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team-nimblehq edited this page Jan 2, 2024 · 2 revisions


Use the CodeMagic template to start a new project with CodeMagic as the CI/CD tool.

Workflows and Steps

Out of the box, the CodeMagic Template has the following workflows and steps:

test deploy_app_store deploy_staging_firebase deploy_release_firebase
Install bundle Install bundle Install bundle Install bundle
Run CocoaPods install Run CocoaPods install Run CocoaPods install Run CocoaPods install
Fastlane - Build and Test Fastlane - Build and Test Fastlane - Build and Test Fastlane - Build and Test
Fastlane - Clean Up Xcov Fastlane Match Fastlane Match Fastlane Match
Fastlane - Build and deploy Fastlane - Build and Upload Production App to App Store Fastlane - Build and Upload Staging App to Firebase Fastlane: Build and Upload Production App to Firebase
Danger N/A N/A N/A

Trigger Map

Workflow Trigger
test Create or Update a PR
deploy_staging Push branch develop
deploy_release_firebase Push branch release/*
deploy_app_store Push branch main



Key Description
MATCH_PASSWORD The password is used to encrypt/decrypt the Match repository to store the distribution certificates and provisioning profiles.
MATCH_SSH_KEY The SSH private key is used for cloning the Match repository that contains your distribution certificates and provisioning.
KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD The password to access the keychain.
FIREBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT Google Service Firebase Account for uploading build to Firebase Distributions and Analytics.
APPSTORE_CONNECT_API_KEY App Store Connect API for uploading build to TestFlight or App Store. It should be base64 encoded.
API_KEY_ID The key identifier of your App Store Connect API key.
ISSUER_ID The issuer of your App Store Connect API key.
BUMP_APP_STORE_BUILD_NUMBER The boolean flag to determine if the Fastlane should bump the app store build number.
GITHUB_TOKEN The token of GitHub to run Danger.


  1. Follow the setup instruction in

  2. To connect the repository to CodeMagic, please follow the instruction on Adding the app to CodeMagic.

  3. Provide all the required variables and secrets.

    The final project directory structure should be like this:

├── ExampleApp.xcworkspace
├── codemagic.yaml
  1. Push changes to SCM.