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Logical node type child DO

Davood Sooran edited this page Apr 4, 2024 · 2 revisions

Add new DO

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You can utilize OpenSCD to incorporate new DO's instances into an existing LNodeType. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the desired LNodeType you wish to modify and open the Edit LNodeType wizard.
  2. Click on the DATA OBJECT button located in the middle of the wizard interface.


  1. name*: When selecting a DO from the IEC 61850 namespace, consult IEC 61850‑7‑4. Otherwise, ensure that the name starts with an uppercase letter [A-Z].
  2. desc: This field allows users to provide a user-defined description.
  3. type*: The type is specified as a string in the SCL but presented as a selector in OpenSCD. The selector displays all DOType - id available in the project. A DO cannot be created without an existing DOType.
  4. accessControl: A user-defined string used to describe access control permissions.
  5. transient: If the DO is from the IEC 61850 namespace, the transient attribute must adhere to the specifications outlined in IEC 61850‑7‑4. For example, Tr is used for the logical node class PTRC.

CHECKS: The schema validator covers missing or incorrect name attributes, while the template validator handles missing or incorrect type attributes.

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Edit DO

You can utilize OpenSCD to modify existing DO elements. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the list of LNodeTypes in the template editor.
  2. Select the LNodeType containing the desired DO you wish to edit.
  3. Click on the specific DO you wish to modify to open the Edit DO wizard.



The settings available in the Edit DO wizard are the same as those in the Add DO wizard, with the addition of a remove button for removing the selected DO.


<DO name="Mod" type="OpenSCD_ENCMod">


Remove DO

To remove a DO from an existing LNodeType, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Edit DO wizard by navigating to the LNodeType list in the template editor and clicking on the LNodeType that contains the DO you want to remove.
  2. Within the Edit DO wizard, click on the Remove button.

WARNING: Be cautious when removing DOs, as OpenSCD does not perform validity checks before removal.

1. About OpenSCD

4.2 XML editor - pro mode

6.1 Report


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