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Noel D'Souza edited this page Nov 14, 2013 · 5 revisions


The group agreed that the tools we are using have helped make our process more effective. Specifically, Jira allows us to easily see what tasks each member is currently working on. Additionally, Flowdock allows us to organize our communication, and is proved to be an effective medium.

We have used some extremely helpful plugins during development, including and API service called Tastypie and Django's form preview. Research into best practices and Django plugins has proved beneficial, and we will continue to make it a part of our practice.

Formalizing our workflow to include testing and review phases has proved to be extremely beneficial. Jira helps with this, and we will continue to use this workflow. To improve on it, and help focus more strongly on TDD, we will add in a test review process to our workflow.

We found the group sessions to be productive. We will stick to the twice a week meeting, and make sure we do as much planning as possible together as a group. We have had unproductive meetings. To improve on that, we will do the following:

  1. When we schedule a meeting, we will choose a meeting place, and an exact time.
  2. Any programming during the meeting will be in smaller groups. Pair programming is more effective than everyone discussing a problem.
  3. Preparation for a meeting will be highlighted ahead of time.
  4. We will hold a scrum at the start of each meeting, going over what we're blocked on and what we're working on.

We all agree that communication has been a problem for this sprint. To address that, we've agreed to commit to checking and responding where needed with flow dock, text messages and emails at least twice a day.

For more details, we have the notes from our sprint review pasted below.


  • Continue: Jira flow for testing and review.
  • Continue: Code reviews
  • Continue: Filters on Jira, to see who is working on what.
  • Continue: Found smart plugins to help deal with big problems. We used tastypie and form preview in this session. Continue to do research before implementing to make sure we work optimally.
  • Continue: Team members being flexible with working on tasks as a group.
  • Start: More group coding sessions
  • Start: Task allocations were uneven; We will more evenly distribute in the sprint planning session.
  • Start: Meeting preparation was incomplete
  • Stop: Need to make sure when we are meeting we know what it is we're working on, and what it is we're blocked by.
  • Stop: Communication needs to improve. When someone is working on something we need to know how they're doing with. Make sure you are in constant communication with the group.


  • Continue: Use flow dock for communication, use Jira for the finding the state of the current tasks.
  • Continue: Code reviews are helpful.
  • Start: Meet more frequently.
  • Start: Finish the tasks on time with quality.
  • Stop: Bad communication. Not replying to messages on Flowdock and via text message. Check flow dock on a regular basis, at least twice a day.


  • Continue: Meeting twice a week, once in class and once on the weekend.
  • Start: Choose a meeting room when we schedule a meeting, and make sure we stick to a time.


  • Start: Test reviews — allow more eyes on the tests. Make this a part of the process.
  • Start: Being productive with the group coding sessions.
  • Start: More pair programming to allow parallel work to be completed.
  • Start: Have stringent deadlines to make sure that blocking is minimized.
  • Stop: Delayed response to communications. Make sure we're responding frequently.
  • Continue: Using heroku, our saviour.
  • Continue: Jira workflow works very well.
  • Continue: Group sessions on planning the functionality of the application.


  • Continue: Working in groups, especially pair programming.
  • Continue: Jira, Flowdock.
  • Stop: Bad communication.