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Release 6.20.0

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@Ghasfj Ghasfj released this 30 May 19:10
· 7 commits to master since this release

Version 6.20.0

iOS Messaging SDK

Release Date: May 30, 2024

Environment requirements

The iOS Mobile Messaging SDK version 6.20.0 is supported on iOS versions 13 through 17.

This XCFramework was compiled with Swift version Apple Swift version 5.7.1 (swiftlang- clang-1400.0.29.51), which means it will work Swift version 5.7.1 and above.

XCFramework is supported on CocoaPad versions 1.13.0 and greater.

Bugs fixed

  • The configuration remoteUserBubbleHyperLinkColor now properly reflects on hyperlinks sent by agents.
  • Conversation now should probably scroll up in most scenarios while the keyboard is shown.
  • Unread message divider now correctly appears when a consumer has the SDK in the background and returns to the SDK by tapping a push notification when there was only one message sent.
  • Scroll issues when returning from a cobrowse session while the keyboard is open have been resolved.
  • The remoteUserDefaultAvatarImage configuration now properly sets the agent icon background to transparent for cobrowse invitation messages.
  • The keyboard is now dismissed when entering the cobrowse call.
  • A crash that could occur when the speech recognizer functionality gets deallocated has been resolved.
  • If the SDK was placed in a small container it could create spacing issues. This has been resolved.
  • The text input bar would have unintended white space next to it if the device was placed in landscape mode and has been removed.
  • Link display fixes for sending both a link and an embedded link in the same welcome message.
  • An empty entry in the SDK privacy manifest has been removed.


  • A new function to send messages without needing to use the LP-provided input area has been added. sendText
  • View Only Mode is now able to be enabled during an active conversation to disable the LP-provided input options.



  • Voiceover will now read the tooltip of quick replies if it exists.