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chore(Tactic/CategoryTheory): fix meta code for monoidal categories (#…
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Several bug fixes and simple refactoring. The main changes:

- `Monoidal.lean`: In `structural?`, the number of arguments in `getAppFnArgs` matching was wrong (I only considered explicit ones there). Infact, `structural?` is no longer needed since the matching is performed in `eval`. Now the `monoidalCoherence` is `StructuralAtom`, not `Structural`.
- `Coherence.lean`: Unfolding `MonoidalCoherence.hom` by `dsimp` at the beginning of the coherence tactic.
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yuma-mizuno committed Sep 9, 2024
1 parent dbed408 commit be23ec9
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Showing 7 changed files with 42 additions and 57 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/CategoryTheory/BicategoryCoherence.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ def mkLiftMap₂LiftExpr (e : Expr) : TermElabM Expr := do
def bicategory_coherence (g : MVarId) : TermElabM Unit := g.withContext do
withOptions (fun opts => synthInstance.maxSize.set opts
(max 256 (synthInstance.maxSize.get opts))) do
-- TODO: is this `dsimp only` step necessary? It doesn't appear to be in the tests below.
let (ty, _) ← dsimp (← g.getType) (← Simp.Context.ofNames [] true)
let (ty, _) ← dsimp (← g.getType)
{ simpTheorems := #[.addDeclToUnfoldCore {} ``BicategoricalCoherence.hom] }
let some (_, lhs, rhs) := (← whnfR ty).eq? | exception g "Not an equation of morphisms."
let lift_lhs ← mkLiftMap₂LiftExpr lhs
let lift_rhs ← mkLiftMap₂LiftExpr rhs
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10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/CategoryTheory/Coherence.lean
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Expand Up @@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ def mkProjectMapExpr (e : Expr) : TermElabM Expr := do
def monoidal_coherence (g : MVarId) : TermElabM Unit := g.withContext do
withOptions (fun opts => synthInstance.maxSize.set opts
(max 512 (synthInstance.maxSize.get opts))) do
-- TODO: is this `dsimp only` step necessary? It doesn't appear to be in the tests below.
let (ty, _) ← dsimp (← g.getType) (← Simp.Context.ofNames [] true)
let (ty, _) ← dsimp (← g.getType)
{ simpTheorems := #[.addDeclToUnfoldCore {} ``MonoidalCoherence.hom] }
let some (_, lhs, rhs) := (← whnfR ty).eq? | exception g "Not an equation of morphisms."
let projectMap_lhs ← mkProjectMapExpr lhs
let projectMap_rhs ← mkProjectMapExpr rhs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ elab (name := liftable_prefixes) "liftable_prefixes" : tactic => do
(max 256 (synthInstance.maxSize.get opts))) do
evalTactic (← `(tactic|
(simp (config := {failIfUnchanged := false}) only
[monoidalComp, Category.assoc, MonoidalCoherence.hom]) <;>
[monoidalComp, Category.assoc, MonoidalCoherence.hom, BicategoricalCoherence.hom]) <;>
(apply (cancel_epi (𝟙 _)).1 <;> try infer_instance) <;>
(simp (config := {failIfUnchanged := false}) only
[assoc_liftHom, Mathlib.Tactic.BicategoryCoherence.assoc_liftHom₂])))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,9 +284,7 @@ syntax (name := coherence) "coherence" : tactic
elab_rules : tactic
| `(tactic| coherence) => do
evalTactic (← `(tactic|
(simp (config := {failIfUnchanged := false}) only [bicategoricalComp,
(simp (config := {failIfUnchanged := false}) only [bicategoricalComp, monoidalComp]);
whisker_simps (config := {failIfUnchanged := false});
monoidal_simps (config := {failIfUnchanged := false})))
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57 changes: 18 additions & 39 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/CategoryTheory/Monoidal.lean
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2024 Yuma Mizuno. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yuma Mizuno
import Mathlib.Tactic.CategoryTheory.Coherence
import Mathlib.Tactic.CategoryTheory.MonoidalComp

# Normalization of morphisms in monoidal categories
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,11 +53,10 @@ and `pf` is a proof that `e = e'`.

namespace Mathlib.Tactic.Monoidal

open Lean Meta Elab
open CategoryTheory
open Mathlib.Tactic.Coherence

namespace Mathlib.Tactic.Monoidal

/-- The context for evaluating expressions. -/
structure Context where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,6 +148,8 @@ inductive StructuralAtom : Type
| rightUnitor (f : Mor₁) : StructuralAtom
/-- The expression for the inverse of the right unitor `(ρ_ f).inv`. -/
| rightUnitorInv (f : Mor₁) : StructuralAtom
/-- Expressions for `α` in the monoidal composition `η ⊗≫ θ := η ≫ α ≫ θ`. -/
| monoidalCoherence (f g : Mor₁) (e : Expr) : StructuralAtom
deriving Inhabited

/-- Construct a `StructuralAtom` expression from a Lean expression. -/
Expand All @@ -172,7 +173,11 @@ def structuralAtom? (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option StructuralAtom) := do
| (``MonoidalCategoryStruct.rightUnitor, #[_, _, _, f]) =>
return some <| .rightUnitorInv (← toMor₁ f)
| _ => return none
| _ => return none
| _ =>
match (← whnfR e).getAppFnArgs with
| (``MonoidalCoherence.hom, #[_, _, f, g, inst]) =>
return some <| .monoidalCoherence (← toMor₁ f) (← toMor₁ g) inst
| _ => return none

/-- Expressions for atomic non-structural 2-morphisms. -/
structure Atom where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,8 +213,6 @@ inductive Structural : Type
| whiskerLeft (f : Mor₁) (η : Structural) : Structural
/-- Expressions for the right whiskering `η ▷ f`. -/
| whiskerRight (η : Structural) (f : Mor₁) : Structural
/-- Expressions for `α` in the monoidal composition `η ⊗≫ θ := η ≫ α ≫ θ`. -/
| monoidalCoherence (f g : Mor₁) (e : Expr) : Structural
deriving Inhabited

/-- Normalized expressions for 2-morphisms. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,6 +269,7 @@ def StructuralAtom.src : StructuralAtom → Mor₁
| .leftUnitorInv f => f
| .rightUnitor f => f.comp Mor₁.id
| .rightUnitorInv f => f
| .monoidalCoherence f _ _ => f

/-- The codomain of a 2-morphism. -/
def StructuralAtom.tgt : StructuralAtom → Mor₁
Expand All @@ -275,6 +279,7 @@ def StructuralAtom.tgt : StructuralAtom → Mor₁
| .leftUnitorInv f => Mor₁.id.comp f
| .rightUnitor f => f
| .rightUnitorInv f => f.comp Mor₁.id
| .monoidalCoherence _ g _ => g

/-- The domain of a 2-morphism. -/
def Structural.src : Structural → Mor₁
Expand All @@ -283,7 +288,6 @@ def Structural.src : Structural → Mor₁
| .comp α _ => α.src
| .whiskerLeft f η => f.comp η.src
| .whiskerRight η f => η.src.comp f
| .monoidalCoherence f _ _ => f

/-- The codomain of a 2-morphism. -/
def Structural.tgt : Structural → Mor₁
Expand All @@ -292,7 +296,6 @@ def Structural.tgt : Structural → Mor₁
| .comp _ β => β.tgt
| .whiskerLeft f η => f.comp η.tgt
| .whiskerRight η f => η.tgt.comp f
| .monoidalCoherence _ g _ => g

/-- The domain of a 2-morphism. -/
def NormalExpr.src : NormalExpr → Mor₁
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,32 +331,6 @@ def NormalExpr.rightUnitor (f : Mor₁) : NormalExpr :=
def NormalExpr.rightUnitorInv (f : Mor₁) : NormalExpr :=
.nil <| .atom <| .rightUnitorInv f

/-- Return `η` for `η ▷ g₁ ▷ ... ▷ gₙ`. -/
def WhiskerRightExpr.atom : WhiskerRightExpr → Atom
| WhiskerRightExpr.of η => η
| WhiskerRightExpr.whisker η _ => η.atom

/-- Return `η` for `f₁ ◁ ... ◁ fₙ ◁ η ▷ g₁ ▷ ... ▷ gₙ`. -/
def WhiskerLeftExpr.atom : WhiskerLeftExpr → Atom
| WhiskerLeftExpr.of η => η.atom
| WhiskerLeftExpr.whisker _ η => η.atom

/-- Construct a `Structural` expression from a Lean expression for a structural 2-morphism. -/
partial def structural? (e : Expr) : MetaM Structural := do
match (← whnfR e).getAppFnArgs with
| (``CategoryStruct.comp, #[_, _, _, α, β]) =>
return .comp (← structural? α) (← structural? β)
| (``, #[_, f]) => return .id (← toMor₁ f)
| (``MonoidalCategoryStruct.whiskerLeft, #[f, η]) =>
return .whiskerLeft (← toMor₁ f) (← structural? η)
| (``MonoidalCategoryStruct.whiskerRight, #[η, f]) =>
return .whiskerRight (← structural? η) (← toMor₁ f)
| (``MonoidalCoherence.hom, #[_, _, f, g, inst]) =>
return .monoidalCoherence (← toMor₁ f) (← toMor₁ g) inst
| _ => match ← structuralAtom? e with
| some η => return .atom η
| none => throwError "not a structural 2-morphism"

/-- Construct a `NormalExpr` expression from a `WhiskerLeftExpr` expression. -/
def NormalExpr.of (η : WhiskerLeftExpr) : MetaM NormalExpr := do
return .cons (.id (← η.src)) η (.nil (.id (← η.tgt)))
Expand All @@ -380,7 +357,9 @@ def structuralOfMonoidalComp (C e : Expr) : MetaM Structural := do
let αg := mkAppN (.const ``CategoryStruct.comp [v, u]) #[C, instC, X, Y, Z, α₀, g]
let fαg := mkAppN (.const ``CategoryStruct.comp [v, u]) #[C, instC, W, X, Z, f, αg]
_ ← isDefEq e fαg
structural? α₀
match ← structuralAtom? α₀ with
| some η => return .atom η
| none => throwError "not a structural 2-morphism"


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -521,6 +500,8 @@ def StructuralAtom.e : StructuralAtom → MonoidalM Expr
mkAppM ``Iso.hom #[← mkAppM ``MonoidalCategoryStruct.rightUnitor #[← f.e]]
| .rightUnitorInv f => do
mkAppM ``Iso.inv #[← mkAppM ``MonoidalCategoryStruct.rightUnitor #[← f.e]]
| .monoidalCoherence _ _ e => do
mkAppOptM ``MonoidalCoherence.hom #[none, none, none, none, e]

/-- Extract a Lean expression from a `Structural` expression. -/
partial def Structural.e : Structural → MonoidalM Expr
Expand All @@ -529,8 +510,6 @@ partial def Structural.e : Structural → MonoidalM Expr
| .comp α β => do mkAppM ``CategoryStruct.comp #[← α.e, ← β.e]
| .whiskerLeft f η => do mkAppM ``MonoidalCategoryStruct.whiskerLeft #[← f.e, ← η.e]
| .whiskerRight η f => do mkAppM ``MonoidalCategoryStruct.whiskerRight #[← η.e, ← f.e]
| .monoidalCoherence _ _ e => do
mkAppOptM ``MonoidalCoherence.hom #[none, none, none, none, e]

/-- Extract a Lean expression from a `WhiskerRightExpr` expression. -/
def WhiskerRightExpr.e : WhiskerRightExpr → MonoidalM Expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -679,7 +658,7 @@ open Mathlib.Tactic.Monoidal
elab "normalize% " t:term:51 : term => do
let e ← Lean.Elab.Term.elabTerm t none
let some ctx ← mkContext? e
| throwError "not a morphism"
| throwError "{← ppExpr e} is not a morphism" ctx do (← eval e).expr.e

theorem mk_eq {α : Type _} (a b a' b' : α) (ha : a = a') (hb : b = b') (h : a' = b') : a = b := by
Expand Down
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions Mathlib/Tactic/Widget/StringDiagram.lean
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Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ namespace Mathlib.Tactic

open Lean Meta Elab
open CategoryTheory
open Mathlib.Tactic.Coherence

open Mathlib.Tactic.Monoidal

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,10 +182,8 @@ def NormalExpr.nodes (e : NormalExpr) : MetaM (List (List Node)) := do
| NormalExpr.cons _ η _ => return (← topNodes η) :: (← e.nodesAux 1)

/-- `pairs [a, b, c, d]` is `[(a, b), (b, c), (c, d)]`. -/
def pairs {α : Type} : List α → List (α × α)
| [] => []
| [_] => []
| (x :: y :: ys) => (x, y) :: pairs (y :: ys)
def pairs {α : Type} : List α → List (α × α) :=
fun l => (l.drop 1)

/-- The list of strands associated with a 2-morphism. -/
def NormalExpr.strands (e : NormalExpr) : MetaM (List (List Strand)) := do
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions scripts/noshake.json
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Expand Up @@ -273,6 +273,8 @@
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions test/CategoryTheory/Coherence.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open CategoryTheory

universe w v u

section monoidal
section Monoidal
variable {C : Type u} [Category.{v} C] [MonoidalCategory C]
open scoped MonoidalCategory

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ example (X₁ X₂ : C) :
(𝟙 (X₁ ⊗ X₂) ⊗ (λ_ (𝟙_ C)).inv) := by

end monoidal
end Monoidal

section Bicategory

Expand All @@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ example (f : a ⟶ b) (g : b ⟶ c) :
example : 𝟙 (𝟙 a ≫ 𝟙 a) ≫ (λ_ (𝟙 a)).hom = 𝟙 (𝟙 a ≫ 𝟙 a) ≫ (ρ_ (𝟙 a)).hom := by

set_option linter.unusedVariables false in
example (f g : a ⟶ a) (η : 𝟙 a ⟶ f) (θ : f ⟶ g) (w : false) :
(λ_ (𝟙 a)).hom ≫ η ≫ θ = (ρ_ (𝟙 a)).hom ≫ η ≫ θ := by
Expand Down
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions test/CategoryTheory/Monoidal.lean
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import Mathlib.Tactic.CategoryTheory.Monoidal
import Mathlib.Tactic.CategoryTheory.Coherence

open CategoryTheory
open scoped MonoidalCategory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,14 +32,21 @@ example (f : U ⟶ V ⊗ (W ⊗ X)) (g : (V ⊗ W) ⊗ X ⟶ Y) :
f ⊗≫ g = f ≫ 𝟙 _ ≫ (α_ _ _ _).inv ≫ g := by
repeat' apply congrArg₂ (· ≫ ·) ?_ <| congrArg₂ (· ≫ ·) rfl ?_
all_goals simp
all_goals pure_coherence

example : (X ⊗ Y) ◁ f = (α_ _ _ _).hom ≫ X ◁ Y ◁ f ≫ (α_ _ _ _).inv := by
repeat' apply congrArg₂ (· ≫ ·) ?_ <| congrArg₂ (· ≫ ·) rfl ?_
all_goals simp
all_goals pure_coherence

example : f ≫ g = f ≫ g := by
repeat' apply congrArg₂ (· ≫ ·) ?_ <| congrArg₂ (· ≫ ·) rfl ?_
all_goals simp
all_goals pure_coherence

example {V₁ V₂ V₃ : C} (R : ∀ V₁ V₂ : C, V₁ ⊗ V₂ ⟶ V₂ ⊗ V₁) :
R V₁ V₂ ▷ V₃ ⊗≫ V₂ ◁ R V₁ V₃ =
R V₁ V₂ ▷ V₃ ≫ (α_ _ _ _).hom ⊗≫ 𝟙 _ ≫ V₂ ◁ R V₁ V₃ := by
repeat' apply congrArg₂ (· ≫ ·) ?_ <| congrArg₂ (· ≫ ·) rfl ?_
all_goals pure_coherence

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