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Product architecture

Marcin Warpechowski edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 11 revisions

Layer 0: Controller

Entry point (controller) that controls the passing of data between layers. There is no React on this level, only:

  • pass request messages to other layers
  • pass the result of the parser to the interpreter
  • pass the result of the interpreter to the presentation (React)

Layer 1: Parser

Reading supported file format's binary and converting it into a JSON representation.

Implemented using a fork of SheetJS with our modifications (


  • parser runs in a Web Worker. Web Worker does not hang the browser's main thread, which allows drawing UI while parsing
  • parser only parses the sheet that's desired to be shown
  • all parsers will need to return a compatible data model, so that there are no parser-specific hacks in the interpreter.

This layer runs on the client or the server, depending on the chosen architecture. Therefore, it needs a public API.

Current technology stack: Vanilla JS, Framework agnostic, rendering agnostic.

Key objectives:

  • no polyfills are required to run the parser in all supported browsers (IE11+)
  • no DOM operations (works in NodeJS or in a Web Worker)

Layer 2: Interpreter layer

Interprets the spreadsheet data and turns it into a Handsontable data grid settings object for each worksheet, including configuration for chart renderers.

This layer runs on the client. It is an implementation detail so it does not need a public API.

Technology: React, Handsontable, BizCharts.

Layer 3: Presentation layer

The user experience of what's inside our iframe.

This layer runs on the client. All the public APIs are implemented on this layer.

Technology: React (integrates with any client-side framework, because it's in an iframe)


How Spreadsheet Viewer fits in your app


Communication diagram