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Garma edited this page Jul 20, 2013 · 2 revisions

Scripting/Server/Permanent Channels

Per default all channels you create on a server are destroyed once the last player leaves it (with the exception of the main channel). You can, however easily make a channel permanent so it stays there even if it's already empty.

Bind the property to all channels

function POChannel() {
	this.permanent = false;

Change the value

Now you need 2 commands to change the "permanent" value.

if (command == "perm") {
	if (sys.auth(src) >= 1) {
		if (command_data != undefined) {
			if (sys.existChannel(command_data)) {
				var chan_id = sys.channelId(command_data);
				if (!SESSION.channels(chan_id).permanent) {
					SESSION.channels(chan).permanent = true;
					sys.sendMessage(src, "The channel " + command_data + " is now permanent.", chan);
				} else {
					sys.sendMessage(src, "The channel " + command_data + " is already permanent.", chan);
			} else {
				sys.sendMessage(src, "That channel doesn't exist.", chan);
		} else {
			sys.sendMessage(src, "You need to select a channel.", chan);
	} else {
		sys.sendMessage(src, "You don't have permission to use this command.", chan);

if (command == "unperm") {
	if (sys.auth(src) >= 1) {
		if (command_data != undefined) {
			if (sys.existChannel(command_data)) {
				var chan_id = sys.channelId(command_data);
				if (SESSION.channels(chan_id).permanent) {
					SESSION.channels(chan).permanent = false;
					sys.sendMessage(src, "The channel " + command_data + " is not permanent anymore.", chan);
				} else {
					sys.sendMessage(src, "The channel " + command_data + " is not permanent.", chan);
			} else {
				sys.sendMessage(src, "That channel doesn't exist.", chan);
		} else {
			sys.sendMessage(src, "You need to select a channel.", chan);
	} else {
		sys.sendMessage(src, "You don't have permission to use this command.", chan);

Getting if a channel is permanent

Last thing is catching the channelDestroyed event.

beforeChannelDestroyed : function(chan) {
	if (SESSION.channels(chan).permanent) {

And that's it!