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Releases: LP-Messaging/iOS-Messaging-SDK

Release 6.22.0

02 Oct 18:17
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Version 6.22.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: Sep 30, 2024

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version 6.22.0 is supported on iOS versions 13 through 17.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.7.1 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51), which means it will work Swift version 5.7.1 and above.

This version will be the last version where the Swift version 5.7.1 is used for compiling. Future versions will use Swift version 5.9.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.13.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • Fixed Cobrowse session staying open if consumer resolves the conversation during a call on an account with PCS setup.
  • Fixed connection failure banner to be shown in some cases.
  • Removed general Optional extension implementation of CustomStringConvertible.
  • Fixed proactive messages not being rendered if not tapped by the user.
  • Fixed the SDK keeping only the latest proactive message for rendering.
  • Fixed navigation issues for accessibility users on the schedule slot list.
  • Fixed voice-over focusing on file and caption separately for file messages.
  • Fixed voice-over focus shift when new messages arrive.
  • Fixed voice-over focus moving to the entire Structured Content container when the timestamp is automatically updated.
  • Fixed voice-over focusing on random Structured Content elements automatically.
  • Fixed issue when the user marks the conversation as urgent, Cobrowse invitation is sometimes duplicated.
  • Fixed issue when conversation is resolved SDK not presenting next eligible proactive message.
  • Fixed issue when appointment list is presented current day is not selectable.


  • Added a new API getPendingProactiveMessages to get pending proactive notifications
  • Added a configuration fetchPendingProactiveMessagesImplicitly to fetch pending proactive messages messages implicitly.
  • Added ability to block consumers from triggering publish text actions on historical Structured Content messages. This feature can be enabled on the site level to have a default behavior and/or on the JSON level to have individual behavior. Please contact your account manager to define a default behavior.
  • Added ability to block consumers from sending messages when action is required Structured Content is the latest message. This feature can be enabled on the site level to have a default behavior and/or on the JSON level to have individual behavior. Please contact your account manager to define a default behavior.
  • Added a configuration messageLinkAsCallback and callback LPMessagingSDKMessageLinkClicked. when tapping on a remote message link. * When both structuredContentLinkAsCallback and messageLinkAsCallback are enabled, only structuredContentLinkAsCallback is applied, and messageLinkAsCallback is ignored.
  • Added support for "doc" and "xls" file types.
  • A new method is added in SDK to check consumer’s open conversation status using UMS REST API. checkActiveConversationFromServer


  • Disabled deprecated bitcode process to support most recent and upcoming XCode Versions.

Release 6.21.0

31 Jul 20:49
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Version 6.21.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: July 31, 2024

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version 6.21.0 is supported on iOS versions 13 through 17.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.7.1 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51), which means it will work Swift version 5.7.1 and above.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.13.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • Fixed voice over announcing current assigned agent name instead of the actual agent who sent the message.
  • Fixed voice over announcements for stop recording and stop replaying buttons.
  • Fixed sometimes voice over announcing the "Agent is typing" twice for a single agent message.
  • Fixed the accessibility issue with structured content carousel navigation where VO always moves focus on and announces the first element of the card 1 before focusing on the selected card.
  • Voice over announcing unread message for every incoming message even though message is not unread one.
  • Fixed accessibility issue related to structured content image without tooltip and actions was not getting ignored for accessibility services and announced as just "image".
  • Fixed recorded audio message time being shown as "00:00" by backgrounding and foregrounding the app.
  • Fixed when conversation screen just opened but user scrolls up and agent sends a message, it will auto scroll the conversation transcript to bottom.
  • Fixed issue for conversation not getting scrolled to bottom when consumer sends multiline message.
  • Fixed issue related to typing indicator not shown when the agent is sending some quick messages.
  • Fixed issue related to PNG image rendering where SDK was rendering PNG image as black image.
  • Fixed a rare app crash due to accessing core data nil objects.
  • Fixed issue when user with only closed conversations logins but conversation screen loaded only one conversation instead of two.



  • Some additional branding configurations are added for quick reply buttons. These configurations will be overriden by configurations provided in quick reply JSON.

    1. quickReplyTextColor: Default value is LPColor.lpGray.
    2. quickReplyBackgroundColor: Default value is LPColor.lpBackground.
    3. quickReplyBorderColor: Default value is LPColor.lpGray.
  • A new method is added "isRegisteredForPushNotifications” that takes a token as string to fully support the registerPushNotifications with String method.

Release 6.20.0

30 May 19:10
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Version 6.20.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: May 30, 2024

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version 6.20.0 is supported on iOS versions 13 through 17.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.7.1 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51), which means it will work Swift version 5.7.1 and above.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.13.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • The configuration remoteUserBubbleHyperLinkColor now properly reflects on hyperlinks sent by agents.
  • Conversation now should probably scroll up in most scenarios while the keyboard is shown.
  • Unread message divider now correctly appears when a consumer has the SDK in the background and returns to the SDK by tapping a push notification when there was only one message sent.
  • Scroll issues when returning from a cobrowse session while the keyboard is open have been resolved.
  • The remoteUserDefaultAvatarImage configuration now properly sets the agent icon background to transparent for cobrowse invitation messages.
  • The keyboard is now dismissed when entering the cobrowse call.
  • A crash that could occur when the speech recognizer functionality gets deallocated has been resolved.
  • If the SDK was placed in a small container it could create spacing issues. This has been resolved.
  • The text input bar would have unintended white space next to it if the device was placed in landscape mode and has been removed.
  • Link display fixes for sending both a link and an embedded link in the same welcome message.
  • An empty entry in the SDK privacy manifest has been removed.


  • A new function to send messages without needing to use the LP-provided input area has been added. sendText
  • View Only Mode is now able to be enabled during an active conversation to disable the LP-provided input options.



  • Voiceover will now read the tooltip of quick replies if it exists.

Release 6.19.0

28 Mar 20:25
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Version 6.19.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: Mar 29, 2024

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version 6.19.0 is supported on iOS versions 13 through 17.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.7.1 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51), which means it will work Swift version 5.7.1 and above.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.13.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • Fix the conversation screen is not automatically scrolling to the bottom after a date from the date picker is selected.
  • Fix Unstable UI on Date Picker / Appointment List when the device is rotated to landscape on bigger screen devices. The date picker is no longer using the deprecated portrait forcing mechanism for small-screen devices.
  • Fix SDK is showing an empty navigation bar animating out of the screen after the date selection is confirmed.
  • Fix disabling enableLinkPreview disables enableRealTimeLinkPreview
  • Fix the appointment list does not highlight the focused date correctly in some cases
  • Fix Buttons fill available space when rendering the structured content.
  • Fix SDK ignores URLs when the message contains a hyperlink
  • Fix SDK shows an Unread message notification If successive long messages are received while the screen is still scrolling.
  • Fix the behavior of Voice Over to let users focus on individual cards instead of only the whole carousel.
  • Fix the background color is not transparent for the image of the agent avatar while the agent is typing.
  • Fix the margin for the text label inside Structured Content, It is no longer rendered closer to the bottom of the container.
  • Fix Cobrowse invitation having a default white background even on dark conversation background color.


  • SDK can now render the Welcome Message that has been set on Window Configuration on Mobile Engagement. Reach out to your account representative to enable and adjust.
  • SDK now allows users to switch to picture-in-picture mode. This allows users to minimize the call view while the call is still active and see/interact with the chat view.

Picture in Picture is supported on iOS 14.3+. Previous versions will default to full screen call view.


  • New Configurations added to Structured Content
  1. structuredContentButtonBackgroundColor: Configures the background color of buttons that are used in Structured Content.
  2. structuredContentCardBackgroundColor: Configures the background color of cards that are used in Structured Content.

Release 6.18.1

22 Mar 20:04
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  • Added hot fix for privacy manifest removing unneeded reason codes.
  • Fixed a potential issue to link to correct internal library correctly to allow Structured Content colors to be correct.

Release 6.18.0

31 Jan 20:44
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Version 6.19.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: Mar 29, 2024

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version 6.19.0 is supported on iOS versions 13 through 17.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.7.1 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51), which means it will work Swift version 5.7.1 and above.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.13.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • Fix the conversation screen is not automatically scrolling to the bottom after a date from the date picker is selected.
  • Fix Unstable UI on Date Picker / Appointment List when the device is rotated to landscape on bigger screen devices. The date picker is no longer using the deprecated portrait forcing mechanism for small-screen devices.
  • Fix SDK is showing an empty navigation bar animating out of the screen after the date selection is confirmed.
  • Fix disabling enableLinkPreview disables enableRealTimeLinkPreview
  • Fix the appointment list does not highlight the focused date correctly in some cases
  • Fix Buttons fill available space when rendering the structured content.
  • Fix SDK ignores URLs when the message contains a hyperlink
  • Fix SDK shows an Unread message notification If successive long messages are received while the screen is still scrolling.
  • Fix the behavior of Voice Over to let users focus on individual cards instead of only the whole carousel.
  • Fix the background color is not transparent for the image of the agent avatar while the agent is typing.
  • Fix the margin for the text label inside Structured Content, It is no longer rendered closer to the bottom of the container.
  • Fix Cobrowse invitation having a default white background even on dark conversation background color.


  • SDK can now render the Welcome Message that has been set on Window Configuration on Mobile Engagement. Reach out to your account representative to enable and adjust.
  • SDK now allows users to switch to picture-in-picture mode. This allows users to minimize the call view while the call is still active and see/interact with the chat view.

Picture in Picture is supported on iOS 14.3+. Previous versions will default to full screen call view.


  • New Configurations added to Structured Content
  1. structuredContentButtonBackgroundColor: Configures the background color of buttons that are used in Structured Content.
  2. structuredContentCardBackgroundColor: Configures the background color of cards that are used in Structured Content.

Release 6.17.0

19 Dec 21:18
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  • Added internal logging for performance metrics tracking which contains no visible change to SDK logs.
  • Added fix for token expiry while secure form is opened to allow the form to be submitted successfully.

iOS Messaging SDK - Version 6.16.0

26 Oct 19:05
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Version 6.16.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: October 26th, 2023

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version 6.16.0 is supported on iOS versions 13 through 17.

In the previous version, it was noted that the SDK would be updated to the minimum iOS target of iOS 13. The minimum target for this version is now 13 and it will no longer compile with less than 13. There is no support even at a compilation level for iOS 12 from this version on.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.7.1 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51), which means it will work Swift version 5.7.1 and above.

Apple silicon is supported on this version

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.13.0 and greater.

Accessibility Bugs fixed / Enhancement

  • The focus of the screen reader when structured content is being read is now moved to the item that it is reading instead of staying on the whole cell when a new message comes in.
  • When using accessibility options structured content borders could be incorrect and have been fixed.

Bugs fixed

  • Several changes to both appointment list and date picker content which will resolve issues of improperly set dark mode colors as well as setting colors when flipping between dark and light mode without relaunching the content.
  • Resolved an issue where in some scenarios call accept and rejoin buttons for cobrowse would be square instead of circles.
  • Resolved an issue where the agent typing indicator would not show after the user opened a link and then returned.
  • Resolved an issue where the unread message count could be incorrect after PCS questions were answered by the user and the user would log out and back in.
  • Resolved an issue where the message status (sent, delivered, read, etc.) was not updating correctly if the conversation had files sent from web messaging and then opened in the SDK.
  • Resolved an issue where the survey bot would still show in the header after the survey was closed.
  • Resolved an issue where older message timestamps would not always be updated and could go stale if the cells were not reloaded yet.
  • Resolved an issue where the unread message count in the scroll to bottom button could be cut off if the message was only one character.
  • Resolved an issue where there could be a crash while scrolling through an appointment list days list.
  • Resolved an issue where the agent name would not show in conversation history after logging out and logging in at the end of the conversation where it shows the close reason.
  • Resolved an issue where a link could not be tapped while the keyboard was open.
  • Resolved issues where unread message count would be cleared if pull down to fetch history was completed or the file attachment menu was opened.
  • Removed a duplicated navigation bar in the file preview screen.


  • Added new PKCE Oauth Support which contains a new method getPKCEParams()and a new field in the LPAuthenticationParams object the codeVerifier. Further details will be contained in the LPAuthenticationParams and function documentation.


  • Updated table view headers to align with footers to prevent discrepancies.
  • Compilation support for iOS 12 has been fully dropped to allow the use of newer Apple API within the development of the iOS SDK.
  • In-app push notifications now dismiss on tap and not just on swipe up to dismiss.
  • The SDK now has added functionality to be used through SPM as well as the previously existing manual and Cocoapod options. There are further details on the quick start page.
  • Due to the change of the minimum iOS version target to 13 several availability flags have been removed internally as they are no longer necessary.
  • Added a digital signature to the iOS SDK to be identifiable by brands build processes.

iOS Messaging SDK - Version

17 Aug 21:48
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Version 6.15.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: August 17, 2023

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 16.

This version will be the last version where the iOS target is set to iOS 12. This version can be compiled with iOS 12 while not being supported. Future versions will have iOS targets set to 13 and will no longer allow compilation with iOS 12.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.5 (swiftlang-1300.0.31.1 clang-1300.0.29.1), which means it will work Swift version 5.5 and above.

M1 processor is supported for use with this version.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.

Accessibility Bugs fixed / Enhancement

  • If a user is typing in the text input area with voice-over on the voiceover focus would shift to onto a new message instead of staying on the text input area when a Structured Content item was sent by an agent.
  • All headings now contain heading markups.

Bugs fixed

  • Scroll to bottom button doesn't appear after opening a file and returning to the SDK.
  • Files are duplicated when the app is force closed and the upload hasn't been completed.
  • App crash when a conversation is resolved while a file is mid-upload.
  • Metadata is incorrect when sending a Date Picker selection (single or range).
  • Date format in the date picker ignores the LPConfig language set.
  • Structured Content cards may change size when going from background to foreground or when opening a link and then returning to the SDK.
  • Image size changes when rotating the device back and forth.
  • Missing agent name on resolve message if the conversation was resolved by an agent.
  • Date picker footer will always be in English
  • Sending agent messages with markdown links break the message bubble in some situations
  • Files duplicate when a user selects a Quick Reply option while the file is still uploading.
  • In some situations, while archiving and there is no set background color for a structured content item it would have a grey background.
  • App crashes when repeatedly sent to background and foreground while the conversation history params are set to CLOSED and the conversation is closed.
  • Unread message divider appears twice or shows the wrong count.
  • Internal getEngagement refresh for monitoring API when using the JWE solution will no longer refresh with an existing token which can potentially be expired.
  • On newer messaging backends consumer messages could duplicate more frequently based on incoming events.
  • Appointment list slot times localization doesn't reflect language correctly.
  • Scroll to bottom button is shown and tappable when conversation history is empty.
  • Appointment List localization is not correct on a fresh launch of a fresh install.


  • History fetching logic has been updated to support a new data masking feature which allows you to select how long until the masking will take effect on sensitive data on an account level. This functionality is not set in the SDK and is set in the account backend. Reach out to your account representative to enable and adjust.
  • Welcome message is now further able to be customized at points it previously was unable to be. It can now be updated more frequently allowing for specific consumer targeting. Further details will be in the welcome message sections of the documentation.


  • Several removals of outdated and no longer used code.

iOS Messaging SDK - Version

28 Jun 21:06
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Version 6.14.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: June 28, 2023

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 16.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.5 (swiftlang-1300.0.31.1 clang-1300.0.29.1), which means it will work Swift version 5.5 and above.

M1 processor is supported for use with this version.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.

Accessibility Bugs fixed / Enhancement

  • Add VoiceOver support for ‘link’ hint when the consumer receives a message with a link from an agent while the consumer screen position is not at the bottom.
  • Avoid scroll-to-bottom button automatically highlighting by VoiceOver in various situations and only will be highlighted by touching manually.
  • Make sure VoiceOver focus on the appropriate message position after tapping the scroll-to-bottom button.
  • Make link within consumer or agent messages tappable by voice over when link-preview is turned off.

Accessibility Features

  • Queue new message announcement. Announce the new messages sequentially or not based on the feature flag announceEventsSequentially.

Bugs fixed

  • Render Structured Content fully in different situations
  • Some app-crash reported in iOS SDK v6.9, fixed potential app-crash related to “LPMessagingSDK.Dialog.logDescription.getter”.
  • Display correct unread message bubble divider in the conversation screen after log-out and re-login for ongoing conversation.
  • Fixed SDK branding and configuration spelling error: appointmetnCustomOutputDateFormat -> appointmentCustomOutputDateFormat,
    appointmentConfirmationViewBackroundColor -> appointmentConfirmationViewBackgroundColor.
  • Prevent the SDK from creating a new conversation with a blank first message due to subscription on the wrong dialog ID.
  • Avoid calling LPMessagingSDKConversationEnded delegate method multiple times for the same conversation.
  • Prevent two consecutive pusher unregister API requests from SDK.


  • Support to show Initial message as part of Conversation on Conversational Cloud has been added. This improves Agents' context and remove the extra explanation for consumer. This also allows AI automation like intents and dynamic routing, to quickly determine the next best action that the conversation should take. 'Messaging.Send_Consumer_Message_Metadata' should be enabled on Acount Configurations.
  • Support for supplying JWT/JWE tokens to getEngagement (with additional authParams) method. Refers to Advanced Features\Campaigns page for sample code snippet. !Important: This method only works with the Implicit & Code Flow authentication method.


  • Parsing HTML tags using the HTML data has been replaced by custom tag parser, to prevent rendering the Controller bot Welcome Message multiple times.
  • SDK added additional encrypt/decrypt process with Secure Enclave-stored key whenever SDK read/write data from the keychain.

New configurations


Enable or disable queue new message announcement. This controls whether VoiceOver announces new messages sequentially or not.

  • Type: Bool
  • Default Value: true