Name | Type | Description | Notes |
externalId | kotlin.String | External ID of the autotest | |
projectId | java.util.UUID | Unique ID of the autotest project | |
name | kotlin.String | Name of the autotest | |
workItemIdsForLinkWithAutoTest | kotlin.collections.Set<java.util.UUID> | Specifies the IDs of work items to link your autotest to. You can specify several IDs. | [optional] |
shouldCreateWorkItem | kotlin.Boolean | Creates a test case linked to the autotest. | [optional] |
attributes | kotlin.collections.Map<kotlin.String, kotlin.Any> | Key value pair of custom work item attributes | [optional] |
links | kotlin.collections.List<LinkPostModel> | Collection of the autotest links | [optional] |
namespace | kotlin.String | Name of the autotest namespace | [optional] |
classname | kotlin.String | Name of the autotest class | [optional] |
steps | kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestStepModel> | Collection of the autotest steps | [optional] |
setup | kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestStepModel> | Collection of the autotest setup steps | [optional] |
teardown | kotlin.collections.List<AutoTestStepModel> | Collection of the autotest teardown steps | [optional] |
title | kotlin.String | Name of the autotest in autotest's card | [optional] |
description | kotlin.String | Description of the autotest in autotest's card | [optional] |
labels | kotlin.collections.List<LabelPostModel> | Collection of the autotest labels | [optional] |
isFlaky | kotlin.Boolean | Indicates if the autotest is marked as flaky | [optional] |
externalKey | kotlin.String | External key of the autotest | [optional] |