Terraform example module which creates an InfluxDB server for development, with no EBS backed data storage.
If you already meet the requirements, create an auto variables file such as example.auto.tfvars
with at minimum these.
Otherwise see further below for more instructions.
admin_password = "parameter/influxdb-admin-password"
aws_region = "us-east-2"
key_pair_name = "my-ssh-key-pair-name"
private_subnet_ids = ["subnet-0178794a1983117d", "..."]
vpc_id = "vpc-05fbe87d7fea46d75"
Then run Terraform as usual:
terraform workspace new lab
terraform init
terraform plan -out terraform.tfplan
terraform apply terraform.tfplan
When you are done, delete the resources.
terraform destroy
This will create a parameter holding the password for the admin user.
aws --region us-east-2 ssm put-parameter --name "influxdb-admin-password" \
--type SecureString --value CHANGE_IT