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iOS Messaging SDK - Version

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@Ghasfj Ghasfj released this 16 Dec 19:17
· 31 commits to master since this release

Version 6.11.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: December 16, 2022

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version is supported on iOS versions 13 through 16.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.5 (swiftlang-1300.0.31.1 clang-1300.0.29.1), which means it will work Swift version 5.5 and above.

With this release we are also providing support for the M1 chip.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.9.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • On iOS 15 and above these configurations were not working secureFormNavigationBackgroundColor, secureFormNavigationTitleColor, csatNavigationBackgroundColor, and csatNavigationTitleColor.
  • Welcome message was not shown, even set .everyConversation if the user resolves the conversation and leaves the conversation screen quickly.
  • Un-auth conversation was not able to continue after app relaunch. The SDK was showing a connection error.
  • Un-auth conversation was not able to reconnect on foregrounding the app when JWT expired in the background.
  • Unable to send or receive messages after opening file in another program and returning to app by tapping on app name in top left corner.
  • Open the conversation screen and rotate the device to landscape mode, there would be an empty space on either side of the input text view on iPhone X and above.
  • SDK was storing the push token being passed in method isRegisteredForPushNotifications that was further used to register for push notifications on calling showConversation method.
  • App was crashing rarely on login completion due to a thread safety issue.
  • Clickable area for in app toast banner was reduced if a top offset was provided.
  • Keyboard blocking user input field when conversation screen shown within UITabBarController if tab bar is translucent.
  • There were some incorrect values present in some localization string files causing app crashes.
  • Incoming structured content was shown as "error message" within in app toast banner when conversation screen was closed and socket was still open for sometime.
  • Brand app's navbar color was changed to the SDK conversation screen's navbar color after the conversation screen was dismissed.


  • Provide a method in SDK to get registered for push notification with raw string token instead of device token data. This string token will be used as it is (without hex decoding) to register for pusher and pusher to communicate with the client's proxy server instead of APNS.
  • Integrate the new pusher API to clear all unread messages count/badges for a given consumer irrespective of the conversation that is being displayed currently based on a branding configuration.
  • Provide a feature flag to enable/disable StepUp authentication.

New configurations

  • Description: Bool used to clear unread badge count for all the unread messages of all the conversations at once on Pusher whenever user comes to the conversation screen
  • Type: Bool
  • Default value: false
  • Available since: 6.11.0
  • Description: If set to true then UnAuth conversation can be stepped up
  • Type: Bool
  • Default value: false
  • Available since: 6.11.0