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Setup the Build System

Reiner Jung edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 6 revisions

Before you can compile the iobserve analysis two important steps must be performed:

  • Checkout of the iobserve supplementary repository
  • Create and setup that the build can find the repository

We use this supplementary repository to provide jars which are not available via maven or other gradle supported repositories to provide a stable API base for the analysis independent from local Eclipse setups, which tend to be different. These differences may require the adaptation of the build script, which can cause dependency errors for other developers.

Supplementary Repository

  • Find some nice repository location outside of the iobserve-analysis folder
  • Clone the repository from github: git clone


  • Switch to the iobserve-analysis folder
  • Create a file
  • Add a line with the following property: api.baseline=/PATH/iobserve-repository/mvn-repo
  • Windows users: Replace \ with / in your path. Gradle will not accept \.

Note: the path must be an absolute path.


You can compile it on command line with ./gradlew build or in Eclipse (requires gradle support). Note the project must be imported as gradle project.