyClassNames | kotlin.Boolean| If result must contain autotests without class | [optional] | | isDeleted | kotlin.Boolean| OBSOLETE: Use `deleted` instead | [optional] | | deleted | kotlin.Boolean| Is autotest deleted | [optional] | | labels | kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String>| Include only autotests with provided labels | [optional] | | stabilityMinimal | kotlin.Int| OBSOLETE: Use `minStability` instead | [optional] | | minStability | kotlin.Int| Minimum stability value of autotest | [optional] | | stabilityMaximal | kotlin.Int| OBSOLETE: Use `maxStability` instead | [optional] | | maxStability | kotlin.Int| Maximum stability value of autotest | [optional] | | isFlaky | kotlin.Boolean| OBSOLETE: Use `flaky` instead | [optional] | | flaky | kotlin.Boolean| Is autotest marked as &quot;Flaky&quot; | [optional] | | includeSteps | kotlin.Boolean| If result must also include autotest steps | [optional] | | includeLabels | kotlin.Boolean| If result must also include autotest labels | [optional] | | externalKey | kotlin.String| External key of autotest | [optional] | | skip | kotlin.Int| Amount of items to be skipped (offset) | [optional] | | take | kotlin.Int| Amount of items to be taken (limit) | [optional] | | orderBy | kotlin.String| SQL-like ORDER BY statement (column1 ASC|DESC , column2 ASC|DESC) | [optional] | | searchField | kotlin.String| Property name for searching | [optional] |

Name Type Description Notes
searchValue kotlin.String Value for searching [optional]

Return type



Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


AutoTestAverageDurationModel getAutoTestAverageDuration(id)

Get average autotest duration

Use case User sets autotest internal (guid format) or global (integer format) identifier User runs method execution System calculates pass average duration and fail average duration of autotest from all related test results System returns pass average duration and fail average duration for autotest


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : kotlin.String = id_example // kotlin.String | Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier
try {
    val result : AutoTestAverageDurationModel = apiInstance.getAutoTestAverageDuration(id)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getAutoTestAverageDuration")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getAutoTestAverageDuration")


Name Type Description Notes
id kotlin.String Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier

Return type



Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


AutoTestModel getAutoTestById(id)

Get autotest by internal or global ID

Use case User sets autotest internal or global identifier and runs method execution System returns autotest, which internal or global identifier equals the identifier value set in the previous action


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : kotlin.String = id_example // kotlin.String | Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier
try {
    val result : AutoTestModel = apiInstance.getAutoTestById(id)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getAutoTestById")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getAutoTestById")


Name Type Description Notes
id kotlin.String Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier

Return type



Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


kotlin.collections.List<TestResultChronologyModel> getAutoTestChronology(id)

Get autotest chronology

Use case User sets autotest internal (guid format) or global (integer format) identifier User runs method execution System search all test results related to autotest (with default limit equal 100) System orders the test results by CompletedOn property descending and then orders by CreatedDate property descending System returns test result chronology for autotest


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : kotlin.String = id_example // kotlin.String | Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier
try {
    val result : kotlin.collections.List<TestResultChronologyModel> = apiInstance.getAutoTestChronology(id)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getAutoTestChronology")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getAutoTestChronology")


Name Type Description Notes
id kotlin.String Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier

Return type



Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


kotlin.collections.List<TestRunShortModel> getTestRuns(id)

Get completed tests runs for autotests

Use case User sets autotest internal (guid format) or global (integer format) identifier User runs method execution System search for all test runs related to the autotest System returns the enumeration of test runs


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : kotlin.String = id_example // kotlin.String | Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier
try {
    val result : kotlin.collections.List<TestRunShortModel> = apiInstance.getTestRuns(id)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getTestRuns")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getTestRuns")


Name Type Description Notes
id kotlin.String Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier

Return type



Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


kotlin.collections.List<WorkItemIdentifierModel> getWorkItemsLinkedToAutoTest(id, isDeleted, isWorkItemDeleted)

Get work items linked to autotest

           This method links an autotest to a test case or a checklist.              A manual test case with a linked automated work item is marked in the test management system as an autotest.              You can run it from graphical user interface (GUI). To do that:                               1. Open the project in GUI.               2. Go to &lt;b&gt;Test plans&lt;/b&gt; section and switch to the &lt;b&gt;Execution&lt;/b&gt; tab.               3. Select the autotest(s) you want to run using checkboxes.               4. In the toolbar above the test list, click &lt;b&gt;Run autotests&lt;/b&gt;.              


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : kotlin.String = id_example // kotlin.String | Specifies the autotest entity ID.   You can copy it from the address bar in your web browser or use autotest GUID.
val isDeleted : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | Specifies that a test is deleted or still relevant.
val isWorkItemDeleted : kotlin.Boolean = true // kotlin.Boolean | OBSOLETE: Use `isDeleted` instead
try {
    val result : kotlin.collections.List<WorkItemIdentifierModel> = apiInstance.getWorkItemsLinkedToAutoTest(id, isDeleted, isWorkItemDeleted)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getWorkItemsLinkedToAutoTest")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#getWorkItemsLinkedToAutoTest")


| id | kotlin.String| Specifies the autotest entity ID. You can copy it from the address bar in your web browser or use autotest GUID. | | | isDeleted | kotlin.Boolean| Specifies that a test is deleted or still relevant. | [optional] |

Name Type Description Notes
isWorkItemDeleted kotlin.Boolean OBSOLETE: Use `isDeleted` instead [optional] [default to false]

Return type



Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


linkAutoTestToWorkItem(id, workItemIdModel)

Link autotest with work items

Use case User sets autotest internal (guid format) or global (integer format) identifier User sets work item internal (guid format) or global (integer format) identifier User runs method execution System finds the autotest by the autotest identifier System finds the work item by the work item identifier System relates the work item with the autotest and returns no content response


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val id : kotlin.String = id_example // kotlin.String | Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier
val workItemIdModel : WorkItemIdModel =  // WorkItemIdModel | 
try {
    apiInstance.linkAutoTestToWorkItem(id, workItemIdModel)
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#linkAutoTestToWorkItem")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#linkAutoTestToWorkItem")


| id | kotlin.String| Autotest internal (UUID) or global (integer) identifier | |

Name Type Description Notes
workItemIdModel WorkItemIdModel [optional]

Return type

null (empty response body)


Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json



Update autotest

Use case User sets autotest updated parameters values (listed in the example) and runs method execution System finds the autotest by the identifier System updates autotest parameters [Optional] If steps enumeration is set, system creates step items, relates them to autotest and deletes relations with current steps( if exist) [Optional] If Setup enumeration is set, system creates setup items and relates them to autotest and deletes relations with current Setup items (if exist) [Optional] If teardown enumeration is set, system creates teardown items and relates them to autotest and deletes relations with current teardown items (if exist) [Optional] If label enumeration is set, system creates labels and relates them to autotest and deletes relations with current Labels (if exist) [Optional] If link enumeration is set, system creates links and relates them to autotest and deletes relations with current Links (if exist) System updates autotest and returns no content response


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val autoTestPutModel : AutoTestPutModel =  // AutoTestPutModel | 
try {
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#updateAutoTest")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#updateAutoTest")


Name Type Description Notes
autoTestPutModel AutoTestPutModel [optional]

Return type

null (empty response body)


Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json



Update multiple autotests

Use case User sets autotest updated parameters values (listed in the example) and runs method execution System finds the autotest by the identifier System updates autotest parameters [Optional] If steps enumeration is set, system creates step items, relates them to autotest and deletes relations with current steps( if exist) [Optional] If Setup enumeration is set, system creates setup items and relates them to autotest and deletes relations with current Setup items (if exist) [Optional] If teardown enumeration is set, system creates teardown items and relates them to autotest and deletes relations with current teardown items (if exist) [Optional] If label enumeration is set, system creates labels and relates them to autotest and deletes relations with current Labels (if exist) [Optional] If link enumeration is set, system creates links and relates them to autotest and deletes relations with current Links (if exist) System updates autotest and returns no content response


// Import classes:
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.infrastructure.*
//import ru.testit.kotlin.client.models.*

val apiInstance = AutoTestsApi()
val autoTestPutModel : kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestPutModel> =  // kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestPutModel> | 
try {
} catch (e: ClientException) {
    println("4xx response calling AutoTestsApi#updateMultiple")
} catch (e: ServerException) {
    println("5xx response calling AutoTestsApi#updateMultiple")


Name Type Description Notes
autoTestPutModel kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestPutModel> [optional]

Return type

null (empty response body)


Configure Bearer or PrivateToken: ApiClient.apiKey["Authorization"] = "" ApiClient.apiKeyPrefix["Authorization"] = ""

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json