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@Needle-Mirror-Bot Needle-Mirror-Bot released this 04 Apr 14:31

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[2.0.0-exp.2] - 2024-04-02


  • Added updates to all internal messages to account for a distributed authority network session connection. (#2863)
  • Added NetworkRigidbodyBase that provides users with a more customizable network rigidbody, handles both Rigidbody and Rigidbody2D, and provides an option to make NetworkTransform use the rigid body for motion. (#2863)
    • For a customized NetworkRigidbodyBase class:
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.AutoUpdateKinematicState provides control on whether the kinematic setting will be automatically set or not when ownership changes.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.AutoSetKinematicOnDespawn provides control on whether isKinematic will automatically be set to true when the associated NetworkObject is despawned.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.Initialize is a protected method that, when invoked, will initialize the instance. This includes options to:
        • Set whether using a RigidbodyTypes.Rigidbody or RigidbodyTypes.Rigidbody2D.
        • Includes additional optional parameters to set the NetworkTransform, Rigidbody, and Rigidbody2d to use.
    • Provides additional public methods:
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.GetPosition to return the position of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.GetRotation to return the rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.MovePosition to move to the position of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.MoveRotation to move to the rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.Move to move to the position and rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.Move to move to the position and rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.SetPosition to set the position of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.SetRotation to set the rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.ApplyCurrentTransform to set the position and rotation of the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d based on the associated GameObject transform (depending upon its initialized setting).
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.WakeIfSleeping to wake up the rigid body if sleeping.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.SleepRigidbody to put the rigid body to sleep.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.IsKinematic to determine if the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting) is currently kinematic.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.SetIsKinematic to set the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting) current kinematic state.
      • NetworkRigidbodyBase.ResetInterpolation to reset the Rigidbody or Rigidbody2d (depending upon its initialized setting) back to its original interpolation value when initialized.
    • Now includes a MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate implementation that will update the assigned NetworkTransform when NetworkRigidbodyBase.UseRigidBodyForMotion is true. (#2863)
  • Added RigidbodyContactEventManager that provides a more optimized way to process collision enter and collision stay events as opposed to the Monobehaviour approach. (#2863)
    • Can be used in client-server and distributed authority modes, but is particularly useful in distributed authority.
  • Added rigid body motion updates to NetworkTransform which allows users to set interolation on rigid bodies. (#2863)
    • Extrapolation is only allowed on authoritative instances, but custom class derived from NetworkRigidbodyBase or NetworkRigidbody or NetworkRigidbody2D automatically switches non-authoritative instances to interpolation if set to extrapolation.
  • Added distributed authority mode support to NetworkAnimator. (#2863)
  • Added session mode selection to NetworkManager inspector view. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority permissions feature. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject permissions flags (Distributable, Transferable, and RequestRequired). (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.SetOwnershipStatus method that applies one or more NetworkObject instance's ownership flags. If updated when spawned, the ownership permission changes are synchronized with the other connected clients. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.RemoveOwnershipStatus method that removes one or more NetworkObject instance's ownership flags. If updated when spawned, the ownership permission changes are synchronized with the other connected clients. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.HasOwnershipStatus method that will return (true or false) whether one or more ownership flags is set. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.SetOwnershipLock method that locks ownership of a NetworkObject to prevent ownership from changing until the current owner releases the lock. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.RequestOwnership method that sends an ownership request to the current owner of a spawned NetworkObject instance. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.OnOwnershipRequested callback handler that is invoked on the owner/authoritative side when a non-owner requests ownership. Depending upon the boolean returned value depends upon whether the request is approved or denied. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.OnOwnershipRequestResponse callback handler that is invoked when a non-owner's request has been processed. This callback includes a NetworkObjet.OwnershipRequestResponseStatus response parameter that describes whether the request was approved or the reason why it was not approved. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.DeferDespawn method that defers the despawning of NetworkObject instances on non-authoritative clients based on the tick offset parameter. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkObject.OnDeferredDespawnComplete callback handler that can be used to further control when deferring the despawning of a NetworkObject on non-authoritative instances. (#2863)
  • Added NetworkClient.SessionModeType as one way to determine the current session mode of the network session a client is connected to. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkClient.IsSessionOwner property to determine if the current local client is the current session owner of a distributed authority session. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific client side spawning capabilities. When running in distributed authority mode, clients can instantiate and spawn NetworkObject instances (the local client is authomatically the owner of the spawned object). (#2863)
    • This is useful to better visually synchronize owner authoritative motion models and newly spawned NetworkObject instances (i.e. projectiles for example).
  • Added distributed authority mode specific client side player spawning capabilities. Clients will automatically spawn their associated player object locally. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkConfig.AutoSpawnPlayerPrefabClientSide property (default is true) to provide control over the automatic spawning of player prefabs on the local client side. (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkManager.OnFetchLocalPlayerPrefabToSpawn callback that, when assigned, will allow the local client to provide the player prefab to be spawned for the local client. (#2863)
    • This is only invoked if the NetworkConfig.AutoSpawnPlayerPrefabClientSide property is set to true.
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkBehaviour.HasAuthority property that determines if the local client has authority over the associated NetworkObject instance (typical use case is within a NetworkBehaviour script much like that of IsServer or IsClient). (#2863)
  • Added distributed authority mode specific NetworkBehaviour.IsSessionOwner property that determines if the local client is the session owner (typical use case would be to determine if the local client can has scene management authority within a NetworkBehaviour script). (#2863)
  • Added support for distributed authority mode scene management where the currently assigned session owner can start scene events (i.e. scene loading and scene unloading). (#2863)


  • Fixed issue where the host was not invoking OnClientDisconnectCallback for its own local client when internally shutting down. (#2822)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkTransform could potentially attempt to "unregister" a named message prior to it being registered. (#2807)
  • Fixed issue where in-scene placed NetworkObjects with complex nested children NetworkObjects (more than one child in depth) would not synchronize properly if WorldPositionStays was set to true. (#2796)


  • Changed client side awareness of other clients is now the same as a server or host. (#2863)
  • Changed NetworkManager.ConnectedClients can now be accessed by both server and clients. (#2863)
  • Changed NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList can now be accessed by both server and clients. (#2863)
  • Changed NetworkTransform defaults to owner authoritative when connected to a distributed authority session. (#2863)
  • Changed NetworkVariable defaults to owner write and everyone read permissions when connected to a distributed authority session (even if declared with server read or write permissions). (#2863)
  • Changed NetworkObject no longer implements the MonoBehaviour.Update method in order to determine whether a NetworkObject instance has been migrated to a different scene. Instead, only NetworkObjects with the SceneMigrationSynchronization property set will be updated internally during the NetworkUpdateStage.PostLateUpdate by NetworkManager. (#2863)
  • Changed NetworkManager inspector view layout where properties are now organized by category. (#2863)
  • Changed NetworkTransform to now use NetworkTransformMessage as opposed to named messages for NetworkTransformState updates. (#2810)
  • Changed CustomMessageManager so it no longer attempts to register or "unregister" a null or empty string and will log an error if this condition occurs. (#2807)