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Johan Vandegriff edited this page Dec 16, 2016 · 4 revisions

The AbstractOp allows you to make an opmode that is linked to a Robot Configuration. This class can be used directly by extending it, but it is recommended that you extend AbstractTeleOp or AbstractAutoOp instead to take advantage of their features as well as these.

AbstractOp takes care of the following:

  • Timing the match
  • Logging values to a file
  • Updating the servos
  • Giving global access to the telemetry
  • Storing the robotCfg


package ftc.evlib.opmodes;

import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode;

import ftc.electronvolts.util.MatchTimer;
import ftc.electronvolts.util.files.Logger;
import ftc.electronvolts.util.units.Time;
import ftc.evlib.driverstation.Telem;
import ftc.evlib.hardware.config.RobotCfg;
import ftc.evlib.hardware.servos.Servos;
import ftc.evlib.util.FileUtil;

 * This file was made by the electronVolts, FTC team 7393
 * Date Created: 9/12/16
 * adds useful features to the OpMode such as a MatchTimer, servo management, use of RobotCfg
public abstract class AbstractOp<Type extends RobotCfg> extends OpMode {
     * keeps track of the time left in the match
    public MatchTimer matchTimer;

     * coordinates all the servos to act with one command
    public Servos servos;

     * logs values to a file
    private Logger logger;

     * stores all the motors, servos, and sensors
    public Type robotCfg;

     * This is implemented by the opmode to initialize the hardware
     * @return a RobotCfg of the type specified by your opmode
    protected abstract Type createRobotCfg();

     * This is implemented by the opmode to log values
     * @return a Logger that has been configured return null for no logging
    protected abstract Logger createLogger();

     * This is implemented by the opmode
     * It is called when the init button is pressed on the driver station
    protected abstract void setup();

     * This is implemented by the opmode
     * It is called continuously between the setup() and go() methods
    protected abstract void setup_act();

     * This is implemented by the opmode
     * It is called when the start button on the driver station is pressed
    protected abstract void go();

     * This is implemented by AbstractTeleOp to update the joysticks
     * It is called right before the act() method
     * @see AbstractTeleOp
    protected abstract void pre_act();

     * This is implemented by the opmode
     * It is called between the go() and stop() methods
    protected abstract void act();

     * This is implemented by AbstractAutoOp to run the StateMachine
     * It is called right after the act() method
     * @see AbstractAutoOp
    protected abstract void post_act();

     * This is implemented by the opmode
     * It is called when the stop button is pressed on the driver station
    protected abstract void end();

     * This is implemented by AbstractAutoOp and AbstractTeleOp to set the match time for autonomous and teleop
     * @return The length of the match
    protected abstract Time getMatchTime();

    public void init() {
        Telem.telemetry = telemetry; //store the telemetry in a global location

        robotCfg = createRobotCfg(); //ask the OpMode for the HardwareCfg object
        servos = robotCfg.getServos(); //create the servos object

        matchTimer = new MatchTimer(getMatchTime()); //create the MatchTimer
        logger = createLogger(); //create the logger


    public void init_loop() {

    public void start() {
        matchTimer.start(); //start the match

        if (logger != null) logger.start(FileUtil.getLogsDir()); // start the logging


    public void loop() {
        double deltaTime = matchTimer.update(); //update the delta time since the last loop
        telemetry.addData("Delta Time: ", deltaTime);

        //stop the robot when the match ends
        if (matchTimer.isMatchJustOver()) stop();
        if (matchTimer.isMatchOver()) return;

        long timeLeft = matchTimer.getTimeLeft();
        if (timeLeft > 0) {
            telemetry.addData("Time left", timeLeft / 1000.0);


        if (logger != null) logger.act();


        servos.servosAct(); //update the servo positions

    public void stop() {
        servos.servosAct(); //update the servos so they will stop
        if (logger != null) logger.stop();

