Releases: molgenis/vip-report-template
Releases · molgenis/vip-report-template
What's Changed
- fix:composed/vipC and composed/vipCS show ids instead of labels by @dennishendriksen in #338
Full Changelog: v7.0.5...v7.0.6
What's Changed
- fix:variant consequence table categorical rendering by @dennishendriksen in #335
Full Changelog: v7.0.3...v7.0.4
What's Changed
- Update mock clinvar metadata by @bartcharbon in #333
- fix:VariantInfoTable categorical rendering by @dennishendriksen in #334
Full Changelog: v7.0.2...v7.0.3
What's Changed
- fix:FieldGenotypeStr fallback to FieldGenotypeSnvSv in case of missing requirements by @dennishendriksen in #330
- fix:variants container subtitle can show 'undefined' by @dennishendriksen in #331
- fix:vip.filter_field does not have to exist by @dennishendriksen in #332
Full Changelog: v7.0.1...v7.0.2
Full Changelog: v7.0.0...v7.0.1
What's Changed
- Variant views now have separate views per variant type (SNV, STR and SV/CNV)
- Each view only displays variants of the selected type
- Each view can display e.g. different columns and filters relevant to that variant type
- Best view is automatically selected
- Configuration per view can be updated without changing the report template
- Display labels and descriptions for categorical values
- Sample variant views
- only show variants that remain after sample decision tree filtering
- are limited to displaying genotypes of proband/mother/father, other pedigree member genotypes are shows per variant
- Report template accepts an external configuration file
- Configuration file contains the VIP configuration for usage in report
- Tables in variant views can be configured
- Filters in (sample) variants view can be configured
- Configuration cells/filters will only display if the required metadata is available
- Configuration cells/filters can have limited display if optional metadata is not available
- Filter changes
- Collapsible filters
- Integer and float filters
- Filter on 'null' categorical values
- Replace filter header hover with (i) icon and tooltip
- Select all / deselect all for large categoricals
- Filter on fixed vcf fields (chr, pos, id, ref, alt, filter, qual)
- Remove search box in (sample) variants view
- String filter support multiple comma-separated values
- New custom filters that are available in variant views
- composed/allelicImbalance
- composed/deNovo
- composed/hpo
- composed/inheritanceMatch
- composed/locus
- composed/vipC
- composed/vipCS
- see documentation for details
- New custom table cells that are available in variant views
- composed/clinVar
- composed/gene
- composed/genotype
- composed/genotype_maternal
- composed/genotype_paternal
- composed/gnomAdAf
- composed/hpo
- composed/inheritancePattern
- composed/locus
- composed/vipC
- composed/vipCS
- composed/vkgl
- see documentation for details
- VIP configuration that was used to create a report is displayed in 'Help'
- Variant views: do not show sample id for format filters (implied by sample screen)
- Improved error handling
- all errors are now shown as generic notification
- detailed technical messages are logged on the browser console
- Improved performance (cache requests between views)
- Bump dependencies
- Under the hood
- remove console.log in production
- fix Travis deploy using custom script
- node requirement for development increased from 18.18.2 to 22
- enforce correct node and pnpm (9) versions
- added loads of unit tests
- fail build if coverage of .ts files below 80%
- fix reactiveness warnings (potential bugs in current report)
- code reuse
- decouple filters from queries
- only view has state, all other stuff bubbles up
- format/lint json files
- enable TypeScript noUncheckedIndexedAccess to prevent 'array out of bounds' access
- remove modulePreload
- speed up build, do not reportCompressedSize
Full Changelog: v6.2.0...v7.0.0
What's Changed
- Add sampletree path to variant consequence screen by @bartcharbon in #318
- Fix: #319 Report navigation broken due to the addition of a drive let… by @bartcharbon in #322
- Fix travis by @bartcharbon in #323
Full Changelog: v6.1.1...v6.2.0
Full Changelog: v6.1.0...v6.1.1