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Johan Vandegriff edited this page Dec 16, 2016 · 3 revisions

In order for all the classes to have easy access to the telemetry object, we decided to make it global. It is set inside AbstractOp so any opmode that extends AbstractOp automatically sets it up. If you use normal opmodes, you can still set it up with Telem.telemetry = telemetry;

To use it, you can add a static import:

import static ftc.evlib.driverstation.Telem.telemetry;

Then access it later in the class:

telemtry.addData("Test", 3);

//this displays whether or not the gyro is calibrated on the driver phone


package ftc.evlib.driverstation;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.GyroSensor;

import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.Telemetry;

import ftc.electronvolts.util.ResultReceiver;
import ftc.evlib.Fake;

 * This file was made by the electronVolts, FTC team 7393
 * Date Created: 9/12/16
 * This class gives everything access to the telemetry
 * Put this in your opmode:
 * Telem.telemetry = telemetry;
 * To set the telemetry variable for anything to use.
 * @see Telemetry
public class Telem {
    //this will fail silently and move on if you write to it before it is set by the opmode
    public static Telemetry telemetry = Fake.TELEMETRY;

    //this will cause errors if you write to it before it is set by the opmode
//    public static Telemetry telemetry = null;

     * Display whether or not a ResultReceiver is ready on the driver station telemetry
     * @param receiver the ResultReceiver
     * @param caption  the caption of the telemetry item
     * @param ready    the value of the telemetry item if ready
     * @param notReady the value of the telemetry item if not ready
    public static void displayReceiverReadiness(ResultReceiver receiver, String caption, String ready, String notReady) {
        if (receiver.isReady()) {
            telemetry.addData(caption, ready);
        } else {
            telemetry.addData(caption, notReady);

     * Display whether or not a Vuforia ResultReceiver is ready on the driver station telemetry
     * @param receiver the ResultReceiver of the VuforiaFrameFeeder type
    public static void displayVuforiaReadiness(ResultReceiver<VuforiaFrameFeeder> receiver) {
        displayReceiverReadiness(receiver, "vuforia", "ready", "NOT INITIALIZED!!!");

     * Display a BeaconColorResult on the telemetry
     * @param receiver the ResultReceiver that contains the BeaconColorResult
    public static void displayBeaconColorResult(ResultReceiver<BeaconColorResult> receiver) {
        if (receiver.isReady()) {
            BeaconColorResult result = receiver.getValue();
            telemetry.addData("leftColor", result.getLeftColor());
            telemetry.addData("rightColor", result.getRightColor());
        } else {
            telemetry.addData("receiver not ready", "");

     * Display a BeaconColor on the telemetry
     * @param receiver the ResultReceiver that contains the BeaconColor
    public static void displayBeaconColor(ResultReceiver<BeaconColorResult.BeaconColor> receiver) {
        if (receiver.isReady()) {
            telemetry.addData("color", receiver.getValue());
        } else {
            telemetry.addData("receiver not ready", "");

     * Display whether or not a gyro sensor is calibrated on the telemetry screen
     * @param gyro the gyro sensor
    public static void displayGyroIsCalibrated(GyroSensor gyro) {
        if (gyro.isCalibrating()) {
            telemetry.addData("Gyro state", "CALIBRATING");
        } else {
            telemetry.addData("Gyro state", "ready");