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Releases: LP-Messaging/iOS-Messaging-SDK

iOS Messaging SDK - Version

28 Apr 17:14
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Version 6.13.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: April 30, 2023

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 16.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.5 (swiftlang-1300.0.31.1 clang-1300.0.29.1), which means it will work Swift version 5.5 and above.

M1 processor is supported for use with this version.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • Voice over does not announce Structured Content with only one Basic Element. It now announces "This message has extra content" and content is announced on focus.
  • Voice over announces same text twice when Structured Content with only one non layout item in the container. Voice over now announces "This message has extra content" and content is announced on focus.
  • Welcome Message does not display every time despite frequency is set to .everyConversation
  • Multiple consumer IDPs feature does not support JWKS flow.
  • Conversation ID is stuck or wrong on GetEngagement if Consumer resolves the conversation and starts another conversation without leaving the conversation screen.
  • Keychain Item Might have wrong accessibility attribute If it was previously saved.
  • Crash might occur while scrolling using the scroll to bottom button.
  • Conversation Screen shows history on relaunch after history is cleared on non-window mode.
  • Date Picker allows user the confirm range selection without selecting dates.


  • Support to show Initial message as part of Conversation on Conversational Cloud has been added. This improves Agents' context and remove the extra explanation for consumer. This also allows AI automation like intents and dynamic routing, to quickly determine the next best action that the conversation should take. 'Messaging.Send_Consumer_Message_Metadata' should be enabled on Acount Configurations.


  • Date Picker, month/year selection is now opens with already selected month and stays in sync with focused month.
  • Date Picker now automatically scrolls the current or closest date in the selection range.

iOS Messaging SDK - Version

07 Mar 21:03
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Version 6.12.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: March 07, 2023

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 16.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.5 (swiftlang-1300.0.31.1 clang-1300.0.29.1), which means it will work Swift version 5.5 and above.

M1 processor is supported for use with this version.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • Removed hang risk warning on socket library by refactoring the threading.
  • Some situations where in-app push notifications could not appear if the root controller was reset were fixed. In-app notifications should always appear now.
  • After clearing history, the history should no longer be able to be pulled. The history could still be fetched for up to 10 minutes due to some rounding in the history API. This has been prevented.
  • Long pressing links should no longer result in crashes intermittently.
  • Sending markdown in an unsupported manner should no longer result in a crash when fetched from history.
  • Submitted Secure Forms will no longer have a lingering border-line from the removed field.
  • Certain scenarios could cause the unread message divider to reappear and iterate even after reading all messages. This has been resolved.
  • A crash could occur if a consumer left something typed into the input field without sending it and then closed the view within unauth messaging. This has been prevented.
  • Fix setUserProfile method being called unnecessarily if registerPushNotifications was invoked with an alternateBundleId.


  • Support for Multiple IDP has been added to the SDK. The host app must supply an issuer display name into the authentication params if the default IDP is not used. Further details LPAuthenticationParams


  • Previously, the SDK would make more requests than needed to the push notification server to reset the unread count. This has been refactored to reduce the number of requests and only to be called when needed.
  • Updates have removed warnings that may fire in the Xcode console about "NSKeyedUnarchiveFromData."
  • Many classes have been updated to conform up to date Apple standards. This should show fewer warnings appearing in the SDK or console logs.
  • Improvements have been made to filesharing to allow new configurations of the photo compression as well as photo height and width. More details will be contained in the configuration sections.
  • A new language identifier has been added to allow Mexican Spanish to be localization. The identifier is es-MX.

New configurations

  • Description: CGFloat which adjusts the jpg compression used on an image. Lower is more compression higher is less compression. The value must be between 0 to 1.
  • Type: CGFloat
  • Default value: 0.50
  • Available since: 6.12.0
  • Description: CGFloat adjusts the max width in pixels for a sent image. Must be between 0 to 1600.
  • Type: CGFloat
  • Default value: 800
  • Available since: 6.12.0
  • Description: CGFloat adjusts the max height in pixels for a sent image. Must be between 0 to 1600.
  • Type: CGFloat
  • Default value: 800
  • Available since: 6.12.0

iOS Messaging SDK - Version

16 Dec 19:17
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Version 6.11.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: December 16, 2022

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 16.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.5 (swiftlang-1300.0.31.1 clang-1300.0.29.1), which means it will work Swift version 5.5 and above.

With this release we are also providing support for the M1 chip.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • On iOS 15 and above these configurations were not working secureFormNavigationBackgroundColor, secureFormNavigationTitleColor, csatNavigationBackgroundColor, and csatNavigationTitleColor.
  • Welcome message was not shown, even set .everyConversation if the user resolves the conversation and leaves the conversation screen quickly.
  • Un-auth conversation was not able to continue after app relaunch. The SDK was showing a connection error.
  • Un-auth conversation was not able to reconnect on foregrounding the app when JWT expired in the background.
  • Unable to send or receive messages after opening file in another program and returning to app by tapping on app name in top left corner.
  • Open the conversation screen and rotate the device to landscape mode, there would be an empty space on either side of the input text view on iPhone X and above.
  • SDK was storing the push token being passed in method isRegisteredForPushNotifications that was further used to register for push notifications on calling showConversation method.
  • App was crashing rarely on login completion due to a thread safety issue.
  • Clickable area for in app toast banner was reduced if a top offset was provided.
  • Keyboard blocking user input field when conversation screen shown within UITabBarController if tab bar is translucent.
  • There were some incorrect values present in some localization string files causing app crashes.
  • Incoming structured content was shown as "error message" within in app toast banner when conversation screen was closed and socket was still open for sometime.
  • Brand app's navbar color was changed to the SDK conversation screen's navbar color after the conversation screen was dismissed.


  • Provide a method in SDK to get registered for push notification with raw string token instead of device token data. This string token will be used as it is (without hex decoding) to register for pusher and pusher to communicate with the client's proxy server instead of APNS.
  • Integrate the new pusher API to clear all unread messages count/badges for a given consumer irrespective of the conversation that is being displayed currently based on a branding configuration.
  • Provide a feature flag to enable/disable StepUp authentication.

New configurations

  • Description: Bool used to clear unread badge count for all the unread messages of all the conversations at once on Pusher whenever user comes to the conversation screen
  • Type: Bool
  • Default value: false
  • Available since: 6.11.0
  • Description: If set to true then UnAuth conversation can be stepped up
  • Type: Bool
  • Default value: false
  • Available since: 6.11.0

Release 6.10.0

07 Oct 19:59
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Version 6.10.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: October 07, 2022

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 16.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.5 (swiftlang-1300.0.31.1 clang-1300.0.29.1), which means it will work Swift version 5.5 and above.

With this release we are also providing support for the M1 chip.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • Cleared history is not coming back until user does re-login.
  • Phone numbers with spaces sent in messages are dial-able.
  • Fixed auto-layout constraints for in-app toast view to suppress warning being printed on XCode console.
  • Secure form message cell is fully accessible.
  • Convey the meaning of images through tooltip and the behavior if those are tap-able links within structured content.
  • Make a voice over announcement when a conversation ends by either consumer or agent.
  • Structured content elements font size will increase/decrease depending on font category.
  • Avoid welcome message being shown momentarily while loading conversation history.
  • Structured content text element is not cutting off content from trailing boundary.
  • Removing old proactive message from conversation when a new proactive message is opened.
  • LPMessagingSDKAgentDetails callback is being called when agent has changed to survey bot.
  • Set same height for structured content carousel buttons.
  • Stop clearing unauth user conversation history if another view covers conversation screen.
  • conversationBackgroundColor config being applied properly to the quick reply message cell.


  • Based on a feature flag (by default false) images being sent to agents can be obfuscated for security reasons.
  • Improve the translations for strings and provide support for Filipino language.
  • Expose a config for setting minimum height of the structured content buttons.
  • Expose a config for setting structure content button border's corner radius.
  • Expose a config for setting structured content button of link type foreground color.

New configurations

  • Description: Set the minimum height constraint for Structured Constant button elements
  • Type: CGFloat?
  • Default value: nil
  • Available since: 6.10.0
  • Description: Set the corner radius of Structured Constant button elements border
  • Type: CGFloat
  • Default value: 15.0
  • Available since: 6.10.0
  • Description: Set the text color for Structure Content elements of link button type
  • Type: UIColor
  • Default value: LPColor.lpLightBlue
  • Available since: 6.10.0

iOS Messaging SDK - Version

26 Aug 22:21
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Version 6.9.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: August 12, 2022

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 15.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.4.2 (swiftlang-1205.0.28.2 clang-1205.0.19.57), which means it will work Swift version 5.4.2 and above.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • Certain history control settings no longer result in a blank screen.
  • Keychain accessibility is updated to meet apple standards.
  • The divider is removed when agents send new messages, and the consumer is at the bottom of the conversation screen.
  • Fixed issue where already selected quick replies still had a type of button.
  • Fixed an issue where new photos would replace previously sent photos in the conversation screen.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the structured content button border not to appear.
  • Fixed an issue where specific backgrounding scenarios would prevent the unread message divider from appearing.
  • Fixed an issue where quick replies would render more than once beneath each other.
  • Fixed an issue where the unread message divider wouldn't appear for messages sent with quick replies.
  • Secure forms show the form title now instead of the default title.
  • Scroll to bottom button is no longer focusable by a screenreader when it is disabled in the configurations.
  • Scroll to bottom button has the correct type of button.


  • New Arabic string translations have been added, so all strings are now in Arabic.
  • Added support for Bluetooth keyboards and key commands for accessibility users.
  • The loading screen is now announced for screen reader users.
  • Support for future messaging backends increased.

New configurations

  • Description: Edit the color of the input text placeholder.
  • Type: UIColor
  • Default Value: nil
  • Available since: 6.9.0

iOS Messaging SDK - Version

01 Jul 19:16
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Version 6.8.3

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: July 1st, 2022

Environmental Requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 15.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.2.4 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.9 clang-1103.0.32.53) which means it will work Swift version 5.2.4 and above.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.

New Features
Exposing new Notification to be trigger once the Conversation Screen gets dismissed

Create new Notification to be sent once the Conversation Screen is dismissed, this will work the same way as the LPMessagingSDKConversationViewControllerDidDismiss delegate.

How to use:

                                       selector: #selector(lpMessagingSDKConversationViewControllerDidDismissedNotification),
                                       name: Notification.Name("LP_CONVERSATION_VIEW_CONTROLLER_DISMISSED"),
                                       object: nil)

lpMessagingSDKConversationViewControllerDidDismissedNotification is a generic name for the function responding to the event

  • BrandName/AgentName will be announced as headers by VoiceOver assistant instead of text.
Bugs fixed
  • Fixed the issue with duplicated rendering of quick reply actions
  • Fixed issue when Attachment Menu will be announced with wrong state, for modifying the default announcements, override the following keys:
    • fileSharingAttachmentMenu: "Attachment menu"
    • fileSharingCloseAttachmentMenu: "Close attachment menu"

For more information about localizing strings, see link

iOS Messaging SDK - Version

22 Jun 18:44
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Version 6.8.2

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: June 10, 2022

Environmental Requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 15.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.2.4 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.9 clang-1103.0.32.53) which means it will work Swift version 5.2.4 and above.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPod versions 1.9.0 and greater.

New Features
ConversationViewController Menu configurations

Adding the ability to enable or disable individual elements on the default menu.

Disabling all elements will prevent the menu from being render.

  • Description: Show or hide Resolve Conversation button on the Conversation Menu.
  • Type: Bool
  • Default Value: true
  • Available since: 6.8.2
  • Description: Show or hide Mark as Urgent button on the Conversation Menu.
  • Type: Bool
  • Default Value: true
  • Available since: 6.8.2
  • Description: Show or hide Clear History button on the Conversation Menu.
  • Type: Bool
  • Default Value: true
  • Available since: 6.8.2
  • Adding Unread Count to Scroll to Bottom Button while announcing content via VoiceOver Assistant
Bugs fixed
  • Fixed the issue with unread message divider:
    • Announced as button instead of text by VoiceOver Assistant
    • Not accessible for VoiceOver Assistant
  • Fixed issue when Welcome Message with QuickReplies could create a crash when leaving Conversation Screen.

iOS Messaging SDK - Version

22 Jun 18:42
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Version 6.8.1

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: June 3, 2022

Environmental Requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 15.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.2.4 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.9 clang-1103.0.32.53) which means it will work Swift version 5.2.4 and above.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPod versions 1.9.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • Fixed the issue with Structured Content card won't be accessible via VoiceOver Assistant

iOS Messaging SDK - Version

13 May 23:56
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Version 6.8.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: May 13, 2022

Environmental Requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 15.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.2.4 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.9 clang-1103.0.32.53) which means it will work Swift version 5.2.4 and above.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.

New Functionality

Step Up Authentication

Description: SDK will authenticate an unauthenticated user in the middle of the conversation. Data will persist across the whole flow when changing from Unauthenticated to Authenticated conversion.

Support for Non-Rich Content Proactive InApp Push Notifications

Description: Brand will be able to show custom Welcome Messages with non-rich content.

Bugs fixed

  • Date picker - Single selection does not highlight the selected day,
  • Structured Content:
    • not consistently scrolling to the bottom,
    • spacing unequal unless you scroll up and back down,
  • Unread Message Divider not showing in certain scenarios and not available for assistive technology users,
  • Updated LPMessagingSDKModels to same iOS target as LPMessagingSDK,
  • Scroll to bottom button is not available for assistive technology users,
  • Enabling non-text Read Receipts to support assistive technology,
  • Fixed issue with wrong error messages presented if Audio message from Consumer fails

iOS Messaging SDK - Version

11 Apr 21:18
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Version 6.7.1

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: April 11, 2022

Environmental Requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 15.

SDK can be compiled with iOS 12 targets, but Messaging is only available on iOS 13 and above.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.2.4 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.9 clang-1103.0.32.53) which means it will work Swift version 5.2.4 and above.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • Fixed the issue with setting remoteUserBubbleBackgroundColor won't take effect when Hyperlink Markdown is presented
  • Fixed the issue with SDK not honoring color sent on Structured Content Card JSON when setting text color.