Welcome everybody to Test IT repository! We are pleased to see all the guests and participants of our open source project.
Test IT is a cutting-edge, user-friendly software testing management system. We provide a go-to solution for combining manual and automated testing. Test IT solves all tasks of QA/QC and supports software developing.
- 💼 Official site
- 💉 Help Center
- 📖 Docs - Installation Guide
- 📖 Docs - Admin Guide
- 📖 Docs - User Guide
- 🔎 Version overview
- ☁️ Test IT Cloud
- 🖥️ Test IT Enterprise
Adapters are testing framework extensions used to send autotest contents and results of autotest runs to Test IT. Use adapters to run autotests and obtain the test results from any system: IDE, console, CI/CD systems, etc. Learn more...
- 🧪 @testit/adapters-java: Adapter for integration with Java testing frameworks.
- 🧪 @testit/adapters-python: Adapter for integration with Python testing frameworks.
- 🧪 @testit/adapters-js: Adapter for integration with JavaScript testing frameworks.
- 🧪 @testit/adapters-dotnet: Adapter for integration with Dotnet testing frameworks.
- 🧪 @testit/adapters-go: Adapter for integration with Golang testing frameworks.
- 🧪 @testit/adapters-flutter: Adapter for integration with Flutter.
- 🧪 @alexmorez/codeceptjs-testit-reporter: Adapter for integration with Codecept testing frameworks.
- 🧪 @TatianaKamaletdinova/test-it-gradle-plugin: Gradle plugin for upload test results
Clients are libraries used to automate your work with Test IT open API.
- 🔌 @testit/api-client-dotnet: Client for .NET.
- 🔌 @testit/api-client-java: Client for Java.
- 🔌 @testit/api-client-python: Client for Python.
- 🔌 @testit/api-client-js: Client for JavaScript.
- 🔌 @testit/api-client-golang: Client for Golang.
Importers are libraries used to automate the process of importing data from external systems to Test IT.
- 📥 @testit/testit-importer-allure: Import Allure result files into Test IT.
- 📥 @SolitClouds/postman-importer: Upload the structure of postman collections in Test IT and execute them.
- 📥 @Notamedia/cypress-testit-adapter: Import Cypress tests into Test IT.
- 📥 Serge-Shilin/testlink-totestit-js: Import test cases from TestLink to Test IT.
You can join the creation of the adapters in other languages 😉
- 📺 Pro Test: Pro Test YouTube Channel.
- 📺 Other Conferences: List of conferences featuring Test IT.
- 🔥 Blog: Test IT blog with useful information, articles, tips, and tricks.