Our defense paper: PAIR: Pre-denosing Augmented Image Retrieval Model for Defending Adversarial Patches
We used Anaconda to setup a deep learning workspace that supports PyTorch. Run the following script to install all the required packages.
conda create -n tth python==3.8 -y
conda activate tth
pip install -r requirements.txt
Put the dataset files on ~/VisualSearch
mkdir ~/VisualSearch
unzip -q "TTH_VisualSearch.zip" -d "${HOME}/VisualSearch/"
Readers need to download Flickr30k dataset and move the image files to ~/VisualSearch/flickr30k/flickr30k-images/
Download the pretrained model.
!wget -nc https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/mae/visualize/mae_visualize_vit_large_ganloss.pth
python -u train_defense_model.py
python -u test_defense_model_on_clean.py
python TTH_attack.py \
--device 0 flickr30ktest_add_ad None flickr30ktrain/flickr30kval/test \
--attack_trainData flickr30ktrain --config_name TTH.CLIPEnd2End_adjust \
--parm_adjust_config 0_1_1 --rootpath ~/VisualSearch \
--batch_size 256 --query_sets flickr30ktest_add_ad.caption.txt
You can select the keyword: jacket dress floor female motorcycle policeman cow waiter swimming reading run dancing floating smiling climbing feeding front little green yellow pink navy maroon.
python -u attack_with_our_defense.py \
--device 0 flickr30ktest_add_ad None flickr30ktrain/flickr30kval/test \
--attack_trainData flickr30ktrain --config_name TTH.CLIPEnd2End_adjust \
--parm_adjust_config 0_1_1 \
--batch_size 256 --query_sets flickr30ktest_add_ad.caption.txt \
--keyword jacket
This implementation is intended as a proof-of-concept prototype only! The code was implemented for research purposes and has not been vetted by security experts. As such, no portion of the code should be used in any real-world or production setting!
This is the code in the review paper, prohibited dissemination.