The Robonaut2 plays the chess according to the loaded PGN file which contains the all the moves of the game
- roslaunch r2_gazebo r2_gazebo.launch launches R2 into gazebo empty simulation
- To make the modelling simple , all the chess pieces are modeled as identical rectangle blocks in models/chess_piece.sdf.
- Chess Board is modeled in models/chess_board.sdf
- In order to spawn and place these models in a running simulation script is used, which uses gazebo ros services like deleting and spawning model services.
- Initially keeps all the rectangular chess pieces in 0,1,6,7 rows on chess board.
- As the standard way of describing a chessboard is to use a letter for a row (also known as a “rank” in chess) and a number for a column (called a “file” in chess)—for example, g2, a3, f1,a8, and so on, a PGN file(chess.pgn) which contains all the game moves which are described in above format is passed at the command line when running
- pgnparser library is used to parse that block of text.
- This task can be implemented by moving to that particular square on the chess board;as the palm is above the chess piece we need to be able to open and close the fingers, to do that MoveIt is used . We have only two states pre-pinch and pinch(open and closed hand positions),these two tasks are hardcoded.
- so as the pgn.loads() function reads the game description into a python list of well defined move strings, we then parse these strings in playGame() to create simple scripted motions to pick up pieces and move them to their landing places.