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InfluxDB OSS Terraform module

Terraform module which creates InfluxDB open source (OSS) nodes on AWS EC2.

Note InfluxDB OSS doesn't support clustering and as such, the nodes created are independent.

Available Features

  • Automatic host level provisioning of the latest (v1) version InfluxDB OSS
  • Distribute nodes across multiple AZs (based on provided subnets)
  • Persistent EBS volumes for faster recovery
  • Separate EBS volumes for data and WAL (Write Ahead Log) storage for better performance
  • Automatic reboot and EC2 instance recovery on status check failures
  • EBS volumes are encrypted
  • Host system optimizations (filesystem, limits, network, swap)


module "influxdb" {
  source = "ninthnails/influxdb-oss/aws"
  version = "1.2.0"
  admin_username = "admin"
  admin_password = "parameter/influxdb-admin-password"
  data_storage_volume_size = 350
  hosted_zone_id = "Z200LS379IE475"
  instance_type = "r5.large"
  key_pair_name = "my-ssh-key-pair-name"
  nodes = 2
  prefix = "example"
  private_subnet_ids = ["subnet-0178794a1983117d", "subnet-d345787d94a31119"]
  storage_type = "ebs"
  tags = {
    Terraform = "true"
    Environment = "prod"
  vpc_id = "vpc-05fbe87d7fea46d75"
  wal_storage_volume_size = 350



Name Version
terraform >= 0.15
aws ~> 2.56
archive ~> 1.3
template ~> 2.1