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Frame assets

Marcin Warpechowski edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 5 revisions

Throughout this documentation, we use the term "frame assets". By this, we mean either:

  • a trial build of the Spreadsheet Viewer app that is distributed in the spreadsheet-viewer/sv subdirectory of the release ZIP package
  • a customized build of the Spreadsheet Viewer app (see Customization)

Entry file and other contents

The following screenshot shows the list of all frame assets contents as of the version 1.0.0:


Among these files, index.html is worth noting as the frame assets entry point. This file is important because it is an entry point of all our APIs:

  • if you are using JavaScript API, assetsUrl must be a URL to this file
  • if you are using Web Messaging API, this is the file that you must load in a frame or window in order to send and receive messages
  • if you are using Query String API, this is the file to which you will add parameters using an HTTP query string

You can recognize this entry point index.html by the fact that when accessed directly, it displays a rather dull "Hello, developer!" message as presented by the below screenshot. Don't worry, this message is not visible when any of the above APIs is used.


Other files include CSS (stylesheets for the presentation layer), JS (scripts for the parser, interpreter, and presentation layers), WOFF and WOFF2 (web fonts).


Spreadsheet Viewer frame assets can be deployed onto any static file web server, by simply copying the whole sv folder, as demonstrated in the Installation instructions.

If the assets are served from a different origin (for strict security), make sure that the server includes proper CORS headers. Refer to the Security page for details.

Caching headers

All file names, except for the entry point (index.html), are content-hashed. This means that the file names contain hashes derived from the file content and it is encouraged to use aggressive HTTP caching headers with the css, js, woff, woff2 files. For example:

Cache-Control: max-age=31536000