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BWCTL New Protocol

Andrew R. Lake edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 3 revisions

BWCTL 2.0 Protocol


BWCTL 2.0 has a REST-ish protocol that is used to schedule a network measurement between two servers.

There are 3 entities involved in a BWCTL test: the BWCTL client, the BWCTL A server and the BWCTL B server. The BWCTL client is the entity that requests the two servers perform the test, and retrieves the results from the servers. The BWCTL sender server and BWCTL receiver server are the two servers that perform the test between themselves. The BWCTL servers will each verify that the other's test definition matches their own definition, and that their times are not too far offset. The BWCTL servers will perform the requested test amongst each other, and make the results available for the client.

BWCTL Test Scheduling Protocol


The BWCTL client retrieves the server status from both BWCTL servers, and makes sure that the server times aren't too far offset, that the test being requested is possible, and what version of the protocol each server speaks.

The BWCTL client requests a test from the BWCTL A server. The server either rejects the test, or accepts the test, and assigns it a time slot. The BWCTL client requests the same test, with the new time slot, from the BWCTL B server. The BWCTL B server either rejects the test, or accepts the test, possibly assigning it a new time slot. If the BWCTL B server rejects the test, the bwctl client cancels the test on the BWCTL A server. If the BWCTL B server changes the time of the test, or changes it's parameters, the BWCTL client submits the changes to the BWCTL A server, who can either accept or reject the changes, or assign it a different time, or other parameters. This back and forth continues until either both servers agree on the time, and parameters, or the test has been deemed impossible given time/parameter constraints.

Once both servers have agreed on the time and parameters, the client updates the test on each server to say that it accepts the test. At this point, each server connects to the other server and verifies that the test they've accepted matches the test that was accepted on the other server, and that their time isn't too far offset from the other server's time. The servers each set their test statuses to accepted, and then check the remote side to make sure that it has accepted the test as well.

After the two servers have both verified and accepted the test parameters, they perform the requested test at the requested time. The client polls the servers until either side finishes. If one side ended in failure, it should cancel the test on the other side, but can let the other side finish up on its own. As each server finishes, the client retrieves the results from that server.

Server Status

Endpoint /bwctl/status
GET Retrieve server status

Server Status Syntax

The server status consists of an associative array with the following variables:

Variable Format Meaning
protocol Floating-Point Number The version of the protocol that the server understands. Currently, 2.0.
time Millisecond-Grandularity ISO Timestamp The server's current time
ntp_error Floating-Point Number The server's maximum NTP error, in seconds
available_tools Array Of Strings A list of the tools available from the server
version String The version of BWCTL this server is running


Endpoint /bwctl/tests
GET Retrieve list of tests
POST Request new test
Endpoint /bwctl/tests/<id>
GET Retrieve test description
PUT Update test parameters
Endpoint /bwctl/tests/<id>/cancel
POST Cancel test
Endpoint /bwctl/tests/<id>/accept
POST Accept test
Endpoint /bwctl/tests/<id>/results
GET Retrieve test results

Test Object Syntax

Tests are defined as associative arrays with the following variables:

Variable Format Meaning
id String The server identifier for the test
client_status String The status of the test from the client's perspective. "pending" and "accepted" are the two valid options.
server_status String The status of the test from the server's perspective. "pending", "rejected", "accepted", "finished" and "cancelled" are the valid options.
client Client Object The parameters about the client making the request
sender_endpoint Endpoint Object The parameters for the server doing the send side of the test
receiver_endpoint Endpoint Object The parameters for the server doing the receive side of the test
tool String The tool type to use for the test
tool_parameters Tool-Specific Parameters Object The tool parameters to use for the test
scheduling_parameters Scheduling Parameters Object The scheduling parameters for the test

Client Object Syntax

Client parameters are defined as associative arrays with the following variables:

Variable Format Meaning
protocol Floating-Point Number The version of the protocol that the client understands. Currently, 2.0
time Millisecond-Grandularity ISO Timestamp The client's current time
ntp_error Floating-Point Number The client's maximum NTP error, in seconds

Endpoint Object Syntax

Endpoints are the ends of a test. They are defined as associate arrays with the following variables:

Variable Format Meaning
address String with IPv4 or IPv6 address The IP address for the endpoint
test_port Number The port to use to perform the test
bwctl_protocol Floating-Point Number The bwctl protocol spoken by this endpoint. There are two special cases: 0.0 means the endpoint cannot be contacted (e.g. there isn't a remote bwctl endpoint), and 1.0 means the endpoint is running bwctl 1.x
legacy_client_endpoint 0 or 1 Only valid for bwctl 1.x endpoint. If 0, this endpoint is a server endpoint. If 1, this endpoint is a client endpoint.
peer_port Number The port to use to contact the endpoint
base_path String Only valid for bwctl 2.x endpoints. The URI path portion of the URL to contact the bwctl server (e.g. '/bwctl')
test_id String Only valid for bwctl 2.x endpoints. The identifier on this endpoint for the test to be performed
posts_endpoint_status 0 or 1 Only valid for bwctl 2.x endpoint. If 0, the other endpoint can contact this endpoint to retrieve test/server status information. If 1, the other endpoint must wait for this endpoint to post its test/server status information
client_time_offset Floating-Point Number The time difference, in seconds, between the endpoint and the client

Scheduling Parameters Object Syntax

Scheduling parameters are used as part of scheduling the test. They are defined as associative arrays with the following variables:

Variable Format Meaning
priority Number Defines the priority of this test. Higher priority tests will preempt lower priority tests. The default priority, if unspecified, is 0. Negative number are valid
requested_time Millisecond-Grandularity ISO Timestamp The requested start time for a given test
latest_acceptable_time Millisecond-Grandularity ISO Timestamp The maximum start time that the client will accept
accepted_time Millisecond-Grandularity ISO Timestamp The actual start time that the server accepted for a given test

Tool Parameters Object Syntax

Tool parameters objects define the tool parameters for a given test. They are defined as associate arrays. The acceptable variables are dependent on which tool was selected. However, there are 3 classes of tools, and each tool in a given class shares all accepted variables with the other tools in the class, unless otherwise specified.

Class Tools
Throughput iperf, iperf3, nuttcp
Latency ping, owamp
Traceroute traceroute, tracepath, paris-traceroute
Throughput Parameters
Variable Format Meaning
duration Floating-Point Number The number of seconds that the test will last
protocol String The protocol to use for the throughput test, all tools currently support "tcp" or "udp"
bandwidth Integer The bandwidth, in bps, of the test, all tools currently support setting UDP bandwidth. Only iperf3 supports setting TCP bandwidth.
parallel_streams Integer The number of parallel streams to use for the test
report_interval Floating-Point Number The number of seconds between when the periodic bandwidth reports
window_size Integer The TCP window size, in bytes
buffer_size Integer The length of buffer to read/write, in bytes
omit_seconds Floating-Point Number Only valid for iperf3. The number of initial seconds to skip when doing bandwidth calculation and reporting
tos_bits Bit Field String A bit field defining the TOS bits for the test
units String Defines the bandwidth units for the tool. Meaning is tool-specific
output_format String Defines the output format for the tool. Meaning is tool-specific
receiver_connects 0 or 1 Only valid for iperf3 and nuttcp. 0 means that the sending tool connects to the receiving tool (default). 1 means that the receiving tool connects to the sending tool.
Traceroute Parameters
Variable Format Meaning
maximum_duration Floating-Point Number The maximum number of seconds that the test can last
protocol String The protocol to use for the traceroute test, all tools currently only support "udp"
packet_size Integer The size, in bytes, of the packets to send, not including the packet headers
first_ttl Integer Only valid for traceroute and paris-traceoute. The minimum TTL to report
last_ttl Integer Only valid for traceroute and paris-traceoute. The maximum TTL to report
Latency Parameters
Variable Format Meaning
packet_count Integer The number of packets to send in this test
inter_packet_time Floating-Point Number The time, in seconds, to wait between successive packet sends
packet_size Integer The size, in bytes, of the packets to send, not including the packet headers
packet_ttl Integer Only valid for ping. The TTL to use when sending
receiver_connects 0 or 1 Only valid for owamp. 0 means that the sending tool connects to the receiving tool (default). 1 means that the receiving tool connects to the sending tool.

Test Results Syntax

Tests results are defined as associative arrays with the following variables:

Variable Format Meaning
status String The test status, one of "accepted", "finished", "failed" or "rejected"
results Results Object The results of the test itself
bwctl_errors Array of BWCTL Error Objects The errors that BWCTL encountered while trying to execute this test

Results Object Syntax

Results objects are defined as associative arrays. Individual tools may include their own tool-specific variables in the array, which may be ignored by the client. The Results object must have the following variable defined:

Variable Format Meaning
tool_results String The combination of stdout and stderr for the given tool that was executed

BWCTL Error Object Syntax

BWCTL error objects are defined as associative arrays with the following variables:

Variable Format Meaning
error_code Integer An error code from the big list of errors
error_msg String A human-readable string description of the error


In the following example, there are 3 entities: the client, server 1 ( and server 2 (

The client does an HTTP GET request to Server 1 at


    "version": 2.0.1,
    "protocol": 2.0,
    "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:03.5678Z",
    "ntp_error": 1.2,
    "available_tools": [ "iperf", "iperf3", "nuttcp", "traceroute", "tracepath", "paris-traceroute", "owamp", "ping" ]

The client verifies that server 1 has the tools it needs, and that server 1's clock isn't too far offset.

The client does an HTTP GET request to Server 2 at


    "version": 2.0.1,
    "protocol": 2.0,
    "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
    "ntp_error": 0.5,
    "available_tools": [ "iperf", "iperf3", "nuttcp", "traceroute", "tracepath", "paris-traceroute", "owamp", "ping" ]

The client verifies that server 2 has the tools it needs, and that server 2's clock isn't too far offset.

The client does an HTTP POST request to


    "client": {
        "protocol": 2.0,
        "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "ntp_error": 0.8
    "sender_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 1.2,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
    "receiver_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 0.5,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
    "tool": "owamp",
    "tool_parameters": {
        "packet_count": 10,
        "inter_packet_time": 1.0,
        "packet_size": 8000,
    "scheduling_parameters": {
        "requested_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "latest_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:10.5678Z"

The server checks its time, and the client's time, and makes sure they're not too far offset. It then schedules the test, and assigns it an id and a test port number.


    "id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "client_status": "pending",
    "server_status": "pending",
    "client": {
        "protocol": 2.0,
        "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "ntp_error": 0.8
    "sender_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "test_port": 5012,
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 1.2,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "receiver_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 0.5,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
    "tool": "owamp",
    "tool_parameters": {
        "packet_count": 10,
        "inter_packet_time": 1.0,
        "packet_size": 8000,
    "scheduling_parameters": {
        "requested_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "accepted_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "latest_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:10.5678Z"

The client checks that the response is acceptable, and then makes a request to server 2, using the 'accepted_time' from server 1 as the 'requested_time' to server 2.

The client does an HTTP POST to


    "client": {
        "protocol": 2.0,
        "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "ntp_error": 0.8
    "sender_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "test_port": 5012,
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 1.2,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "receiver_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 0.5,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
    "tool": "owamp",
    "tool_parameters": {
        "packet_count": 10,
        "inter_packet_time": 1.0,
        "packet_size": 8000,
    "scheduling_parameters": {
        "requesteded_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "latest_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:10.5678Z"

The server checks its time, and the client's time, and makes sure they're not too far offset. It then schedules the test, and assigns it an id and a test port number.


    "id": "dcf29080-66af-11e4-9c50-001b214e9203",
    "client_status": "pending",
    "server_status": "pending",
    "client": {
        "protocol": 2.0,
        "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "ntp_error": 0.8
    "sender_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "test_port": 5012,
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 1.2,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "receiver_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "test_port": 5044,
        "ntp_error": 0.5,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "dcf29080-66af-11e4-9c50-001b214e9203",
    "tool": "owamp",
    "tool_parameters": {
        "packet_count": 10,
        "inter_packet_time": 1.0,
        "packet_size": 8000,
    "scheduling_parameters": {
        "requesteded_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "accepted_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "latest_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:10.5678Z"

The client checks that the response is acceptable, and then updates the test on server 1 to let it know the "test_id" and "test_port" of the receiver endpoint.

The client does an HTTP PUT to


    "client": {
        "protocol": 2.0,
        "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "ntp_error": 0.8
    "sender_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "test_port": 5012,
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 1.2,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "receiver_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "test_port": 5044,
        "ntp_error": 0.5,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "dcf29080-66af-11e4-9c50-001b214e9203",
    "tool": "owamp",
    "tool_parameters": {
        "packet_count": 10,
        "inter_packet_time": 1.0,
        "packet_size": 8000,
    "scheduling_parameters": {
        "requesteded_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "accepted_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "latest_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:10.5678Z"


    "id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "client_status": "pending",
    "server_status": "pending",
    "client": {
        "protocol": 2.0,
        "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "ntp_error": 0.8
    "sender_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "test_port": 5012,
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 1.2,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "receiver_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "test_port": 5044,
        "ntp_error": 0.5,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "dcf29080-66af-11e4-9c50-001b214e9203",
    "tool": "owamp",
    "tool_parameters": {
        "packet_count": 10,
        "inter_packet_time": 1.0,
        "packet_size": 8000,
    "scheduling_parameters": {
        "requested_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "accepted_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "latest_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:10.5678Z"

The client verifies that nothing has changed from server 1, and then accepts the test on server 1.

It does an HTTP POST to




    "client_status": "accepted",

The client accepts the test on server 2.

It does an HTTP POST to




    "client_status": "accepted",

Server 1 does an HTTP GET request to Server 2 at


    "version": 2.0.1,
    "protocol": 2.0,
    "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
    "ntp_error": 0.5,
    "available_tools": [ "iperf", "iperf3", "nuttcp", "traceroute", "tracepath", "paris-traceroute", "owamp", "ping" ]

Server 1 checks its time, and makes sure that server 2 isn't too far offset.

Server 1 does an HTTP GET request to Server 2 at


    "id": "dcf29080-66af-11e4-9c50-001b214e9203",
    "client_status": "accepted",
    "server_status": "pending",
    "client": {
        "protocol": 2.0,
        "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "ntp_error": 0.8
    "sender_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "test_port": 5012,
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 1.2,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "receiver_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "test_port": 5044,
        "ntp_error": 0.5,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "dcf29080-66af-11e4-9c50-001b214e9203",
    "tool": "owamp",
    "tool_parameters": {
        "packet_count": 10,
        "inter_packet_time": 1.0,
        "packet_size": 8000,
    "scheduling_parameters": {
        "requesteded_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "accepted_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "latest_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:10.5678Z"

Server 1 makes sure that the time that server 2 has schedule aligns with its time, and that the test parameters match it's own. It then sets the "server_status" field of its test to "accepted".

Server 2 does an HTTP GET request to Server 1 at


    "version": 2.0.1,
    "protocol": 2.0,
    "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:03.5678Z",
    "ntp_error": 1.2,
    "available_tools": [ "iperf", "iperf3", "nuttcp", "traceroute", "tracepath", "paris-traceroute", "owamp", "ping" ]

Server 2 checks its time, and makes sure that server 1 isn't too far offset.

Server 2 does an HTTP GET request to Server 1 at


    "id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "client_status": "accepted",
    "server_status": "pending",
    "client": {
        "protocol": 2.0,
        "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "ntp_error": 0.8
    "sender_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "test_port": 5012,
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 1.2,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "receiver_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "test_port": 5044,
        "ntp_error": 0.5,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "dcf29080-66af-11e4-9c50-001b214e9203",
    "tool": "owamp",
    "tool_parameters": {
        "packet_count": 10,
        "inter_packet_time": 1.0,
        "packet_size": 8000,
    "scheduling_parameters": {
        "requested_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "accepted_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "latest_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:10.5678Z"

Server 2 makes sure that the time that server 1 has scheduled aligns with its time, and that the test parameters match it's own. It then sets the "server_status" field of its test to "accepted".

Server 1 does an HTTP GET request to Server 2 at


    "id": "dcf29080-66af-11e4-9c50-001b214e9203",
    "client_status": "accepted",
    "server_status": "accepted",
    "client": {
        "protocol": 2.0,
        "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "ntp_error": 0.8
    "sender_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "test_port": 5012,
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 1.2,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "receiver_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "test_port": 5044,
        "ntp_error": 0.5,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "dcf29080-66af-11e4-9c50-001b214e9203",
    "tool": "owamp",
    "tool_parameters": {
        "packet_count": 10,
        "inter_packet_time": 1.0,
        "packet_size": 8000,
    "scheduling_parameters": {
        "requesteded_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "accepted_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "latest_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:10.5678Z"

Server 1 verifies that the "server_status" on Server 2's test is set to 'accepted'. If it is not, server 1 periodically retries until it does.

Server 2 does an HTTP GET request to Server 1 at


    "id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "client_status": "accepted",
    "server_status": "accepted",
    "client": {
        "protocol": 2.0,
        "time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "ntp_error": 0.8
    "sender_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "test_port": 5012,
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "ntp_error": 1.2,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "824b8c78-66ae-11e4-9011-001b214e9203",
    "receiver_endpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "bwctl_protocol": 2.0, 
        "test_port": 5044,
        "ntp_error": 0.5,
        "peer_port": 80,
        "base_path": "/bwctl",
        "test_id": "dcf29080-66af-11e4-9c50-001b214e9203",
    "tool": "owamp",
    "tool_parameters": {
        "packet_count": 10,
        "inter_packet_time": 1.0,
        "packet_size": 8000,
    "scheduling_parameters": {
        "requested_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:04.12345Z",
        "accepted_time":  "2014-11-18T06:37:05.12345Z",
        "latest_time": "2014-11-18T06:37:10.5678Z"

Server 2 verifies that the "server_status" on Server 1's test is set to 'accepted'. If it is not, server 2 periodically retries until it does.

The client periodicly retrieves the tests from each server until both are 'accepted'. It then waits for the test to finish. It may periodicly retry to catch failures early.

At the accepted time, Server 2 (the receiver) spawns an OWAMP server that listens on the specified test port (5044). Server 1 (the sender) then spawns an OWAMP client that connects to the OWAMP server. Once the test ends, each side sets its test status to "finished", and records the results for the test.

The client does an HTTP GET request to Server 1 to see if there are results at


    "status": "finished",
    "tool_results": {
        "output": "...the output of owping...",

The client does an HTTP GET request to Server 2 to see if there are results at Response:

    "status": "finished",
    "tool_results": {
        "output": "...the output of owampd...",
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