Releases: mitmedialab/SAR-opal-base
Releases · mitmedialab/SAR-opal-base
Version 3.5.3
Bug Fixes
- Add missing TouchScript components to Frog Where Are You scene.
- Update bundle identifier to be a more accurate name.
- Update bundle version and other version numbers to reflect the current release (they hadn't been updated in a while, oops).
Version 3.5.2
Bug Fixes:
- Add error handling for loading background images for story scenes in the social stories game.
Version 3.5.1
- Update TouchScript submodule to 8.2
- Update to Unity 5.4.1
Bug Fixes
- The demo hadn't been updated after TouchScript was last updated (i.e., to 8.1). Thus, all the TouchScript scripts were missing from the game objects in the demo scenes. These have been added.
- The arrow in demo-scene1 and demo-scene2 was tagged "Back" but should have been tagged "GoBack" for it to register taps.
- Set the default flags in MainGameController to demo=true and story=false (i.e., make it so the demo is the default when you check out the repo).
Version 3.5.0
- Add ability to send "HIGHLIGHT" commands with no object-to-highlight specified to deactivate the highlight object.
Bug Fixes
- Add error handling when checking correct moves.
- Change social story scene slots to be squares to match the graphics used in the game.
- Reset all correct/incorrect flags before setting play objects as correct or incorrect so that we don't accidentally have leftover correct or incorrect objects.
Version 3.4.1
Bug fixes
- Update project settings for PC, Mac, and Linux builds so the display resolution dialog is hidden by default.
- Fix how the game window and graphics are scaled by changing the size of the camera viewport instead of scaling each graphic individually. Now scaling should work for all games (not just social stories games), though if the game is told to load a graphic at a position outside of the viewable area, it will still not be viewable.
- Update loading a social stories game to use the new scaling.
- While there, fix style of comments to wrap at 80 chars, start with a capitalized word, and end in a period.
- Update TODO list in README.
Version 3.4.0
New functionality
- Add ROS topic names to the config file, since some projects require ROS topic names to include a prefix or follow certain conventions. This makes it easier to adapt Opal to these projects. The default topic names are the names that have been the default topic names in prior versions.
Bug fixes
- Prevent draggable GameObjects from being dragged off screen by checking in the GestureManager's Update loop whether they are still within the viewable screen area, and if not, moving them back into that area.
- Remove an old unused function that checked whether objects were on screen using hard-coded screen size values.
- Subscribe to Gesture events for any GameObjects tagged "PlayObject" that are in the scene when the game starts (since otherwise we may not be subscribed to their events).
- Update code formatting in README.
Version 3.3.1
Bug fixes
- Add contribution guidelines
- Fix example config file to default to not send log messages over ROS.
Version 3.3.0
New functionality
- Add default config file path for Linux executables to look for "opal_config" in the "exectuable_Data/Resources" directory.
Bug fixes
- Change default IP address to if no config file found.
Version 3.2.1
Bug fixes
- Check whether user has pressed a START button instead of a YES button when messages about user actions.
Version 3.2.0
New functionality
- Switch to using internal Logger class so we can add timestamps to Log messages before they are passed to Unity's Debug.Log* calls.
- Add flag in config file to set whether or not you want Unity's Debug.Log* messages to be sent to a ROS topic as well.
- Add handler for log message events, add timestamp to the message and publish to the ROS topic /opal_tablet (which is already used for some basic Opal logging).