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Getting Started

team-nimblehq edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 5 revisions


  • Xcode 13.3+
  • Ruby 3.1.2

Use the template

  1. Create your repository by pressing the Use this template button in this repository or create a new repository and use nimblehq/ios-templates as a repository template.
  2. Clone your repository
  3. Setup the project by running the following command in your terminal:
    swift run --package-path Scripts/Swift/iOSTemplateMaker iOSTemplateMaker make


Options are optional and will be prompted if not provided. Example is provided in (brackets).

  • --bundle-id-production: The application's bundle id for production variant. (co.nimblehq.project)
  • --bundle-id-staging: The application's bundle id for staging variant. (co.nimblehq.project.staging)
  • --project-name: The name of the project. (Project)
  • --minimum-version: The minimum version of the iOS application. (14.0)
  • --interface: The user interface. (UIKit or SwiftUI)


swift run --package-path Scripts/Swift/iOSTemplateMaker iOSTemplateMaker make --bundle-id-production co.nimblehq.ios.templates --bundle-id-staging co.nimblehq.ios.templates.staging --project-name TemplateApp --interface SwiftUI