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perfSONAR 5.0 Testing Checklist

Andrew R. Lake edited this page Oct 26, 2022 · 2 revisions


Installing Toolkit RPM


  1. Run following to install:
yum install epel-release
yum install
yum install perfsonar-toolkit

Things to Check

  • Did the installation complete?
  • Were there any error messages printed during installation even if it did complete?
  • What's the CPU and memory usage look like in top? Is it reasonable? This can be used as a baseline for later.

pScheduler Health


  1. Run pscheduler troubleshoot

Things to Check

  • Did all phases complete successfully?

OpenSearch Health


  1. Lookup the credentials with following command: cat /etc/perfsonar/opensearch/opensearch_login
  2. Run the command below replacing USERNAME and PASSWORD with the username and password from step1
curl -k -u USERNAME:PASSWORD "https://localhost/opensearch/_cluster/health | jq"

Things to Check

  • Did the above command return an HTTP 200 response?
  • Is the status "yellow" or "green"?

Toolkit Web UI Health


  1. Open a browser and go to `https://HOSTNAME"

Things to Check

  • Does the toolkit web page load successfully and within 10 seconds?
  • Is the hostname at the top of the screen correct?
  • Are all services listed as running?

Toolkit Web UI Creating Tests


  1. Click on "Configuration"
  2. Click Tests
  3. Use UI to build at least ping tests. If host is capable (i.e. not behind NAT) build throughput, latency and traceroute tests.

Things to Check

  1. Does the UI say the tests save correctly?
  2. Is the UI responsive?
  3. Were there any UI issues during creation process?

Toolkit Web UI Graphs


  1. After creating tests from web UI go back to main toolkit page (https://HOSTNAME/toolkit)
  2. Click through graphs in listing (if any)

Things to Check

  1. Do the tests you setup display?
  2. Are the columns for metrics on page populated?
  3. Do the graphs show the data you expect?
  4. Is the page responsive? Does everything load in under 10 seconds?

OpenSearch Dashboards Install


  1. Install OpenSearch dashboards with "yum install perfsonar-dashboards"

Things to Check

  • Does the install complete?
  • Were there any errors during install?

OpenSearch Dashboards Health


  1. Lookup the credentials with following command: cat /etc/perfsonar/opensearch/opensearch_login
  2. Go to https://HOSTAME/opensearchdash in browser
  3. Login with credentials from #1
  4. Select "Private" Tenant if prompted on login
  5. Click "Explore my own" when it gives you question about importing data

Things to Check

  1. Are you able to complete all the steps above successfully?

OpenSearch Dashboards perfSONAR Data check


  1. Click on Discover in the upper left hamburger menu

Things to Check

  1. Is there a pscheduler* pattern installed by default?
  2. Do you see data?
  3. Do the data types looks correct? are numeric fields cast to numbers and dat fields cast to dates, etc? If you are not familiar with data format that is ok, just do basic sanity check.

Add to Testbed Dashboard (If Applicable)


  1. With basic check passing above, it is now time to do larger scale testing. The best way to do this is to add to testbed.
  2. Run psconfig remote --configure-archives add TBD

Things to Check

  1. Did command complete successfully?
  2. Do you see your host in testbed dashboard within 2 hours?
  3. Do you see the desired tasks in psconfig pscheduler-tasks?
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